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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

It's been a month since the end of the Liaoshen campaign. The ROC has lost all of Northeastern China and the PLA has just launched the Pingjin campaign to capture Beiping and the North China Plain.

How are you, Mr. Chiang Kai Shek, going to turn the tide of the war and secure total victory for the KMT? (Hard mode: you can't kill yourself)


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How come italy had fuel concerns in ww2? Didn't they occupy lybia? Doesn't lybia have a lot of oil?
Oil was discovered later in Libya and honestly, I don't think it really would have made that huge of a difference. There were other things holding the Axis back like their limited industry in comparison to the allies, logistics, the allies just having more resources in general, leadership that was opening new fronts left, right, and center to distract from the last front they started fighting on etc.
there is a lot more to make fuel than just finding it in the ground, digging hole, and extracting it, you need to actually refine it which is a whole process and industry of itself
>Doesn't lybia have a lot of oil?
It does, but it's very deep and the tech to extract it at low enough cost to make it worth the effort wasn't around until the 50s.

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Ancient Egypt
Indus Valley
Ancient China

what are the coolest of the four ancient civilizations to learn about?
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Egyptian culture died when Alexander the Great invaded.
No egyptian culture was still well and alive under greek rule hence why rulers continued to worship egyptian gods and build in egyptian style temples. it only waned during roman rule
I for one really like shang dynasty aesthetics.
I like to learn about all of them, all of them are cool equally.
Nope. Mesopotamians preserved their culture while Egypt was hellenized then romanized.

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Which Roman era Germanic tribe or state had the most impact? Hard mode: Besides the Franks and the Anglo-Saxons that is.
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Unironically this. Swiss are closer genetically to southern europeans than to Scandinavians and they're the most successful one.
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holy shit it's real
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I think most of them were continental Germans.
>It's not like Basques have constantly been the richest in Spain for the last 2 thousand years.
The fact that they are nowadays prooves the point, because we have globalization and the capital can move wherever it can grow the best.
>the best germans are the least germanic ones (southern)
Seems like it:

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How did China even manage to become that much of a shithole in the first place when the average chink is so smart?
They were poorer than fucking Afghanistan, India and most of Africa. Literally dying of starvation until recently.

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Any Muslim complaining that he has a hole in the roof of his house is quickly reminded by another Muslim that his brothers and sisters in Gaza have had their house destroyed and a rocket could drop on their head at any moment and that even if he is living in a rotten old shed he should thank Allah. Just like that the Muslim will accept his own predicament and fall on his knees in thankfulness to pray.

A Muslim complaining about rising food and gas prices and the cost of living is swiftly reminded that his brothers and sisters in Gaza are eating horse feed and have no car so he should shut up complaining and thank Allah for every grain he puts into his mouth. No Muslim is allowed to speak out overtly against vaccinations and medicine lest he is warned by 50 other Muslims that in Africa there are Muslims dying because they don't have access to vaccinations and medicine so therefore he should shut up and fear Allah before badmouthing medicines and following the lunatic conspiracy theorist anti-vaxxers.

If you are a Muslim whose marriage has collapsed and you have nowhere to live you should not complain or dwell on it, rather you should pray more and pray harder and ask that Allah rectify your situation with something better, If you are sad, why are you sad? don't you know that a believer in Gaza just saw his wife and entire family blown up in front of him? Allah woke you up this morning, why would you be sad?

Muslims understand and remind each other all the time that every calamity is a test from Allah and that even basic sustenance can be taken away from you any moment by Allah so it is not acceptable to bitch or complain about anything in your life (especially if you live in the West or a first world country)
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All of reality submits to God. The plants and the animals know what they are doing. Humans are the ones who often become confused and forget why they are here. It is okay to disagree but it is not word salad, there is a distinct idea being conveyed similar to saying "man has free will which the lower creatures do not."

