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Is /o/ looking forward to the latest Senna-wank?
Shit I don’t have Nigflix.
Ironically, Prost is the hero of this story, he turns to Balestre because Honda and McLaren supported Senna. It's amazing how he was able to win the WDC in 1989 with everything against him. The reality is that Prost would have won the 1988 WDC with the current points system.

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This car is amazing on paper, and they are pretty cheap even in good condition, I'm assuming due to the bio-degradable wiring harness
How hard of a job would it be to buy a clean one of these and replace the wiring harness? I've got access to a lift and tools but don't have a huge amount of wrenching experience

for those who are curious:
>bulletproof 2.8 liter N/A inline 6
>manual tranny
>independent double wishbone front, independent multilink rear suspension
>sub 1500 kg

Also general MB bread i guess, mid 90s Mercs are so good
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I've heard of this specific case being used as an example in manufacturing engineering.
What happened here is that mercedes wanted to streamline its engine production to just two main production lines, as those are ridculously expensive and need high numbers to operate properly. But V and inline engines would not mix well on the line, needing too many steps to be split.
Now, they could've made inline 4 and 6 engines + V8 and 12 as the line split, but then the former would've been overloaded and the latter would've been grossly underutilized. So they decided to go for a V6, allowing them to group all the upmarket engines on one line that could actually run at a comfy utilization, and keep the production line for the budget models within reasonable numbers too.
lol, I like a good bimmer but how come they're so obnoxious itt
Absolute fool. Reliability and power potential are functions of each individual engine design. It’s not inherent to either an inline or a straight 6. You’ve got plenty of dead reliable v6 motors that can also produce good power. Just because some engines were designed in the wonderful age of cost cutting doesn’t mean the v6 is inherently flawed as an idea. If you design a high performing, high boost, high compression, open deck, mixed metal, i6 with shoddy bore liners, you will indeed have issues. Being an i6 will not save it
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holy fuck you are a wrenchlet, you dont even know the lights on your dash
>no idrive
>white roof headliner
>non split armrest
>seats arent even sport, just leather
your car is objectively a lower spec, it only has leather seats, and those are probably standart
A new engine harness with silicone wires costs 4-600€
Rebuilding a throttle body with proper wires costs about 200€

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Rank them.
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poorfags will forever hate them
stick to your toyotas faggots
If we’re talking about the old times (2010 at the latest) it really depended what you were trying to buy. Luxury first it was obviously merc, performance first it was Porsche. Nowadays it’s all garbage.
Worse. In the video, she had a literal half mile to stop from like a 30mph cruising speed and still fucked it up
yea I really don't get what happened there
she's just cruising at normal road speed towards a stationary car and barely slows down at all until she just rear ends it
like was this the first red light she came across in her driving career?
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Tell me again why you are still polluting our planet with your filthy exhaust fumes?

Not purchasing a consooming EV is killing our children and polluting our planet
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>You. Yes, you
Id probably get one if they were cheap
I almost feel bad for this guy but he really did it to himself.
>Doesn't cook his meat all the way
>Regularly eats long expired preserved foods
>Keeps Thanksgiving leftovers, including turkey, for months
>Has multiple strokes thanks to repeated and prolonged bouts of salmonella and loses use of parts of his body
>Refuses to change
not my problem
>Tell me again why you are still polluting our planet with your filthy exhaust fumes?
Not my problem. Internal combustion engine's exhaust emissions are beneficial for the planet because it helps flowers, trees, farm fields to grow.

>haha what if we made the 5th gen corvette the single best one except we're gonna make it butt fucking ugly for no reason
seriously what the fuck was their problem? every other gen before and since has looked beautiful and cars in general looked quite good in the 90s, they really just went and fucked this one up for the kek of it
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Nah gen 1 is fucking ugly, I agree with him.
Other gens look much better
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Gen 3/4 has the most fucked up proportions of every viper, it looks bloated, worst side profile of all of them too. Its only redeeming features were the return of the sidepipes and its headlights.
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Pic related.
While you circled some '97 MY cars, those are early 90s and late 80s designs.
Second part of that was meant for >>27631020

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Are these guaranteed to just get more valuable at some point even in shitty condition?
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That's not a C20
They probably will maintain value, nobody wants gay ass 4 cylinder trucks being manufactured this year. Shit I can't even find an old Ford sub 6k
F to your friend
>I dont think GenZ or anyone after is going to give a single shit for old cars trucks beyond what they remember growing up with
Third worlders from Mexico and Latin America will keep the values high. Classic trucks are a majority spic hobby as it is now boomers really aren't too into them aside from some select 4x4 models. Most boomers are in their dying years in new diesel pickups.
> Mexicans love old trucks

k5 blazer owner can confirm.

