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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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It keeps evolving! New fortification meta just dropped
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Did they run out of car tires?
oh no, we have to switch from an explosive to thermite *gasp*
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>*rams an unmanned plane into you*
>i missed out on investing in Big Rebarb
Feels bad
Looks fake. Also, I doubt they have the money and manpower to put this shit up everywhere. Maybe this image is from some kind of proposal.

tiny caestles
smol und cozy
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wasn't rape often treated as a property crime with the male guardian receiving financial compensation?
Yes that's pretty much always the case when the victim isn't a nubile virgin, but as Vigarello's shown, it was simply most often not prosecuted at all, maybe the two men arrange this between themselves. Lots of times, the woman was the one being punished, including children.
>whig history
Not my point which is that there is an history to the idea of progress itself, which was embodied with stuff like positivism and in fact, what you call Whig history itself. It's debatable if the Enlightenment movement positioned itself as "progressive" though it certainly is one of the basis of those who later will call themselves in favor of progress.

But the idea of progress, the notion of progress hasn't always existed, thus calling something "progressive revisionist bullshit" needs to be put into this context. Does the Bourbon family calling themselves the descendants of troyans "progressive" considering they gave their ideal troyans certains values that helped making them feel more nobles? It's simply not a proper angle.

"Revisionism" being the central activity of history and of analytical sciences in general, I can't see how this is controversial.
As primitive dwellings go that looks rather nice. I like the recessed bedding with curtains, a way of having some privacy.

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What the hell, this particular place gets hit all the time, apparently. "SumiFru Banana Plantation."
Here's an article from 2012. 2 0 1 2....

>tfw a nanner plantation in the Philippines is basically the Asian Chornobaivka
True enough to get get you to seethe about it right buddy?
Nah cmon you are a good sport you can take a fat L right?
So if you dont like what you read i got bad news its gonna get a whole lot worse but youd know that if you were paying attention, like the aid package composition uh oh stinkyyy only 7 bil in direct aid but at least the front line is doing well, right bud? All good there?
Your problem is typing before thinking
Say what you want, if I saw a doorbell in the woods I'd press it too.
>this triggered the (((glowies))) bad

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Reclaiming the Lands of the Crown of Saint Wenceslas!
Mods are bought and paid for by CZ. They don't work for free.
Chili poasting is fun because it will without fail make multiple hyper autists crawl out of the woodwork and start screeching about this specific chili not meeting their completely arbitrary requirements (that no two of them can ever agree on).
As for the heat it mostly comes from diced fresh moruga scorpions and I can assure you it has made more than one larping tough guy cry like a baby.

We've been making firearms before most Americans' ancestors even knew America was a thing.
>captcha: GOYTA
>ex comblock shithole
>better standards of living than 90% of the US
>better gun laws than a lot of US states
>less than 1% of the US crime

FINALLY a non-political skitzo thread.

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interview with Bradley gunner that took out T-90M
>after that had a call with Americans that trained him on Bradley but can't talk about it
>Bradleys destroyed more than 40 vehicles near Berdychi, none even counted killed infantry
>tanked Kornet two times in single day, first time to turret, second time to side, no casualties and vehicle was still on the move in both cases
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Am I missing something? Are there subtitles somewhere or do you all speak commie
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also have to be stationary, or else you risk ripping the cord.
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>Stop taking my parents social security

How many rupees is this per month? Can you afford the shitting street anymore?
Hey, at least firing the gun doesn't suffocate the crew like bmp-1 does

Looks like some shittier version of the offspring between the Euroshit Typhoon and the Rafale, with 1 engine instead of 2.

If it is so good as they claim, why no one is buying them?
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>If it is so good as they claim, why no one is buying them?

Too small, 1x F-18 does the job of 2 gripens and the F-18 is a medium weight fighter.

Where is this from?
Swiss procurement programme.
They went with Gripen that was the clear loser of the evaluation.
If you are interested, they linked further docs and evaluation data in the thread.
>Spoiler Alert; Rafale won by a mile.
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>None of the conflicts Americans have been in have been against a peer adversary with SAM systems and awacs they've all been against goat fuckets fighting in sandals. When you realize this, kill to win ratio goes out the window
>muh excuses
>muh sam sites
>muh radar
>muh unfair war
these are the facts cry about it, the point of war is not to fight fair is to win with overwhelming superiority

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What can /k/ tell me about the head of the JSDF?
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probably a reasonably competent bureaucrat with zero actual experience
What does the scouter say about his powerlevel?
He's probably incredibly autistic
Tiny penis
>General Yoshihide Yoshida (吉田 圭秀)
I guess if China takes the Senkaku Islands, we can call it YoYo's Bizarre Adventure.

