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>what if you couldn't go faster
who came up with this shit?
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He's a kiwi m8
They always sound like gay annoying faggots and they usually are too.
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>what about (issue)?
>ah well clearly this is all about the Americans!
rent free lmao
>wunk wunk
"I don't care about what you write or your opinion" you mindless buffoon.
Yet you are engaging with me. What about my methods of communication is so off-putting that no one wants to put into the effort to listen/read what I am trying to to say? This is the 8th time this week. I feel like a fucking alien.

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pentastar bros we're so back
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people are finally waking up
the age of chally wally is upon us
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Chally Wally has forged his own legend (stolen pic)
>See what’s on the hood in picrel

Ah right, bread on hood, the can of bang made it confusing RAPA0X
Welcome to the New Age.

Craigslist/FB Marketplace 10 years ago:

John Smith:
>selling my daughter's Honda civic, she used it to get to college and back. good car, $4000 OBO.

Craigslist/FB Marketplace now:

Ernesto de la Cruz Rivera:
>349,000 MILLAS
>$14,999 FIRM

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that seems like a decent deal considering how much old trucks are increasing in value. People are mainly focused on 70s and 80s now but with their scarcity i can see people dipping into the 90s.
>cheap used car in good shape
People aren’t buying new cars like they used to so dealerships and private dealers are quickly buying any decent used car as soon as they pop up.
You would have to be browsing craigslist or fb 24/7 and hope you beat them to the punch as soon as a good car appears.
The worst part about facebook marketplace is that the search is a hair away from just being random shit. You want an Accord within 20 miles of your zip? Ok, here's a Silverado 70 miles away as the third result. Fourth result? Accord 8 miles away. How? It's worse when you're looking for car parts. You want an exhaust for a Corolla? Ok, here's an intake for some Kia.
Not a word of a lie here. 2019 you could get a CPO 2016 Scion iM (Corolla hatchback) with 30k on it for around $14k. Now? You're looking at double the miles for the same price if you're fucking lucky.
>The worst part about facebook marketplace is that the search is a hair away from just being random shit. You want an Accord within 20 miles of your zip? Ok, here's a Silverado 70 miles away as the third result. Fourth result? Accord 8 miles away. How? It's worse when you're looking for car parts. You want an exhaust for a Corolla? Ok, here's an intake for some Kia.
kek I know that feel too well
no amount of operators makes it good either, you can barely ameliorate it a small bit
Lol those are garbage cars not even worth $1000

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>fun to drive
>good gas mileage
>truck-like amount of cargo space
Does a car like this exist?
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I love my Town Car. I'd even go so far as to say its a little fun to drive with RWD and a V8. Its not a fast car but its not a slow car either and it has enough power to be fun.
Your best bet is probably a CTS-V wagon or an E39 M5 wagon conversion that someone else built. An E39 540i wagon is slow but may suffice but regardless none of those will have good gas mileage. The first two will be fun no matter where you are. Many of the cars named here, like the Matrix, Fit, Mazda 3, Volvo C30 will not be fun unless you live in the twisties. They're just too slow, which is ok when you have good rows but not fun when you don't. Panthers are a retarded suggestion. They're cheap and have a huge trunk, but they get terrible gas mileage. You may get low 20s on the highway, but if you do mixed driving you'll be getting 15-18mpg. I know because I owned a P71 years ago.

I'm curious what you've driven if a town car is fun to you. I've owned a P71, which is faster than a town car, and it was only fun until the novelty wore off, then it was only fun if I was on a fun road like TOTD but was otherwise one of the dullest vehicles I've owned. Almost anything is fun on a road like TOTD, unless it's the most soul-sucking, dull, horrible handling, numb piece of shit, like the Camry I drove through there once on a road trip.
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I'm not the Town Car Guy, I'm the MGM Guy, but I'll answer for him- croozing is fun. If you're idea of fun is drama and excitement, you get a motorcycle. Some people's idea of fun is croozing on leather bench seats while listening to Robert Palmer's first album.
I'm the other MGM guy and I can confirm. I've got my other car for fast and exciting, the Mercury is fun in its own right because it's comfy and relaxing to drive.
Based, wagons were the perfect form factor

