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my brother has become a white supremacist over the years and i am tired of dealing with him in any way. you can barely talk to him anymore about anything without him making it political. e.g. i would suggest we watch some shitty movie (rebel moon) for fun and he says that he cant watch anything where white people are portrayed in a bad way. the white people he talks about are literally space nazis. this escalates to him saying that i just gobble up whatever "mr. goldstein's" propaganda machine feeds me.

it's like most interactions with him are unpleasant, he mostly reacts negatively towards anything. he would constantly bring up politics, especially jews and trump and woke culture and trans people and lqbtqi+ people. he acts like i am some stereotype of a liberal just because i dont tolerate his bigotry. not too mention that he actually dated a guy a few years ago and now completely rejects that part of himself.

i have tried on several occassions to break off all contact to him but then eventually we would have to have at least some contact because we are still visiting our parents together and stuff and it ended every single time with him being all whiney about how i make it difficult for him to contact me, how it inconveniences him, and how i should add him on a messenger app. i did eventually add him on the condition that he acts nice towards me and stops sending me political youtube links or memes and stops talking about politics. he agreed. that was a few months ago.

today i told him that if he doesnt stop spewing this culture war bullshit i will break off contact to him again. his answer was to accuse me of my ego being hurt.

for those in similiar situations: how do you deal with this bullshit?
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Damn, I'd say the best way to combat that would be to somehow convert him to normal, but that's way more easily said than done. Maybe speak to reformed neo-nazi/ultra-nationalist types on the internet and see what they have to say? I've seen a few on the internet over the years, there are a lot of them out there making youtube videos and stuff talking about how unhappy they were at the time and used this stuff as a scapegoat and how stupid they feel now. Your brother needs help man, maybe try to make it a long term project to get him back to normal? What were his political views like before he became a nazi?
he was never into politics, before he got into poltics he was into spiritualism but you could tell that it was a way for him to reaffirm that he was better than other people. he started meditating a lot, and doing sports and consume media by various gurus (e.g. osho and sadhguru). he always had this thing where he wanted to be better than others, this led to him actually being good at whatever he took up, like playing music, unlike me, he always was a kind of a diva, if you didnt do something right, he would get really angry.

as far as i can tell, he has been unhappy for a long time. he honestly seems insecure about his sexuality. he developed this view of the world where homosexuality is wrong even though he has had homosexual tendencies for quite a few years. he has this idea what is right and wants to adhere to that even though it may go against who he is. and the stupid thing is that my family isnt even homophobic. they really dont care, but then he says stuff to my mother where he reassures her that he is only interested in women now, as if it mattered wether he loved a woman or a man.

but thanks for the advice with the youtube videos, that's something to look into.
i dont know though, i am really not the person to change him. he has a certain disdain towards me. he had that for like 15 years now. on the one hand he wants me to recognize his achievements, on the other hand he looks down upon the things i do and the way i live. and i really cant support a lot of the things he does or says. like i can tell that he wants to be recognized for what he does, but if i disagree with these things i will tell him my honest opinion.

we have another brother as well and he is much more moderate. we both get along with this brother. he may actually have a chance to make my white supremacist brother question the way he thinks about stuff, but then he also has a tendency to keep himself out of these things.
an example: one time we got gifted socks and they didnt fit him, so he said that i can buy the socks from him.
which just goes to show the kind of person he is. meanwhile, i got a pair boxer shorts that dont fit me and i gave them away for free.
you know, just basic human decency.
Where do you think we are?
> he was into spiritualism
The sonofabitch got Evolapilled innit, I focken swear on me mum!

Anyway, he's probably way too preoccupied with his ego. Identity, alignments do not matter all that much. Maybe he should get back into "classical spiritualism/philosophy" instead of trying to larp as an eso-fash.

You don't have to change him. You can only provide information and support so he can change himself if he wants to.

I'd rather have the black guy from CERN as my roommate than some meth-head trailer trash, ngl. Maybe he should consider this perspective as well.

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>applied to a dozen entry level jobs near me (fast food, grocery stores, convenient stores, etc)
>only heard back from a movie theater that pays minimum wage and offers 20 hours a week
what the fuck? what am i supposed to do?

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What is your purpose in life?
im 23 and I dont really have one and so life just feels empty. My gf may leave me, I have no friends, I have no family and I live alone. I'm doing a masters degree in a field im not sure I actually care about and my hobbies are weight lifting, drawing and playing death metal on guitar mostly. I just have no pull towards anything really aside from the guitar but thats just an escape really.

So, how do you find a purpose?
I could tell you but it wouldn't mean anything to you because we probably have nothing in common and have very different visions of life. I am an /x/ schizo so the next best thing I can offer you is if you have an accurate birth time for yourself, you can go to this website https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/traditional-astrology and take a screenshot and post it. If you're interested, do that, and I will take a look and see if anything stands out as more relevant for you.
>So, how do you find a purpose?
Perhaps, like a spoon which could be used as a utensil for eating heart meals, a spoon could also be used as an implement for digging a tunnel towards escape from captivity.

