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So this is a pro communism show? It felt like that was the message.
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they aren't pussies, that would imply their loyalty is to their own country.
>a true free market would benefit from unlimited power
Unlimited power...but in the hands of the elites like Muldaver who run the society
but since it portrays a US-China war in 2077 communists are mentioned
fucking almost nothing explained except for muh dad is the baddie
So how exactly was nuclear war supposed to increase the profits of RobCo, West-Tek, and Nuka-Cola?

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Why are there no good tomboy characters anymore?
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Wish I knew
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And because of her female reproductive organs and pheremonal/signalling profile. This overrides aesthetic similarities with boys. Stay refuted.
That's literally a boy though

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Slashers vs Superheroes edition
Last time >>198639338
>pennywise from it
You have a broad definition of "slashers".
>using an image he posted earlier
lazy retard

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um...contrarianbros, our response?
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fallout4 is a game retard
Look at it like this:
>there is the Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout NV
>fallout 3, fallout 4 and this shitty show are another different franchise
Just let the retards eat their goyslop
Because its jewish lies. Fallout 4 is an old game now so it’s unlikely that any stores have a large quantity of hard copies. Maybe gamestop would have a few used ones but I doubt any chain store would have more than a handful of new in plastic copies laying around.
>sold out of a game no longer in production
>you can readily get for under 10 bucks digitally
What even is this shit?
Just marketing I bet
Imagine being autistic enough to care about canon just decide what lore you like and ignore the stuff you dont

ITT: Books that deserve adaptations

What's the consensus? I thought it was Meh, BoB and The Pacific are miles better
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All I want is a quality show about the brutal fighting on the eastern front.
The pacific was one of the worst things ive ever seen.
You couldn't pay me to watch the appleTV+ (TM) DEI follow up.
I’d like a show following the British but as long as it’s American money making them we’ll only have American stories.
the guy on the top left looks so fucking weird im not gonna watch this for the sole reason that i dont want to look at that creature
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>Apple TV

I'm innawoods right now and it's freezing and I just took a shit and it literally stood upright like it was rooted in the ground.
Pics or it didn't happen
did you film it? this is /tv/ afterall
Best part of you gone.

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watching kike films, lifting, working, self improving, going out with friends, getting women, everything. You will never make it and you will never live the life you thought you would live.
The younger generations are realizing early how fucked they are compared to the older gens.
Things weren't like this ten years ago, but they are now and they will only get worse.
You posted this yesterday. No one cares. Kill yourself.

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>this music video comes on

Seeing the girl on the right and her body type were monumental for me when I was young.

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It's not your fault.
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it most definitely is my fault. i have made the decision to waste my life more or less every single day for more than 12 years. that is more than 4300 days, one after the other, hour by hour, that i have chosen to not amount to anything, not learn anything, not improve my character or mind or body, day after day, for more than 4300 days. it is not my parents fault, it is not my upbringing, it is not my friends or environment, it is all me. all of it is my fault. when i die, having never amounted to anything, it will all be my fault.
we have a winner guys, it's this guys fault.
it's my parents fault desu. i didn't ask to be born to some drug addicts
You're good dude don't worry about it. Society is legitimately collapsing, so I say try to enjoy the ride while you can and just fuck around and do what you want

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does disliking lynch make me a midwit? I feel like the people that like him are faux sophisticates.
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His movies aren’t a puzzle to be deciphered but they still mean something to him. He said so himself. It’s not just purely abstraction and feelings. It’s kind of annoying how people throw that idea around when you can actually look up what David Lynch has said about his own movies.
what did you think of the return?
I found this to be also true about people who use terms like bourgeoise unironically, outside of a specific context like if you're studying the French Revolution or something. I think there's a joke about a socialist club on a college campus where they're all nepobabbies who are mad at their rich parents, and then there's one working class dude who mispronounces bourgeoise and everyone else laughs at him
you either get him or you don't. If you don't, you're a midwit. It really is that simple. He's just unreachable to a specific mindset and it's so amusing. It's also a mix of their (lack of) intellect and their personality and bloated self worth that makes them not get the point of his movies. Dumber people can understand Lynch fairly well, but these middleweight are just a lost cause.
It makes you a soullet.

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This is what theaters are going to be now? Dispenseries for old classics as Hollywood is completly creatively bankrupt and even remaking formerly successful franchises is not safe enough of an investment? How do you feel about this?
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There will be niggers and texting teens in that theatre so no I won’t go there to watch this or any other movie ever.
AI Will fix it or Kill it..
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>yes, I am excited to see old movies in theatres again. Yes, I will be happy to pay to see a movie I have already seen. Yes, I will even pay for movies and slop. How could you tell?
Just saw the mummy last night. Was great to see it again in theaters for irs 25th anniversary. Pretty sure alien is having it's 45th anniversary too and tempted to try and see it this weekend.
>3 years
>The mummy came out 25 years ago

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Why did the Japanese hate Christians? China didn't give a shit.
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the '71 version was bad enough, give it a break
Anglos were specifically bred to worship jews. They are designed to be the best golems imaginable.
Speaking of things that evaporated in Japan LMAO
it's not the Jesuits, it's Christians in general. Everywhere they go they just spew destruction and reap personal gain.
You are talking about judaism.

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>Listen, Morty, I hate to break it to you, but what people call love is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, Morty, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage. I did it. Your parents are gonna do it. Break the cycle, Morty. Rise above. Focus on science.
Based. Absolutely based.
I accidentally saw part of an episode of this show once, and it was complete garbage.

>It Ain’t Half Hot Mom
I don’t get it

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