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Can rats really bond with you? I've been heavily considering buying some pet rats recently. I've heard a lot of people say that rats can bond with their human owners but I wanna settle this, can they?
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One thing I've noticed about cats is they seem to understand what's going on on TV. They really like Tom and Jerry. It's fascinating.
>why not both
im a nazi and I say that, so
Ratcopers going crazy in here lmao
Yes, like most mammals, they will when you get them as baby
>bird: :|
>cat: :\
>rat: :/

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Easter edition

previous: >>4725813

short disclaimer: posts about eating/harming buns are not welcome, kindly take it elsewhere! this thread is for rabbit owners and lovers to enjoy, please don't derail with off topic posts or negativity.

general rabbit care resources:

bunny youtube channels:
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rabbit ass is a grave danger
Big fan of these edits.
Is it really an edit
Bunnies do make that silly rapid backwards hop when they're in tight spaces
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I meant the darksouls edit.

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why did he do it bros
balsam wood and fiber glass, basically a step or two from styrofoam.

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Come home, white man
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>middle eastern shit rats with no pack instinct revered by brown people
>domesticated European wolves that would fight to protect their family
>makes shitskins seethe so much they’re haram

yeah it’s dogs for me, sorry muhammad
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VGH.... the savior of the White race...
Holy shit actual shitskin detected
Thanks for making me laugh
>not retro
Litteraly ngmi

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Name 1 reason why you cant like cats AND dogs.

Pro tip: you cant.
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Dont have 1
My cats go outside
Normal hygiene is enough
You have no arguement
pits are a special kind of demon
If you hate cats, you are simply not white
>but da catowners
What did they do? Tell me. Confess your non-whiteness
L*tterboxcucks need to let their cats out of jail
>their houses smell so bad
Thtas only if they have a l*tterbox

I hate lions. Overrated motherfuckers don’t deserve their reputation as King of the Beasts or King of the Jungle. They get mogged by so many herbivorous animals and even the lesser carnivores give them tons of shit. END THE LION HYPE.
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prefer lions?
you are a disgrace
yea but does more muscle mass relate to overall strength? If so, good for the lions
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bros my cat is in heat what the FUCK DO I DO
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The method described here >>4782061 works best, has no weird touching, zero risk of physical harm, and requires zero materials. Everyone scratches their cat at the base of their tail. It's nearly the exact same thing.

There's vids on YT of it as well.
wait so everytime I was scratch my pet at the base I was getting them off??
Sort of, yeah. The base of the tail is an erogenous zone.
Amputate the legs and leave them under the grate for rats and foxes to eat.
Yeah anon you were basically jerking your cat off. How does this make you feel,?

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>this confuses and enrages the cat owner
Really doesn't, enjoy the hike!

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kakapo is my favourite
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mine just wants to be on me, on top of the cage, or jumps to the floor and tries to explore (which is annoying)
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Why are budgies so goofy?
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I'd forgotten but you made me remember.
You got socialisation-mogged by a crow
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Today is my Birbs Birthday!
I made him some Mice shaped cakes with mice filling.
Garnished with white eggshells and on baby mice.
There is enough for everyone, so I will give some of the cakes to the neighborhood crows.
Ingredients for the dough are scrambled eggs with honey.
I love jackdaws so much
looks very tasty

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Why does this little crab cause so much destruction in the coasts of America, SA, and Australia? The native crabs are way bigger, they should be able to just eat it.
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they dont buy that stuff because its expensive, seafood is generally expensive for anything that isnt a shrimp, because most people dont live near a coast and theres a lot imports, lobster is about $30/lb, you can more beef for that kind of money
Shrimps are very tasty though and easy to prepare
okay, nothing i said was contrary to that
>6 dollars discount when buying twelve of these fuckers
wow what a deal
And that picture is probably close to ten years old.

Welcome to /Plant/. Where we either keep or trade tips on Plants or ogle at them from our screens.

>NZ Endemics.

