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its been 3 years. I both miss my ex for who she was and hate her for who she became. I dunno how to get completely over her. one on hand, she was so perfect for me, and if things worked a little bit better while we were together, we would still be together. on the other hand, the way she treated me towards the end and after we broke up made me livid, as if I never even knew her.

dunno what to do. too many conflicting ideas in my head. I worked on my shit, and I want her to apologize too but that's so controlling and never going to happen. I'm also bad at dealing with mixed feelings about people in general either (they're both good and bad? no they must be either good or bad!).

how am I gonna fix this?
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Honestly man, you move on by finding another nice girl that'll care for you better than your ex was able. The thing is, when a girl has a big impact on you it can linger potentially indefinitely, although it should be more manageable over time.
I was talking to an old boss shortly after a breakup that sounds very similar to yours (that left me very rough for a long time) and at 72 years old, with a long term wife and several lovely kids and grand kids he said he still occasionally thinks back to that one girl from his youth.
It sounds melodramatic but as you get older, you just collect more emotional wounds which never quite totally heal. You miss times and places and people that you used to know that for any number of reasons you can't get back. It's just part of life and it happens to us all.
In addition, from what you've said it doesn't seem like this girl is likely to provide any closure. I disagree with the other anon, I think she should be left well enough alone. Chances are nothing good will come of chasing her up if she's created the image of an abuser in her head. You're likely to be left feeling even more bitter and resentful after a bad interaction with her, as people rarely act how we would like them to.
This anon is wise.
I do. I've grown in a lot of ways. But thoughts of her come back every now and then. And I haven't found anybody else I click with as well as her, not even close. Hell, I have no idea what she is up to, what she looks like, etc., and there's no way to figure that out because she's not on social media.
I agree, and the second post is especially true. But what's the best way of ordering yourself in the meantime?
I had a relationship of only a month with a girl.
She broke up with me.
It took me FOUR YEARS to digest it.

Time will solve this, just try to do things you enjoy doing, socialize, get to meet new people and girls, and you'll eventually be out of that pit.
I seriously doubted I'll ever get out of it, but it happened.
Be strong, anon, you'll be fine later.

If I know a ex is breaking probation should I turn him in.
He left me when pregnant. for the girl he assaulted and had a no contact order with.
>I like him for his personality teehee
Do whatever you want, you and him are both trash either way
Yes. He will know you did it though. You should go to the school together with the kid if you had one, you could use some English lessons.

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>oh, so you were born male, genetically ugly, and not neurotypical?
>not my problem, have fun being lonely, depressed, rejected by society, and also tortured daily by being forced to see women happily getting into relationships with other men and not even looking your way.
>Have fun doing that until you die of old age, missing out on a life you could only dream of!

How is a man in such a peril supposed to continue on sanely, tell me…
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Is it better to be an incel or be stuck in a toxic relationship?
>a whole generation of males finally clueing in that not everyone wins

It'd be funny if it weren't so sad.
the fuck? during God's time women were married off like breeding stock
anon I...

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That's why we have furries.
Who told you that you were naked?
>"He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man."
> - Samuel Johnson
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How do I deal with dating in my 30s? All the leftovers are fat as fuck or insane.
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>How do I deal with dating in my 30s? All the leftovers are fat as fuck or insane.
Leftovers? You're doing it wrong.
You date hot as fuck 20 - 29 year olds om your 30s anon.
By understanding that dating young isn't all that great either, dating sucks at all ages.
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>Also, how is "loneliness" expensive?

All the money you have to spend on medication and therapy for the physical and mental problems it causes?

- Less pleasure from social stimulation
- Shrinks the hippocampus, leading to impaired stress regulation, learning capability, memory, spatial awareness, and attention span
- Increased inflammatory response, resulting in physical pain and increased risk of inflammatory diseases
- Sleep deprivation
- Decreases life expectancy by a massive 15 years
He didn't say anything about being single, he said being lonely is expensive. Those are two entirely different things.
I dont understand at all. Just because you turned 31 you cant talk to her about sex anymore? Or you need her to set you up to get there and she wont? Sounds like you had a good time though. Better than I ever did. Oh well everything must end eventually.

