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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

In the rules department, you can look at http://www.4chan.org/rules - all global and board specific rules are in full effect. Apart from that, only two rules are important.


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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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Modern Meltdown Edition


>Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


>Current meta, complete with deck lists

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Again, hair splitting. It's all just fucking skub.
Please stop discussing your culture war here. I want to laugh at MH3 together.
My card shop in a major city has a rule that everyone is allowed 10 fakes in a legacy deck. Works great here, attendance to legacy equals modern.
This card is fucking silly

it looks kinda silly, but 3cmc is a lot in competitive formats

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This thread is dedicated to all kinds of solo games.

Shark riders edition.

Resources: https://rentry.org/srpgg
Previous thread: >>92492535

>Thread Question: Have your solo adventures taken you to strange and/or uncommon adventure locales?
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Nah, the character was there on business rather than pleasure. You can't claim to be the objective party after banging someone.

Hell, have the whole copy, I've posted it here before;
Sounds good, any dungeon generator recommendations?
tempted to do this with my boring game, I feel like the meta aspect of transplanting old characters would be weird though
Nta but on a related note. If I was to develop my own dungeon generator is the ADnD dungeon generation a good place to start?
Although you technically know what's going to happen if things go as planned, the trick is to set things up so that unexpected things can occur and that's when it gets interesting. That's why you should play with random events or wandering monsters and that sort of thing.

Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92618444
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I don’t think 99% of the people here are fine, truth be told. I think almost everyone here needs a swift punch to the face, even if the reality check will fall upon deaf ears. This pressure cooker creates better art, though. There isn’t a single fucking author of note that’s come through here that isn’t demonstrating obvious instability. Perhaps they can mask it and can operate fine in society, but here, among peers? We see you. Broken, fucking retarded, but beautifully creative. Sifting through mounds of shit to find the few specks of gold that keep your art coming and make it better. The worst of us and the best of us.
Kinda feels like you're just admitting you're a freak tbqh.
Hell yeah baby
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To be honest, I'm not sure ANYONE is fine. The older I get, the more I can see behind the masks, and the more it seems like everyone is either broken (but trying to keep going) or totally ruined (but deemed "healthy" for having been forced into a socially acceptable role).

Most (in both categories) can function in baseline society. But there's a small percentage . . .it's like a cockroach somehow got a human body. Sigh.
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Birthday Cake Edition

Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Games welcome here!

Everyone is welcome.


Main Gens: https://e-hentai.org/g/2556775/f1669e072b/
Imgchest backups(not sorted): https://imgchest.com/p/na7ko9dky8d
Legacy Charts: https://imgur.com/a/IRtoHXh
Side Quests: https://imgur.com/a/7euVXRT

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I think we all can agree on Kobold soldiers. Since they are the main citizin and workforce for dragons.
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Page 9.
I rest my case.

Here is Panda Princess and Triclops Princess EVA Unit.

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God bless you!

GMW: I have made a special Punishment Chart for this! Mufufu!
Palanator: Roll already, GM!
She rolls: 7!
All: Gasp!

GMW: Ha! A high challenge rate for Starting-Dungeon-Rats! I summon… P’OrcEmperor!”
All: :0
A portal opens! Multiple warriors sit on the other side!
A huge Pink Orc jumps through!
“Harharhar! Snort! I am going to enjoy this!”

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God bless you!

Sky: We have to help them!
Holy Slime: Meep meep!
Palanator: Oh, you won’t! New Frost Power! - shoots freezing beams!
They hide behind a tower.
Sky: Holy Slime, it’s time!
Meep meep!
Sky throws Holy Slime high!
Splosh! - falls on GMW’s head!
“Freezing Beam!”
Holy Slime skips away!
Meeheep! ^_^

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God bless you!

GMW and Bards: You are ABOUT to LOSE!
Palanator: All this convoluted plan was architected long before to reach the ExtraPlanes… and ERASE ALL GODS! All except one, Oghma, the Binder!
The Ending Beam grows stronger!
DragonQueen cringes!
DQ: Gah!
“Meeeeheeep!” :0
“BowlHat of Nullifying!”
Pjjjush! KABLAM!
A huge cloud arises!
The Ending Beam is absorbed!
“Silk Prison!”

