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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vst/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Song of Syx thread since last one archived.


It's a low fantasy city builder in the vein of Caeser or Pharaoh series. Oh and for whatever reason, the creator decided to over reach and bolt on a total war component so you can micro like an RTS while taking over the world. City builder is pretty much done and the latter has the foundations in but still unbalanced.

Demo is free-forever and is only a few versions behind the latest stable, good to try so you know whether you will like to core gameplay.

Fantasy means many races with their strengths and weaknesses like Vegetarian pigmen, tall dwarves twice the size of humans, cannibal elves lizards and bugmen. Oh so you want to min-max with all these races don't you? Well, too bad they are all Racists as fuck and prone to murder each other without careful planning. Good thing there's a very robust slavery system for you to prosecute and exploit the undesirables yes?
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beta is pretty stable at this point
Stable still has some QoL mods that have yet to update to v66, but not many.
Overall v65 will be the more documented version, so unless you don't mind experimenting you can go with v66. Either see the dev blogs to catch on on changes and additions since the demo, or one of the other game's web forums for info.
Just play beta, it's perfectly fine
Dumb faggot fucked up the steam sale and ended it a week early hope he dies
>Communism and trannyism is literally promoted by the games creator
is that actually true? Or are you the same faggot who keeps spamming the EU5 thread saying "Jotran is adding sodding communism to my based sandbox"

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How so? It doesn't seem to have any fantasy elements that the original doesn't. It just takes place in a less populated area.

It's like saying Alaska is more fantasy than California.
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Here's that Sion's build while I'm raging about it.
Every day this fucking build taunts me with promises of reclaiming a mastery slot by taking out Honesty, but it just can't be done without also having to use a property limit Human mastery to achieve the same thing, and completing the set gives +1% ESP damage from Sage compared to using one of the Human masteries.
Fuck I wish we had another slot or two.
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And here's a reminder Magic Optimisation is actually overpowered. With 10 stacks of Release Magic and 25 stacks of Concentrated Magical Power it's a 1 point mastery for 55% ESP damage before adding in any other sources of vigor recovery.
The writers at Dandylion really are pretty shit when it comes to trying to write any sort of [Conclusion].
To this day I'm still baffled why Ben is a Hard/Cruel boss in a violent case while the final story map of DLC1 is just a random raid on the Clowns' convoy. Crimson Crow at least ended with a climactic showdown and the VHPD in flames.

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>be europoor dev
>need shekels
>have Unreal 4 license
>make assets and ui
>hire artist?sound design? programmers?, easier just to market as total war killer to big youtubers
>almost a decade goes by, close to launch
>tell fans to lower expectations and gaslight them by saying it was always intended to purely be a city builder

So it takes almost a decade to half a half made EA title with no point in playing.

>Look how many apples i harvested
>look how big my city and pop is!
>now i just have to wait 5 years for it ever actually mean anything ingame!

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it's appears the game's popularity has generated some controversy
yeah it also turns you into a zionist its crazy.
it's a weird schizopost
if you think this guy is bad, wait for another 2 years of early access
it's not that in its current state either lmao
Embarassing read

How hard will this game mindbreak the paradox fans, when it releases and turns out ot have been absolute shit all along?
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Pot, kettle and all that.
Older paradox games were pretty shit for mp and the newer games are the newer games. And that's ignoring all the cancer that the mp playerbase is.
>MP is going to be unplayable trash
huh? huhh?? why is that??

pdx games have been balanced around multplayer since ast least 2012 why would u assume that ones gonna be unplayable
From what I've seen so far this game is going to be more tedious than v3's economy to manage and instead of 3 button meme it has an actual warfare system. I just can't imagine doing all of that efficiently in real time without pausing often, something that doesn't happen in mp games.
People managed with EU4's warfare system. They'll manage here.
Kys low iq normie

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Dead since 2015. It's joever.
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how to fix sieges in total war games:
you siege a city, and after some turns you create breaches etc. when you want to storm, the game starts with some parts of the wall already destroyed because of your long siege. additionally, gates might be weakened or destroyed too. if you don't wait, the castle will be intact.

there, i fixed it
See, their basic problem is that they treat sieges as just regular field battles with some walls streets and towers. So you grab some ladders, or shoot the walls open and just go in.

In reality, sieges tended to be long drawn out affairs. The defending army had massive advantages and so the attackers usually just camped outside until the defenders starved. They would dig trenches, make artillery emplacements, raid the countryside for food... If they decided to take it by storm they would have to have a high advantage in numbers as well as a crapton of siege engines.

The defenders on the other hand would launch constant raids against the attackers construction projects, try to smuggle in aid one way or another, carefully ration their supplies...Disease was common for both sides. Getting hit by the plague could wipe out large proportions of either army.

None of this would be a very fun experience especially when you consider how this interlocks with the rest of the game. Some kind of 10 turn siege where you slowly whittle down the enemy would turn the game into a slow grind. Given how quickly you (and especially the AI) recruit armies, actually taking enemy territory and especially their big cities would be a fucking nightmare. The ease with which you build fortifications and the sizable size of free garrisons is also an issue.

