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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

Looking for books online? Check here:
Guide to #bookz
Recommended Literature
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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

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just horny? Seems like he gets constant criticism for "misogyny" but I don't put stock in that given how they say that about anything mildly critical of a character whose a fucking woman.

I read a few pages into 1Q84 and I definitely see the horniness. Is that what is being negatively reacted to?
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You're just repeating the just world fallacy. Being "good" does not mean that you'll receive anything good.
I don't know, but he's much bigger in the West than in Japan
It's more blessed to give than to take. By loving others you become more blessed than anyone, regardless of what you receive.

Do you believe you have a Father in heaven?
If you want to turn this into a religious conversation, a more appropriate Christian response would be that one should realize that women are evil sinners just like themselves, and be willing to forgive that in them in the same way you would want forgiveness for yourself. This as opposed to trying to paint yourself as morally good when the knowledge of God should be sufficient for you to realize that you most certainly are not.
You should read the words of Jesus instead of committing yourself to Catholic pessimism

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Based on my tier list, what Murakami novel should I read next? Also, do you agree with my ratings?
Don't agree on it fully, but it's not the worst list. I'd recommend killing commendatore, it's not talked enough compared to other Murakami's novels
>his worst novel
Just stop reading altogether.

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Just installed a rolly ladder piece on my bookshelves, lads!
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No, but my penis is :D
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Like this?
That's correct!
Jesus, unless you have 6 meter tall bookshelves like here >>23329696 you don't need a ladder and it's just taking up space.

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In our modern culture, many people tend to avoid suffering as much as possible, instead always seeking happiness for it's own sake, but who can blame them -- everyone wants to be happy after all.
I'm looking for books offering a different perspective and perhaps even promoting the beneficial effects of suffering.

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Temple by the Sea edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous: >>23314259
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wrong link, sorry
>I'm only one person, how do you expect me to self-insert as several people?
>I'm only able to understand my own point of view and refuse that multiple perspectives exist
>Reading more than one point of view in first person present tense doesn't work well and that's what I have to read
>Real life is one point of view so it's too unrealistic to be more than one
>It's extremely difficult for an author to write a single interesting pov, let alone several
>It kills the momentum, requires twice as much remembering, and you can't have two chosen one farm boys, it doesn't work like that.
this is why niggers and women need representation
if {medium} doesn't represent them entirely they can't relate
vtuber talks about Brandon Sanderson
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I like the three body problem

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I like reading books
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Ray Peat
The New Testament

Be as good as you can to your family. Start there--actually start with yourself. How you treat yourself and those around you can have consequences of infinite importance
Wrong board, faggot
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>I like planning to read books more than reading books
Okay. Albert Cyrus Xenophon Byron Wattlecock.

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What can we do about the illiteracy problem?
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>gangster/thug culture
>system racism
>acting white
>crabs in a bucket mentality
It's much, much more simple than that. The fact of the matter is: being illiterate is fucking embarassing. It doesnt matter what your race is. Seeing students zip through a text while you struggle to sound out a single sentence is horribly embarassing. And the older you get the more embarassing it is.

Have you ever seen what little kids do when they're losing a game? Kids are really competitive and they want to win, so much so that they cheat far more than adults at games. But when a kid is in dead last and they have no hope of winning, they pretend like they want to be in last place. They start losing "on purpose" and celebrating how bad they are. If it's Mario Kart they'll start driving backwards. If it's a board game they start cheering every time they roll a 1. It's the same thing with kids who cant read. They want to save face so they accept their role as illiterate. "Haha I'm not even trying! I wont even look at the paper the teacher gave to me! Haha!"

It's a defense mechanism. They're putting on a face for their friends. They're not dumb, they're disobedient. Which is better. They need secret 1 on 1 phonics classes that wont embarass them because no student, black or white, wants to be put into the "retards who cant read" class.

Has anyone considered that an illiterate person might be considered just anyone who cannot read English? Wouldn't that also apply to any immigrant who hasn't learned the language yet? And even if they've learned it, it may not be that they only learned to speak it.
Yes. That's literally the first thing teachers do when they find someone who cant read. Are they ESL? Can they read their first language?
most people in minnesota talk and act like redditors
>t. minnesotan

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Why do so many people worship this boring blogger
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They also seem to be the best ones
Wtf is a citizenist?
he makes little quips about Jews but is not really anti-Semitic

it's true that the Golfocaust is a major driver of elite opinion on immigration
He blogged a lot about the public religion of Holocaustianity but never denied the Holocaust. It's strange because if the Holocaust really happened as reported, we should take it as seriously as we do, so I don't really get Sailor's point. Regardless of his personal position, his blog attracts a lot of traffic to Ron Unz's articles which promote denialism
Never understood denialism. At best what you can deny is the exact number of victims, not the event as a whole.