What car to choose for 3-5 thousand euros?
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Euro Yaris is not made in Japan but in France. It's garbage car same as those UK Swindon Hondas.
Also no one mentioned rust but how rubber/plastics is trash on euro cars so everything breaks and starts leaking.
Do you live in Europe though?
anon, despite toyotas high class reliability and durability, theres one lil thing that literally annihilates toyota as a real vehicle from an engineering perspectinve. bodywork rust. i dont care how bulletproof your cars engine is or how good rubber seals are. if your frame/bodywork starts rusting unstoppably and uncontrollable, then your vehicle cannot be considered as marvel of machinery i see americans praise toyota all the time and how those land cruisers conquer sand dunes in saudi arabia. throw any japanese car, even toyota in harsher climates (even finland will be enough) and your car will turn in to a ghost after few years. sorry, transmissions and engine might be unkillable, but if your shell rots out and you have to spend astronomical amounts of spendings on fixing your bodywork (without it being directly damaged) then a vehicle cannot be considered bullet/future-proof and if youre thinking rational person, who always plans ahead, you avoid such cars altogether. same goes for meme of 80s/90s mercedes. "wowzers look at them driving in africa!!!", guess how many mercedes are left in siberia and why no sane person buys an old mercedes for daily driving anywhere besides africa. remember golden rule - you can repair/replace any mechanical part. you cannot fix your bodywork forever. once it starts rust, its over. you can prolong the life, but youre never saving it.

Ausfags, i don't like the look of this.

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>comments disabled
like pottery
Hyundai i10
>save money at the bowser
Literally only way this could ever happen is to reduce fuel taxes. But that's impossible.
Worked like an absolute charm on the normies, everyone I know told me its good because we are missing out on those efficient cars. The prime minister made a promise to some Asian conference to reduce emissions, the thing is so important that people protest about it. Yep greenhouses gases are the most important thing ever if you look at protests, not housing or immigration levels.

Ozzies just don't like paying $60k for some euro slop 0.9L car but will justify it if its 2.5L even if its a shitbox.
globohomo shithole #3 announces another humiliation ritual law to further emasculate the white man, more news at 12.

My door handle broke.
And i tried to fix it myself.
How do you think it turned out ?
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Looks like Godzilla had a flaming poop on it
very impressive craftsmanship, anon
Looking good, OP.
why the fuck are you not working at some prestige outfit yet?
least methed out gmt900 owner

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tl;dr, why do you hate ford? why shouldn't i purchase an f150 over a 1500 gm/chrysler truck?

the ENTIRE fleet of vehicles at my job are fords, with the exception of a handful of macks, a few internattys, freightliners, and an oshkosh. these trucks take a beating like no other. from 150s to 550s, almost all of them plow. other than oil changes and new tires, maintenance isn't egregious. my 2016 f350 rides nice, hauls trailers perfectly well, just hit 190xxx, and still runs like a top. why shouldn't i buy an f150 for personal use? don't misinterpret my post as me simping for ford, just my observations.

also ford hate/discussion thread
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wtf how did u know
I drive a 2014 automatic Focus because I didn't know the transmission was issue at the time of purchase (2014). Working on finding an old F-150 tho. My dad and father in law are Chevy guys, so kind of weird wife and I are Ford/Mazda enjoyers.
95k is nothing, any car should get there without issue
you should be more like your dad
Overweight males with small penis's who drive Ford Raptors aggressively, step outside your car mate and I'll do you and the kids in the back.
>plastic oil pans for cars marketed as offroad vehicles/rock crawlers
>alternators mounted at the bottom of engines for trucks/broncos, so when they go through puddles they roll the dice
>replacement parts come from the factory fucked up (wiring harnesses, valves)
>spaghetti engine bays
>impossible to maintain/stupidly placed bolts on semi-frequent maintenance items blocked by other components
>the saga of the 6.4L powerstroke diesel
ford engineers deserve unemployment for enabling planned obsolescence