There may or may not be multiple purposes for us.
fuck it, ill bite. I have no idea what this chart means, do you want this? I had to put in where I was born as well but idk if thats necessary
so I may just not even have a purpose? shit I'd take one purpose I dont need multiple
It may be as simple as waking up one cool morning, out of the blue, and setting yourself out completely. It may or may not be over pancakes and coffee in the afternoon.

It can be birthed from something complicated such as responsibility inheritted, or mandated against your will. Revenge, or even solemn promises.

How do i stop craving/wanting to use dildos? I've been clean for a good 6 months but I've been having extremely strong compulsions to buy a new one. I don't know what to do.
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bump i just bought one
Go on Craigslist and say you want a real cock up your ass, have a random bear pound your prostate and blow a poz load in your colon. Then you won't want to use dildos anymore. Simple.
Fuck that sounds hot!
I'm sure in the back of OP's mind he agrees. Just has to let loose and get a loose one from it.

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I got severely catfished today and she was extremely ugly and rude it disgusted me and made me feel sick inside and ashamed of myself. I immeditely deleted tinder. And all I could feel was like I was dirty inside and total disgust. Like beyond disgust. She was so gross too. And rude.

I am scared she will hunt me down and kill me if I reject her and she has my personal info and address.

Beyond humilated.
why she want to kill you after all? what did u do?

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If I ever want to fake getting shot to seem like a victim of an attack,what's the first, and second to first safest way to do it.
Im afraid the first safest way might be too obvious to medical personnel.
Lets say, 9mm or 5.56 most common rounds basically you'd find in wastern militaries and citizens.
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The court will want to hear what the doctor has to say.
Victim of an attack by whom and why?
War comes to mind.
Well sure but it depends on the situation. If it is out in a warzone, not many people will question a guy who just got shot. Let's say they are in battle with an enemy very far away, OP shoots himself and yells for help. No one will say "quick, grab the red yarn thread and lets examine if this could have been done by an enemy".
There's probably a better way to achieve what you want.
You'll have to actually shoot yourself and there's a chance you fuck it up and end up dying even if you aim for a non vital point. Also, you most likely have a communication device on you that you will be expected to use immediately in such a situation, which means you won't have any time to hide evidence. It's also unlikely that the doctor won't be able to tell that it's self inflicted. Being able to fake an injury like that would require medical knowledge that no one on this board has.

I got fired recently and thought I'd take a few month break now that I'm on unemployment benefits and moved back in with my parents.

How the fuck are you meant to have fun? I go to the gym, box, read, write, watch movies and play piano and that still leaves me a fuck load of free time across the day.

Most things fun cost money and now I'm on a tighter budget so I can't overspend. All my friends are working. Most places close early during the week anyway. You're basically just gonna go out on weekends like normal.

JoblessCHADS please teach me your ways. I'm going insane and considering ending my vacation early and look for another job, even though I know I'd get sick of it soon.
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>gym, box, read, write, watch movies and play piano

I highly doubt you do any of these things to any elite level - I could put 3-4H into just ONE of these working on my technique (yes even movie watching , you can build a critics eye for the production of a film), reading? thats a whole world unto itself. do you actually read bro? My old lady librarian could literally start a book in the morning and it would take her to 12PM and she calls that a productive day. Have you tried critiquing or understanding the deeper themes of the work?

But I digress , try to see if there are any nearby options to volunteer at with no commute cost. It's basically a job but looks nice on your resume and on your own terms.

Go to a thrift shop/marketplace and get some busted ass bike that still works and explore your city.

Have you walked all the trails of your city?

>t.professional unemployment master
Honest truth, I dont. Im always thinking of that ticking clock. I have to take zen days where i put my all into just not giving a fuck to stay sane.

Ill pray you find work soon, bro. Do the same for me.
Note: not OP, How exactly would anyone who isn't Jeff Bezos or a trust fund'er do that? I mean actually get rich even if it's on time? From almost nothing no less...
Lifelong poorfag here:
1. Vidya (torrent and shop at thrift stores)
2. Heavy bag workouts (you can find heavy bags at garages sales/thrift stores cheap if you keep your nose out)
3. Torrent movies and watch on laptop
4. For social life church, crashing parties, throwing discord watch parties, and basketball at community hoop are all free
5. Music concerts, small time pro wrestling and local festivals are all cheap
6. If you have the friends: DND sessions, football in the public park and cheap pizza parties are all options too

Basically just look for whatever opportunities to have fun are around that are cheap and sieze them. No way around being white trash for a while though. You're now one of us fren.
I'm so jealous of you anon. I can easily waste all of my time just browsing crap without having done anything productive. I work and I hate it as I'm constantly stressed and don't have enough time to relax and regain my composure, plus, all my coworkers are cunts and two faced.
how did you get fired and how are you so chill about it?
and how do I become as composed, cool and productive as you?
ah and, what type of work were you doing?

