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This board is for the discussion of technology and related topics.

Reminder that instigating OR participating in flame/brand wars will result in a ban.
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So i like to get something in th linux cmd like time out on windows. I really love the way that timeout works.

>Gives you a visual indicator that it is waiting
>Counts the seconds down.
>You can press any key to interupt it and get it back to work.

How do I get this on linux?
>Reee use sleep
Sleep is shit!
Sleep does not give you any visual indicators it is literally the linux VS windows meme in action (the car thing or the guy in the wheelchair).
good morning sir
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <termios.h>
struct termios original_termios;
void set_nonblocking_terminal() {
struct termios ttystate;
tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &original_termios); // Store original terminal attributes
tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &ttystate);
ttystate.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO); // turn off canonical mode and echo
ttystate.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;
tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &ttystate);
void restore_terminal() {
tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &original_termios);

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Interesting thanks....
Why did no one write a program like this for loonix already?

Why is this not in all repos???
Uncommon use case. I would make the user hit enter to continue, without the timeout
>Uncommon use case
Then why does windows include it?

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>making a fun & interesting games is about rapid prototyping and iteration, rust's values are everything but that.
>procedural macros are not even "we have reflection at home".
>gui situation in rust is terrible.
>rust gamedev ecosystem lives on hype.
>global state is annoying/inconvenient for the wrong reasons.
is the rust honeymoon phase finally over for gamedevs?
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Ah yes, of course, the physics engine needs to know about the HP and inventory of each entity, lol
Do you really believe what you say?
How do you even use AVX instructions when everything is a heterogeneous struct, and your access pattern is doing a bunch of logic for each entity separately? Do you even use vectorization at all?
Thank God for C++ offering all that.
>you can't iterate over collections
is meaningless nonsense
does this nocoder really think most crashes and bugs are cause by memory unsafety?
fucking midwits on HN man
yes everything you posted ITT is meaningless nonsense, kill yourself fizzbuzzer

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Are air fryers just bulky, low capacity ovens? Am I just being scammed by buying one? Is there actually a difference in what I can make in an air fryer and an oven? Why would I get an air fryer instead of an oven?
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just get one that does everything since standard range ovens take too long to heat up.
all i need is a rice cooker
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Pressure cookers are better than your overpriced japscrap until you get to the $300+ range on japscrap
They are the most convenient way to make chicken tendies.
Potatoes come out somewhere between baked and fried, and you really use a minimal amount of oil.
It's great for reheating food that would otherwise get soggy if you microwave it.
It's a lot quicker than my old school oven.
Overall I'm happy with mine.
Really? So you've never, ever had the issue of your chicken being all nice and crispy on top but still raw on the bottom?

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Are there any non-pozzed alternatives to this degenerate low-life AIDS faggot ridden cesspit?
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The problem in mumble is no persistent backlog of messages, unless I'm a retard.
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>Are there any non-pozzed alternatives
[[[MATRIX]]] via Element.


Anyone proposing anything other then [[[MATRIX]]] is retarded it is federated!
if I ask them to delete some specific messages by providing channel id and message id, will they view the whole channel or only the specific message i request to be deleted
id like to make a simple like php server the key that makes new chat services good is a running log, and clients can sync/read the days events while its convenient to them while sitting on the toilet or laying in bed , all other old tech besides the 3 telegram/discord/matrix lack this functionality requireing clients to be connected 24/7 or miss out on content, a simple webserver can handle this bonus points for using a proxy to load links and provide the files locally hosted cause no one wants to accidenty click an evil link or worse the link is auto loaded by the client
also mainly this changed happened cause phones constantly losing connection

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You have about 10 seconds to explain to the rest of us why you are still not using Linux on your PC and laptop.
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With Linux you get exactly the version that the package manager has. That's it.
On many distros the version is old.
On others its bleeding edge.

If you want to install a specific version you're completely at the mercy of the program's developer.
Did they spent 1000hours setting up Git(Hub|Lab) CI/CD pipelines? If not, you probably aren't getting a version that runs on all distros.
Did they go out of their way to avoid all modern syscalls and target the oldest glibc that they could get their hands on? If not, it wont work on anything older than the OS on their dev box.

Linux is pain.
Developing for Linux is pain.
Anyone who says otherwise has never distributed their programs to other users across more than one target distro.
flatpak just werks
flatpak just werks
niggerlicious cancer
I would defend autotools but you're absolutely correct. I am happy I don't need to write portable software and that there's people autistic enough to provide me with what I need, for free.
Trying to hard to do what?
I admit, I am a newfag, I have only been here since 2011. Still probably longer than you.
Linux can't play games. Simple As.

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What gives?
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That's literally every single email client, encryption and bullshit doesn't matter because you're still using a third party to send it.
The only way to achieve true privacy is running your own email client and your own encryption protocol and have the other people also use your methods.
Privacy/Security freaks here are the biggest idiots there are and will always be.
they scan the ingoing and outgoing email addresses, you retarded fucking nigger. it's amazing how you coons know absolutely nothing. is there a system that supports encryption of addresses?
> no
what other baboon noises do you have to share?
>what other baboon noises do you have to share?
not him but this made me laugh hard lmao, thanks anon for a great start in the morning.
>You vill doxx yourself
CIA? Idk where you got that information from but that's fake news

Proton is based from Switzerland with some strict privacy laws in place along any countries like Germany that prevents foreign corporations including foreign law enforcement's or foreign governments (especially CIA) from reaching out information about a specific user's data.

