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/vm/ is a place to discuss all types of multiplayer games, whether on console, handheld, or PC, co-op or competitive, online or local.

Does this mean discussion of multiplayer games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vm/ is just a separate board specifically focused on multiplayer games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vm/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Multiplayer games includes (but is not limited to) Fighting games, First-person shooters, MMOs, Racing games, Sports games, Board & Card games, Party games, and any other genre of game that requires two or more players. Please post threads about single player games on an appropriate board.

Looking for players? Post a LFP thread. Advertising your game servers is allowed and encouraged! Just don't ask for money or spam the board.

Consider using Hamachi, ZeroTier One, or GameRanger for playing old-school LAN games.

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Early Access is now LIVE!

Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ci3RzUSKgk
Website: https://www.tribes3rivals.com
Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2687970/TRIBES_3_Rivals
Official Discord: https://discord.com/invite/tribes
Previous Thread: >>1176915
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I'm offering Erez $20 for the license, I'm very clear about my intent.
because tribes 3 is a comedy of errors and im here to point and laugh at both it and you
He told me 20 bucks is how much it costs to lick his left nut.

Fallout 76, war thunder, destiny 2, modern warfare 3 are all top sellers on steam. If you want comedy, there you go. Plenty of meat for you.
>I swear this thread is just full of poor brazillians who only played TA cuz it was free lol.
Well that's just the thing, what does T3 offer over TA or T2? Why SHOULD I pay the 20 bucks and allocate the storage space for Tribes 3 when I could get a better experience in Ascend GOTY/OOTB lobbies or T2? Not like it has much of an edge over any previous Tribes game when it comes to player count.
Is the skiing better in 3? No. Is the shooting better? No. Are the maps better? Fuck no. Are the graphics better? See >>1224375
So they released an open, PAID beta (aka early access), but you still need to be hand-picked for the inner beta? I... don't even know how to describe it. Isn't getting feedback the entire (supposed) point of early access? What's the point of limiting the pool?
If you deny your paying customers that, what explanation is even left, besides the obvious "we want to sell an unfinished game"? What's the pretence?

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Why are sandbox PvP MMOs always such a failure and will Ashes of Creation follow suit /vm/?
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There's that word again, MMOs are NOT meant to be a hyper balanced esport, and even esports suffer when they're hyper balanced instead of dynamic and interesting.

"balanced" games are solved games, and an MMO wants you to grind for hundreds or even thousands of hours, and the only way to makeg grinding interesting is being able to try and new new things in the dynamic sandbox that MMOs provide when they do MMO PVP.

If you want hyperbalanced 'skillbased' instanced dogshit, MOBAs already exist. MMOs aren't about 1v1 or 5v5 hyperbalance, its about community vs community, guild vs guild, faction vs faction, and the social conflict and conquest. MMOs lost that when they tried to be hyperbalanced like WOW nutering itself with instanced dogshit.

MMOs cannot compete with MOBAs, and they shouldn't.
it is hilarious how defenders of MMO PvP aka being a level 60 rogue killing newbies in Redridge have this delusional fantasy that they are engaging in the deepest, most complicated, and the only true way to play a game
it isn't enough to just say that they personally enjoy it, no
the are engaged in the most sophisticated, patrician form--that of shoving people smaller than you into lockers
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>I have no friends the post
Why do anti-PVPers always post like they're the loneliest entitled nerds who wants an MMO to be a single player gacha grindfest.

WOW already exists, stay in your containment game.
>enters thread about sandbox PvP MMOs
>posts WoW, a themepark PvE MMO
Ah yes, because megazerg guilds/corps/whatever in Eve and other PvP sandbox MMOs are always a tight-knit group of friends.

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GW1 Guild Wars 1 thread, hall of heroes edition

previous thread >>1252306

GW1 is alive and well anniversary festival is going on, and our /vm/ guild has been surging with players come join us!

Lately we've been dipping our feet into PvP and badly playing HA, made it to hall of heroes a few times and have done not too bad for a group of people who've never done HA or PvP before in GW1. Future plans for some GvG scrimmages along with some endgame dungeons we typically run at least 2 meetups per week. Friday which is campaign prog day, and saturday which is end game dungeons.

