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I'm 23/f and have grown up in a stepfamily. I always looked at my experience positively, because I think it taught me a lot, but I do see how people in and out of stepfamilies can have negative associations with stepfamilies. I want to shine some light on the experience stepchildren have and how it impacts them in their romantic futures. Right now, I am doing my master's thesis on the effect of growing up in a stepfamily and the potential influence it has on one's own beliefs in love, relationships, marriage, etc. So if u guys want, feel free to share your views for about 10-15 minutes via the link below, it would rlly help a lot!

doesn't apply to me but i believe this is worth a bump, there are enough anons here who were adopted or grew up in broken families
Show tits

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> be me
> oldest of the family (two boys, two girls) all close in age
> father is dead
> done the errands and that kind of stuff all my life (mom is scared of driving)
When my brother got old enough to drive, I tought that it would be a relief for that kind of stuff. But here we are literally 7 years after he got his licence, and everytime that kind of things needs to be done, they ask me.
Wich is driving me nuts. The past few years, whenever there was a wedding somewhere really far, I have to get them there (speaking of the girls mostly, who don't drive either).
Resulting in me screaming and arguing over the fact that they keep shitty tasks to me only to call me an ingrateful bastard in the end. And it keeps happening over and over again.
I only feel bad cause my mom held the home really well after our father died and is a real champ ngl.
But I do feel her being really toxic about this.

Who's in the wrong here?
You are, of course. Just move out.
> white people response to every problem with their parent

I'm constantly tired, can't lose weight, sleep for most of the day, and am always cold. I'm pretty sure I have a thyroid problem given I have a family history of it, but can't afford to go to a doctor or get tests (minimum wagoid). I'm planning to order Levothyroxine from an online pharmacy, start out with 12.5 mg in the morning, stay at that for 2 weeks, then increase from there.
How retarded is this plan? I don't wanna kill myself with an adrenal crisis or something but I also don't want to end up roping because of depression.
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Not that anon
Addressing your health via diet first is always the best choice. Carnivore works for a lot of people but I'd never recommend that to someone over something balanced like the Vertical Diet. Part of the details of the diet are planned for healthy thyroid function. You can easily pirate the ebook and there are descriptions of the diet from the author on YouTube. You basically eat the nutrient dense foods it recommends and then add lean meats and easily digestible carbs until you are at the proper calorie count. Add some basic resistance training of your choice and follow that diet 95% of the time for 3 months and chances are you will be as healthy as a horse.
Yeah 12.5 is fine and won't kill you. I wouldn't go higher than 50 in the beginning. If you do not feel any improvement with 50 then thyroid is not your issue
Oh yeah and no milk, no coffee, no onions products and in general no food 2 hour before and two hours after the pill.
You actually have a case of the little bitches.
Not OP. Kek. Never heard of this.

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I think I got tired of OLD.
I started using it in 2011, around that time I didn't get as much attention on it but when I did, it led to a relationship.
Now, it's just attention seeking, foodie calls, bored females, fat women catfishing and even if I get a date, I'm super tired of them already.
Probably because most of the time I will lose interest or I will get ghosted/friendzoned. So I'm completely unmotivated now.

My last relationship ended in december of last year and we were together for over a year. It was completely different from the rest for various reasons.
Most importantly, we met IRL. I actually cold approached a few women in 2022 when I was living in a bigger city and I got a gf out of it.
But now I live in a shithole with no people, feel zero motivation to go to a city to cold approach (there is very little opportunity for it anyways).

So I guess the advice I seek is - should I just ditch OLD, actually start going out in a city and just grow a pair once again to do it?
How do I motivate myself for it and stop beeing such a negative thinker?
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You're gay or female-brained if you don't understand that "OLD" is a bad acronym.
If I would pronounce the acronym, then yes, obviously, it's Oh eL Dee. But I say online dating like that. It's just shorter to type OLD.

Says the person who can not grasp the reality that someone else doesn't have the same opinion as them. Literally female/child brain.
>It's just shorter to type OLD
I still don't like it, but you do you
You're dumb, dude. No taste
>Every person can give summaries and examples of things they believe can occur.
This is you moving the goalposts. "summaries and examples" are not what you requested, which was
>write EXACTLY what have you said

So which is it, are you demanding an EXACT recounting of what was said, or do "summaries and examples of things" like >>31126168 suffice?

