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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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Do they literally just blow warm air over the food?
some of them cost over £500. I already have metal boxes and hot wind isn't exactly hard to attain.
In general you get a superior product from not using heated air. A box fan with some racks will make better beef jerky or dried fruit than a $500 dehydrator because it won’t cook the stuff as it dehydrates it. They all have pretty shit temp controls with wild swing, they’re just poorly constructed convection ovens, and when the heat element kicks on the temperature can swing wildly. I tried one (granted it was a cheaper model) where an rtd inserted in the chamber showed a spread of +-28F from set temp during drying. Critical reviews from people who know their shit seem to suggest the $500 ones have similar issues, though not as bad.
Diy dehydrator thread? I want/need one too. They all seem to be cheap, with more expensive ones just bigger. I want to dry herbs, spices and berries from my garden.

Any more details on the diy box fan idea? I can work with rtds and relays. Should I add a big ceramic tile for thermal mass or something?
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>In general you get a superior product from not using heated air.
now this is interesting to me, wouldn't that take fucking forever though? have you tried that? what was your set up?
>A box fan with some racks will make better beef jerky or dried fruit than a $500 dehydrator because it won’t cook the stuff as it dehydrates it.
so i thought the idea was that they don't cook it, just warm it, to about 60C max, which is enough to aid evaporation and make the drying quick enough that bacterial/fungal growth doesn't happen, which is what would happen with no heat.
basically, in making jerky, if you just hang the meat out with no heat, i thought it would go rotten before it dries.
>rtds and relays
you can work with retards and relays? you are fully equipped to post on /diy/. carry on.

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How horrible would it be to live under somebody running 4 of these 24/7? I'm trying to imagine what life is like for my neighbor right now.
My open frame 3D printer can't be heard through the wall. A closed frame one like that should be even quieter. Doubt anyone living under you would hear anything at all.
might get interesting if you started printing various hunting calls
Imo noise babies need to find top floor apartment or live in houses

how I stopped that nigger from stealing my wrench.
Keep your own shit in your own toolbox. If the company has company tools that go missing, that's their problem
That thumbnail looks like a lady horse backside
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fucking god damnit anon
please go outside and read a book written before 1950
Okay, I'll read this and look at horses while I'm outside.

What can I do with these?
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You can glue them to your wall to improve sound acoustics.
stop spreading such misinformation and disinformation bigot or your privileges with be taken away
>having kids just to use them
Sorry to hear that your parents didn't love yo.
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they make good single use seed trays, and you can "plant" them and they will rot away.
if you want to go really diy, you can mix them with water untill you have made a mush, spread it out, dry it, and make your own card sheets. I have heard of people passing the mush through a sheet of fabric to make their own paper.

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I want to do stuff like pic related, clearly starting with something smaller and work my way up, have some space, have not too much money but I have time.

I don't know anything about stone, how do I start? Just buy a hammer and chisel and carve away?
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>if you want your carvings to survive for 10000 years or more
I mean ... for anything past the next 50 years it doesn't really matter what I "want" does it?
why bother carving when you can cast the stone directly into a mould?
Lol no
Draw dicks on river stone first, go to a machine shop and ask if they have broken carbide endmills, get a grinder that can grind it and make your tools
It will be good practice and later when you read up on geology, you will know what each stone is good for and with what tools to carve it with
If you cant draw, use a projector
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the people who made those carvings in your OP image had only stone tools and made them all themselves.
what are you actually waiting for? learn by doing.
do not do your masterpiece first, practice runs, then do your magnum opus.
btw limestone and sandstone are the only things you will really be carving.
awful mindset of throwaway disposable society. what did your ancestors work and die for? I want my creations to last long after I am gone and people should respect the creations of those who came before them, as I do.

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How much will it cost to have this ceiling replaced? Hate mould
million dollars
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That'll run you at least two Mexicans.
More is Mr Mike has to get involved.

But realistically, you could do for under 300 dollars. They got them fancy lifts that holds your gypsum board up and crank it right up to the ceiling studs / joists.
If you have water damage in the ceiling it means your roof is fucking leaking. Hire a reputable roofer if you're not willing to get up there yourself or no you're not experienced to diagnose the issue. Get before and after pics, it's probably an easy fix, but the roofer will try to sell you on the whole roof. Replace and repaint the ceiling yourself.
It's above the shower so probably not in the rood above

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But like what is this yellow discolouration on the ceiling? Mould?

