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Want to learn something new?

The /int/ Wiki is a language learning guide created by /int/ users like you.

Cultural resources:
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Flags of the world

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See japs do it too
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Gaijin never understand too dumb
This is a lie. Japanese politicians rarely use the train instead of riding in an official government car
saaaar that was zanichi, real japanese can't do pull ups
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happens in your cunt?
mirin that core strength

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>I hate women
>*waves kazakh flag*
>"Th...That's le degeneracy! Join the 41% tranny!"
>*proceeds to masturbate to a literal pedo cartoon*
Is this a common occurrence in your country?
9 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Why do korean women don't want to fuck korean "men"? Fix your non-existent birth rate, homie.
I love women
I love Kazakhs
I hate pedo's
I love or hate women depending on how horny I am
I look like that and say that

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edycja zaskoczonego cade
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nie mam na co pieniedzy wydawac
polecacie cos? na najebanie sie na plazy jeszcze jest za zimno, chyba żr na majówke bedzie nonstop 15 stopni to sie by nagrzało ładnie i mozna spierdalać nad morze
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>nasz system myśli że twoja wiadomość to mielonka
ja jebie bierz leki typie
kup sobie jakiś samochód z ameryki

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Eдицiя Boлoдимиpa Moнoмaхa

Пoпepeднiй: >>196509637
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Хтo ж винeн щo мocкoвити виpiшили нaзвaти цeй тaтapcький гoлoвний yбip caмe тaк?
>Близькo 6 мiльйoнiв гpoмaдян пoтpiбнo дoдaткoвo зaлyчити нa pинoк пpaцi, aби зaбeзпeчити збiльшeння пeнciйних виплaт. Пpo цe в кoмeнтapi кopecпoндeнтoвi Ecпpeco Дмитpy Дiдopi poзпoвiлa мiнicтepкa coцiaльнoї пoлiтики Oкcaнa Жoлнoвич.
>Зa її cлoвaми, нapaзi пpaцюючих мeншe, нiж пeнcioнepiв. Зoкpeмa, нинi в Укpaїнi пoнaд 10 млн гpoмaдян, якi плaтять єдиний coцiaльний внecoк тa 11 млн пeнcioнepiв, дoдaлa вoнa.
>y 1719 poцi, кoли нaceлeння в cyчacних кopдoнaх oцiнювaлocя лишe в 5,7 млн, кiлькicть нapoджeнь oцiнювaлacя y близькo 280 тиc.

>У 1795 poцi чиceльнicть нaceлeння Укpaїни, y кopдoнaх 1991 poкy, бyлa 10,5 мiльйoнiв ociб. A нapoдилocя y цeй пepioд – 499 тиcяч дiтeй. Toбтo пpиблизнo cтiльки ж як y 2013 poцi.
>Aлe кoли ми пopiвнюємo тaкi чиcлa, ми пoвиннi вpaхoвyвaти щe й piвeнь cмepтнocтi. Haпpиклaд, y тoмy ж 1795 poцi з чиcлa нapoджeних дiтeй y пepший piк життя пoмepлo 24% дiтeй, y тoй жe чac як y 2013 poцi – 1,6%.
Дeнь пoдyшки нe зa гopaми, як би цe cyмнo нe звyчaлo
>B Укpaїнi нapaзi пpoживaє тeopeтичнo 11,1 млн чoлoвiкiв, якi пiдлягaють мoбiлiзaцiї.
>Toмy peaльнiй мoбiлiзaцiї пiдлягaють лишe двi кaтeгopiї чoлoвiкiв – цe opiєнтoвнo 4,5 млн yкpaїнцiв. Пepшa – близькo 2,8 млн oфiцiйнo пpaцeвлaштoвaних чoлoвiкiв тa мaйжe 600 тиc aктивних пiдпpиємцiв. Дpyгa – чoлoвiки, якi пepeбyвaють «y тiнi». Їх нaлiчyєтьcя мaйжe 950 тиc.

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207 replies and 75 images omitted. Click here to view.
Hva er du sår for?
Når er det de vinker fra balkongen 17.mai? Kanskje jeg skal ta meg turen for å se

Båt på havet?
Hva er polenanons tanker om durek?

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hilo anime
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algunos tranime posters son taan basados que me siento un poco mal de dedearlos
solo un poco tho igual estan posteando tranime y se me pasa
se va ver rejoto? la caida de arjentina tiene que ser estudiada.

en otras noticias, traigo la riata bien tiesa raza.
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¿Por que las trolas Japonesas aman demasiado a México?


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Mari Froes
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deve ser bom ter uma namorada
alguem que voce pode pegar no peito quando quiser
vou nessa

O Merdeste realmente merece esse nome

Puta que pariu um paraíba

Pauno teu Kugos kkkkk entendeu?
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>sc mais brainlet que rio de nojeira

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Net men teen gestoten
nie chill dees
Kankerdeprimerende koningsdag zeg
Nee echt

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afrikan asukkaat -painos
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onko sussa jotain muita hyviä puolia
hommaa nisti ja/tai mt tapaus
multa saa ganjaa

mitä 30v nyymi tekee 16v henkinen pikkulapsi tyttiksellä
elää nuoruuttaan joka meni ohi silloin kun oli itse 16v

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Latinx will save America
Amerigolems should stop sacrificing their foreskins to moloch.
Yup. Once again latinx prove their superiority.
>damn libtards not mutilating their children
"Well hello there little fella, time to get your circumcision so you can be a good shabbos goy"

"Oh..ehhh.. what is that mister doctor?"

"Oh it's when we remove the foreskin for hygienic reasons"


"Mama necesita el circumcision???"

"No no no tu padre tiene la punta...no es necesario"

"Em mister doctor we do not want the peepee cut"

bloody hell ruby thats not normal edition
80 replies and 11 images omitted. Click here to view.
the purest kind of love is the way you look at your primary one teacher when you're 5
taxes are fine because they're well spent, public services in sweden actually work unlike here
dua lipa femdom
you're an ugly bitch too

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What chaos cults are the most likely to spring up iyc?
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LGBT, globhomo=Slannesh
Jews= Tzeentch
Muslims= Khorne
India, Pakistan= Nurgle
The rest are imperial citizens and the emperor is a atheist turkish man.
holy sovl
100% Slaneesh
>everyone must join my global empire and together we will fight globalism

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What complex sociological reasons could explain this?
Cultural differences are so interesting and should be cherished.
socieconomical factors

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Ja jäsiken misslyckades i meriokratilanded
Meme statistik
top quartillen är brutalt mycket rikare i USA än i fattigmansland i europa så såklart är det svårare att nå dit. Man kan däremot gå från 0 till rikare än suedi någonssin kan drömma om väldigt lätt där
Finns inget större hot mot Sverige än tråden, om vi ville skulle vi kunna ta över landet
>usa har mindre klassmobilitet för att dom är rikare
>gå från fattig till rik i sverige
>10 000kr bidrag till 40 000kr lön

>gå från fattig till rik i usa
>0 kr till 100000000000kr lön
>vid 40 000 är du fortfarande urfattig

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