You would have to basically rethink the whole experience from the ground up and here's the thing: I don't think it would be worth it. The fantasy in TW games is going a map-wide conquest and painting the whole map. It's not sitting in front of some shithole until it breaks. If you're under attacks, the fantasy is basically Helm's Deep. Your heroic army beating back the enemy assault. It's not you just sitting there while hoping the enemy shits themselves to death.
why not skip the siege entirely and just have the fight be storming the citadel after you already breached the walls?
I remember the first Rome 2 teaser having those. What a load of bullshit it turned out to be

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>"I will never ask you to vote for me again!" - Park Chung-hee

Previous Thread: >>1644652
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>Trying to figure out a map problem for my mod where the error messages are absolutely opaque & there's 0 documentation
Coding for TCT is surprisingly flexible but man is it pure spaghetti sometimes
NCT is way better by the sole reason that you can the enter key to answer a question.
Why does CST not have this?
Also BIGSHOT is way easier to use UI-wise than the benefit checker window.
I don't think we've decided.
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I thought that hadn't come out yet

are the mods good at least?
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bpm is great but holy shit it is next to impossible to pass reforms as an absolute monarchy. it is easy enough going republic during the springtime of nations but if you want to stay an absolute monarchy the ruler ideology, even if the aristocrats aren't in the government and are 5% power, provide a -20-30 penalty to law support for every ig meaning even igs that petition you to pass a law can refuse to ever support said law. also revolutionaries won't support your laws because they have a low opinion due to no laws and you need a +80% or higher to overcome the rulers opinion of said law.
just wanted to be a paternalist.
BPM seems cool in concept, but I didn't have much fun playing with it. The already shit UI paradox designed for the poltics system becomes a mess with all the additional complexity BPM adds.
Anyyone tried either any of this guys mods?
lol no

Fabledom - Official 1.0 Release Date Teaser Trailer!
Finally out of early access!
Hopes? Fears?
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>looks goofy
not as goofy as that hillbilly princess Matt Groening made for Disenchantment.
>that screenshot
aaaand into the trash it goes. At least they make it easy these days
But what if you can make them slaves? Not particularly good slaves, mind.

On a more serious note, it's not the charcoal itself that is the problem, more often than not it is a symptom of something else.
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looks like crap

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You only need one peasant to save isolated villages.

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Does anyone know how to make it so dogs surrender? I've finally had it with dogs overextending my missions.
Zeds are ridiculously weak to electric
You can kill them with the 5.56 ep ammo
>always beeline underseas treasures in hopes of getting an early oscillator
is this even a smart thing to do? I've noticed underwater missions are pretty rare before undersea operations so it feels like a major gamble
spears javelins and oxygen tank plus bandages
Even if you get no loot, underwater missions are unique for that training outfits like swimsuits or bikinis give extra xp(20), so if you have rookies that need training they can get huge xp boosts from just one hit.

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>PA is now released version 1.0.13
>OpenVic hasn't had a dev diary in 5 months

Bros, come on now, you really gonna support chudgun over actual progress?
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>but at the same time, owning a computer is the gayest thing a man could own other than a dildo.
can't tell if this guy literally looks like gigachad or if his brain is just completely fried in the imagination department
there are a shitload of things "gayer" than a computer for a man to own
i used to think of myself as a monarchist when i was 14 because i played vic 2
moom, /gag/ bots have taken over the PA thread
What mods do you play on Alice?
They're too busy dying in Jewtin's special military operation

Is it good? Worth the pirate?
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thats why you cover you mouth, for that exact reason
Is there any point to go beyond assigned worker of 4? It seems like the efficiency drops around that point and you're better off making a new structure. Not to mention that your most important resource, food, is bottleneck to the field which is hardset to only 2 workers.
I guess you can dump the unemployed as emergency labour force if you need a type of resource fast, but I don't think you're ever that dire of a particular resource in this game.
>but I do have a soft spot for it because it reminds me of Newground Flash games.
it's pretty much inspired by Rebuild i'd say
and it nevel well, it uses a free maps API; the real good shit requires you to pay, and they aren't gonna buy a ridiculous 70gbs file map of the planet just for this game.
Yeah pretty much. Although this is more of an RTS-esque, the art and the direction has that spirit. Similar to last stand: aftermath (that one's way more polished though).

Survived for 61 days then quit as it had no gameplay beyond that. Currently the HQ and Sniper Rifle are broken. You can game your squads by disbanding them in one HQ and forming them in another far away HQ to "fast travel". HQ itself has 9000 HP so can take a lot of hits, and having 6+ squads with SRs will melt all resistance. Good to have a decoy HQ so you can divide the swarm.
Real challenge is to find a good location to colonize, as you can't build new structures currently but adapt ruins. Although as this anon >>1737062 states you can survive fairly well by scavenging unless you literally picked butt-fuck nowhere for the map. In that sense it's better to just rush research and unlock SR mass production to arm your men.
Hopefully they expand more on the expedition mechanic as that was shit.

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Whenever i see new city builder released it gets called Banished clone, Is it really the king of city builders?
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>What actually is the most similar game to Banished that came out prior to it anyway?
The two are way too different to be compared. Stronghold is actually good for example.
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>stronghold online
oh god I didn't even know this existed
>failed MMO stronghold redesigned for smartphones
Classic Firefly Studios
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I liked Kingdom & Castles more than Banished. Not sure why.

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Relic finally fixed their engine edition

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Is this why anglos never made it to Berlin?
kek good job too bad they will never fix this shit game to be playable
Most retarded post I've seen in a long time
Well, no surprise. I'd be up in arms if I was a fightan game player too.
>same amount of reviews
So much for the "better" game lmao

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What's the verdict
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I am not buying your product.
Beta was great, but losing grorious Nippon from older MoW games hurts.
are germans still wildly overpowered?
The absence of the UK/Commonwealth is sorely felt. When it comes out I'm going to see if I can throw together something resembling a UK deck using lendleased soviet gear
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I THINK there was a brit battlegroup available for the americans but don't quote me on that. The germans do have this pastacar available, for example.

I'm sure the valour fag will mod all that shit in sooner than later.

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