Friday May 3rd - 7 PM EST Proph Prog (we are at Iron Mines of Moladune)
Saturday May 4th - SoO dervway? (check next post) I might be busy on this day however. Time undecided.

Future week plans include GvG scrimmages, and potentially some RA games/bot bullying.
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I'll be working through the EotN story this weekend if anybody is masochistic and wants to join on some alt. I finished the Norn part tonight so I'll focus on Asura tomorrow and finishing the full thing before Northern Support ends.
>thinking about having to do this again on my Ranger in the future
What do you have to be masochistic for it? EotN is great content
>t. has maxed all four EotN reps on 6 of 9 chars so far
>maxed all four EotN reps on 6 of 9 chars so far
what the fuck
I don't think I have more than 1 maxed rep eotn title of any kind on all my chars combined. do you get it free with vqing all of eotn or something
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I'm starting to get worried about my PC but that lucky title won't max itself. Gotta get that bread.
>I'm starting to get worried about my PC
Why? it's not like this game is taxing anymore unless you're playing it on a 10 year old laptop.

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First Edition (kind of)

>What is Sven Co-op?
Sven Co-op is a co-op variation of the 1998 first-person shooter Half-Life. It can be played with up to 32 players. Initially made to make it possible to play Half-Life campaign with other people, it has since then expanded into being one of the most moddable games on the GoldSrc engine.
>Why do so many players have default models?
When a player is using a model or skin you do not have, you will see the default HEV suit. You can download the models here:
>Custom sprays?
Here: http://www.the303.org/tutorials/index.html

We have a server at

Join for co-op NOW!!
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there is literally a link to the twlz site in the op
>King server has doesn't have VAC enabled
Very questionable.
rusniggers wouldn't be able to join otherwise
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The Third Person, Third Biggest MOBA, based on various World Mythologies.

FACT: The 4chan clan is [SmGen]: Smite Gen Plus! All new players are welcome!
Most members are on around 10pm-4am UTC+0. Party up with anyone you can find.
Regulars usually talk / LFG in-thread, don't mind them.

>>Last Huntoon Goddess, Nut

>>NDA Closed Alpha is NOT ongoing, DO NOT ask questions about it, it WAS NOT leaked here
>>New Magetoon Goddess, Hecate with Open Alpha, May 2nd (findom paypiggies only)
>>Closed Beta, 30th July at 23 Godtoons

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The person posting slop in every thread is quite literally a transexual pink haired anime girl v-tuber.
I bet the sex is insane.
I should make a video on my they need to unnerf support starter.

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Level down: >>1239653
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Smnigger, blm, brd rdm, and whm are needed for half of the current content. Melee jobs are mostly used in the other half of current content. toau and onwards the game becomes more and more melee centric. If your worried about finding spot for content. Play rdm, you are literally needed for anything even more than bards counting being able to do bcnms
Also you only need the 1 pld and theres a lot of fights 2 ninjas or a rdm is axtually preferable. Even in those fights 2/3rds of the alliance is going to be blm or smniggers so do the math on hard is it to find and keep a spot as the single pld for a good linkshell compared to being blm #7
whos dayman, also who are you? need feet for verification
how did yall do these servers before horizon or is horizon the first server

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Why do modern multiplayer games feel like a second job? It's been so long since I actually had fun.

Everything is battle passes, dailies, ranked climb, FOMO, manipulative algorithms, skin economy, anticonsumer practices, deceptive marketing, prolonging gametime, EOMM, bad mechanics, etc.
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no I had fun with most of valve's games
Dota 2 was definitely a time sync. But I think GTA Online was the worst contender. Having to drive across the map to kill a couple baddies and go all the way back is not fun. I miss when people played death match and other pvp games. What happened where everyone wants to play matchmaking or singleplayer?
Maybe you've grown up
This is only an issue for fickle players who move from game to game trying to follow trends. Anyone who actually likes the game and plays thousands of hours of it wont care. Look inward. The game "industry" demands that we constantly move from shiny thing to shiny thing, but also tries to manipulate us to invest in one. Just stop. You dont need to play 50 games a year. Just play the one you like. Stop falling for their trick, the trick that makes you think you need more games. We need less games, or better games. Not more games.

I play maybe 4-5 actual games a year. And fuck, like only one of them has battlepasses.