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All my life I've been attracted to women but no woman has ever found me attractive. Yet, I've had gay men flirt with me 3 separate times in my life. Being gay would be infinitely easier, like I know for a fact I could find a guy to fuck me in the ass within 24 hours of being on grindr but I could go YEARS without matching with 1 girl on tinder.

I've been single for so long I've given up on being with women. How can I transition into being gay so that I can finally be with someone and not die alone?

I've tried jacking off to gay porn every day for a week now (I can never manage to finish and have difficulty getting hard). I always frustratingly switch back to straight porn. No matter what I do, I just get grossed out by gay sex and even the thought of kissing a man disgusts me. This needs to change and FAST. What should I do? If I could be gay by the end of the year that would be great.
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ok sure. but that directly refutes the point that

>There are no faggots who weren't "turned" gay.
because no one was ever attracted to me, even as a child
Putting things in your ass isn't necessarily gay but it is destructive. Use an aneros and find the actual prostate orgasm, or don't do anything at all. Also not worth it, it eats your soul.
you guys really overestimate the amount of buttplay going on in gay relationships. i tried sodomy once and it was awful. besides, it's too much trouble to deal with
>gays can't even fuck because it's completely unnatural >painful
>causes incontinence
>easily spreads disease (absorbed through the anal tissue)
>among other problems
their cope levels are off the charts
Men who offer whoever to fuck them into ass are just in general undesirable. Attraction is not the same as sexuality, being straight or gay does not mean you are automatically attracted to all people of specific sex. You are feeling grossed because you imagine yourself kissing and fucking a gross person. Women feel exactly the same way about those men you are grossed out by. Start thinking about actually attractive aka pretty, neat and clean men. Femboys are a pipeline

Why am I so turned on by girls using the toilet?
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which way?
do you think that's the reason you got turned by this stuff?
You're turned on by the idea of sharing something so intimate with someone else
Some partners can't even fart while their significant other is at present
Using the toilet together is something you can only share with a person you're extremely close with

unless you're only turned on by just spying on someone that's on the toilet, then you want to have complete control over someone's comfort in a usually private and safe space
Humiliation ritual.

I have a YouTube channel that is about to reach 100,000 subs. It offers wholesome living advice, features interviews with meditation practitioners, and a weelky guided meditation.

I shoot black and white photographs and have always loved black and white movies and documentaries, so I plan to start recording all my content in black and white.

Would you watch a black and white YT channel? Do you thing black and white would enhance the mindfullness and meditation theme?
maybe, but what kind of Adsense does a channel that size pull in?
Almost nothing, 100 to 150 bucks a month. I get the income from online classes: I redirect clients from Instagram and Youtube. I also sell premium tea blends through my website.
By the way, my channen demographics are mostly women between 30 and 60 (I know for sure they like black but not sure about black and white :P)
I like black and white. Less headache. Easy to sleep. Oops. Need to view again. I have heard some people throw a hissy about lack of colour tho.
Upload your next video in both black&white and color and hold a closed poll among your viewers

I don't think I will be able to graduate in Math, this shit is way too fucking hard, but I'm so close too. I got only 5 subjects left but they are impossibly hard. Shit job prospects too, and academia probably won't accept me for my shit grades.
I should've picked an easier degree like CS. I know how to code but companies won't take me seriously without a degree/cert.
What the hell do I do? I'm 22, is it too late to change majors?
Perhaps a different approach to mathematics is in order, I would like to suggest a read which may be worth your time:

It is 25 pages short, if it helps.

>What the hell do I do?
>I'm so close too.
It may be good to carry on. You can almost 'taste' it.
which university? at mine theres like applied math - statistics and data science B.S. where the difference is just in the last 6 classes vs. the math major
Switch to math minor and pick up CS major. You might already have all the reqs for the minor and you can grind out the CS in an extra year or two. During the summers try to get an internship, CS + math -> industry is an excellent path. Not sure if money is an issue here but it's better to pay a bit extra to get a good degree than fail out completely and have nothing but debt.

