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anyone else get sad going on tinder or dating apps? I have 5 likes in like a year of using it and seeing all these very attractive women while i swipe is very suifuel.
It's all just a damn fantasy dude. Focus on what fantasies you have fulfilled others haven't alright.

I was close to getting scammed by two escorts this week out of desperation.

Apart from my borderline illegal activity, love yourself and accept yourself for who you are alright.
thanks anon <3

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im 32 years old

i had sex when i was 23/24 years old, maybe 5 times

my life from the last 7 years has been actually horrible, family troubles got me down, no friends, no support, no job, choices i made in the past haunted me

i dont seem to be able to recover and im heading to suicide, i went out to a bar today and i just can't interact with people anymore
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i went to a foreign country to meet people i met over the internet, and spent a lot of money doing so

my family disowned me because they see it as me ruining my life, even though it happened a decade ago they still hate me, because i could've had a good life although i never believed they would abandon me completely
Prostitutes are like cigarettes, they feel good at first but quickly become a diffuse craving that will make your life overall less tolerable. Plus they're expensive and anon isn't rolling in dough. I wouldn't recommend it.
I'm asking if the people he spent money traveling to visit were prostitutes
I went to Brazil and smoked a whole carton and don't really feel like smoking anymore

anyone else gets this shit?

say a girl of your dream, almost the exact same personality as you, and as cringe as it may sound, like twin flame or soulmate. starts to like some alpha chad guy, I legit want to rope. There's no worse feeling than when your partner potentially for life, who is a hottie, starts to look at some chad and is attracted to him, while you're in the same room or presence. Looking at him with pure sexual stares, curiousity and admiration. Fucking rope.
ok? That's what women are. Stop clinging to your fantasies and actually look at them for what they are.
yeah that shit sucks man. nothing to do but improve yourself and use that as motivation
Yeah you're right, I always had this problem where I fantasize about a twin flame or soulmate, who's literally exactly like me, and is extremely loyal and shits, and love me unconditionally, not sure why I have this. Maybe time to grow up.
You're getting carried away by your emotions, OP. Time to reign them in. There are no such things as soul mates; that term was invented by romantics to sell more books or movies. The truth is we get bored of eachother really quick; it usually amounts to 6 months or so. That picture of your ideal woman doesn't exist, at least not in her. She will not always be patient, kind, intelligent, or charismatic. She most certainly has a dark side to her you've never seen (or maybe you've been overlooking it this entire time due to being so smitten).

All of this pain is caused by an illusion you've manifested in your mind. To dwell on it would be pointless; it's best to set your sights on things you can actually change. Perhaps you can use this as learning opportunity to try and develop more confidence.

I grew up in the wild west internet days of aol dialup chat and creepy pedophiles trying to convince 12 year old me to give them my address.

Fast forward I am 40 now and genuinely unable to talk in any online medium.

Private Discord? Banned within 4 messages.

Online MMORPG? Mass reported within 1-2 messages.

Youtube live stream chat? After 2 messages, "Sorry man, you have to go. You can't act like this..."

The thing is... I dont have controversial beliefs. I am not rude, I am not mean, I dont insult people until they insult me and they've already had a community meltdown over nothing.

It seems society is just so hyper sensitive, I can't even say anything without instantly having THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY attack me after just the first or second message.

I want to know what I am doing wrong, or if it is just society and the internet has become unusable unless you're a virtue signaling NPC?

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youre just jealous becuase nobody is giving you attention lol. i dont even need to cry for attention, i get it regardless.
its called a conversation loser, maybe try having one once in a while
do you put all your beliefs blatantly on your profile to get these guys or do you leave it out and and ease into that through your messages as you get to know them? I've never used a dating app I don't really even know how they work and all I've seen is the memes on it. I probably had that same casio lol
No idea what this incomprehensible drivel even means. You're incoherent. I am fine with this thread dying and my thread's history being erased forever and no one ever seeing me again. Just as long as it dies bc anons are done with it.

