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I had sex with a girl the other week. She keeps wanting to hang out but I don't want anything else. I agreed to see her tomorrow to tell her in person I found someone else. Should I just send a text instead rather than wasting her time or setting some kid of expectation?
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How did you meet?
Yes text instead. It's embarrassing to go through all the effort and anticipation of meeting up with someone to get dropped.
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My, you ARE one of Nature's princes, aren't you?
Women are weird, aren't they? Just because you fuck them, they think you might like them
Just tell her you can't see her anymore and stop replying to her texts. You're a man you have literally nothing to fear but I know you just like the feeling of being the rejecter for once so you're dragging it out. Get a hobby

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Pretty much looks like picrel. I had to shave my head for reasons and it's even more noticeable. Is this a normal head shape or is it weird or ugly?
Picrel is not actually me btw
if you have an ugly head shape you'll know it because children will cry or ask rude questions in public. any head shape short of "this guy has a syndrome" isn't really that bad. football guys that look like ogres get women just fine, being too caveman looking is not a hindrance
That guys head looks weird because his hair is thinning in the front and probably at the temples.
I have a similar shape and I just learned to live with it
No one ever said anything about it to my face at least, I don't think it matters, I've seen more dudes like that too. Only thing subject of mockery for people about me that I can think of is my eyebrows. They're thick.
Everyone has it. It's called the Occipital ridge. It's sometimes hidden by hair.

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Instead they will get worse and worse as life slowly passes us by
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absolute entropy would be the least chaotic thing ever imo. also that will not be the end of all things i bet. also your life does not take place on a cosmic scale.
you could literally go die instead of posting
It's not helpful, but true
Emptiness actually feels amazing, and you can achieve it through meditation.

What you're feeling is sorrow.
At least I didn't wage or contribute to the Jew World Order. My only satisfaction in life.

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I’m a femanon and I go college but I don’t interact with anyone there. Not due to bad anxiety. I just really want one friend I could have a conversation with or laugh with. There’s people in my class but they know I’m behind on work so they just avoid me and I know I won’t fit in with none of them. It feels like I’m doomed to be stuck alone forever. I haven’t had an actual friend for 3 years. Well I have a friend but she only talks about her and her toxic boyfriend. So it gets boring talking to her. I use social apps but it’s hard to find female friends since they always leave me opened. I’m not sure what else I can do either just focus on my “future” idk. Most of my teens I rotted every single summer in bed scrolling on 4chan, tik tok, etc watching or stalking other people from my old school have fun. While I just resent myself for not being able to fit in.
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I’ll be ur friend bae ;)
London? (no seriously, not trying to rizz you up don't worry)
I'm from London and holy fucking shit I am LONELY. It's basically wall to wall nepo babies in post punk bands, no disrespect to them because they're always polite and respectful to me but I cannot relate at all. All my friends are international students that end up moving away, or people who don't fit in (like me) who I end up falling out with due to us both being turbulent and neurotic
I'm thinking of moving somewhere smaller and with a younger median age so that it's easier for me to make friends, London's upsides aren't worth the downsides
Sorry for the blogpost fren
rip zyzz
You will never find genuine friends.
If you already have trouble making friends as an adult it's all over for you. Kids and teens have that attitude where they'll see another kid sitting alone and try to talk with them. Adults do no such thing.
A normal adult can tell you have no friends at a glance, and immediately tags you subconsciously. They will be "friendly", perhaps even open and inviting, should you two have to interact due to circumstances. But make no mistake, you are an acquaintance they have no interest in developing. And they'll be fishing for any insecurities, any quirks, anything they can use to catalog you further, to further separate you into the "can make some conversation to pass the time but, do not add to social circle" and "make small talk, avoid otherwise" groups.
An adult will not take pity on you. An adult will not see how lonely you are. An adult will judge you thrice as harshly as even the meanest school bully would, and smile while doing it.