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So I was an incel myself, for years. But I was not hateful at all going in. I was a naive and innocent kid who just had issues making friends, and getting laid was out of the question. So I found these online communities to commiserate in. But they made me feel horrible about myself and dragged me down to a point of despair where I felt there was no hope. They were extremely cruel, and anytime I tried to be remotely positive, they reassured me my life was hopeless. They did face ratings and urged me to upload my face, and when I did, they told me I was a 3/10 and should never try to be with a woman (this was not targeted bullying at me, they did this with everyone, it was like a cult). They were also obsessed with porn, and would always expose me to degenerate porn that made me upset when I was a teenager (interracial gangbangs, facial abuse, rape porn, cuck porn, etc.) I was suicidal during this period and these were my only social contacts for years, until I finally lucked out and made some IRL friends, and eventually got a gf, which is a miracle. I'm much more well-adjusted now, but I do hold a seething resentment for these incel communities. I can't help but hate these people with my entire soul. When I hear "incel", I feel violent and angry, and I want to beat the fuck out of those people with a metal rod, strangle them until their eyes pop out, then curb stomp them. But I know feeling this way isn't healthy for me and I need to move on. Any good techniques for getting over all that bullshit trauma? I guess it applies to trauma in general.
You don't seem well-adjusted to me at all. It seems like you're still externalising your issues, blaming all your problems on online bogeymen rather than coming to terms with your own shortcomings. You deliberately chose to hang out there. You deliberately exposed yourself to their ideas and believed in them.

Grow up.
Incels are very hate-able. I used to try to help them out, but yeah. They are determined to not only self-sabotage, but sabotage you as well, and they have a gay little community to reinforce each other's behavior. It's very easy to hate people like that.
Tl;dr but as you said you went to these people because they are miserable and they are almost all miserable too, what is to be gained from hurting those who are in pain? It won't make them better. There are probably actual evil infiltrators in those communities deliberately spreading demoralisation but you can't easily get revenge on these people, and besides they're already scorned by God because he's surrendered their hearts to demons.
Heal yourself, and maybe others. Good luck.

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So there's this chick at work...
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I wish this were true and there were more of you, but really, we're the ones who'll be old, weird, and irrelevant.
I count three
online, in the unsavory dangerous corner of the online that most normies never see, not making a difference in the world populated mostly by extrovert impulsive idiots like OP and his coworker
Nobody talking about gay shit, except you. You know what that means right?
Start looking for a new job. HR roasties are going to tear you a new one.

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Depression has made me miserable to be around. I bring down the mood and even if I try to be positive my brain is fucked and I'm not all there. I can't be funny, I'm sluggish in conversations and apathetic to what's being talked about.
Because of this i ghosted my friends and stopped responding to messages a few months ago. I really regret it now because I'm going completely insane now that I'm 100% alone, but I feel like there's no going back, at least not without a conversation I don't want to have, even then I'll have made things weird, and it'll be even worse than before.
Is there fixing this? I've gone to therapy for over a year and it did nothing. I'm considering just biting the bullet, taking the Jew happy pills and trying to scrounge up some part of what I had, but I'm not sure it'll help.
I'm gonna do the same. We must try whatever, bro
Man, life is really hard for most people most of the time. You gotta remember that. Dont feel like you're getting hit any harder than the rest of us. Life is hard. Lots of people are broken by it and kill themselves, or remain alive as mere shells who eat sleep and poop

Do whatever it takes to find enjoyment in your life.
i think just the way you spiraled out, you got to spiral back in.
cutting of people understandable, as energy aint enough, you need time and quietness, but then its also not wanting to bother them or not able to handle when they are bothered etc.

But you need them back into your life.
So yes, have that uncomfortable situation and explain you need some space, but you also need them. If they cant give you that, it wont be worse than before.

keep your therapy, but consider taking pills for a bit, just to get you going. Take them for couple of months, until you feel like you can maintain a minimal base layer.

most important, identify what is making you depressed.
it can be a real life circumstance, like a job you have to work hours on end, little payment and having the feeling like wasting real life, like actual human being. its incredible when you think of that, it really hurts.
Or being rejected, hurt..you know all these stuff make a big difference, once you identify them.
Sure, your brain chemicals make you depresso, but consider your lifestyle, the people you surround yourself with and the mindset you have accomodated living by.

And this sounds really mean, but i believe that works: let go.

