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>he drives a Toyota
OP rides the bus or doesn't even leave mommy's house, so I don't get why he would be laughing at anyone. Verification not required. Sage any further replies you must make to this thread and report for global rule 3 - trolling/low quality posts

>Makes the parliament seethe at every twist and turn
>Makes Ferrari, Porsche and Lamborghini seethe, piss and shit their pants
>Makes Bimmer owners cry in disbelief
>Makes the Police complaint 24/7 due to leaving every car in the dust

Name a more based car, you can't.
>blocks your bath
>Meme vehicle with nothing remarkable
Try again.

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If you're in the USA and you like Kei trucks, just own up to being a weeb and you wanna fly your freak flag. Nobody in this modern age will care anymore

But these arent practical or worth importing to the USA for actual use. Unsafe, uncomfortable, cant tow hardly anything.

"Muh farm/site use" bro just get a golf cart with a bed, or a John Deere Gator. The parts and serviceability are much more readily available

"Muh bed size" get used base model Ford Ranger, or an old minivan and take the seats out if cargo space is what you need

"Muh city car" bro if you live in a city, you probably have better public transport so just use that. If not, just buy a subcompact car for less than 2k

"Muh dump bed" bro WHAT
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I never posted on reddit. I tried once, but I couldn't figure out how that place worked

Does this make you feel better?

If you're in the USA and you like Kei trucks, just own up to being a weeb and you wanna fly your freak flag. Nobody in this modern age will care anymore. But these arent practical or worth importing to the USA for actual use. Unsafe, uncomfortable, cant tow hardly anything.
>"Muh farm/site use" bro just get a golf cart with a bed, or a John Deere Gator. The parts and serviceability are much more readily available
>"Muh bed size" get used base model Ford Ranger, or an old minivan and take the seats out if cargo space is what you need
>"Muh city car" bro if you live in a city, you probably have better public transport so just use that. If not, just buy a subcompact car for less than 2
>Does this make you feel better?
Better. What your post misses is how convenient Japanese mini trucks are. Sold my American pickup after owning this awhile. Loading and loading is much easier with the drop sides and the height of the bed. The first one of these I owned was used by my local city council, who towed a 7x5 trailer with a zero steer mower everyday and racks of hand tools behind the cab. Fell in love with that truck as I looked at it from my workplace.
>Loading and loading
Loading and unloading
you ride the bus. kill yourself.
>truck is completely scratch free and dirt free
>I sold my American truck
Yeah, you obviously didn’t need a truck, you don’t even get it dirty or scratched

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why do some people absolutely SEETHE at lane split gods?
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They hated him because he spoke the truth
Ryan gosling hates bikers
What was the camera attached to
the shadow shows a rod above the bike that also gets bent after the first impact but idk how you don't see it physically...
Look at the shadow.

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just why
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I'm sorry your mspaint comment didn't get the response you were expecting, anon. Have this pity (You)
Same reason people modify their exhaust: so others are forced to notice them.
It actually is... You replying to it three times upset about it is the exact response I was going for. Hahahahahahaha
You're dumb as bricks dude.
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honestly I've hated truggolds for years independent of the anticar movement. I also despise redditors thoughever so I'm stuck in the middle.
I literally cannot figure out what this image is even going for. I completely tune out halfway through.

Previous thread: >>27560452

>Vendors list with visualization, courtesy of TAIYO
- https://taiyoracingcompany.neocities.org/goodies/clover

>List of Vendors and Social Media
- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YycLVHMJjrhZLQNbnHhhf79fbyWQw0HqaChJFQjlZaE/edit#gid=989484789
- https://pastebin.com/AGc66Z8j

>/osg/ FAQ
- https://pastebin.com/vaEgettv

>What is this thread for?
A thread to discuss, post, create, and review anything related to automotive decals and stickers, as well as other general aesthetic modifications (wraps, license plate frames, etc).

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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good point, ill start using other peoples pics for the OP image
If you want stickers all you need is a color laser printer, sticker sheets, and patience with an exacto knife. Caveat is most vinyl becomes difficult to remove after a while.
Yeah if you want garbage that looks like shit won’t stand up to use
Vinyl die cuts are pretty attainable with a $300~ cutting plotter tho
Off hand: mischiefmakers, iiiiclothing, araculture, kinokreations all have some cool stuff, but they lean more weeb than JDM for the most part
The people demand a stripping Velma.