Coldish climate
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>3 threads about dirty ass walls in your shithole apartment
fuck off and mix up a bucket of hot soapy water and start scrubbing you lazy nigger
>two big spots obviously patch jobs
Its the tinnest coat of paint imaginable anon
They painted over ceiling mould from the nearby shower? There's actual mould above that shower too
it's definitely residue from a tendency towards homosexuality.

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What's the weird crap above my curtains?
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>crown molding
not quite
you missed the joke
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The filth on top of those curtains is beyond disgusting
imagine the bathroom
I still don't understand what's on the wall. You have to zoom in

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A place for anything to do with Welding.

Post your welds, ask questions and discuss sticking metals together.

IDK I just want a place to talk about welding.
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Nvm. The head of the engineering department actually heard the tantrum this guy was throwing and went straight to the plant manager then the CEOs assistant about it to defend me, making it clear to them the mistake I made wasn't a big deal at all. The engineer and PM I guess have noticed how he talks to me for a while but never said anything to me until now. I am sure this guy will keep trying to pin mistakes on me but I'm a lot happier today than I was yesterday
Nvm. I'm just gonna walk out next Friday. Thanks for reading my vent posts
anon, sounds like you need a vacation at the least
I own things that have been sold in shops with worse welds on than that.
3 eyed wall toad. common in industry/construction. they have evolved beyond the need of water or moist environments, due to their adaption to consume blood.

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I want to construct a similar design (an "invisible" chair that makes you look like you sit in the air) and I need the name for that part. It's a thing that would link two metal bars together, allow them to fold, but stop at a 90 degrees angle. How would you call that part? Do you know where I could find it?
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did you know that it takes over 4 days for ana unbumped thread to fall off the board?
Get a primer in physics. What you want to do cannot be achieved without an anchor in the ground in front of your ankle to counteract the induced torque. Think Michael Jackson lean.
Formerly Chucks
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>a post was made about this
For the next time: that's exactly what phoneposters on /diy/ are for
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This is why i love /diy/
I know you lads have good banter on the job. keep it up lmao

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Me, Vodka, Ham Radio and the Boys edition

Previous thread got eaten by a bear on his POTA trip: >>2769487

Eternal thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gd43b_ZcuU

>New to /ham/? Read this shit!
>Your search engine of choice works well too!

>The FAQ is now back:
>OP, the cybsec domain is gone.
>NEW FAQ is updated to preview 15

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Yes. Research this further, but I believe if you are using a control line from a modern transceiver to key the transmit circuitry in some older amps that you have to be carefull as some older amps draw more current on the control line than the modern tranceiver can handle. Resulting in burned out transisters in the transceiver.

There are aftermarket kits that will allow you to connect older amps to newer radios. I think they're called keying relay buffer interfaces. I would research your brand of radio and amp and see if there are any specific issues or ways of doing so.
my FT-1000MP has a switching relay instead of transistors for the linear switching. The Heathkit amp is new enough the relay current to ground shouldn't be very high. I'll probably trigger it with a foot switch anyways. I'm more worried if the tube arcs and shoots what's basically a spark gap transmitter back into my nice transceiver.
The new tube seems fine though so I'm probably just being paranoid.
shots from the manuals
I meant to include this in my earlier reply. An amp I was looking into needs -18 V at 150 mA to key the amp but my transceiver uses positive voltage and only a couple mA.

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Why cant it be at ground level?
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Imaginary events are like that.
when did it take place?
Because then they get virtue signaling points for having a ramp and being cripple accessible
Whenever is most convenient for whoever is making the claim that it happened.
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no single person who believes in the mudflood has heard of foundations or basements, which were originally for servants and slaves whom rich fuckers didn't want to see, with windows partially exposed via a fucking hole.