I dissent from Darwin for a variety of reasons (Crick said DNA did not have enough time to emerge from proteins given earths lifespan, there is no example of asexual reproduction becoming sexual reproduction and only vague theories of how this could have happend. Intermediary species are not found in the fossil record [yes I am aware of Stephen Jay Gould] and many other reasons we cannot get into here). The main reason is metaphysical which is that reality lacks an ascendency principle. There's no reason animals should not be devolving into single celled organisms which obviously survive just fine, and it is very strange we have ultra primitive species coexisting with ultra advanced species throughout biological time.

I know it is very much against the zeitgeist, it took me some time to get around to it. I have read a few hundred pages out of Darwin/Lyell/Linnaeus many years ago, and also Greatest Show on Earth by Dawkins which was remarkably unimpressive and sloppy. I am not a biologist but it is not an uninformed perspective.
>All of reality submits to God.
word salad
>I dissent from Darwin for a variety of reasons (Crick said DNA did not have enough time to emerge from proteins given earths lifespan, there is no example of asexual reproduction becoming sexual reproduction and only vague theories of how this could have happend. Intermediary species are not found in the fossil record [yes I am aware of Stephen Jay Gould] and many other reasons we cannot get into here). The main reason is metaphysical which is that reality lacks an ascendency principle. There's no reason animals should not be devolving into single celled organisms which obviously survive just fine, and it is very strange we have ultra primitive species coexisting with ultra advanced species throughout biological time.
therefore, clay
What a remarkably thoughtful reply! You sure are making me reconsider all my beliefs, wow. How did I not see it???

Praise Darwin! School shootings are just part of life. Like lions eating antelope! Nothing matters! Do whatever you want!
You've been ignoring anons all the time. Time to taste your own medicine.

>Praise Darwin! School shootings are just part of life. Like lions eating antelope! Nothing matters! Do whatever you want!
Praise Mohammad! Imam having sex with my 9yo daughter is just part and parcel of a happy marriage life! Like my circumcised penis (it's health, Medical Doctor Zakir Naik confirmed)! Nothing matters except my fake and gay religion! Do nothing you want!
>Jeez, I knew muslims were inbred, but I didn’t expect this level of stupidity.
Now now, Rabbi. Europeans can tell Muslims that they are inbred, but Jews with their inbred genes can't. That's like pot calling kettle black.

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"Why Do We Oppose the Jew?" by Dr. Joseph Geobbels


Did he have a point?
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>It literally just boils down to political and cooperate greed.
b-but bad behaviors largely stem from genetics... just like dog breeds... its da joos, man...
why are people so intent on being blind to tribe/nationality/race? It affects so many things and there are clear patterns associated with each of them.
Antisemitism is a brainlet worldview and a basic bitch conspiracy theory.

It is amazing how many people cannot get over their Jew obsessions. Jews hide in every nook and cranny of their mind. Jew fever sends them into coldsweats and tirades. Jew ghosts haunt them when they lay in bed. They die cursing the Unseen Jew who is never revealed.
Actually you’re a ridiculous psychopath who should die
is there a term for constructing a version of your enemy so depraved and powerful that it justifies your own future depravity? it's not really dehumanisation, but it is very common, especially in the present.
Pls kys

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Whats the history of trickle down economics?
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>The entirety of the field of Economics in two sentences
>Those digits.
Well, that settles that then.
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Trade unions were not allowed under the Soviet Union. Also not all wealth trickles down from the top, sometimes people can generate wealth on their own initiative, even if it is difficult and not everyone becomes a millionaire it doesn't hurt to allow people that freedom. Communism is an evil oppressive ideology.
Holy whataboutism lol. How come every time someone has anything critical to say about any aspect of capitalism you have to come out of the woodwork screeching about how communism was the same or worse. Your boss isn't gonna give you a raise because you defended capitalism on a Paraguayan shrimping forum.