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polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish polish german
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>all the time

i've never posted that even once you disingenuous tit
>look for them in binland or swedanistan
I know, but all i want i regular daily. No one want those v6 4gens, you can lowball them all day long. Plus i love euro spec GM cars, thats why i bought my capric.
Why formula tho ? Trans am have all the trim and T top.
unfathomably based
>Why formula tho
because all trans ams look like snow ploughs and in general the plastic shit on them looks gaudy. the redneck look fits the firebird better. i didnt want t tops either because id rather not deal with leaky seals.
I wanted to become a mobile detailer but there's so much fucking competition and starting a small business has so much fucking red tape around it. I have no friends or anyone that I could clean their car and and spread my business word of mouth and just build a small client base.

I drive a Model 3. If I disconnect the low speed noisemaker speaker thing what are the potential consequences? Say the unthinkable happens and I run over a blind guy can he sue me saying that the lack of noise contributed to the crash? I see no precedent for this after a quick search.
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Knowingly disabling a safety device and then running someone over can get you in way hotter water tho
I'd be extremely surprised if the car didn't shit itself, throw an error code, and refuse to move if it detects the noise maker is disconnected. You'd probably have to throw a fake load across the wires or do some software fuckery to make that happen.
Are Teslas so poorly insulated that you can hear the low speed noise maker from inside the car?
I would assume it plays through the interior speakers too as a reminder to the driver that they are in reverse.
I drive an electric BMW and my car doesn't play anything inside, I also can't hear the sound it plays outside either

Twins editions

Thinking of getting a GWR SSST so suvdricers can hear me even if they can’t see me.
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93, 1.6
had it repainted in factory color the year I got it
Nice pics, finally installed a front dash cam and now after buying a front only I’m starting to have second thoughts about not needing a rear.

Saving some money for a super street exhaust which will be my first real mod
generally, if you get rear ended its automatically their fault. the front view during impact can prove you didn't do anything wreckless.
How long can you run ITB's like that before you have to rebuild the engine from all the shit that gets sucked in?
wish I could've made it, but had some things pop up. thanks for the pics. looks like it was fun

I posted here recently asking how hard it would be to transmission swap a fwd car by removing one out of a "diy" parts yard and then swapping them over, with almost no mechanical experience and very limited tools. The response was mixed and in the end I thought I'd give it a go.

Well, this is fucking difficult and I'm a little stuck. Pic related is the new (old) transmission going into my car. I don't have a transmission jack, and yes that's my brothers jack on inflated tires holding up my front end sue me osha (it was only for a bit, to get clearance for my miserable pyramid of tires with the transmission on top). Anyway the issue is, HOW THE FUCK DO I GET IT IN holy shit it's so heavy and it needs to be 180% perfectly aligned to go back into its little guide holes. In my mind this was simple - just line them up and slide it in. Nope. Fuck you. Suffer. The problem is the bottom of the trans is this horrible rounded wonky shape and I physically just can't lift it from above and maneuver it around. Originally I put a ladder on one side of my car, and had this steel table thing on the other and put another ladder between them, above my engine bay and run three ratchet straps underneath my trans the idea was just ratchet it up, ez peasy right? Nope fuck you suffer didn't work because the trans bottom isn't flat it lifted and then the weight would pull it up on an impossible angle to get in. Also it was bending my ladder.

Anyway you got any tips? My plan is to just slowly jam bits of wood at various angles undr the trans until the angle is perfect then somehow slide the black thing it's on towards the engine. But this seems completely dumb there has to be a better way (that doesn't involve buying a transmission jack..).
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I just wonder if such a thing even exists anymore. Seems like even the reputable parts brands are all Hecho en Chine now. Been hearing grumblings about replacement main bearings being shit as an example.
This is absolutely beautiful.
Congrats OP, you made us proud
Now is not the time for OP to find out he bought a blown transmission.
That's for tomorrows thread.
Dude this shit pisses me off much. These companies' entire mission statement used to be doing the work for you of sourcing good quality and correctly sized bearings, all in a one-stop-shop storefront. Now you throw a set of All Balls bushings on a bike and the rear linkage is worse in a year than the old OEM ones were in ten years.
youre a fucking moron, sage this thread

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Really want to get one of these second hand as a daily driver.