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I'm not an engineer, I just like to make stuff. Naturally, lots of the content I watch often happens to be made by engineers (or engineering students), and seeing them go about making things sometimes makes me wanna kms. You've got a team of 5 dudes making a rc car, each bro i would assume assigned with his own task, trying to calculate every single thing that could possibly be calculated around said rc car before they ever dare to assemble the real thing. Listen I get why the methodology exist and I'm grateful for it, I don't want our buildings or bridges or commercial airliners to be eye balled, but following this workflow whilst trying to create something new is grating to watch. What happened to trying shit out? That's what the OGs did in the early 1900s and it looks a lot more fun than how we're going about it today.
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the point was that mathematical models can only get you so far. turbulence for example is notoriously difficult to resolve
"test flights", sure, that will get you the vibrations the vortices cause over the pipes in a nuclear reactor. "Not really a problem" when you have a supercomputer and lots of time and even then the results can be open for interpretation
brainlets disparage one or the other, the true blue american jew uses both (where appropriate) to get shit done because results make money
That's fair. You can't model absolutely everything in a system using math because the real world has so many variables and it is constantly changing. There still is value in using mathematical models to get the fundamentals of your system in order though just like there is value in considering other sources of inspiration in your design.

Engineers aren't mathematicians, but we can use their results to improve our designs.
At home I fuck around and find out. At work I run the numbers and do it the boring way, mostly because I need to justify everything. Plus if something doesn't work right, I can look back and compare numbers. When it's a serious project at home I might do some math but not always.
>t mechanical engineer
>which has terminal Boeing mentality
you mean they're indian or they want to fill the glider with people and crash into the ground while pocketing the difference?

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Previous thread:>>2759901

Here we discuss microcontrollers (MCUs), single board computers (SBCs), and their accessories, such as Atmel mega and tiny AVRs (Arduinos), PICs, ARM boards such as blue/black pill STM32, ESP8266/32s, RP2040, Raspberry Pi, and others.

For general electronics questions (power supplies, level shifting, motor driving, etc.) please ask /ohm/.

>where can I find verified quality microcontrollers and other electronic sensors or parts

>but that's too expensive
aliexpress.com (many parts here are fake, particularly specific parts out of stock in the above sites)

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I'm trying to connect arduino to a motor controller via uart. the controller is 3.3v, but 5v tolerant.
sending commands to the controller works great, without any issues.
receiving commands does not work. Serial.available() always returns 0.
I tried looking at the rx and tx lines with a logic analyzer. when i have everything connected, tx from arduino to rx on controller works fine, i can decode the commands sent. the rx line on arduino always stays high though. if I disconnect the rx line from arduino and look at tx from controller, the line works fine then (i receive the response im expecting).
Why does the signal (response) disappear when i connect everything? is there something holding arduino rx high?
Also, the rx led on arduino does flash when im expecting a response, but logic analyzer and arduino does not see anything. Do i need to rip off the ch340 chip? is 3.3v not enough to register?
>“boots into the gpu” so we don’t even need arm cpus anymore.
for whatever reason the gpu boots first but then hands over to the cpu. so you still need the cpu.
Thanks. Sometimes i wonder if those PC GPU cards have more power than the processors nowadays, lol.

I remember getting my first laser printer in the 90s and i read the specs and was disheartened to learn it was a powerpc processor way more powerful than my actual PC that was driving it through the centronics parallel port.
You can’t use the Rx and Tx lines for UART, they’re already tied to the CH340 and UART doesn’t work as a bus like I2C does. Set the UART to alternate pins instead.
>Thanks. Sometimes i wonder if those PC GPU cards have more power than the processors nowadays, lol.
i think a lot of them do, but it's a different sort of compute power. my understanding is that gpus are designed effectively as matrix calculators. so the circuitry is optimized for i guess linear algebra or vector calculus or fucking whatever, as this is important for graphics. turns out it's also important for number crunching in data centers and artificial intelligence, or as i have started to call it, advanced interpolation, but that's a copy pasta for another time. server side and shit they don't do graphics and don't have video output of any sort, they just crunch numbers. gpu seems to be a historical anachronism kept around just because. fucking nerds.

>I remember getting my first laser printer in the 90s and i read the specs and was disheartened to learn it was a powerpc processor way more powerful than my actual PC that was driving it through the centronics parallel port.
dude that's fucking nuts. every time you print something it's just sitting there, quietly judging you.

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