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How do I stop being a furry?
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I am allowed to beat you to death according to the Bible.
Seek jesus
Special people often have some fucked up shit about them. It is part of what makes you. Don’t ever change, OP.
The kingdom is within you.
Stop engaging in it. It will take time to fully over it. Focus on better things.
>The kingdom is within you.
But what if I'm inside my fursuit?

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If you want to be accepted you have to be accepting of others.

The cynical sour grapes shit gets really old really fast, and only hacks away at your chances of being happy. Everything is cringe, everyone takes boogers out, everyone shits, farts and sweats. Just like you, others have vulnerabilities and feelings, and traumas. You're not unique because uncle didled you, or because Stacey doesn't pay attention to you.
You rejecting others before they can hurt you will just leave you in your lone island, far away from everyone. If that's your objective, good. But don't complain then that others aren't patient with you, when you give nobody that benefit.

ib4 the "but I like being alone" anons start replying, this is not directed at anyone who is happy in their solitude.
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It may be your perception based on interactions with faggot recruiters but it's largely not real, hiring itself is just fucked more than the actual job market. If you get an interview, call back two days after it to "confirm your interest in the position". You will likely get hired within a few first interviews. If you are having trouble getting calls for first interviews, unfortunately just lower your standards/widen your search/spam more applications.
Doing pretty good yeah, be better once I get land though.
I don't care about how you perceive me or about your doomspeak. Switching to nihilist copes like "we're all dead because of x meteorological event, global warming, heat death of the universe, muh late stage capitalism", etc as an excuse for why you act so shit straight off of "just be le nicer to us" is jarringly hypocritical.
If your only refuge is nihilism through existential browbeating when threatened with the idea of me - leaving you alone and wanting to be left alone, why are you acting like you're well-adjusted, secure, or positive?
>a.k.a. the jobs ain't there, retard
> doomspeak
It’s math nigga?! Unless you want to take and defend, you’re going to pay for your land with Jew dollars and someday, it will be taken back. There won’t be enough for everyone to buy. There’s plenty for everyone to live on.
Your reading comprehension is fucking ghastly.
Keep seething about me not participating in your inner-city "culture" I guess, and know that whenever you try your communist revolution we will be waiting to kill you.
I'm on the same team but I'm pointing out the remote jobs ain't there

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I have always been a shy, reserved, socially anxious protected kid. I have always been scared of people and I would hide in my bedroom or make excuses to miss out on social activities.

I am anxious 24/7 and I always get frustrated at the littlest of things and end up overthinking and fucking everything up. I have no idea how to navigate and take responsibility when it comes to speaking up for myself, stepping up for my loved ones and making people think that they can depend on me.

I am a people pleasing retard and would rather get berated than tell people to shut the fuck up. I am scared of confrontations and conflicts because I was bullied as a kid and I realised I am not that good at the whole talking smack thing. I would get rolled in an argument (probably end up making senseless arguments and twist on my words to look even more pathetic)

I want to become someone who can take a stand for himself and the people around him. I have let my friends down in the best by not speaking up for them when they needed me to stand by them and everytime I mess up(every other week) all the shitty ass memories come back and the embarrassment makes me wanna kill myself.

any help would be appreciated I genuinely don't know what to do when I think about solving the issue on hand I get confused and end up messing everything up. Its like I missed out on a fucking social life 101 holy shit I have no values or fixed moral standards.

help me anons I don't wanna be a coward wimp anymore
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I really want to deal with things head on but I end up picking the safer route out. for eg if I wanna call someone out I'll intuitively do it in the most onions way possible.
how would lifting help me
Exercise helps me because it tires me out to the point I'm too tired to be anxious.
Testosterone and muscle mass are anti-anxious pussy.
You stop thinking about it. Don't focus on the fact that you can't talk to anyone and are an anxious mess. You think too much about what bad things might happen that you end up making them happen and the worst is, you expect it. Are you so scared of the unknown that you'd rather stay in a comfortable place even if the comfort that you latch on is made of thorns? I say build your self esteem first, self esteem is knowing who are when you are resting, not speaking to anybody, and when you speak to someone you'll still be knowing who you are because you, as a person, does not change simply by being perceived by others. However you might be weak enough to let it change you. Self esteem in a way is strength so you better train it like a muscle my boy