You however are an attention whore who is so insecure about being called out that you have to convince yourself that anyone who calls you out must just be jealous of you or some incoherent rationalization. I really couldn't even grasp what mental illness is on display here. Besides attention seeking whore and her pathetic simps not understanding the most basic social norms such as this isnt a thread for you to whore attention in. It's my thread about censorship and online sociization, which needs to be allowed to die when everyone is finished with the topic. Moron.
Sorry bro, I was the simp who kept her blabbering. I came after my convo with her and now I am done with the whore. Carry on.
Np Brother. I understand the need. It's a lonely world out there for most men. I wasn't really attacking you. I get it. I was just trying to shoo away the dirty prostitutes with a broom. Cant let them ruin the community playground.

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I swing from periods of feeling great to periods of feeling like shit for ZERO apparent reason.
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Fuck yourself.
No, you.

You should research bipolar and personality disorders and see what sounds the most like your issues
bipolar bruh, talk to your doctor about it.
You’re literally bipolar. Get meds

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How do i bring up to my online boyfriend that after seeing his face i don’t like him like how i thought i did.
I feel so mean, but we’ve only known each other for a week and now im noticing this all moved WAY too fast and i don’t know what to do.
"We should see other people." Move on already. Don't waste people's time with bs games
Just do what other women do - stop responding

Been using this girl for sex and she keeps on freaking out that I'm sleeping with "5 girls a week". I keep telling her no I'm not, I don't have the time and energy but I'm also telling her that I'm not obligated to sleep with her exclusively (which I would think should excuse me from her freaking out on me every other time I see her). She's also mad that I only call her like once a month (I'm genuinely busy with school) and I prefer staying in with beer and pizza to going out.

I feel like a piece of shit but I don't find her company intrinsically rewarding, I just like the sex. I'm trying to tell her to leave me if it's too painful but she keeps apologizing after every time she freaks out
What do?
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The truth. Tell her that you're only interested in the sex, that you don't spend time with her because you're busy and don't really enjoy her company. Stop taking advantage of her weaknesses to get what you want, OP. You know she's not capable of engaging in this relationship in a healthy way. What she's going through with you is hurting her. You can see that. Its not fair to her. Its cruel. Stop doing
I'm going to cave
I know I will
>I'm trying to tell her to leave me if it's too painful but she keeps apologizing after every time she freaks out
Dude you are just causing even more mental trauma this way, please take a clear cut stance and stop fucking with her mind.
>feel like I'm giving her every chance to stand up for her wants
cmon man dont put her in the position where she has to "stand up" to you. if you know what youre doing is bad then end it. literally any reason you tell her is better than stringing her along like this but best if you dont give a real reason if you cant do that decently. just
"its not working out im sorry" as politely as you can
Women aren't expected to do anything holy fucking shit. This shit is the reason I watch hentai

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Should I bother using dating apps since they're probably my only hope of getting a gf?
Your best hope is not using dating apps.

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I’m curious what people think is an appropriate response to a question I get all the time. For context, this is usually on first dates from bumble, tinder. I don’t have my height in my profile but I also only date girls 6+ inches shorter so I don’t think it should be a problem.

Personally, I hate the idea of giving a straight answer for a few reasons.

A) other people lie so if you are honest, you’re selling yourself short.

B) if you do lie, that’s just demeaning yourself

C) we’re already on a date, they can see exactly how tall I am. So why would it matter unless they just want to compare me to some arbitrary, likely inflated number (ie “if it’s below 6 ft, you must acquit”)

So the only answer I feel like giving is none at all. But I’m sure this makes me sound insecure about it. Really I’m quite happy with myself, I know I’m above average anyway. The line of questioning just seems stupid and puts me in an off mood.

And I have a feeling to most people, just saying “I don’t know” and trying to move on will be regarded as insecure anyway. You literally can’t win. (Unless you’re either very tall or willing to demean yourself)
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I would say you're ngmi because you're obviously lacking social skills but you also happen to be 6'2" so you can do anything you want, just don't give a retarded answer or look weak
I answer honestly, 5'8". Honesty is the perfect filter. If she doesn't like the response, I don't like her anymore either.
>unmatch immediately
That's the only appropriate response if you want to 'date' a 'person.' If you want to FUCK a BAG OF MEAT on the other hand, just say like 6'1". They're just using stupid superficial filters anyways so play the game and use them right back.
“how much do you weigh?”
Ghost. if its important enough to ask its not worth meeting

t. manlet

Who the fuck actually has time to date? Like yeah if you're a Chad and women are begging for your dick they can just message them and get laid. Who among you with an actual job (not part time work 30 hours a week, like a SALARIED JOB where you are working 50-60 hours a week) actually has the time to constantly try and talk to and meet women who 99.9% of the time will have zero interest in you?