i would like a dongfeng cybertruck, probably safer and better built than elons abomination
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this actually looks more Cyberpunk than the Cybercuck
Me too buddy, me too....
I like the looks, they should have skipped the tent though.
China should really start doing this. If any Chink car company employee is reading this, just start making affordable modernized copies of vintage cars. This one kind of looks like shit, but the right idea is there.
We have eclipsed you. Idiot thread full of idiot posters.

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When did wagons stop being popular and why?
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I saw some old suv's at the junkyard so had a look and I was expecting a heap of storage space under the seating area since the people who get them say its for practicality. Really the body has been raised and the space is just unused. I think the only real advantage is just a slightly higher roof, raising the body is unnecessary and is just used to make the car look bigger and more expensive. These cars are unsafe as I've seen a number of them rollover when in accidents.
I think the real reason they are popular is because people want to be higher up because they have squity eyes and they don't want to admit that they need glasses.

I see a lot of falcon taxi's still driving around. When they were current it just businesses and taxi's that ran them, never families.
it was the same time being a white family man stopped being popular
wagons became less attractive as manufacturers abandonned their key traits, making them 'sportier', with flatter and flatter rear windos, less glass on the sides etc.
This lowered their usability in spite of the standard measurement for cargo capacity remaining the same (measured up to windows --> higher windows mean higher official value, but not really more space once you use the hight)
Wagons were practical because you could fit awkwardly shaped tall objects in there. With the rooflines becoming more of a liftback with a massive spoiler on top for most of them, that was lost.
At the same time, their interior became darker, feeling less rommie because of lack of large side-windows.
With wagons having become dreary tanks inside, they were replaced by crossovers banking on making the misses feel like it really is a tank, and maybe not bottoming out when she mounts the curb again.

It's also easier for manufacturers to make crossovers these days because the higher seats, without actually much higher floor, allow to hide all sorts of electronics bullshit under seats and carpet.
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it was a different time
Only small amount of wagons were available with 4WD, 80-90% of wagons was only FWD. Most of wagons was not offered with modern higher performance but still more fuel efficient and reliable engines.

How much of a nightmare would be to maintain this? Never looked into S-classes
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if you never looked into them before I'd say not for you, they type of person willing to take these on have some affinity for them, maybe it was their dream car years ago, they are the type of person finds joy in reading the forums and going through the workshop manuals for them. So are you willing to put in the effort.
If you can't use google driving a classic car is not for you.
Build a cottage inside the car.
w220 is the best s class for people that want luxury but cannot afford. Get facelift one with 4.3 or 5l engine for reliability. They do rust bad. Maintenance is basic 90s car with some added electronics.
dirka dirka bait, you won't get to fuck white girls because no LED headlights and tail lights, also no TV inside.

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What were they trying to achieve with this? It looks ugly not to mention they had plenty better options in their lineup at the time.
Minivan, but RWD. Also they achieved this:
Which nobody ever had before, or ever will again. A minivan that sounds better than any car you will ever own.
Dodge did it better. Besides, the only R-Class drivers around here are chinks and drug dealers.
Were those actually Minivans or just an MPV? Minivans usually have rear sliding doors and the access to the third row is usually via a hallway. The R-class requires you fold a seat to access the third row. Minivans typically give you more space from floor to roof than the R-class. To me it's more like a compromise between a minivan and a cross-over.
my dad had an R500. it was a total pile of shit and the suspension was constantly making bad noises on the highway at 30k miles
Wonderful car. We need to retvrn

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>too fast for 1st
>too slow for 2nd
What do?
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Drive an automatic...
that's an impossible scenario. Are you saying you have to redline 1st, roll downhill to gain speed, and then shift to 2nd?
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Parking lot?
give a jolt with 2nd gear
apply clutch, so you coast without any gear
repeat if necessary
>he doesn't hit the redline before switching gears
2nd is better, theorically.

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