>it's slow!

Don't care. I don't drive fast anyway. Any other reasons I shouldn't get one?
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what poobaru gets 30 mpg?
Mine does, I get 34-36mpg crusing at 70mph and 27 city from my 2013. But mine's an FRS which is a Scion, and Scion is Toyota so it's automatically better than the BRZ, trust.
FRS has a less powerful engine than the GR models.
I had one for 6 years, I loved it man I had tons of fun it taught me alot about driving. I must have gotten lucky cause I put 140k hard kilometers on her and had 0 issues.
You said 2L, subaru engine, and that's what my car has. So I told you about my 36mpg 2L subaru engine, and now you're whining. Why?

If you meant to say 2.4, that's fine, just apologize and say you made a mistake. Although the 2.4s still get well over the 22mpg rating you posted.

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>Nürburgring and its consequences have been a disaster for the car-making race
Do you agree with him?
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Carbs may be easy to work on, but EFI is even simpler again because you turn the key and it just werks.
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There's a big difference between a factory EFI setup and an aftermarket Sniper/Terminator installation on a previously carbed car. I've had to fix the former on tons of shitboxes and they're almost always more of a pain than the carb was originally. But boomers usually think EFI=easy, so they dump a few grand into these systems only to have them shit the bed. Unless you're doing forced induction or making big power, they're rarely worth it.
Carbs just werk too when you have them set up right. Haven't touched the carb on my truck in 3 years and it starts up every time, no matter the weather. But yeah, occasional cleaning in inevitable.
fix the latter*
Sorry, I'm no english major.
Just don't leave it sitting long enough for the fuel to dry up in the bowl
Can't forget to do that also because of corn gas turning to gelatin.

It's Friday. What are you guys working on this weekend? Blog posting encouraged. Wrenchlets need not apply.

Previous Thread:>>27534353
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just curious after the fiasco with the 2000 F250, the van just crested 110k mi w no issues
Whats the material?
And threaded or glued?
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looks like this, it is threaded
can get a easy out in there, or be careful with a drill bit until you can pick whats left of it out of the threads, either way

Ford should make a luxury Mustang to compete with Cadillac, Audi, BMW, Lexus, etc...
Call it the Lincoln Cougar or something
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Nobody wants evs though
An exciting retro halo truck like the Bronco
Not really made for utility, just like the Cybertruck
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>It's luxury sports buyers who would otherwise buy a Cadillac or an Audi or something.
Luxury Coupes as a concept have come and gone already. There's now a significant market gap in terms of what people who want sports cars want (2 door coupe that goes very fast) and what people who want luxury cars want (4-door saloon or SUV with all the bits and bobs and excellent ride quality) that the two concepts are basically impossible to marry.
That's true of the older transverse Northstars. By the time they started putting Northstars in longitudinal cars (the XLR, STS, and 1st gen SRX with the LH2 and LC3) they had massaged them to suck a lot less, they don't really have head issues at all versus the transverse ones which had a near 100% failure rate. The real problem with the XLR now is that XLR-specific parts are becoming unobtainium. Used head lights and tail lights are over $1k each, for example.

I think you could do it as a trim level for the Mustang. Call it a Thunderbird and just change the body work a little and give it a fancy interior.

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What car do you drive?

How tall are you?
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9'11", 11"
Finally some honest answers
Some GMC GMT800 truck; It's lifted
I dunno, somewhere between 5'6-5'8. I'd be a lot taller if I had played sportsball in secondary.
I'm not even a truckfag, I'm a milktoast-looking faggot; this is the only automobile that's available for me to drive, so I drive it. That's not entirely true; I had other options, but the autism kicked in and I stubbornly wanted to get the hang of it. Learning to drive in it was a little difficult, but I'm glad I learned how to. It's an alright truck, I guess. Not really a fan of it being lifted thoughever, it looks kinda gay.
2 decades old Opel Corsa

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