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>5'3" man
>is it over?
I was quite tall when I was young but eventually stopped growing. When I was tall relative to everyone else I just existed and social interaction was easy. As I grew older, I started getting bullied which reached its peak in the last year of high school. I didn't consciously know I was short then (probably sounds crazy to some of you but I unironically had the 6'1" mindset or whatever) so I blamed it all on society generally being antisocial, being a zoomer and everything. I'm now in college and finally understand that it was my height all along - there are plenty of social people they just don't want to associate with me. I'm not really bothered about girls knowing all the MGTOW stuff but women AND men don't like me. When I'm outside I just get constant signals of people not wanting me to be in their presence or whatever and it's turned me from someone who's out going to your typical weird short man. Now I'm preparing to start working and I'm wondering if I'm also going to shat on in work. Learning about the halo effect and such has taught me that even if I grind in my job someone else will be promoted because they're taller than me. Or if I join a community of people into something weird/niche I'll still be at the bottom of the social hierarchy even if the group is usually associated with losers. I need some short men who are going to tell me the truth about my situation because it either gives me the options of
>insane grinding on some sort of online business where I don't have to interact with people
Obviously these things can be goals for normal people but I'm wondering if I should drop everything and literally use every hour of the day to achieve these goals so I can get there as soon as possible. Of course I just want to chill and be a normal person but if its literally impossible in this society to do that I understand what I have to do
Yeah it’s over. Don’t bother geomaxxing or any of that shit you’re shorter than most women
I’m 5’5” and get nothing bro I can’t imagine your struggle

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I just realized I met this girl IRL who I matched with on tinder before
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>random picture of a woman
>another random picture of a woman
Why is this so incredibly creepy?
bc we all know OP is 100% male and has never actually talked to this woman
one has brown eyes, one has blue eyes... are you retarded???
wrong, they have the same freckles in the same spot. Nobody reads these threads....
Clearly yes, she has distinctive nose freckles.

Wtf? What pictures are you looking at? They’re the same color in every photo, and neither blue nor brown…

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What would you think of a person if you saw a pepe pin on their backpack/jacket/hat?
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>doesn't even know the name of the comic where the fucking frog came from
i accept your concession leddit fag
Aspberger's. Not funny. Developmentally stunted. Can't hide powerlevel.
>I would think he was legitimately autistic.
This. And a twitch viewer too. Like Ludwig or some shit
I only use 4chan and have for many years, reddit twitch frog user
I'd automatically assume you're a pretty cool guy

how to cope with the fact that my gf is as tall as me. it really bothers me. I'm 5'9 and I HATE being in the presence of another man that is taller than me. I get an urge to hurt them. but with women... I just want to kill myself instantly.
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retard. I'm not leaving her nor saying anything to her about the problem I'm having. retard.
damn that's a skill issue. you literally have 0 reasons you dumb nigger. I'm 6'3 with a handsome face and I'd trade both to be rich
Cope by knocking her up so your children may benefit from her tall genes
you’re still a dumbass for having a gf and still be miserable, appreciate what you have. dumbass. and stop being insecure, manlet can also be hot
>but womin says
nobody cares about the opinion of the inferior gender
>b-but people mog me
people who need to bring down others are the most miserable motherfucker
and don’t call me a retard again, you dumbass unhappy buttface. go to therapy
dumbass. at least u can get any bitches u wantand every can get money if they pick a good job

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My son is in his first year at university. Before starting his studies, he inquired about catering and was promised a vegetarian menu. Much to our shock, he was given "vegetarian food" which clearly had meat in it! My son has not eaten meat for 12 years and this is very important to us. The head of the university lied to our faces and denied everything...but my son still has the meat at home!! We can prove everything. Should I go to court?
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>My son is in his first year at university
he's an adult. why are you treating him like a middle school child? what is wrong with americans?
what vegetarian food had meat in it?
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>..should I go to court?
My cock can TASTE your quivering warm grapefruit Jane.

If this is real then you are utterly out of touch and insane. Stick to drooling in front of the TV or doing your carrot enema marathons, and leave your grown ass son alone.
Fucking mentally ill hag.