For women, same thing, they're Chads they can get guys without even trying.
they don't have time to do it. That's why either their lives center around dating or they are extremely sleep deprived or stressed.
I know several normalfags who literally operate on 5 hours of sleep and have for years. Their lives are shit. Constant alcohol abuse and overindulgence in sex to distract themselves.
Op >>31135854 gets it half right. You MAKE time. That's all there is to it. I work a 60H week gove job that requires I spend 2H a day exercising, am a single dad, am going to college, and am managing my dad's financial affairs because he had a stroke last year. Yet I still make a point to go out, and I do get laied and snag the occasional GF. I also somehow have time to meal prep, stay current on 3-6 animes a season, read 15min a day, play vidya, and work on my shitbox.

Nor am I a Chad by any means. I'd say I'm a 5/10, and while I'm not hurting financially I'm not rolling upmon a Bugatti and buying the bar. I have to work for my tail like everything else.

Yet I'm also not an alcoholic, workaholic, sexaholic, or on drugs.

Is my life stressful? I suppose, but I definitelydon'thate it. Quite the opposite. I'm happier and more fulfilled then I've ever been.

While this sounds cliche, it boils down to time management and how badly you want to make things happen. I know my minutes are valuable and I spend them with cair. Many things are planned well in advance, and the schedule is strictly followed. It is because I don't have a second to waste that I try hard not to waste a single one. When you do that, you'll quickly be shocked to see how much time you really have in a day.

I don’t see it anymore. It seems like another chore of something to take care of like a pet dog that needs constant attention daily except not loyal like a dog.

Can someone explain what the appeal is? Maybe I’ve just been away from people too long but I’m watching this movie “first man” about neil armstrong and his wife is like this annoying thing that just wants attention all the time and I don’t get why want that
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to have some body to love and hold
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You may be correct, but I find that the pain of letting go, having to look into their eyes as my life fades away, knowing I'll never see them again, greatly outweighs any benefits, not only that, reflecting on my life and the lives of many others, I also find that the amount of pain one can experience is not worth living, especially seeing what this world is devolving into, it's only going to get worse and I do not wish such torment on any of my offspring, they'll be conscious eventually anyway, as something/someone else at some other time, since all matter/life/consciousness is the same thing, but as long as its possible let them enjoy the peace of nonexistence.
Imagine someone that has similar interests and depth of personality as one of your guy friends, but you get to fuck them.
Not all women are the same. They're not all like neil's wife in that movie, it totally depends on the sort of person you want to go for.
As a man, I can't even talk freely around men anymore. I was having a men's conversation with male co-workers once and one of them tattled to my boss.
You want a dog

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How do I cope with my brother molesting me?
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shank him between the ribs
Post your bussy. We’ll judge if it was acceptable.
I think you’ll need to stop being a pussy. Molestation isn’t bad at all. Really be honest with yourself and ask why you feel like shit, you will notice you feel like shit because society deems it as something that you should be traumatized about. Nothing more, nothing less.
>t. Got molested too in my childhood
Therapy. Specifically someone that specializes in or offers some sort of help for sexual trauma.
Therapists are a fucking meme and just pretend to listen to you for a quick buck.

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What kind of hobbies do you have? Which are worth the cost? I made a list of some things and how much they cost locally for me
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based smg2 enjoyer
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I have tried some hobbies which are not too expensive and anyone can do, even with budget cuts.
Been playing for a lot of years. But have had months or years where I didn’t play at all. I’m still intermediate (I’m ABSRM level 7) and have trouble with fast pieces. I could be better, but i don’t have a teacher and I don’t have the patience like before. Overall I rate 7/10. You have to be rich and autistic to truly enjoy at its fullest.
Wanted to draw some anime characters. Drew for 2-3 months. Did decent progress, then I traced a pic and then got btfo’d over it. And now I don’t wanna draw anymore because I hate the fags who humiliated me. It’s also very tedious and boring. 5/10
>Music prod
Am a poorfag, so I only have GarageBand. I created a song I like, but it’s just way too hard for me to understand sometimes and I don’t have enough good ideas, patience and the software to continue with it. 6/10
>lifting, intense boxing drill cardio
Did see gains but I got bored of it really fucking fast and I lost most of the muscle after quitting. Fuck lifting. It’s boring as shit. 4/10
>Sim racing
Great stuff for ppl who can’t afford irl racing. It was really fun and a lot of the skill I learned translated over to irl driving like you wouldn’t believe. Had to sell it because after a few years, it was wasting a lot of my time and I didn’t want to end up as a iracing queer. 8/10
Doing this right now. It’s an awesome hobby and I love going fast. I can certainly recommend it. 9/10
>fish keeping