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Apparently feet are one of the biggest fetishes out there. What makes a good foot? Woman foot? Man foot? Long toes? Certain shapes? Videos? Pictures? Shoes?? What counts as a good foot? How are all these bitches out here making money selling feet pics? I want in but I need to know if these feet can sell if you know what I mean
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i don't think there are any rules my wife's 45 year old friend sells feet pics sometimes even Peggy Hill was able to monetize her clodhoppers

just remember immodesty is a sin!

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I went out today and touched grass, there was nobody around, I wonder where people are.
In summer there's a decent amount of people around but not many young girls compared to when I was in my teens.
Women are mostly in their late 30s or early 40s. Very few highschoolers or children around.
I have no idea what people are doing these days aside from not procreating.
Do they just shut themselves in when they're not working?
Is society still a thing? I am truly wondering.
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I'm from europe you amerilord
Yes I get it, as a cultural negro you simply lack comprehension of how anyone could ever be decent, I'm aware.
Working Europeans pay taxes, HEAVY taxes too, you illiterate nigger.
People literelly only spend time with people they already know after school

after graduating there is no grass to touch

you have to quit your job and come back to school if you ever want to speak to anyone ever again
Der schoooler is back at it again.
Hang around after dark and meet your friendly neighborhood drug dealer.

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I'm a hikkiNEET with fuck tons of free time for the next few months. I want to get out of poverty. What employable skill can I teach myself?
Sewing, primitive woodworking, small electronics technician and furniture refurbishment are trades that you can learn at home. But I wouldn't really that there is a single job in the modern world that is truly universally employable and doesnt include you dealing with waste and feces anyhow.
Mechanicking. If you can’t get a job, you just get work on your own.
Learn to program you fucking mong.

I need help with a girl.
I'm a 21 year old guy and I've got a date with a chick I met online and I've no clue what are you supposed to do on a date. Last time I was a on a date was when I was like 15.
I'm slightly awkward and a sperg so I'm scared it'll turn out to be just me trying to awkwardly make small talk and fail.
What are people supposed to do or say on a date? Where should I take her? Should I pay for her stuff if we're both poor students? Do I try to act like some 1900's Don Draper type of thing or should I just try to be some Chad Thundercock fuckboy with too much confidence?
I'm not looking to just get laid though (although that would be ok as well) I just want to meet new people and expand my social life.

I'm really clueless as to how the hell am I supposed to get close to someone and would appreciate all kinds of tips or experiences so I can expand my knowledge on the subject so I don't go in completely blind.
I don't believe this.
what part is so unbelievable?
Dinner and a movie. Don't worry about being anything. Just think of some questions to ask her if you run out of small talk. If you have a funny bone maybe think up a nice ice breaker joke.

> Be me
> get good marks throughout school
> gets into a college
> lands dream job
> not a lot of money but love the work
> feelsgoodbros.gif
> covid hits
> lockdown, can't socialize
> gets addicted to content consumption
> lockdown ends
> get another dream job
> can't perform well, behaves like a NEETard in his mom's garage
> addiction spirals out of control
> hates self
> rejoins reddit to stop watching netflix

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Are you paying money for grad school only to flunk out from watching Obama produced Pedo+ movies? Do you think the purpose of your life is to consume mind garbage produced by others?
Do u liek them?
not paying anything, but yes, I get that. Fuck Netflix and Amazon!

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Cheated on my partner of 5 years for several months and then stopped and confessed to her. Completely retarded, no excuses, I fucked up.

We're broken up, living separately, doing individual and couples therapy, working on individual goals, have improved tremendously on most of the issues that caused us to grow apart in the first place, feeling much happier and getting along a lot better, can actually see a healthy future for us now.