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Realistically, how likely is religion to still exist in any influential or even recognizable capacity in far-future settings?
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>most people still retain spiritual beliefs
>replaced by other religions
So, that's the thing:
What do we mean by "religion"?
If religion is the belief that there's something after death and perhaps a higher purpose for the origin of the universe, then yeah, that stuff is probably here to stay.
If religion is giving a sacred significance to a set of values, then , yeah, the Human Rights, the belief in democracy and in the equality of human beings is, in a sense, a modern religion. Certainly, in a far future, similar sacred beliefs in other common values will appear.
If religion is a set of rituals (burial ceremonies, Christmas celebrations...), then yeah, certainly in the far future people will have specific habits for key moments of their lives and the year.
If religion is the belief in a divine presence that should guide your actions, or even having all of this fitting together, though, like Christianity and Islam used to do?
Eh... Seems unlikely, assuming mankind keeps going on its industrial modern path.
But even *that* is pretty uncertain.
PS: There are other examples of the forms religion can take, though.
In Asia, you go to Buddhist, or Shinto temples for specific rituals (say... burial), or to buy amulets or give offerings, for good luck.
But for most people it's not something which has much bearing on their lives or their values.
For example: in some countries it's perfectly acceptable to go perform a ritual in a temple of one religion, then another in a temple of a different one.
It's imaginable to have a future religion that's all about rituals, but no deep belief.
>What do we mean by "religion"?
Other modern example in another direction would be Iceland.
Technically Christian, but what has actual weight on some decision is superstition in Fae, which a bunch of construction projects being altered/cancelled because it would impact the local Fae.
>we empirically verified that religion is one of the very few things that the establishment is unwilling regulate outright

Yeah and the majority of people who died were dumbfuck religious zealots that thought their faith would protect them from a literal virus.
>willfully ignores how the biggest parts of those faiths were intentionally coopted by Christianity, the official organized religion of the Empire for the areas where they formerly existed
Why would my kid keep calling it Saturnalia when all his friends are calling it Christmas? Why would I care so long as I can still celebrate it?

>When a DM throws an overleveled monster at the party
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Literally not even once.
Marcille has only even shown attraction to males, the elf prince Marcille's succubus turned into was confirmed to be a male character from that trashy romance series Marcille loves so much.
If you had paid attention you'd know why cleanliness is so important to magic users (hence the bath scene).
Why does the secondary party always get wiped?
In this case it's because they were eating nothing but rice and preserved fish.
I recall a scene where they're all watching Marcille's romance novel projected from her dreams with magic somehow, but it's not on the website I'm using to re-read the manga. Is that an extra or did I somehow dream an imaginary chapter?
It's an extra chapter for Nightmares.

III Edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Tau Rules:

>Emperor's Children Index is coming:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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...GW wouldnt get rid of generic Terminators for World Eaters once they get their own unique termy datasheets right? God thats such an awful thought I have to consider.
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Why is it so difficult for GW to just release upgrade sprues for Chaos Marines?
You have the killteam box retard.
would it be possible to run mono-harlequins but with some wraith units? would it be any good do you think?
asking for a friend
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try Black, Leadbelcher, and Agrax if you wat to stick to Citadel. You can also try a layer of Ironbreaker or a light Runesteel drybrush to brighten it a bit

Nop, srry. Try it on something that you don't mind fuckin up, experiment on your own

When the escorts arrive at -4GMT but you had planned for -3GMT, we've got you. It's the intimate edition of the Board Games General!

Previous Thread: >>92570707

>Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/h8Tz2ze8


Nominate the sexiest board game.

What game needs to be improved upon by a different designer? What exactly would they change?
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Yes, the frog posts are at least funny.
(Physical edition)
What's the difference?
From what I've seen they seem pretty similar
Disingenuous response or you are a genuine moron who doesn't realise that you are doubling down on conflation. Since you are so convinced that it was politically motivated, I doubt one could even tell you a story without you getting your knickers in a twist over something of nominal relevance. I am not American I have no skin in your two party game of right and further right. So since we shan't ever be civil with one another due to your high handed shtick: Eat shit and keep enjoying your political boogeymen, you dumb cunt. P. S. Avoid satire in all forms.
You must love catch phrases if you think frog posters are funny. You too can eat shit and are a dumb cunt.
>not American
>whines about dangerhair polycules and burgers

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'Miring Edition


>New Errata


The Trove Vault (seed, please!):

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cry harder weeb, monks are garbage
>greater restoration won't cut it
What's the basis for this? I would say significant scarring is more comparable to a permanent reduction in ability score than to a lost limb or appendage.
>What's the basis for this?
The spell doesn't say it does.