Ok I just wrote this and now I realize you just play trash games lol. Sucks to be stupid, doesnt it?
Rainbow Six Siege is the main multiplayer game I have continued to play over the years. PvP, focus on developing my skills and strategy, which is reflected by steady overall improvement in my K/D and win ratio. That is what drives me, motivates me, makes it fun to play. Pop off and hit shots like crazy, run circles around my opponents, be proud of myself. Die stupidly, recognize how I can improve and how my position / reaction / timing was inadequate. Do better next time.
Not the battle pass (cosmetics), or any semblance of progression and leveling. For me, hate when there is a loadout "meta," ever-changing 1 or 2 guns / armor / skills to use that dominate, but changes every other patch. The need to "progress' (log hours and grind matches) to unlock better tiers of gear. it's all some shit to your point where it feels like a second job. Utter bullshit and I've cut myself off from games like that (Destiny 2, CoD, others). I will play for as little as I like, to have fun and enjoy myself, that is it. Don't make me fucking waste hours of my life doing virtual tasks accruing virtual credits for virtual goods that help me not get fucked by your virtual difficulty scaling / manufactured imbalanced multiplayer. I want to play a few rounds of vidya, on an even playing field where my actual skill makes the difference, and move on with my life.

Conan Exiles bread

Age of War Chapter 3 is out, and it's Funcom's finest mess yet, just in time for the devs' holiday leave.
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Why I refuse to play this anymore.
I wanted a decent single player game, not this time exclusive bullshit.
>turn into
You should say "add" instead. It's not like the base game has been impacted by the additions. If you never open the shop or BP tabs, it's still the same game it was when the second season pass ended in 2020 (the DLC model before the battlepass/shop), just with more QOL like the attribute revamp we got with Age of Sorcery. They were always revamping stuff even before the chapter model (the Momentum Update being the worst of them), so that's not unique to now.

If you treat the game as done and finished after the second season pass, then the game has lost nothing and you can enjoy the random content updates like Kurak dungeon and destructible NPC camps. If you buy/bought the battlepass one time as your final Conan purchase, then for that $10 you would also have gotten several DLC packs worth of content with more on the way, with each update adding more cosmetics to the basket. I truly hate the shop so I pretend it doesn't exist, and I hate the FOMO part of the BP so I won't give any excuses for that shit, but I think the game is in a good place if you completely ignore the BP/shop, and I also appreciate the constant goodies I'm still getting from the BP I purchased one time 2 years ago.

Best of all? Once the game is truly dead, it'll be cracked and all those ridiculously priced/gated cosmetics will be included for free. So the more the merrier.
>Best of all? Once the game is truly dead, it'll be cracked and all those ridiculously priced/gated cosmetics will be included for free. So the more the merrier.
I hope so, but that's only if that stuff is not locked by some remote server or something.
Still sucks because I actually payed money for this game. Yet now I don't even want to play it due to GAAS bullshit or at best I will likely have to wait for years to pirate it (after buying, lmao) to not have to deal with that bullshit.
I was fine with DLCs, but time exclusive mxt shit is just way too much. I don't want it to be some mmo bullshit, I mostly played it SP with mods anyway.
the problem is they keep changing the core game and breaking stuff
>gutted survival
>gutted immersion
>made it super casual friendly
>gutted difficulty
>gutted combat
>gutted thralls
>gutted dungeons
>that's only if that stuff is not locked by some remote server or something.
It's not, because players who don't own it have to be able to see and interact with it when other players do (or even when NPCs do, like the Khitan Headhunters who use the shop headhunter clothes). The system is a matter of permissions, which is controlled by your Funcom account that you automatically log into whenever you enter the main menu. If you fail to login (ie, internet outage), you lose permission to all the twitch/BP/shop stuff that you owned, but they'll still be there in your game/inventory/storage/etc. You just can't loot/use them. That also means that cracking it is as easy as spoofing the permissions, which in theory shouldn't be hard but I'm not a cracker.