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Also if I had the money and time. I would do paintball because that shit is really fucking fun. Insurgency co-op taught me a lot about positional tactics so last time I went in a paintball match, I destroyed the enemy team even though the other team looked more athletic than me
Yeah, piano is top tier. Paintball is also good. I was too poor to try it as a teenager with my call of duty buddies, but now as a 27 year old got enough extra money to experience life properly
Social dance
Absolutely worth the cost
(competitive dance is not, though)

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Does this PUA stuff still work or are women too entitled now? Assuming you're below a 8/10
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A systematic approach to dating is possible. Using psychology tricks to appear more confident, dominant, and dismissive is possible. But in the end, it's still a numbers game. All those tricks and techniques are to push up your close rate by a few %. That's it, no magic, just applying a system to improve your rate a bit. Mystery Method (the most notorious pua book) implies this in the Newbie Mission
>4 weeks
>going out 4 nights a week
>4 hours per outing
>3 conversations with a woman or group containing women per hour
Talking to 192 women in a month. It's a numbers game despite it all. It's the same thing at a sales job (my background), studying and practicing your pitch, scripts, overcoming objections, all to gain an extra 2% to 5% close rate on your 200 calls a day. But there's no world where you're calling less, no way to tell if any one call will close. You're just improving efficiency.

Does that make sense? I've been drinking.
I think going up and talking like they suggest might eventually grab you some skills but it might give you a weird rep.
Literally who the fuck has time for that? Do you not have a job? Going out 4 nights a week is ridiculous, I work 60 hours a week for Christ's sake. I barely get enough sleep as it is, plus I have zero friends and going out alone is pathetic as shit.

it's not really a "numbers game", it's a success rate game and some guys have success rates so high we're all completely fucked
>Assuming you're below a 8/10
Let's be honest here, you'd still be an incel even if you were a 10
A success rate game is literally a numbers game. It's time to stop considering yourself intelligent.

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I just returned from the psychiatric ward where I was treated without my consent. I spent 77 days there. The reason for my hospitalization was my aggression towards my mother, which resulted in death threats. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia several times. I occasionally have delusional thoughts when I don't smoke marijuana or take medication. As I stopped taking pills many times, I was given injections of aggression-suppressing drugs. One of haloperidol every 30 days and another of zuclopenthixol every 14 days. Should I take the drugs?
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I don't fucking know dude, all the information you gave in your post is irrelevant and only muddies the water. If you have actual delusions and actual schizophrenia, yes, take the drugs. If you know what advanced untreated schizophrenia looks like, you'll be happy with the drugs.
Meditate daily. Do yoga where you're in static poses. Practice active non-doing. Learn to relax your whole body. Do HIIT-training. Don't stop the drugs all sudden but if you learn to balance your mind and relax you don't need them.

There's nothing really wrong in you except tense muscles. Unless you got brain damage or spinal cord damage or something like that..
Yes. It will probably have a significant impact on your life outcomes if you don't. Especially since you're being treated for aggression right now, that's a big red flag.
You're also lucky that there's proven medications that help treat schizophrenia. Many other mental illnesses out there have no effective treatment whatsoever.

That being said if you notice side effects you hate etc I'd think you can/should work with a doctor to find the best treatment for you.
Look up r/antipsychiatry and see how people feel after taking those shots.

Look into how Antipsychotics lower your threshold for psychosis and cause brain damage.

Wean off those drugs slowly with the help of someone.
What about taking antidepressants and mood stabilizers? Do they cause damage? Not OP but I currently take a mood stabilizer and an antipsychotic.

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