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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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what mode is this?
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Sixth House mode.
Eldritch horror mode
Sekiro Ashina Deep villager
>Ayo watchu gon do 'bout it, Timmy?
Pyramid Head

I fell for the Starting Strength meme back in college and the most I got to show for it was a large ass and attention from fat gay boys. Getting back into weights now and I just want to brosplit.

Considering I'm bicep curling every day now, I want variations so I can switch things up. Give me your favorite bicep curls. What are objectively the most optimal variations to recruit the most muscle mass?
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>base of strength
please stop with this, never mention it ever again
Ok dyel
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Just do Scooby's home dumbbell and barbell workout.
I got more gains on this in 2 months than I did on 8 months of Starting Strength.

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In your experience, is picrel reasonable?

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I need help formulating my plan to look like Leon from resident evil 4

Heres my plan so far guys:
Going heaviest I can for rep ranges

Day 1:
OHP 12-15x3
Incline Bench 8-12x3
Lat raises/Cable delt stuff 8-12x3
Dips? idk

Day 2:
Curls 12-15x3
Tricep Extension 20-25x3
Pullups (as many as I can do 3 times)

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>It's a coin I found at the bottom of the ocean and i hollowed it out, I think it's cool
anon, I hope you know that not only is a big ring on a necklace a gay symbol it also means you're a bottom
>t. Earring Magic Ken
Literally everything is a gay symbol, idgaf
Do 4-5 sets
8-15 reps is fine, just try to go to failure
wrong website

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>exercise 6x a week (gym, running, climbing)
>cook all my food
>no junk, no caffeine, no alcohol
>8-9 hours of sleep
>study every day for my degree
>play the violin every day
>still feel sad and empty most of my days
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Not for russian ballerinas
But you wouldn’t know
Even if you got all the things you want I doubt you’d be happy. Went from depressed dyel to being able to take a woman home just from dancing with her, the problem is none of this is fulfilling, all of it is meaningless carnal pleasure. You think having all of these things will mean you’re a better person but the real gift of being at that point is that you’ve improved yourself, women are a mystery to be unraveled not necessarily a gift or boon, and not necessary to becoming who you could be. A woman can complete you, that much is true, but you will never be happy until you are happy without having any of the things you think you want now.
If there’s anything you could change right now it’s to acknowledge that the struggle is real, being is not easy, but you don’t have to take it all so seriously. You’re going to die one day and this is very likely the only life you’ll get so try to enjoy every minute and fake it until you don’t even realize you’re faking it, it will become a part of you like a habit you unconsciously persist with
They don’t get it. But I do. I understand. It sucks being lonely.
I wish I could say it goes away over time and I hope it does.
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Because your ancestors likely grew up in a culturally rich and homogenous small community in a wild and unknown world full of enemies and wonders, and did truly valuable work that was necessary for the survival and thriving of their tribe. They may not have had much, but it was more a matter of technological limitations rather than bureaucratic malice. If they ever got bored of the home life, they could go on a pilgrimmage to distant holy lands, raid the shores of other peoples, fight in battle side by side with their nobles and royalty, trade with alien cultures, discover places that had not been visited, invent things that had never even been considered. A home and a faithful wife was not a unrealistic dream, but a standard. Life was harsher, but also more wondrous and meaningful, and at the end, you knew with certainty that the divine was awaiting you as a reward for your struggles.

By comparison, your life is nothing. You are not even a cog in a faceless uncaring machine, you are the grease.
I also forgot that they weren't jammed with fifty needles by a jewish doctor the second they crawled out of the womb, nor did they have to worry about fluoride or microplastic or pesticides getting into their water or food. I imagine that would count for something.

Bars open, what are you having tonight?
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Dubs of progress. I’m proud of you Anon.
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If you are actually asking girls out it could be you simply arent hitting. Its alright man, it doesnt make you a bad person if you cant get a steady gal. Just seek to be good. Not saying it will garuntee women but perhaps it may put your soul at ease.
Meh 2 shots and a beer youre a pussy

I already smoked 2 bowls at home a joint in the parking lot and half of my shitty little flask on the way here.
Well done anon
"seek to be good"
>seek to be bad
Ok sephreoidus dredelstein a white knight beats a black night every day, gay guy gets a bastard sword +shield/zweihander/halberd and cool guy gets a mace and a buckler.

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How do I cut body fat?

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Are they a meme?
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It’s good but most people let their lower back sag which defeats the purpose of the exercise
I can't tell if you're fucking with me or talking about some brand's color coded sizes
How are you supposed to progress on these? I like them but i dont have time to just do a billion reps
I'll be honest I kind of think ab work in general is a meme
I did 3x12 with good form and had excruciating doms for 2 weeks. When i felt better i tried again and instantly felt the pain. It's been 6 weeks and i think I'm going to try again but build up slower. 3x5 or something and build to 3x12 over a few weeks

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What's your excuse for not being vegan in 2024? It's so easy.
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Vegansissies, our response?
sunniest day in britain
Usually our response is post body
Meat yummy, good macros, affordable and cheap sustainable protein.
Right, we, being vegans/vegetarians, are homosexual and love collecting pictures of men. Good call

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Post your /fit/ blackpills and I'll tell you how we're all going to make it
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>larping nigger

Here. I know you shitskins are mostly fags
This is the one that is fucking with me. Im trying to regrow it by becoming more healthy.
98 is normal by definition. 50% of the population is dumber than you and they're on the road driving fine.
5" penor is aight.
I'm so attracted to my cousin I can't see how I'd be attracted to another woman right now
Makes me want to KMS especially now she has another boyfriend and he's kind of similar to me.
It's okay my Iq is considerably higher than that and I still crashed my car and got a reckless driving charge.
Idk why I engage in nigger like behavior

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previous: >>74134089
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>not all angels have wings...
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sup anons, just got off an 18 hour bariatric ambulance shift. every day I get more resentful.
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my wife is 49 and about this fat (im 23)
how dangerous is it really for her? what can i do?
>doll samefagging to compliment itself
How much weight are you guys required to lift now?

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>go the the gym 6 times a week
>Feels like I'm losing my gains from hooking up on Grindr everyday
Can ejaculating 2-3 times a day lower test or is it just some no fap bullshit?
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>here in south america we defend woman from some retard puling a funny face
cool bro
lol holy shit no wonder you're a thirdie.
huehuehue BRRR BRR BR huehuehue BR
my god those fucking thirdies! why do they lock up their criminals instead of giving them amnesty so they can rape our women a second time like we civilized westerners do
>that webm
Cant believe I shitpost with people like that all day..... where can I find NPCs online? X?

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do you prefer going to the gym alone or with a friend?
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I have no friends. I'd probably enjoy doing 1-2 workouts a week with somebody else and not just alone.
How do I find these GNAA meetups? Somma these groids are kinda cute fr
Why do you think AIDS is so widespread in Africa?
None of my close friends go to the gym anyway so I always go alone. I go at the same time everyday so I see a lot of same faces in the gym that I talk to and sometimes when we train the same bodyparts we train together
>cures my racism

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How much do I have to lift before girls start doing this to me???
stop consuming kike capeshit, sage
Your current bench +5
a girl did this to me once and was like it's okay I'm on the pill and I kept trying to pull out but it was too late and she weighed too much

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Idk edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Unhealthy Uglies who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?

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>10 kcal each
the ultimate weight loss food
The incoherent schizo ramblings of your typical fasting fag
Literally just water. You won't get filled up even slightly with these. Literally better eating chocolate lmao
Fatty Contest
I started on the 12th of April, and I weighed myself just now, im down from 100kg to 97kg. Feeling a lot better about myself bros

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