That's not unique to the chapter system. They were always reiterating the wheel in all the years before AoS Ch1. The only time I ever went "This is so bad I'm dropping this game" was the Momentum Update, which happened right after the Pets Update (where they gave thralls levels and double HP at lvl 0 compared to before the update). I don't know if you recall, with the Momentum Update removing hitstun every fight was you and an enemy exchanging equal blows without any stagger or interruptions, but you had 300hp and they had 1200hp making it literally impossible to win, and you could only hide behind your 9000hp thrall to fight for you. That was also when they moved daggers from "dancer only" to RNG anyone can have, and bleed lasted 15 seconds so getting touched twice meant running away for 15 seconds every time you took a hit. No bandages were in the game then. It was just a bad time all around. Don't forget also they added an update where thralls had to eat or else you'd lose them (I think Pets?). The game changed all the time regardless of before or after the chapter system. Roll dodge change was also before AoS. It's not always better or worse, just always changing.

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>What is Lost Ark
A pay-to-win MMOARPG set in a grindy, gatekeeping world with bad designed fights where the mistake of one player wipes the whole raid and wastes the 20 minutes of progress you had, that times 18 raids you must do every week to stay relevant.

How alive is the game?
Dead. Check steamdb, half of those are bots and half of that are on your region.

Who is left playing the game?
Gambling addicts who are weak willed and heavily sunk cost to leave at this point aka mazies. They are in too deep they are beyond saving.

How much p2w is this game?
Not a single player can progress in this game unless someone whether it's you or someone else pays real money for their accessories/build through a currency called pheons.

Is the game censored?
Yes, skins are censored, multiple instances of race swapping NPCs and the shadowhunter class.

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I need boobs. Fast
You can if you're a giga sweaty but yeah the entire malus for like 1% dps over something like adrenaline is kind of a meme
finally fully awakened my last legendary card, only took me 808 days
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>>>two slayers in one group
Cope and seethe, Slayer chads don't care about the 1% extra damage from muh synergy.
run ether predator to feel good

Previous: >>1256434
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a toast
I'm so excited for Falcons vs G2 bros
It's like two overgrown babies throwing their arms at each other, about half a chance of hurting and knocking their own selves out. It'll be great.
It'll just be monesy vs dupreeh
Whoever carries his team the hardest wins
Real match is they hook up and verse the rest.
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For me its

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Is it possible to enjoy MMORPGs as a functional adult?

pic related
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>everything is blocks and character models are ugly as sin
>but spiders are just spiders
Is it too much to ask for compelling artstyle ffs? I don't even care for high definition 8k rtx shit, just something that is pleasant to look at and is internally consistent.
>>I used to play MMOs for the social aspect too but that's mostly gone these days. People who weren't there back then will protest "But I still socialize in MMOs all the time! You're just antisocial!" or some shit but they don't get how different it is.
>Alot of it has to do with faggot trannies, beta men, and ugly women taking over gaming
100% correct.
People who bemoan the loss of society in gaming and then blame it on the games fundamentally do not understand the issue. It isn't the game's fault. The problem is that people are simply worse now. There's been a general spiritual and social decay that make 99% of people horrible creatures not worth talking to, and it has a chilling effect on all social spaces.
Could it be that the experience of interacting with people online simply isn't interesting or novel anymore?
I was there in the early days. Simply booting up your computer, logging on, and saying hi to your friends felt exciting and intimate. Now it's a banality.
They have to make sure everything is "balanced" which means that every choice is essentially equivalent to every other choice. This is so that one single build doesn't become completely dominant over everything else, which in effect means everything ends up exactly the same and player choice becomes irrelevant.
Have fun regrinding your entire character from scratch because you clicked plus on stat one too many times or didn't know about breakpoints. Player choice is almost always about avoiding deliberate trap options.

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The EU server opens on the 29th.
Which weapon are you going to fame up first?
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I liked Albion because I could play with international players, now they split the pop between NA/EU. Not a fan, just went back to OSRS and I've been playing Albion since beta.

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It was nice while it lasted
why not explain yourself instead of being a passive aggressive fag.
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you live in california...
this was someones real grave and theres a site dedicated to desecrating it

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Risk of Rain
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ok enjoy
>complains about new content when risky 1 hasn't received anything in 10 years
the trials are fun
So..... Is returns EVER getting that promised modding support?
In the meantime i feel like Starstorm 1 is still vastly better than current state Returns
I hate BOTH
Forgot to say but you are 100000% right.
Sorry anon

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