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Trying to get fit, with the added Benefit of growing my penis and testicles.
Ís hCG worth a try? Does taking it in pill form work?
And where can i buy it in europe?

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How do I become a misanthrope and hate all people? What does that entail? Would it make no difference? Would it change my life for the better?
I'm a misanthrope, my life still sucks.
You won’t start being unique for turning into one. Learn to be into society or find people who accept you
>How do I become a misanthrope and hate all people? What does that entail?
Step 1, care about other people
Step 2, realize other people don't care about you the way you do towards them
Step 3, stop caring about people as a result of step 2
>Would it make no difference?
Not really. You still need to live life and dealing with people is a part of life.
>Would it change my life for the better?
Dunno. Depends what you want out of life.
Read "Eugene Onegin" but use it as an instruction manual
Why do you want to be like that? It's not a good thing anon. It makes you intensely unhappy. But it is a natural response to being repeatedly fucked over by other people your whole life. So, just keep living, and you will probably become one eventually unless you get lucky.

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How do I ask my favorite onlyfans model out on a real life date without being creepy? I’m serious about this. I really like her and I even donated 9 grand to her.
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>I even donated 9 grand to her.
You already sent her 9k without her having to even look at your disgusting mouthbreather face. Why the fuck would she agree to prostitute herself?
Based. But can you be sure you're giving the most? She will, of course, only be going for the biggest donor
For real though, no donor in any context has made this work out. Donating to OF is genuinely an impossible relationship entry point
Why haven't the jannies ban him yet like God danm like he has broken the no spamming rule a dozens of times now

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Is this really that bad to live and die alone (beside parents, siblings, relatives, colleagues and comrades of both sexes and random level of acquaintance) without relationships, love, sex? I'm asking this about myself, because I don't feel unhappy about living 25 years without it, even though I have no philosophy or belief to live on nor I have any great goals to achieve in my life. I might be happy to live alone on my own slow passive and kinda lazy terms without wasting time, energy and material resources on a shit lottery called "personal life" and filling the gaps of not having sex by just jerking my gherkin.
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>Is living and dying as a no-GF virgin that bad?
Nah. I've seen plenty of married people live miserable lives and that's not even taking into account those who couldn't even stay together with their partners.
> you can't have that thoughts or ideas on it until you experience it for yourself
If I can't "experience it" for myself right now, the what should I do with those thoughts or ideas, if they could eat me away?
fuck an illegal prostitute then anon
im sure u can find some, they are everywhere all over the world

otherwise sort it out and find some easy bitch to fuck, at a bar, party, whatever, not really other choices are there? either get someone interested, or pay them.
But at the same time I can't jerk off because I like sex so I should have sex no matters what? I don't get it.
Yes. This is an entirely new attitude and none of it is well-meaning or organic. You are being wiped out. All roads lead to the same outcome: White Extinction

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I am traveling away permanently.
I always told my friends I hate getting gifts.
I stated it loud and clear many many times over the years.
I despise it and I never like wearing or using the gift.
I even throw away gifts from my own mother.
It makes me feel...indebted lets say.
A dear friend gets me a jacket.
A cheap 30 dollar jacket that he knew I wanted.
We butt heads back and forth while out on a drive.
We reach my house and I go in to get something.
I find the jacket in a bag on my rear wiper blade and my dear friend gone.
I throw it away in the dumpster in front of a third friend waiting for me.
He tells me to at least give it away to someone in need.
I agree, take it out and place it in the building hallway.
Later my dad sees it and asks about it.

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whenever an occasion comes around the idea of gifts never crosses my mind
i like getting my own things
so i dont give gifts nor receive them
it also prevents people from thinking i only accept gifts and therefore greedy
Nigga why would you not just take the jacket? You can donate it (or trash it) later if you really want to, he only wanted to give you something to remember him by. Like obviously you’re autistic or something but I genuinely would like to know what went through your mind in this process.