>Flora of the World

>Plants of the World Online

>Hardiness zones

>Plant ID Sites

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>I actually do have an Anthurium

Can you show? Anthuriums are the best, I didn't expect to love such a plant

For their substrate I use coconut fiber, sphagnum moss, pine bark chips, vermiculite, perlite, organic soil, compost and vermicompost and eggshell powder

Then I fertilize it every weeks or so with coffee grounds, eggshells aloe vera and potato peels mix everything with water in a blender

I might be ill, just had one for 5 months, its grown pretty good and I got 3 more recently

I don't actually know anything about pests but perhaps garlic juice will clean it
If the plant wasn't currently really fucked up, I would post it. It was a plant that I got my mom, but she has a bit of a neglect streak with her plants because in her mind she can just go buy a new one. So she just stopped watering it(spidermites love it dry) so spidermites infested it. I had to cut the flowers and a few leaves off that were basically turned into nests, and due to all the dust that accumulated on it, I gently wiped it down with some water to try and clean it up a bit.
What I was unaware of was just how much chlorine was in the tap water(I assume this was the cause, because I genuinely don't know) which caused large portions of all its big leaves to turn brown. Said leaves are still alive, even though its like half of the leaf which surprises me, but it has a new flower coming up and is putting out new leaves.
The plant honestly looks horrible, but spidermites are total bastards.The plant is in exile along with a bonsai that ended up catching them too for being in proximity. Both of them a product of just being neglected.
It frustrates me because I got into plants as a hobby, and now the majority of my collection are plants that I've had to take over and nurse back to health which is sucking the enjoyment out of it.
If you manage to get them back to full health it really pays off

Your anthurium doesn't get direct sunlight right? I let mine get like 30 minutes of sunlight at around 4pm

Idk get garlic and use a blender then just spray all over the infestation see how it goes
Its always sat in a window that gets morning sun, but I live in Canada so direct sun doesn't hit that hard. I don't think its an issue with light because it was doing great before she stopped watering it and it was always in that spot. If it didn't have spidermites, I would bring it down to where I keep my collection where it would be under a growlight.
first time gardening, planted some poppies and tobacco today! let's hope it works out

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So what, if you run into one of these things and it decides to attack you, you're just fucked? You die, end of story? How is that fair?
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they're also called 40-something odd other names, too, you know
This, basically.
Keep its claws and teeth from your neck, and you will probably survive the encounter. If you are a decently fit adult male, you can likely overpower it, or at least compete with it athletically, enough to be too much of a nuisance for it to want to continue the fight.

As always, keep a good knife with you at all times while in the woods, and you can kill or drive off 99% of what might attack you. Ideally, a fixed blade knife with finger holds to prevent it being knocked from your grip.
>They're called mountain teddies for a reason
uh weren't they called horny middleaged woman at some point
A little scratch behind the ear will tame all aggression
they usually aren't going to mess with you unless you get near their cubs

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banana trees are kind of freaky THOUGH.
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true just pointing it out and taking amusement in it
This, I got stabbed for asking once.
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I know, right?
Palms are giant grasses larping as trees.
six foot seven foot eight foot bunch!

Dogs are pack animals and ultimately it’s down to the owner to ensure they know their place. Whatever the owner considers acceptable, the dog thinks is ok for pretty much anyone. I utterly despise having dogs jumping up at me and trying to lick me the second I appear. I know a few dogs who are extremely well behaved and cause minimal disruption, the problem is too many owners are totally ok with being treated as though they themselves are another dog. Unfortunately the dogs don’t understand the difference so the rest of us have to put up with the disorderly behaviour. And 9 times out of 10 they’ll get mad and complain that it’s just what dogs do if you dare to say anything or show any visible signs of being uncomfortable about it. Aside from being jumped up at/licking I’ve also had dogs trying to stuff their noses up my back side like really…

No doubt this post is going to bring out the crazies but I’ve no doubt there are others out there who feel similar

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