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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

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Post your spookiest /x/ greentexts.
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The former.
It's not really a greentext but you did just remind me of something

>Cousin's cousin works for undertakers
>Not sure what her exact role is but she's been there about 30 years and married to the owner for the last 35 years
>Don't really know her but been to funerals when she's been there so I do know who she is
>Anyhow last year completely out of the blue she left the undertakers and immediately started divorce proceedings
>Then everyone (except her) who worked at the undertakers was arrested and and its been "temporarily closed" ever since
>My aunt knows her really well and asked what was going on
>She wouldn't even tell her
>All she said were vague things like "she couldn't believe it" and "it made her sick" and she only found out about whatever it was when they, more specifically her husband, asked her to "join"
>The only things she did give some confirmation on is that it wasn't necrophilia and was something related to what they did in the cemeteries after fresh burials had taken place
>And her husband had been involved in whatever it was before she married him (he's about 10 year older than her)

Haven't heard anything more since it first happened, but whatever it was it was fucked up.
fuck, any more info on this? people you could ask? this sounds juicy

Grave robbing?
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Post one singular image of a real life alien.
>Must not be able to be reverse searched on Yandex, or any other platform
>Must not be AI
>Must not be CGI
>Must not be a puppet, the Nazcah art projects, or any variation therein
I decree the mods free of any blame for banning spam ITT that violates these rules.
Why would I post myself

Just tell me wtf is up with this pleiadian nonsense
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Scientology tier new age nonsense
Just prissy humans from a planet with no suffering so they're super cringe
Sounds based tho howd they kill satan?
Alien nazis are psyopping dumb coomers into getting ground up into space paste
They had reinforcements, multiple planets in their fold. This is an abandoned outpost in the space boonies that was lost and turned into a loosh farm because no reinforcements because we're about as far from the bulk of the milky way as you can be.

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> start noticing reality is kinda odd
> shadows on the fritz, people on loop
> feels like draining energy everywhere
> decide to confront
> read theology and get into buddhism and random religions
> try meditation because why not
> still see the glitches, but now they just look like bad CGI
> guess I'm in a low-budget universe

how the fuck do I avoid this /x/?
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I'm no longer convinced that you actually think I was gaslighting you.
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Here's the pattern I forgot to upload the photo

I mean you can just do this experiment yourself, at your house, with a laserpointer and some very basic equipment.
True but man do I miss the worldlines from before....
And I'm posting about the double slit experiment because it's just another example of the chintzy and low-budget nature of our universe simulation. Where it's not even rendered if it's not being measured in some way. It doesn't render if it doesn't have to. And that's to save processor space. To avoid lag. To lessen loadtimes.
What do you believe the interference is? AI?

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>While the Mars face has been made fun of to hell and back no one cares about the fact that the surrounding geology is highly unusual and is surprising geometric despite appearing to be ordinary mountains.
>Running water is known to be 100% active on Mars it's just rare and appears more to the poles.
>Hollow craters from collapsed lava tubes potentially leading to expansive and vast cave systems exist on the surface, but no one really cares because that's of no practical importance.
>Surface is covered in dried out tributaries and river deltas meaning liquid oceans existed at some point but dried up for "reasons".
>Le Xenon levels on Mars are the only other place in the solar system that are unusually high other than post nuclear earth, implying a high amount of nuclear fission occurred on it's surface in the far off past.
>Ignoring the fact that the Martian moon Phobos has a weird jutting highly unusual structure on it's surface, no one at NASA ever decided to send a lander to take a closer look at it, except for the Soviet Union who were treated with a single jarring image of Phobos and a bizarre cylindrical anomaly right next to it that was in the last image sent before contact was lost and the Soviet Phobos II probe was never seen or heard from again.
>Rovers and other landers from every space program in every country are sent to the most boring and benign locations where there is literally nothing of value geographically speaking, save for sediment and rock deposit studies.
>And now ice geysers that are actively shooting gas into the atmosphere.
This planet has so many bizarre and unusual locations and areas on it's surface, yet all of our space programs refuse to investigate acknowledge, or talk about them. Discuss.
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You're not gonna get very far on this board with all the flat earth fake space retards around.