One problem, she is seeing someone else. She sees me a couple of times a week and sees him a couple of times a week. She insists she wants to be with me but says she still needs time to work through her feelings about what I did to her and isn't ready to commit to me until she does. It's been a little over 2 months. The other guy is kind of a mess and I'm not really worried they're going to end up together. He's firmly fling material and not relationship material. They're already fighting and running into problems.

I've been trying to withhold intimacy until she is ready to commit to me but I've cracked a couple of times. She does not want me to see anyone else and I haven't even though I have options. I'm in love with her and want to get back together.

How long do I tolerate this arrangement before I accept that it's over and start moving on? I've been pretty chill about things and I don't want to try to force her hand. I want her to pick me on her own. I know that she really loves me and I'm fairly confident that she'll soon feel like she "got even" and come back to me, but maybe I'm being delusional. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me and letting our relationship collapse and then cheating on her was the dumbest thing I have ever done, but we've really pinpointed the issues that led us to this place and either fixed them or are in the process of fixing them.

Cheated on my gf. We are separated, working through our issues, seeing each other, but she insists on also seeing someone else for the time being.
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ok listen up, bitch.

100% correct. leave the situation YESTERDAY my nigga.
>I really think we are special for each other and won't find the same happiness with someone else.
this, writing this out should be red-and-blue lights in your rearview, writing this out should be a massive red flag that something is maladjusted with your life priorities. I WISH some nigga had told me this at least 2 times before in my life. I WISH some muthafucka had come told me about not getting caught up in "the one"
>man, but she's the only one that we really get each other and communicate on a higher level
no, she's usually not, and you just want to believe she is because that gives you something to hold on to. she's not, if you look at it without emotions, look at it logically. ask yourself honestly what would she truly add to your life (not emotional support or sex, it has to be a real thing that makes your life tangibly better that like a robot or AI couldn't do). Does she cook well? Does she also earn a lot of money? Is she honestly fun to be around? Those would be things that counts because not many women can do them.

Now sometimes you can find a pairing where this happens, but it's usually not a happy relationship it's more like a business deal, think the relationship kevin spacey's character in house of cards had with his wife, like that type of super cold openly-cheating-on-each-other type shit. You don't want that either man.

so just going back to what this anon said

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I'm the guy in >>31115281 and my ex is bouncing back fine. She only needed two months to get together with someone else after over 8 years together with me. We lived together for longer than OP had his relationship.
She didn't even cry when breaking up with me, but she bawled like a baby when I wouldn't immediately sign over our property to her because I wanted more time to move my business. She's fucking fine and so is OP's bitch.
Everyone who says it's over are not married.

A relationship is not over until it's over, and no relationship is without problems, which both parties need to work on. As long as she is committed, keep working on it. Your question about how long you should tolerate this is the only correct question to have in this situation. Do not do something abrupt.

The first question I would ask is how long you've been going through this? If it's been months and she hasn't gotten over things by now, it could be that she is trying other things and keeping you as a backup plan. If that is the case, move on. Once a backup plan, always a backup plan. If it's not been a long time and things are still fresh, set a deadline of 1-2 months, which shows patience on your side, and if you are committed and she doesn't know whether she can be by then, it is best for both to move on.

So to answer your question, I would say it depends on how long you've been going through this, but 1,5-2 months I would say is fair and shows patience on your end, as the person who fucked up.
Only good advice ITT, rest is trash.

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Is this website making me even more of a loser?
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I am leaving 4shit forever fuck you and goodbye
How can I change your mind?
And I am leaving Reddit forever fuck reddshit and goodbye
Depends on how you indulge in it.

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femanon here where can i earn money online without doing weird shit like of
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have you thought about getting an actual job instead of being an e-whore?
27. you got kik?
I forgot to add, don't get involved with 4chan groomers like this >>31127579
Or discord groomers if you do the simp farming thing. Keep online and IRL tightly airgapped/firewalled.
Yes (not op) I'm so scared of 4chan I don't even post camera pics on threads as some degenerate might snoop around and dox me with the exif data
Metadata is stripped (it's why some people's picsget rotated). But it's best to airgap, no IRL related stuff as images. People can be pinpointed using minimal information in the right circumstances. Even voice if you're popular enough.

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