You probably didn’t “lose” your friend but you did act like a complete twat. Telling him you threw it in a dumpster was especially bad. He knew you wanted the specific jacket, he gave it to you, and you literally threw it away rather than accept it, not even donating it. It’s really insane behavior anon, it’s difficult for someone to not just read that as a personal insult.

Give him a couple days to cool off and then reach out again to apologize.
And it doesn't occur to you that throwing away something someone spent money on is incurring a larger debt than just taking the gift?
I told him not to
i swear to everything holy that i told him not to give me a damn gift
and he goes and does just that
I can't rest easy knowing that they think they got me a jacket
I will never feel comfortable wearing it
i cant live knowing that someone is satisfied by doing something for me

I did not take it
he left it outside
he spend his own money on something and put it in a public place
i dont owe him anything
besides im giving it back
He left it somewhere he knew you would see it. I understand that you don't like gifts but you don't throw it away you return it to the person.

When I was a kid, I'm talking like no older than 4 my aunt raped me. I hid it from my family because she told me that if I told anyone that I would be in huge trouble and I lived in fear my entire childhood.

I never opened up to my family and they just know me as a well behaved and quiet person. They even talk about how quiet I was as a child. This is supposed to be a compliment but when my aunt is in the room the anger takes over my entire body as she sits there and knows that she's the cause.

I'm in my mid 20's now and my relationships with other girls always become strained because of this and the fact that I now unfortunately only have eyes for women with the body type of my aunt, that being chubby, big ass and huge macromastia tits. I live a normal life on paper and am seeing someone at the moment, but I'm unable to be physically satisfied by them despite how much I care for them.

Now she has a husband, 2 children and works as a teacher. I am terrified for the safety of her son as I know what she is capable of and I am also appalled as I am certain that if she hasn't already, she wants to do what she did to me to them. I am living proof of that fact.

She tries to act like nothing happened but I want her to pay so bad... I want to tell my family sometimes just so that her life blows up. I want her to lose her marriage, her children and her job and her family. I want her to understand how isolated and empty her actions made me feel my entire life. I want her to live in fear the way I did and torture her mentally until she can't stand living anymore.

But... I can't bring myself to do it... it would tear my family apart, and my parents marriage would most likely suffer... I love my family so much but I hate my aunt beyond words.

I'll answer any follow up questions... what do I do?
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how should i do it?
>it would tear my family apart
anon, this is not a thing you decided, she decided it herself. she decided to fuck up your life and so your family.. if you feel ready to tell your parents, tell them, but you don't have to live your life feeling like this. if you dont want to tell your parents, tell someone you know irl, but dont internalize your problems, it will make your life miserable
Secret cameras, illegal video recording/audio. Alcohol, lots of it. Somehow get her to admit or say on recording she did.

could always tell her husband first before questioning her
i like the idea of getting her to admit she did it and recording her

that would be damning evidence
to get her to admit it, you have to make it seem like it doesn't bother you. so it's more of an "old times" convo vs a "you are evil and did this to me, remember?"
and alcohol >>31122681

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There's this girl I've never spoke to in college but I think she likes me. She's really pretty.
I'm a massive sperg but I'm trying to improve and be better.
I reserved two tickets to a play tomorrow night and was going to try and ask her to go.
I figure if she says yes we can go to the play and she'll enjoy it (it's a comedy) and then at least I won't regret not ever trying. I am a massive sperg and really struggle to talk to people tho.

I might not get a chance to ask her even and she might say no, which I'd almost prefer she did so I didn't have to endure my own shame and disappointment at being a sperg which I'm sure will be the result. btw im not american

Good idea or bad idea?
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Retard strategy, pressure doesn't work. Just gonna make you self-loathe afterwards.
you can't read shit like a robot
charismatic business leaders prepare their presentations and investor meetings, of course if sometime throws a curveball they've got to be adaptive so they prepare points. and they aren't robo-reading
Why haven't you asked her?
>I'm afraid you'll say no

Ima level. Everyone gets rejected. A lot. It's part of the game. There is nothing specially or uniquely awful happening to you that doesn't happen to everyone if she did.
I'm glad you seem to be making peace with that yourself, but, when I used to struggle here it did make me feel better knowing it wasn't just an "I'm cursed" thing. People shoot shots, miss, get up.and try again. You can too.
im more afraid that she'll say yes and it will just reinforce what a sperg i am to myself
She's already made up her mind about you. And she already thinks you're a sperg (if you really even are one). If she says yes, she thinks it's cute/endearing.