Sorry, femanon. Learn to live with it.
Sincerely rip

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I outright hate my parents for bringing me into this hopeless world and I want revenge on them. What’s the best way to do this? Nothing illegal please.
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Be a neet who spends all day alternating between posting on 4chan, jerking off, and playing wow. Ideally be fat and ugly too. They will literally regret every sacrifice they made to bring you into this world every waking moment.
Do you hate your parents or the hopeless world?
Spend a lot of time with them. Your miserable personality will be punishment enough

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I’m a short girl who has gained 7 pounds and it’s made me look fat and gross. What are the best ways to lose these? I don’t want to go to the public gym as the dudes there can be creeps, I’m in a small town.
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water, salteens, carrots, any high satiety foods. Hungry? Is it lunch or dinner time? eat but avoid carbs. No? Go drink water. Hungry? Repeat. In between lunch and dinner eat one of those high satiety foods, i prefer salteens because they make you drink more and make you feel more full. I lost around 20 kg pretty fast with little exercise but my blood sugar was also stupidly low so watch out. Make sure you set a goal and ease your way into eating more as you get thinner.
These anons lead the way. You could also visit the fatlossgeneral thread on /fit/.
7 pounds is roughly equal to around 21,000 calories. A 250 calorie deficit and 2 and a half mile walk a day in theory should get rid of 7 pounds in a month and a half.
Eat what you normally eat, only less. One sandwich, not two. No seconds at dinner. Aim to lose 1-2 pounds a week and it will stay off.
Lemme see that shit, OP. Did it go straight to your stomach?

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If good circumstances arise in my life, I feel like the universe favors me personally and that I am special and meant to leave a mark. But if I get harmed in any way, or start feeling sick, I feel abandoned and targetted by fate/god/higher forces. Is this normal?

I was shaking from anxiety and didn’t sleep for five days, and I avoided a group project at college.

The prof emailed me about it and asked why and the email was very rude. I started with apologizing and then explained I am in a pretty bad place without going into detail.

I was sure to add this was no excuse and that I accept 0% with dignity. Before this I was an A+ overacheiver and I burned out.

I went back to class a few weeks later and I was early. He just stared at me with utter hatred. I looked at the floor, ceiling and this guys just death staring at me.

This went on for about five minutes until another student came in and then he set up his stuff for the lecture.

Am I overreacting here, or is this all very inconsiderate on BOTH sides. I should have shown up, but I would have been a disaster and humiliated myself and probably had to leave anyways.

But why on earth would you take personal offence to this? Especially given an apology.

Im even more confused because I had to drop out temporarily to tackle an addiction I have, and he seemed to notice and sent me an email saying he wished I would come back someday?

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Hate when this happens. I also struggle with anxiety and burnout, which can make it hard to function normally. Your professor might have been upset because you missed a lot of class time with no explanation yet, but he might not understand how it’s impossible to predict dealing with this shit. It's a good sign that he reached out, atleast showing he cares.
>But why on earth would you take personal offence to this?
He might have been staring at you, expecting an in person explanation or apology, which is common courtesy. A lot of professors value their time and get annoyed when people just don’t show up.
>A lot of professors value their time
Nta but isn't that why they're paid for it? Why would it matter if a few people don't show up to class?
>the email was very rude
>He just stared at me with utter hatred.

I doubt that VERY much. Professors simply do not develop personal grudges against students for not doing the work. It is FAR more likely that your guilt made you read a neutral business-like tone as accusing.
op is a passive agressive dweeb attacking everyone that interacts with him lmao
Further argument that it's all in your mind. A student who doesn't do the assignment = one less assignment to have to read and grade. The natural extension of your argument is that, If anything, he'd be grateful to you for reducing his work load.

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is it a good idea to use it?

i'm a high school student(18 years old) i want to kill myself out of fear of failing this year ,i keep forgetting what i learned and i struggle mostly with biology , should i keep studying even with the possibility of being stupid?
i keep doubting my intelligence and i see no point of staying alive if i'm stupid

the only thing i accomplished this year is fixing my english and arabic handwriting picrel ,,i think i might be retarded because i take longer time to learn some stuff , how do i know if i'm retarded or not?
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that's a good advice, thank you
You weakling. At least kill yourself when you have it your all and still failed to pass. But don't kill yourself without an attempt. Fight
Brother this is not the end, not even if you fail. Do something to calm your nerves, go outside, seek nature. Your fears will pass and you will grow up, treat this as a temporary issue.