Yes, there's obviously life on Mars. At least microbial if not full on complex (not intelligent) species below the surface.
Nice try glowie, we are not all uneducated Americans here.
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im not a bot globie i just like these food frogs
why are you finns like this? Theres this huge cultural rift between us where you schlurp up the cock of credentialist authority figures and americans with an IQ above 100 dont trust them
>not a globie
>frog poster

Retard confirmed

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>My ex claims she seen the virgin in an apparition in beach shore.
>I have dreams where i see her image in the skies of the firmament waging war on earth mechanical tower observatory
>A kind spainard girl i used to chat with appeared in my dreams with robes and hugged me. Felt loving
Does she love individual humans? Feels very unorthodox to think she would save herself for one man at all considering people shouldn’t be thinking of fucking her or whatever
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she's an incarnation of the mother goddess
I met her on shrooms, she said my life would be full of suffering but I'll go to paradise after. most comforting thing ever.
Hearing shit like that makes me so mad. I would become a being of chaotic nature that makes sure people like you don’t suffer and give you your eternal paradise so as long as you live your life normally and deserve it. No demonic Gangstalking bullshit should ever happen.

Shitting on the whole good and evil autism
If it gets you to let your guard down, the archons human slaves will do anything and lie about it later.
How much would you need to eat? A woman who resembles my ex gave some. Probably looks like her for a reason. She wants me to eat them and meet her there on that side to talk to me
She does take affection to individual people, but not in a sexual way, but also NOT in a motherly way. It’s something the church can not answer but it is definitely known to happen.

Dr. Roger Leir, a surgeon who dedicated himself to removing implants from people abducted by aliens, testifies in court 15 years ago presenting documents that detail the scientific material found in the implants which he describes as a very advanced nanotechnology composed of nanodevices made of single or double walled nanocarbon (yes, those same ones found in the Pfizer and other vaccines) that can be elongated and woven into other rectangular orthorhombic crystalline structures (also found in vaccines) things the size of an atom that combined are capable of broadcasting a "radial wave" which is actually scalar technology equal to 5G to send information to someone outside who would spy what happens in the body.

This is a global alert, the human species is under direct attack by another species, it turns out there is proof that the vaccines are extraterrestrial implants made with the same scientific and technological base as those extracted by Roger Leir from abductees. The plan? orchestrate a massive abduction event that would give rise to the new world order and an unprecedented depopulation where everyone will walk like zombies to board the ships.

You see, the protagonist of the third world war will not be Vladimir Putin or Israel, these conflicts will have a limited scope and it is even possible that they will use nuclear devices very occasionally, the real plan is that (((they))) will come to invade and abduct to anyone who wears the implant while they use religions to attract dissidents and also take them under other tactics, the result of this is the West completely depopulated and the parts of the East that interest them.

This will take place before the end of the decade and there is nothing to be done to stop it.
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Thanks for manifesting celestial superpowers for the vaccinated, and utter destruction and terrors unimaginable for yourself.

Thanks to chuds, I have the easiest job in the world - back to the hockey game - seriously, thank you for this


I doubt this theory is based in fact. There is a ton more easily undetectable methods of injecting not just one country but the world over with alien tech.
Logically if its alien tech then it wouldn’t require a shot, aliens and human collaborators could easily ‘poison’ the water, air or food supply with nanotechnology (because these are advanced alien beings we’re speaking of right?) and ‘tag’ the entire human population.
Logically your theory lacks legs to stand upon.
OP been watching too many X-Filles episodes on TV
haha ufo go pewpew

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Welcome to the Semen Retention General,
*"The dogs bark Sancho, it is a sign that we’re moving forward"* edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

Completely abstain from masturbation and ejaculation to get all the benefits.
If you don't ejaculate, but still spend time touching yourself, and even worse, touching yourself while watching degeneracy, then you are doing it wrong.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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How do I resist temptation when I have women messaging me and sending me lewd stuff every day? I abstained, got magnetism, and now have multiple women basically trying to get me to shoot as many loads as possible at all times and I can't even make it a day anymore. In one way I am off of porn, but in another now it's far worse. I got brain fog back and everything but if I say no women just make it their mission to double down.
Not my problem
I don't have that problem
Well, you have two options.

Option 1: Ignore or reject the THOTS and maintain Monk Mode. I recommend a clean diet and supplements like Rhodiola Rosea to calm you down.

Option 2: Get into Taoist Sexual Alchemy and learn how to have sex and orgasm without ejaculating.
I recommend starting with Kegel exercises.
>If that's the case, why are you here? If it's just a bunch of losers coping about being losers, why spend your time here bitching about it.
If there's anything that SR has taught me, it's that energy is incredibly valuable and shouldn't be wasted on pointless things like shallow relationships with women, let alone online arguments. It gives an interesting perspective on how pathetic his presence in these threads really is. Shills are easy to spot and should be ignored at all times.