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Jesus Christ, I have completely fucked up. I don't care if you faggots believe me or not but here's my greentext

>be me white guy in my 30s from an eastern euro shithole visiting Japan for the first time
>I tell all my Japanese contacts on LINE I am coming to see if anyone wants to show me around
>One woman says she wants to meet me on my last day here
>She's a married woman in her late 30s and speaks no English at all and I use the translator all the time
>We meet because why not?
>She tells me she's getting separated but she really want kids and tells me if I could be a sperm donor for her. all I need to do is shoot into a cup and she has a syringe and will do the rest from there and asks me if we can go to a hotel and not to worry because her husband knows about this and he's sterile.
>I hesitate but my naive self goes "hmmm a lot of people do that. so okay I guess." but I tell her she needs to pay for the hotel herself which she does
>we arrive, get comfy, take a shower, etc
>I tell her "okay, I am ready. do you have the cup?"
>she starts kissing me passionately and pinned me down. I couldn't even react.
>ughhhh I have a girlfriend back at home but I'm so fucking turned on right now I can't stop.
>she tells me to cum inside her and I do
>morning after I'm in a rush to get to the airport to catch my flight back home

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wouldn't mind a better life though. also I'm not slav, I'm ethnically Romanian.
>>in my 30s
If your life with your gf was worth so little to you then I don't know what to tell you. Either that, or you're just experiencing the typical high of an "adventure". Oh boy, oh boy! I got pulled into a strange affair in a strange land without even trying!!! How exciting, maybe my boring life will now change!!! That's unlikely. Think rationally. If I was in your shoes, I would probably not tell the gf about this, and chalk this up to autism and a consciousness paralysed by an unfamiliar situation. But once again, you are an ADULT MAN. USE. YOUR. BRAIN. Make your own decisions.
a role in her attempt to maybe make a family with herself or ex-husband a mere part of a grander scheme. not to be Reductive of course you had just good intentions correct? Having that in mind the play on your mind is understandable however maybe letting yourself cum in an Japanese woman or even been a doner so spontaneous. Rape is rape no matter how you turn it.
We should be happy that you have a girlfriend at the same time we don't really want to plague her or torment her with the factsof the past in these hard times we should embrace our loving relations with those people we care about the most maybe seek professional help. it sounds kinda hot, sorry this had to happen the way it did. You should really try Buddhist self-compassion & heartmath™ exercises . Try to embrace the now, don't reminisce about the past that is already haunting you. When it comes to moral aspects that should be regards for natural law and which omission of truth, could be seen as stealing By denying reality.So so if you’re asked you ought to tell the truth which truth that is something you see now is to be sure off henceforth a little little bit of meditation could be of help. furthermore researching natural law and the case that lays in your hands unless you deem it best to pretend the past never occurred at all which is in all intended purposes are a gamble due to the risk involved. maybe you are religious and can seek Christ or likewise character? Personally, I am not involved in any organized religion. Maybe don't throw away a great life dou to one thing? Anyways be free, be brave.
Remember that life is more than one instance, feelings comes and goes, as humans really need good relations to live a good life
Since nobody else Is suggesting This; it seems that you got raped, your beauty and charm made you the victim of one woman's desire and played a role in her attempt to maybe make a family with herself or ex-husband, or just pyscho lol.
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everything, he refers to entering helheim