I am still a young and breedable straight guy in his late 20's, i go to the gym and build gains and the juiciest fucking cake that can rival any woman out there, i'm just saying.
Like in theoretical One Piece conqueror's haki battle of asses, mine would win and i'll leave it at that desu.
Anyways i'm slowly building a tinder for a genuine relationship and working towards a long overdue drivers license.
I have that avoidant attachment style shit so i don't talk or interact much with people, even my own family.

My question is: Any general advice to reach the femanon goal to share my life with, thanks bros.
Have you considered getting a personality?
You sound like a chode smoker. Get a grip, women dont like muscular guys anymore. They want skinny twink Asian boys

When does paranoia that your brother is a serial killer or at least killed someone become justified?
Like what kind of weird signs
tourists+bot training spamming low quality/off-topic pepe threads mostly on /adv/ /v/ & /biz/ but also simultaneously on a selection of boards, next time it happens check the other boards sorted by creation date and you will notice that sometimes they move in waves. However on boards where moderation works they are deleted instantly.

Boards usually being targeted: /g/ /o/ /p/ /v/ /vg/ /lgbt/ /adv/ /biz/ /ck/ /diy/ /fa/ /fit/ /his/ /int/ /lit/ /mu/ /tv/ /x/
when you find the body parts in his room
That's an invasion of privacy

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Just slid into the DMs of a girl I’ve never met (but does my course at uni). Am I doing well so far? What should I write next? (1/2)
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>Haha yeahh
i wouldve killed myself right there, but you just kept going...
She sounds stupid. Doesn't deserve your wolf posts OP
No people were involved in the making of these screenshots
holy shit that's so cringe that it becomes based asf again. horseshoe theory
you text like a curry/pajeet fat weeb and constantly reference terminally online memes yet surface level memes

it's over

>Be me
>Develop feelings for female friend
>start noticing other friend getting closer to her
>Almost exclusively Does homework with her despite living with another guy from our class and a literal genius who already got an A in it two years ago
>regularly teases her in class
>talks about her almost affectionately when she's not around
>Only three weeks left until we graduate and neither of them have to move away from college town while I do
How do I maintain platonic friendships with girls? None of this would bother me if I didn't fall in love with any reasonably attractive girl who was nice to me. I have another female friend who I've never felt weird around because she already had a boyfriend when I met her. It's unrealistic to expect that I'll only socialize with women who are already in relationships, so it would be nice to know how to talk to them without immediately assuming them being nice means they like me.
men and women cannot be platonic friends outside a group setting, especially if one party has feelings for the other

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Will lifting help me become more comfortable around young women?
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>sprinting to get better with women
go on /fit/ and read their posts, it's basically /r9k/ with a gym membership
the only way to get comfortable around young women is to be around young women more often.

that said, lifting will probably help your confidence and if there's zero reason any able-bodied young man should neglect his physical health. I believe lifting is mandatory for men, it's the baseline like showering or being able to feed yourself.

anyways, just be around women more. simple as. you'll get over the initial awkwardness and get better at talking and eventually flirting, as long as you stick with it. you're looking for ways to get around this simple fact, I'm sure you know that you have to eventually talk to women if you want to get better at it but are doing this weird combination of procrastination and self-gaslighting.
>if I just do [something unrelated to women] surely I'll get better with women!
no. lifting, losing weight, dressing better, clearing your acne, getting a better haircut, getting your own place, getting hobbies, etc they all *help*. but the only way to develop confidence around women is to be around women. full stop.
No, but women will become less comfortable around you, so it evens out.
Do it scared.
>the only way to develop confidence around women is to be around women
how to casually be around women tho? i don't meet a lot of women and i have a few female coworkers but they already know i'm retarded i don't talk to me so what i'm i supposed to do?
If you're a loser now, you'll be a muscle-bound loser.

Should I download tinder to find gf or what are other means to finding one?

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