Even Proton themselves addressed that on Reddit saying: "For instance, RSA encryption was also invented at MIT. Proton, as a company created by scientists, has connections to most of the world’s top research universities, but that doesn’t make Proton a CIA/NSA front."

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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>100195136

>Beginner UI local install
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI (Node-based): https://rentry.org/comfyui
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

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>still no way to send the page Im reading on my phone to my desktop browser with the push of a button
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Someone already PM'd me the solution, thanks though ;)
Buku server works, better than nothing. There's also XBookmarksSync.
for wintards probably just backing up %crapdata%
Android Firefox does that
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>>still no way to send the page Im reading on my phone to my desktop browser with the push of a button
I right clicked but I bet you can set up a shortcut for it.

>one wrong config or forgetting to use encryption once will land you in jail
>one of your "buddies" going informant and you're done
>only takes one slip up to get assraped in jail for decades

How do cybercriminals cope with the stress of being hounded by glowies? Seems like only the truly autistic would survive. Pic. related, currently getting assraped in jail by niggers
Mostly by being a single tree in a big ass forest.

The problem with fighting cyber criminals is you have to figure out who they are first. Never mind hope you get it it right and they live in a country that gives the slightest fuck they are doing ransomware scams in America/Europe.
By living in China or Russia.
yeah but then you'd have to, you know, live in Russia or China
the only ones who get assraped in jail are pedos and sometimes rapists, the average dark web junkie is gonna be alright. CP viewers might be fucked, but I doubt it.
>How do cybercriminals cope with the stress of being hounded by glowies?
the people with good opsec never get caught and you will never know their names. they sleep well at night.

losers like ross? easy mode. remember, this dumb fucking nigger only got caught because he used an email address linked to a forum where he was shilling his drug market, and to top it all off he was stupid enough to be interacting with POLICE pretending to be bikers.

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Previous thread >>100151181

>What is DALL-E 3?
You type some text and it makes some images


Bing AI Slop 0.6.0

Designer AI Slop 0.4.6

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Without seeing your prompt, I can bet it's the classic case of not being specific enough; when you aren't specific enough in the prompt, there's good chances that dall-e will take some liberty and shows too much skin for the dog
Maybe something like homeless clothes or winter clothes?
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Tried being overspecific, it works; please use :
>beautiful homeless girl (leather jacket, black shirt, long messy hair, eyepatch, smiling, holding guitar, propped on a wall)
Does the parentheses do something?
It went about the same weirdly enough, two images got filtered without adding anime art style.
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Ah I know! I was using my faux Megadrive/virtual boy prompt, maybe that's why Dall-E was more generous to me.

As for the parenteses, they are useful as they keeps dall-e from having the prompts bleed all over the picture, in addition for having shorter prompts when describing a character.

>*is the most based programming youtuber alive*
heh, nuffin personnel faaakhead
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fuck off you retarded nigger, nobody is falling for that
>no one has ever contributed to portage
It was minor, but it was there.
And I fucked your mom

I wish there were more youtubers like him who looked at CS with a more critical eye and not just accepted every claim at face value. Particularly I wish at some point there is a long form content youtuber or streamer that focuses on the math side of CS (logic, program verification, formal methods etc.).
You posted the wrong picture, that's not the xah lee convention.
No lol.
>sean wrona is no longer the fastest it's probably joshua728
Watch the video retard. He says Wrona is not the fastest anymore and we shouldn't listen to him.
If winning typing competitions paid good money then parents would train their children from scratch in dvorak and those children wouldn't be hindered by having learned qwerty first.
Saying that he contributes to OSS is a stretch. Anyone can make some obscure programs of dubious utility. But he is a good commentator.
I'm not sure but I think Xah would say OOP is a scam.

/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Chaotic Century Edition

Meta AI released Llama 3 8B and 70B https://llama.meta.com/llama3
Claude Opus on Amazon Bedrock https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/anthropics-claude-3-opus-model-on-amazon-bedrock
OpenAI released the gpt-4-turbo as stable
Anthropic released the Claude 3 family https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-family

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information


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Somebody else has already plapped that loli in the logs. Guarantee.
Wait for AWS Opus and AWS Sonnet to be released in more regions, GPT 5, RobotJenny to host 400b Llama 3
retard niggers lmao
I suppose so, but I will abstain in the interest of caring for our keys, if necessary.
>uses proxies
>calls others retard niggers
Yeah I'm thinking you can't into logic.

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Because you give Google money regardless. If you really think about you're more or less paying a premium to not use Google software.
>if Sony performs a warranty repair, Sony will likely charge you a significant service fee
>the removal of DRM security keys may affect advanced camera functionality
are you talking about GrapheneOS? it's not their fault that Google is the only company that gives you an option to easily unlock and relock (with custom roms) bootloader, has great hardware security features and has proper updates (for firmware too) instead of just giving you one OS update and telling you to fuck off like any other company.
You don't. You can install LOS without gapps on a vast majority of devices.
Not true. Again there are numerous phones where you can unlock the bootloader.
Moto phones?

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Who are the bald guy and the anime girl in the sticky?
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Maybe after he dies (soon)
desu it's a good summary of 4chan
>Schizo racist
>Cartoons and NEETisms
>Autistic / pedophile
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Do I see piercing in her nipples?
source on the black baby incubator?

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