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Anti Depressants are a bullshit placebo that destroy your soul. I think happiness must be achieved internally in the mind, not through external or material things such as pharmaceuticals

Am I giving up on life or is this slow adult maturity? Ever since I got my first job I feel myself not giving a fuck more and more. Situations that would have sent me crying as an unemployed hikineeto instead makes me laugh at the absurdity of it all. I no longer do above and beyond (which got me a latin honor) and instead coast along like a log in the sea. I feel hopeless but not desperate, despair but not surrender. I have no idea what's going on.
>Am I giving up on life or is this slow adult maturity?
Probably both, if I have to be honest. That's what happened to me. I have a lot of pain and despair but it's so deeply repressed that I wouldn't know at all if I wasn't a psychology hyper autist.
Generally the better you feel, the more active you will become. Instead, your situation makes it sound like you're very good at coping with resignation, which is what I am also good at. But this is a less than ideal outcome.

I just turned 30

For the longest time I was a shut in, NEET loser and its only been in the past couple years I've managed to pull things together enough to have a job, live with other people and not post online 15 hours a day.

Lately ive been feeling a great sense of shame for my past self and a real pang about how much time I wasted. How do I stop morning the loss of the person I could have been?
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I started working at 23, and my life is still wasted. It's not that tragic to be a loser as a millenial or a zoomer. Our parents' generation has failed us, the boomers and silents have destroyed any opportunity we would have in life after being filthy fucking gangsters all throughout theirs. We live in Universe 2025 of a human Mouse Utopia, and most of the civilized world is about to go extinct within the next 50 years. (personal opinion)

So just cope with it and just try to find a meaning and worth for yourself.
I’m a 33 year old loser but I enjoyed my youth so it’s not too bad. Just go fuck hookers in Thailand. I’ve fucked 170
You can't change it so seething about it is pointless.
>be a loser
>feel bad
>stop being a loser
>still feel bad about previously being a loser
damn, i'm glad i'm not you lol
im aight i guess

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I think about other men's cocks and how it would feel to suck them when im in the shower. Does that mean im gay?
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no that's completely normal
ITT anons have never heard of porn mags and nude painting
That was because they thought big dicks were a sign of savagery. They were simply portraying their opponents as the basedjak
I mean...

Asked everyone I know for advice, still at the end of my wits - now it's time to ask randos to be mean to me.

23F, choosing between two Master degrees to study - Bioinformatics or Pharmaceutical chemistry, one has all coding no labwork but is more employable, the other has more chemistry and is more fun.

On one hand I am an angry basement dweller, so coding is more suiting, on the other - love chemistry and the first reason I got into biology was to be at the lab bench. Either comes with potential to aid the coming zombie plague. What would you do in my place?
What were your GRE scores?
This damn thing made my verify 5 times in a row.
I feel like Pharmaceuticals is nearly played out. Medicines are more and more ineffective but take longer to develop, and it's a crapshoot.

Bioinformatics, on the other hand, is more widely marketable to employers since the statistics and data crunching work on a much broader range of topics.
Pharmaceutical chemistry. Bioinformatics sounds like a meme and you know it
>love chemistry and the first reason I got into biology was to be at the lab bench.
I think you know the answer to that.

Has anyone taken Abilify or any other antipsychotic?

I’ve only read bad reviews about how it will ruin my life
But it’s either a horrible long list of side effects or hallucinations, and I don’t know if I prefer to get used to them
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how bad are the hallucinations? I have them but they are pretty minor. I got checked out by a psych and a doctor and they said its not a big deal because mine are innocuous things like seeing a faint ball of smoke, or a bruise on my chest that disappears. things like that. Also i've seen them all my life, I know nothing else. It was only when I briefly became christian that it caused issues for me because of the belief system of spirits being evil that come along with that.

I did get a brain injury and saw some weird rotoscopic shadow people peeking at me from around walls but even then, they went away as I healed.

I had to go on medication for other reasons and they sucked, but if you're ill maybe the sides won't be so bad

im guessing your hallucinations trouble you, or are possibly accompanied by paranoid delusions, but I secretely believe that its kind of like devils snare in Harry Potter. The bigger the deal you make out of it, the worse it gets. There's a lot of cultural shame with hallucinations.

and in my day job i'm a high functioning star performer at a really prestigious organization making over 6 figures, i just don't tell normies anything
i should also say I do see worse things, but they still don't bother me. for example when I go biking in the woods after midnight sometimes, I'll see people walking who disappear when I get closer. This is because my brain is making up what I'm TRYING to see. The darkness makes it worse because the brain has less information to go off of.

I seriously don't get why people make it a huge deal. its really nothing, people are fucking retarded.

never begin the cycle
They call it lobotomy in pill form or chemical lobotomy for a reason
Try it out and see how it affects you, maybe try with as small a dose as possible and increase until your symptoms fully recede.

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