They both suck. In communism, everyone is kept under the boot with explicit military and police control, in capitalism, its the exact fucking same except its a little less explicit theres also ads. They are both soulless anti-human ideologies that have fucked everyone and the planet.
>Whats the history of trickle down economics?
Over the centuries, a lot of political economists noticed that a government can easily choke the life out of the economy by raising taxes too high, thus destroying its own tax income.
It's therefore better for everyone to only tax your subject to a certain point to maximize both income and growth. Of course the issue is that nobody actually knows where said point is, but the general idea makes perfect sense.
Worse, a few decades ago lying retards used this concept to come up with the idea that you can endlessly push demand by increasing the offer, and therefore making sure suppliers have the resources to raise their production infinitely is going to infinitely grow the economy. Needless to say this is fucking stupid, completely baseless, and nothing but a pathetic excuse to lower taxes for big businesses.
>Trickle down economics is functionally similar to collectivist societies ending up as corrupt oligarchic shitholes
Uh bro I think you just accidentally did a "self-own" as the kids say

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What is the history of the alpine race and why do egyptians and indians look similar despite different genetics? Historically Speaking.
They're both atypical for their countries.
Natufians were some of the first alpines to exist. This probably got even worse with agriculture. Indians don't have natufian but they do have a onge element which shows as quasi alpine. They both share zagrosian too. So we get a wide similarity.

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We have come to take our wives who are also your daughters.
>Casus Belli?
We think your neighbouring tribe is cooler, they said you were lame
The Aztec would send in spies disguised as merchants to cause a commotion so they'd get imprisoned or killed then use them being jailed/dying as casus belli to invade
>Casus Belli?
>My parasitic clique has taken over senior advisory positions in the administration and playing a double game where we give bad council in a bellicose direction, so if we win we look like unwaving geniuses, and if our state loses, we can tell you we clearly misadvised the leadership on purpose. I will take a ministerial position.

It’s terrifying how many young men are lonely in the world, and it gets worse and worse, this will have consequences…
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You're not owed a gf, you fucking faggot. If you can't find a mate it's the world's way of telling you you're a genetic dead end, simple as
Dude, there is literally disabled people or outright orangutan level dumbfucks who have girlfriends you mean im genetically lower than them?
1. Youths are more autistic than before. Obv they're not going to socialize and as much as people before.

2. (social) media has given everyone so many unrealistic goals that they 'must' acheive, before they're ready to 'settle down'. Including unrealistic expectations towards their partners. - when you develop a relationship in 'real life', everything works dynamically. On the internet, you set prerequisites, which are mcuh mroe difficult to fulfill.

Those are two things I can think of, when it comes to the overal population chrisis.
Men need money to be capable of dating and getting a partner.
The economy is shit so zoomers can't go around dating 24/7.
>(social) media has given everyone so many unrealistic goals that they 'must' acheive,
I've heard of kids genuinely thinking that they cannot ever possibly find romance if they're under 6 feet tall and think that Gigachad is an actual goal to reach and not a meme precisely because of how ridiculous he looks. That shit fucks with kids' heads.

Was the Swastika tied to a major world religion before the Great Flood occurred?
Why do you find this symbol literally everywhere and in ancient cultures with no cultural exchange? In Europe, China, India, Japan, it must represent something beyond "good fortune" if it has such a worldwide presence.

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the british were trying to drag every country they could into the war germany was doing the opposite nonjews dont grasp the lengths jews were willing to go to destroy germany they didnt care if half the world was in shambles
you mean the war the germans started by allying with the ussr and dividing central and eastern europe into spheres of influence? what did latvia have to do with world jewry?
>The Germans invading Norway for X reason is self defence
>The Brits Invading Norway for X is imperialism
Your brain on lost cause nazi propaganda
>fighting a war 80 years ago is the reason there is massive demographic and cultural change happening now because it just is ok
Explain why Sweden is seeing similar things happen to them
I know whites are cucked slaves but non-whites don't have enough influence in society to overrule white cuck slaves and stop the forever wars.

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