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How do you justify your ownership of a ”black rifle” when your relatives or other associates question it?
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My mum was the only one against it but she's fine with it now that she sees me not being miserable all the time
Trying to be Chad just isn't for everyone
>lust provoking image
>irrelevant time wasting question
You don't need to justify anything to anyone, fucking servile bitch
My parents are supportive of anything I like, my brother couldn't give less of a fuck and I don't tell anyone outside of family that I own guns. (Yurop) if neighbors see me going to the ramge and ask I just tell them I have a over under and am going skeet shooting.
Skeet shooting is the magic word to make even the most antigun euro think you're fine
Why would I care what others think? I'm not an insecure little bitch.

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would two sas operators actually stop a batshit insane american general?
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If anything they would join him in defense of our precious bodily fluids.
How many secret ops are there right now? What is the likehood of CIA and FSB agents killing each other at a secret facility in Turkey without public knowledge now and forever? Some crazy shit far behind enemy lines such as a B2 bombing some Wagner warehouse in the Urals?

SCUD missile? More like CHUD missile amirite?
Jack when did you first, well, develop this theory?

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are airguns allowed?
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had these air rifles when i was younger, both of them were great.
I need to start doing that more rather than shooting 250-500rds of .22LR at the range when I go. Remember to stock up on ammo because it's one of those fun years where ammo goes up (and vanishes locally) for two different reasons in the fall, not just because hunting. Ditto pellets, though they were pretty available during covid panic buying surprisingly. And reasonably priced. I'm already seeing $400 old pump shotguns (not Rem/Moss/Win) and $30 20 y/o new-ish looking AR mags and locally it's usually 2/3 of that or less.
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bump (not my air rifles)
Do you need to change filters on PCP hand pumps?
Yes, frequency depends on how humid/dry your area is and how often its used.


>Biden signs the aid package
>Ukraine IMMEDIATELY starts using the ones they had already snuck in ahead of time

Sorry, vatniks, turns out the amount of time you had before the fresh supplies arrived was actually no time at all!
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Well, unfortunately that doesn't answer my question. I appreciate the response.
>mods deleted my post for le checking bad "wacism" >=/
This is a really informative watch, thanks anon.
All Russian soul, culture, and art is derived on suffering. It is inhumane to deny them this.
There was also that Serbian guy who did a similar and chewed through its jugular while the bear was distracted by choking on the arm.
TLDR: force feed the bear your arm while going Dracula on his ass.
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>He can't have been too much of a communist if he was in Russia. He just wanted a side where he felt important, any tendencies towards socialism or communism were probably just a desire for collectivist cooperation in society and a need to belong to something greater than himself.
Communism is like a religion. Even if it's not strictly a religion in the same sense that other religions are, there are some historians who have described communism as being a millenarian movement that first emerged in Germany and when it took off in Russia was in essence an attempt at a Reformation of Russian society with parallels to the Calvinists. The religious background of people also influenced the forms communism took and how it changed. The early Bolsheviks had a lot of Jews, Latvians (Lutherans) and Poles (Catholics) but the practices of the communists changed as more people of Orthodox backgrounds converted to it, with some historians comparing the practices of Stalinist orthodoxy to the catechisms of the Orthodox church.

But one of the strange things about ideology today is how people can adopt them like an identity, or a way to express themselves, but it's not clear if he was ever involved in, say, the Communist Party USA that takes official positions on things. He's just this guy from Texas with a rebellious streak, was the black sheep of the family. The attraction to Russia seems little different from a Wehraboo or a weeb who's really into Japan, but in a more extreme and hands-on way. But is a Wehraboo the same as a "Nazi?" I do know Bentley promoted a Russian political group called "Essence of Time." They are very eccentric. Their leader is a theater director named Sergei Kurginyan who promotes an eclectic blend of Stalinism, Orthodox Christianity and social conservatism. Kurginyan has made appearances on Solovyov's show where he complains about how Russia doesn't have an ideology anymore but they need an ideology to motivate people.

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In Memoriam of Overwhites Edition
OLD: >>61501546
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makes perfect sense, digits will it

we just let the cable flap around like that?
Could be worse. You probably could obtain used parts and put one together.
I bought a new colt m4a1 anniversary bs. Then again I used to rock one for work so it holds a special place in my heart.
>how much of a retard am I if I buy FN's military collector M4?
If you are dead set on an M4 replica, then not very. Bad value compared to a modern spec build.
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I think I need another Bushy lower. Crazy what people charge for these
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Hello frens

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