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Wait, marxists expect the working class to read this boring snorefest of a pretentious ass book meditating on abstract shit in dry prose spamming 1000+ pages? The book just contains pages and pages of very obscure and rarefied descriptions of capitalism. It's not even a scathing critique of capitalism that it's touted to be, and It has nothing to do with political organizing or any call to action
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The difference ofcourse being capitalism with small government fails because it doesn't defend itself well enough. Whereas communism fails because it commits suicide.
No I just think differently from you. I am concerned with some baseline level of improvement in the human condition, despite my cynicism, and suspect it's got to do with piecemeal revelations of conscience or consciousness more than systems. What you described is the cyclical nature of systems, rise & fall. They all do this and it's because of how men work. If you concede that all systems are born to fail, then you are now speaking my language.
Glad we agree. Weird it took this long for you to admit to it.
This is just ideologically whoring yourself out. I've no time for dummy shit like that
>Weird it took this long for you to admit to it.
considering we werent talking about that, no... its not weird at all. youre just a self centered cunt. not that theres anything wrong with that.
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I do and still think Marx is still a retarded self-hating kike.
>tfw people only know you by the wake of seething you left in your path
He's like a god

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For all discussion related to the works of the philosopher Charles Sanders Peirce.
>“The entire universe is perfused with signs, if it is not composed exclusively of signs.” (5.448)
I'll try to read him soon.

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/wwoym/ write what's on your mind
high trust edition

previous >>23324263
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Uh. Not from what I’ve seen
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Does anyone else feel like people hem and haw over 4chan too much?

Like, I think it's easy to crawl up your own ass if you use this site, because of the wild shit that has happened here and has happened as a result of meme magic and so on. I think that when people lament things like the downfall of 4chan or the golden age of 4chan they're participating in this kind of pathologizing view of the site that I don't see the point of.

I just use this website as a message board, mostly. A hub of message boards, related to my interests. If I want to talk about anime I go to /a/. If I want to talk about cars I go to /o/. If I want to talk about current events I go to /pol/.

I think people make this website more than it is, when in reality it's the last message board standing and we're all here to use it for precisely that. Even /lit/ is "the book board," and we come here to talk about books.

I don't know, I'm on Twitter too and I see people lament things about 4chan, and that makes me wonder what they ever expected the site to be, and what they hoped to get out of it. I use this place as a replacement for all the old message boards I went to years ago, and in that regard I've never really been disappointed with it. Forums are forums. If anything I'm sorry for the Zoomers who come here who missed the forums that were 4chan's predecessors, they were a lot of fun.
Reverse Edenism
I haven't used any kind of social media except 4chan since about 2017 because it isn't really social media in the usual sense. Whatever drawbacks there are to anonymity, at least from public view, it's the nearest thing to the liberty of private conversation available online.
I don't like this world and I don't really derive much comfort from it. Hopefully Richard Dawkins is correct and nonexistence is anesthesia. Well.. I would HOPE that is what happens but based on my anecdotal experiences I fear that is not what happens.

i was apart of when that my friends started at a local community college and it was fun because i got to mog people in front of women so i'm thinking of starting one again. also it was fun having a scheduled weekly social meeting dedicated to something. any stories?
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Eat your money's worth, brother. My uni keeps their snack-worthy events pretty locked down, but next week is the monthly free coffee+pastry day for grad students, so I'll be showing up with my tupperware. Recently ate myself sick at a comped conference, so I'm pleased.
>i got to mog people in front of women

>So Chad... *nasal giggle* what did you think of the chiastic structure in chapter three as an allegory for the protagonist's circuitous and ultimately self-inflicted downfall? Maybe you can share with us how it parallels the author's exploits in Vienna... I mean, if you can. ^adjusts glasses"
>Uhhh, I thought it was cool, bro.
>HA! There was no chiastic structure in chapter three! I mogged you! Didja see that, ladies? I mogged him! Hey, where's everyone going?
>anyone had success
Where do you think you are?
I have this vision of starting a book club focused on epic poetry but I doubt I could actually gather enough people interested in my city.
I started one in my company, which has 400 people (university educated office jobs). Had a lot of likes and encouraging comments. Nobody showed up.

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"I Get Weird" edition

Previous: >>23306393

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

Please limit excerpts to one post.
Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
If you have not performed a cursory proofread, do not expect to be treated kindly. Edit your work for spelling and grammar before posting.
Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:

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Not for web serials.
I'm saying that I feel like I should break the intro to my book out of the first chapter.
Do it then?
Are there any YouTube videos or free online college courses that go through the entirety of a literary fiction novel and discuss how it works? Like going over its structure, narrative and creative decisions, character progression, etc etc

I realize I don't know how a novel "works". The few times I've attempted a solo concentrated study of a novel, I just forget to pay attention to the mechanics of it all and just enjoy it.

The only reason I can write poetry and short fiction with some non-zero degree of confidence is because I've taken uni electives on it and have had profs teach the rules and mechanics behind shorter prose and poetry.

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Hegel? Heidegger? Plato? Aristotle? Who?
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Charles Peirce and its not even close.

We need more Peirce threads. In fact if one of you makes a Peirce thread I have some material to contribute that I think would be beneficial to those interested in semiotics.

Sincerely, Gnostic Peircefag.
Dat nigga Rousseau was right about everything
Wittgenstein. He's the only philosopher you need to read
old or new?
Nigga, why didn't you just say so?

t. Peripatetic Peircefag

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