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im asking because i've never tried in my entire life and genuinely do not know. I am 22, western europe, i'm fit but i am not rich, i have no friends and my social skills are not the best. So please tell me how hard you think it will be for me. I do not care if she is ugly or something i am just so lonely. any advice will be appreciated
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What I'll say will sound like coping, but in general being kind and compassionate, if you're looking for an agreeable woman also agreeable yourself. It really depends on the woman, but if you're here you probably lack the ability to escalate. That is, without being overtly sexual letting it be known when you are into a girl and escalate physical contact. Being witty and funny helps too. And masculine (no hyper masculine), like not doing weird poses or letting yourself be seen as affected by your surroundings (getting emotional, affected by weather, etc.). I'd say pick something and work on one thing at a time. But you should be checking with an actual girl from time to time to see how are you doing
thanks for typing that up, makes a lot more sense now.
yes the answer to both of those is no. sadly unless I win the lottery i will literally never be able to afford to drop everything and go to university so I can speak to women
Your height, location, age and body type don’t matter as much as people would like you to believe
>i have no friends and my social skills are not the best
However, these 2 things are what will be holding you back. Fat, short, ugly people can find a wife you know why? Because they’ve got a circle of friends and regularly put themselves in “social” situations where they meet and talk to new people maybe even women. Fix those 2 things and you’ll have a wife in no time. Are you a virgin btw?
Are you abusive towards those you love? If yes, then you have a good personality.
yes I am a virgin. no friends is hard to fix, especially at my age seems impossible and without friends I don’t really know how to improve my social skills other than trying to have a small conversation with a stranger every now and then but people don’t really do that here.

i’m not

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Cheated on my partner of 5 years for several months and then stopped and confessed to her. Completely retarded, no excuses, I fucked up.

We're broken up, living separately, doing individual and couples therapy, working on individual goals, have improved tremendously on most of the issues that caused us to grow apart in the first place, feeling much happier and getting along a lot better, can actually see a healthy future for us now.

One problem, she is seeing someone else. She sees me a couple of times a week and sees him a couple of times a week. She insists she wants to be with me but says she still needs time to work through her feelings about what I did to her and isn't ready to commit to me until she does. It's been a little over 2 months. The other guy is kind of a mess and I'm not really worried they're going to end up together. He's firmly fling material and not relationship material. They're already fighting and running into problems.

I've been trying to withhold intimacy until she is ready to commit to me but I've cracked a couple of times. She does not want me to see anyone else and I haven't even though I have options. I'm in love with her and want to get back together.

How long do I tolerate this arrangement before I accept that it's over and start moving on? I've been pretty chill about things and I don't want to try to force her hand. I want her to pick me on her own. I know that she really loves me and I'm fairly confident that she'll soon feel like she "got even" and come back to me, but maybe I'm being delusional. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me and letting our relationship collapse and then cheating on her was the dumbest thing I have ever done, but we've really pinpointed the issues that led us to this place and either fixed them or are in the process of fixing them.

Cheated on my gf. We are separated, working through our issues, seeing each other, but she insists on also seeing someone else for the time being.
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>a single woman
I'm not going to defend cheating or say cheating isn't worse but it's incredibly shitty to get into a rebound/revenge relationship while your ex is still in your life and even cheaters don't deserve that. The cheated person doesn't know or doesn't see the affair that happened, if the cheater still has feelings for the cheated it's sheer torture to watch them move on.
>We don't live together anymore but due to circumstances I don't want to get into I still have to go over to what used to be our shared property pretty regularly.
Explain bc this sounds like bullshit and you're still clinging to her.
Be a man and take the L and leave. This works if you want her back or not. If you leave she may still miss and want you but this whole holding on her and splitting her thing is just making her realize that she made the right decision and she will soon not be with you ever
I have a small business that uses very heavy equipment located in a building on our property, we have active jobs that I still need to work on.
The first few months after our breakup I was definitely clinging on, after she announced she was seeing someone else I've been trying to get out of there as fast as possible but I can't make the bank approve loans or realtors for industrial spaces to move faster.
I even had a home office inside of our house but after she got into her new relationship I've stopped using it. If at all possible I leave the property before she gets home from her job and if she is home when I'm there I don't go inside the house and she doesn't come inside the shop.
Obviously I'm never co-locating my business on a domestic property again, even if I own it outright.
It's over, dude. Once that trust is broken, it's over. Walk away.

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