>You can reduce the target's exhaustion level by one, or end one of the following effects on the target:
>One effect that charmed or petrified the target
>One curse, including the target's attunement to a cursed magic item
>Any reduction to one of the target's ability scores
>One effect reducing the target's hit point maximum

Whereas regenerate restores lost limbs, it's a safe bet that it restores any destroyed flesh as well.
Greater restore is very specific about what it does. it lists out exactly what its capable of.
Why would you expect to find mechanics for removing scarring in a game where scarring isn't a mechanic?

>Whereas regenerate restores lost limbs, it's a safe bet that it restores any destroyed flesh as well.
Yes, I agree, regenerate should be able to restore scarred flash, that's reasonable. I'm asking what you reasoning is for Greater Restoration not being able to do this. "The spell doesn't say it does" isn't going to cut it when regenerate doesn't say that it does either. You're making a logical inference that something capable of regrowing limbs is also capable of removing scars. I'm making a similar inference--that something capable of removing permanent reductions to ability scores is capable of removing scars.

Work in Progress, "Pile of Shame" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

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Dem sexy legs
I got a promo pot of fanatic army painter stuff, I can't find anything on the bottle saying it but do they still have that retarded slug of medium in the nozzle you have to remove?
Attempting chaos Godzilla. Considering it's my first try, I think the prototype bloodletter is going pretty well. Nuln oil + Celestra Grey gave it a nice rocky effect, but I think it's a little too bright now. Any suggestions? I was thinking a thin coat of Eshin Grey
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Yeah, I'm looking forward to that one. I thought I'd identified him as a Barghest handler from Grenadier's Shadowrun range (picrel from the Lost Minis Wiki) but the pose and some other details are wrong. The Boushh figurine was a nice find because I always thought that it was a cool outfit and I actually played a Ubese in a fondly remembered Star Wars game years ago. I also have no idea what the black figure with a cloak started his life as but he's going to be a Sov-Block judge from now on. There's some really arcane stuff in here; the centaur archer in the first pic and twins in the bottom are actually from Eisenwerk as part of their Zodiac Adventures series.
did you remember to use pva glue for easy water stripping in case some years after you might decide to clean them

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Why it failed?
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Lol rekt
ん is pronounced /m/ before labials, so it's phonetically more precise to transliterate it as 'm' in those situations, and some romanisation systems for Japanese do, in fact, do that.
>I play with women
idpol anon got triggered by a comic because of poor reading comprehension
menbros btfo
I don't disagree. I just want to point out that during the mid-2000s when the OSR and retroclone movement started, TSR core, splats, and adventures were available without putting on your pirate hat.

At the time, there was nothing to grapple with: B/X and AD&D were long out of print: so Labyrinth Lord and OSRIC made it so people could get into TSR D&D with something currently in print.

I like 2e as cleaned up AD&D1e. The first printing (guy on horse) is gorgeous. It's very compatible with B4 or N1 and so on.

The tension comes from most of 2e's adventures being distinctly FOE; and the splatbook creep into a proto-3e.

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I think (campaigns about) conflicts between fantasy races are most interesting when all of them are equally capable of good and evil
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Individuals with greater capacity for evil who do good are more compelling.
No, that's a normal person.
Normal people don't do good.
Monolithic races are lame most of the time. That's why each race In my fantasy setting is divided into tribes and nations with different connections. Some lizardfolks are on peaceful terms with humans and trade with them, others are openly hostile towards them and vice-versa.

Also I hate the trope where an alien species can only have one type of personality and philosophy.
I think more like the worst of ELVEN kind of Toril AT THE MOMENT because the wild elves who kill most humans or mindwipe them have disappeared from 5e
>hell, I remember reading the Drizzt series chronologically and I could have sworn that the little girl from the very beginning saved by Drizzt was supposed to be a WILD elf but somehow became a high elf at some point, and I'm not sure if I've become crazy or if they retcon'd that
and then there are the drow, so really sun elves are the worst kind of elf on the SURFACE
and we still have all those monster races and I can't imagine an elf being worse than an orc, well, okay maybe the drow, because they have the intelligence to keep you alive while they torture you for fun

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Grunt Edition:

Previously on /slop/: >>92610665 #

▶ Thread Task: Post your setting's basic grunts

▶ News: It's been confirmed images are not saved on Microsoft's servers forever, only for 50 days. Make sure to save your images.

▶ Generators

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>Thread Task
Haven't see this nor has it happened to me, but if it is true, that is only one reason.

Looks like wooden armor. You got the prompt down to get bing consistent generation

If you told me this was a real painting, I'd have believed you. Were you going for a romantic style?

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