God speed anon, not to be der schooler or anything but I'd kill to be 22 and in college again.
>I know how to code but companies won't take me seriously without a degree/cert.
Who told you that? Academia boogeyman?
> t. Dropout making $150k in tech.
self employed?

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Hey guys thanks for all the Help you've given me much earlier. I finally got a girlfriend I met at my college and we've been together for 6 months so far. Again thanks for the help.
What advice did you get?
Link to thread?
Nice one, Ryan. Best of luck to you and your gf!
Return the favor to others on this board someday
Fuck an A, Op fuck the whole alphabet.

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Why has the internet become so infested with this ooga booga retard ebonics speak?
I swear to God, every single community in every corner of the internet; you will find people speaking like this, its so fucking annoying. Anywhere where this isn't prevalent?
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Have you tried learning Source Filmmaker, GameMaker, FireAlpaca, or Photoshop?
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cus its humorous blud
Those were flip flops.

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What would be your thoughts on a girl that has an Onlyfans but is a also virgin who is not interested in sleeping around + never had a bf and is in her early 20s? Virgin meaning no sexual acts at all irl. Does it make a difference or is she still a whore because of the OF? Some advice please.
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If she doesn't show her face online I could entertain the idea of dating her
makes no difference to me. as long as nobody can find out it was her in the only fans stuff personally. Shes probably very pretty for her to be doing only fans anyway.
She shows her face and full nudity. She didn't show me her page so idk how popular she is on there or anything though. But she gives me very innocent and naive vibes? IDK
>has an Onlyfans
>She shows her face and full nudity
>but is a also virgin
Imagine believing this kek

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I'm in entry level finance making around 40k USD. Unlike most of my peers I don't have an accounting degree, which makes moving up hard. I'm also kind of worried about potential AI automation as I feel like a lot of my jobs could be done by AI in the next few years. Should I look to become an electrician or something?
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No. I started making about $45k in finance and now I’m in my 30s making about $100k. I actually left at one point to work blue collar and it was a terrible decision. I’m glad I didn’t stick with that.
My condolences. Best bet is to save as much as you can and try to climb the ladder.
I like in NZ. It's 67k before taxes. More than I ever thought I'd get
Management and board embezzling company funds will never be AI automated.

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Do you think it's appropriate to ask a partner to cancel a social thing they're doing because someone you have an issue with is there?
My girlfriend lined up some bar trivia for her and her housemate and I and it turns out that incidentally another girl who I really don't get along with (or more to the point, really doesn't like me, think very brief fling who's pissed I'm dating someone younger) is going to be there along with a couple of mutual friends. This girl has caused no small amount of issues for me, costing me friends and stirring up drama.
Normally I wouldn't care that much but this particular girl is a scene causing histrionic chick and there's no way we can both be at the same bar without some sort of issue. If I turn up, it's going to make things awkward for everyone and I'll just be uncomfortable.
I don't otherwise tell my gf who she can and can't see and I haven't in this case either, however I feel uncomfortable and hurt that a partner would have any sort of social interaction with someone who's caused me some big issues, said awful things to and about me and cost me friends.

>just go anyway
you're right, I should.
Never mind, the gf cancelled on her own. She's a good girl.

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My son is in his first year at university. Before starting his studies, he inquired about catering and was promised a vegetarian menu. Much to our shock, he was given "vegetarian food" which clearly had meat in it! My son has not eaten meat for 12 years and this is very important to us. The head of the university lied to our faces and denied everything...but my son still has the meat at home!! We can prove everything. Should I go to court?
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He is not sure about the court, he worries. I suggested this idea myself, but it seems like a difficult path. Could I resist the system??
I honestly think he is very strong...but he has to be even stronger mentally considering the aggressiveness of people like you!!
I am not bringing race in here unlike you....you are the problem of today's matcho society!! You think you're a tough guy, but you really didn't get enough love as a child...
That's exactly what I thought too!! There is a plant-based diet...and you don't have to lie to young people about it. The university should offer vegetarian food as a basic meal and those who wish could also buy meat god damn!

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