>This is the guy calling you a pagan larper
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Every pagan larper who isn't some fat emo bitch looks like that, though.
Poor guy. I also feel sorry for that kid. It must be weird knowing that you're nothing but a quasi political prop for your leftwing parents who supposedly love you. They see you as a political statement before they see you as their own child. No wonder so many of them have identity crises when they get older.
Also true. Anyone who has an extreme opinion is most likely a fat low T American desu. The mark of a well rounded individual is seeing both sides of an issue and realizing life is not black and white but often gray.
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She's still missing and I guess the LAPD conspired with the Church of Scientology to close her missing person's case. It's insane to me how they haven't been properly investigated for all the shit they've done. Do they hold that much power?

Post haunted/cursed images
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Looks kind of cozy actually.
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you guys want me to carry this thread a little bit? super grateful for the new stuff btw
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lemme know if you want more. eager for more humor / creepy / disgust content
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Anon, that's his bedroom.

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Post your favorite underrated esoteric YouTube channels
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So they can run there shitty samefag shill bots with being called out
Schizo kino
When he gets discharged from the army.
shame you were too retarded too read
no but its safe to conclude you have been sitting on /x/ waiting to obsessivly talk about school shooters

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Are things really worse than they were before? Was life always shitty? Even 1000 years ago?

I am constantly tired of todays society and its expectations, I want to experience Heaven where I am able to think of anything and it just pops up in front of me.

I have endured so much pain Anon, why do you doubt me when I say this, do you not care because everybody feels pain? Does my struggle not matter because we ALL experience hardships? When is the next happening? Will we ever achieve relief?

Surely things cannot go on like this too much longer...
The empirical evidence is that there is less violent crime, poverty and maternal deaths now.
Yes, as time passes the world darkens. Material wealth may seem to increase, but we are a far cry of the free and pious men of the Golden Age. We live in the Kali Yuga, men plunder and lie, they have forsaken the sacred oaths and forgotten their temples, they no longer give the proper cult to the divine but would rather work for the machinery of capitalism. Money, blood and smoke, that's what moves the cogs of the iron age.
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Things are worst for this present generation than they were for generations previous, that's for sure. In the early to mid 20th century you have something called "the progressive era" in history. People made all sorts of leftwing political reforms that made people's lives better. Stuff like income taxes, the creation of the federal reserve, very high taxes on the rich and corporations (much higher than we have now) and a philosophy of govt regulation, where govt necessarily tales preeminence and should be telling big businesses what they can and can't do.

Starting in the 1950s you get McCarthyism, the cold war, a very concerted rightwing effort to stop the further spread of progressive reforms in America.

In the 1960s you get the assassination of JFK, a very leftwing president who is distinctively soft on communism, almost to the point of seeming sympathetic to it.

After that, our society just relentlessly moves to the right year after year, decade after decade. Deregulation, tax cuts for the rich, "the reagan revolution", further privatization. It's horrible. Generally it's identity politics, often relating to black people and multiculturalism in America, that is used to manipulate the masses into voting for the financial interests of the rich via fascism.

Americans, at this point, are a fascist country and are teetering on the brink of something even worse. Just a full-on trip down the dark road of fascism with Trump-style politics.

So yeah, things suck for you. Things are good in communist countries where they didn't make the mistakes Americans made with supporting fascism.
I looked at your graphic and I see you included some occupy Wall Street info there. I have a story for you. First thing, I'm not a lib. I just hate jew bankers and banks in general. I was in for that reason. I was part of an online planning and brainstorming group that was active before and while the thing was going on. You remember the 99% bat signal? That was my idea. Anyway I suggested engineering a run on a bank, to collapse one and show them we mean business. I had a plan, I told them how to do it. Pick one bank, everybody opens an account there, and moves all their money in by electronic transfers. Then we all go there and physically demand our deposits in cash. Drain the bank of cash and collapse it. I had a rich boss at the time. He let me in on a little secret . The reserve ratio that traditionally had been 10 to 1 the entire history of banking had ballooned to between 19 and 22 to1. Even a small run of just a couple million dollars in cash empties the vault and collapses the bank. We could collapse banks one at a time, just as many as we wanted to.

You know what they told me? I shit you not, this is what their response. They said they all had friends who worked for the banks, they didn't want to put their friends out of jobs. They didn't want to bring the banks down, just reform them and make them behave better. I knew right then and there something was wrong. Something was not as it seemed. These people were not what they seemed. I walked away that night. I still don't know what the real purpose behind Occupy was. But it wasn't what we all think it was. I gave them the fucking plan to take the bankers down, and they didn't want it.

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So he touched all those children right? We agree on that he is simply one of many demon worshipers who fucked and killed kids in the name of demons who promise power to people who are weak of mind and soul.
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Absolutely checked
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>>37779344 (You)
orion disclosure.. sophia's mantid army
checked sevens of intrigue
It was the guy running the Maintenance Tunnels youtube channel:
They told him the foia request was going to take years to put together in order to dissuade him. He was going to put it on his channel documentary style.

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