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qott: do you drink? what do you like to drink?
qott2: how important is family in your life? are you content with your involvement in family life?
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>6 users
None of you have real problems.
You could vent instead of attacking others
if you're the same girl from the begining, I'm wishing you the best in finding a bf, you can add me on discord if you want, you've seen it if you went on tagmap

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last >>35547271
qott what is the unhealthiest behavior you refuse to give up
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My ward trip wasn't so bad, tv, group, social time...only thing I really had issues with was the art stuff. I get adult coloring books are apparently popular with mental fuckups but I wanted to actually paint and relax not color in a fuckin page from a book
I last saw him a week and a half ago
i wouldn't meet you ever blobby. you're insane.
I needed actual therapy but all I got was bipolar pills that made me feel worse
I popped in once to save the op pic and saw you there lmao

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>Qott: Are you a snappy dresser?

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Nice change of pace and breath of fresh air, OP.
tranthippe is doxanon isn't xe
Rude? No, rude is rushing past someone as they open the door, or coughing into your hand instead of your sleeve.

THAT is not rude. THAT is a primitive animal with no other survival options robbing a place because it has no other options.

What is particularly unique is that it has neither the skill nor courage to even do this except that there has been a regression in law enforcement encouraging them by idiot policies based on the moronic notion that you can reduce crime by just not prosecuting it and pretending things are legal.

So in a sense, the robber is not even even really the most responsible one here because its obviously a dumb chimp chimping. Its the lawmakers allowing it. Not to mention those "heroes" in uniform. No matter if kids are being shot, cities are burning, stores are being looted, the wrong people are being arrested, your pet dog is being killed or your border is being invaded, they are somehow never responsible and always find a way to do more nothing.

Unless its some weakling white kid waving a sign on campus of course. In that case they need to break out snipers and tear gas to show who is 'in charge'.
he's talking about the person calling him fat boy you really didn't need to write five paragraphs
>nooo someone save the tencent slave phones!
>not me tho im an obese neet teehee

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Why not let Jesus be the one to be burdened by your gender dysphoria and turn your will and live over to Christ and stop taking those sinful hormones?
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he was resurrected and can save you if you turn you life over to His will and His word. Jesus wants you to accept your birth sex.
There is literally like one line in the Bible against being a troon and multiple about eating pork and being executed if you piss off your parents but you Christians seem to cherry pick what you listen to to suit your selfish agendas
based OP i did this and changed my life
This made me cry
there's many lines in the bible about breeding if you can and trannies refuse to bear live fruit like God compels them

How was your ANZAC day faggots
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Any tasmanians? It's lonely in this shithole.
I see. to be honest I don't know many of the trips that well
also im near Sydney but not actually Sydney so its like im fake sydney
Blue mountains? I'm in the western suburbs
for any ausfags who like 70s pop go see songs from the canyon

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itt: zionist passoids ONLY
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>taking pics from lens-makes-head-huge angle so she can bait posters like >>35552648 and self harm
camera distortions and what people look like through them (cis included) should be part of the requirements to be allowed to be trans
im sure her skull is tiny and female irl :^)
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it sort of is tho
but like her midface is still closer to her hot brother than two her plain ass sisters
I propose we euthanize Ava and clone her brother and distribute a copy of him to all lonely Australian HSTSes
her skull is the same size as her sisters though and smaller than her brother

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Hi qott - whats your favorite car? I like the civic del-sol.
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If you have dark hair you're golden, I have very light hair and doubt laser will have any effect
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So your telling em there is a chance...
laser got rid of most of my black hairs (still have one or two more sessions) and left all my light red and white ones. perks of having a tricoloured beard...
gonna need electro for the remainders
If you have dark hairs on your face, the laser will be efficient in getting rid of those lessening your beard shadow, yes
Alright we winning today men
Damn sounds like a hustle
Hope it works out for ya!

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Would you fuck this femboy?
that ain't a boy anymore, thats a femman

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>take hormones
>end up with a disgusting not entirely male or female body
>become sterile
I wish I had just repressed. Why are all the LGBT people who claim to have changed all 'Christians' and 'accepted Jesus'? Why are there no scientific conversion efforts?
iwnbaw I know this for a fact
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>end up with a disgusting not entirely male or female body
Andro bodies are hot
I am an ugly manmoder
>>take hormones
>>end up with a disgusting not entirely male or female body
>>become sterile
I thought about it and became incredibly turned on
Takes your pills
I am on estrogen

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Wonderful to see so many girls who've made progress over the last half decade.
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i personally dont hate you and think youre sweet but i think you need some therapeutic help urgently
soph almost there, sasha is a hon?????? literally how
There is only a top 5 it is rude to go beyond
>crowbar in hon
go fuck yourself

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I'm no bootlicker

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I dress like that irl
She’s really attractive what do you mean?
Need crazy radfem white supremacist terf pussy on god
They're pretty bad looking. Seems like a horse-faced woman.
Imagine being this bitter lol

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2024... I Am Forgotten
shut up spice
i dont like thinking about the past

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Haven’t seen one of these in a while, post your topster and guess people’s letters
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Wipers - Is This Real
Hot Snakes - Automatic Midnight
Psychedelic Porn Crumpets - High Visceral pt1
Ty Segall - Melted
Not enough sad shit
Hood - Cold House
Ovlov- Am
Matt Elliott - The Mess We Made
Usoqu - Кoмнaтa в мoeй гoлoвe
Dirty Three - Ocean Songs

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gay man
mtf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGU9M5rTX_I
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this isn't fully accurate but since I can't access topsters anymore its close enough

transbian or gay
too mtf
same here
mtf. I can only give recs for bdm since u have cryptopsy, try early vehemence or mortal decay
hard to tell, either mtf or bi guy
dissection spotted
idk what u would be desu idk what kind of person listens to song ohia, arctic monkeys but also dissection and goatmoon

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--- Bizarre Ballad Edition ---

>QOTT #1: Do you listen to much new music or are you more set in your ways, having found music you like?
>QOTT #2: Do you wear/own any jewellery?

Previous thread: >>35495057


>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love me, OP?

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>writes in the deleted post "just say you wouldn't date a trans person lol"
>tries to avoid being pointed out on falsely accusing someone of transphobia
Yeah I wrote exactly that. I saw it could be interpreted that way and deleted.
Im sorry
I deleted before I saw your reply
Sure. No harm done.
>Btw do you have any music sample of you playing bass? I would like to hear!

Sure! Sometimes I like to record my bass playing just In case I get an idea so it's not really a song or anything but I like this one, it's also the only one I have saved rn

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i'd rather die a virgin than have loveless sex.
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>amazon tranny
yoooo I remember this one, please post another! Will refresh thread in the morning since I'm getting eepy.
I have never understood retards that think their virginity is lost by fucking prostitutes

You're still mentally a virgin, nobody will believe you had sex if you told them lol
please post the new greentext if not here in a new thread. i liked your last one. GIWTWM
I lost mine to a drunk chick at a party, and later fucked a guy from Grindr.
Still felt like a virgin after both times. It took me to meet up a tranny from this board where she came over for a week and we did all the relationship/dating stuff and fell asleep and woke up next to each other until I felt Ive finally made it

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