Ford should make a luxury Mustang to compete with Cadillac, Audi, BMW, Lexus, etc...
Call it the Lincoln Cougar or something
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Chevy did it with the Berlinetta
Forgot pic
sorry but that market is already oversaturated by the brands you just mention and the people looking for new german "luxury" coupes are not even gonna glance at an american car even if it's better in every single aspect
>Ford Motor Company
Pick one.
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My hope would be that it compares to stuff like the Audi S5 and Lexus RC
That's why I suggest it be a Lincoln
I am in the market for such a car, but would never consider a Mustang

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Imagine an alternate future in which Mazda didn't spend so much time and money on meme Doritos™ wanker engines. What would it look like?
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>I'd expect you need to replace basically everything that isn't the rotors and housing themselves
yeah, this is kind of what I was expecting. Not even sure what you’d do about the eccentric shaft except custom fab one. Would you need to redo porting though?
>full engine teardown is considered regular maintenance
This already is extremely retarded, but just for fun I'll keep making fun of you for the other retarded things you said.

>you can do a seal job in three hours
A professional with a full shop can, MAYBE. YOU can't.

>build a three rotor
Yeah bro, all you need to do is get the eshaft and fat iron from a Cosmo that they sold less than 3,000 of. Just do that, ez.

>to make 300hp
If you have more money than sense, maybe. There are much much much much better ways to have a 300hp rx7 than to source $10k+ engine parts from a Cosmo.

>put it in an rx7
Now your steering geometry is bungled due to having to relocate the rack to fit the 20b.

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>Has an x8 engine
is it worth getting into rotaries in the year 1990+34?
FB or FC?
I'd prefer FC but its hard to find a non raped non convertible one
>I want a 2nd gen
>But I don't want it to be convertible
You might as well say
>I want to drive a slow car
>But I want the one fun thing about it to be taken away

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Logical conclusion to this joke
>I never understood why some idiots buy cars like this.
it's just boomers playing hot potato, letting it sit in their yard for 5-6 years before their wife finally forces them to sell it to the next old piece of shit who's not gonna restore it, at a profit, instead of selling it for a fair price to someone with the ability to bring it back from the dead.
I really want a 70s car that’s not worth restoring as a lawn ornament for a garden.
this exact image was used on this zuckbook listing
i can't tell if it's a shitpost or not, append this to zuckbook.com
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why don't i just buy a whole new car's worth of replacement parts to begin with?

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>he drives a Toyota
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>a horse and a monke wearing sheep wool
>still wouldnt fuck you
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How could you tell?
>he posts on 4chan
Toyota Yaris 3 is peak performances buckaroo

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then why did you reply, retarded nigger spawn.
to laugh at pathetic cum arrow cucks, what else?
>to be a retarded nigger spawn
i see
VVVVGHH.... i wish i was a nihonjin...
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my mfw when i didnt boughted the camero

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I could buy one tomorrow should I do it
>t. 30 yo boomer
>t. would get in black
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If you don't have to consistently haul multiple family members, then you made the right choice.
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That's what makes it a Subaru
>0-60 in 5.5 seconds
>quarter mile in 14 seconds

how much would it cost to a WRX to go 0-60 in under 4 seconds and a quarter mile under 12 seconds so it's comparable to most other performance vehicles?
If you want to do that more than a couple of times before blowing the engine or drivetrain components with a void warranty its cheaper to buy a bmw M car or a doge charger

I drive a Model 3. If I disconnect the low speed noisemaker speaker thing what are the potential consequences? Say the unthinkable happens and I run over a blind guy can he sue me saying that the lack of noise contributed to the crash? I see no precedent for this after a quick search.
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Pls just change it to something cool
t. Visually retarded anon
>I drive a Model 3
You're gay
Yes you can hear it from inside the car.
t. I get a lot of them in for alignments because there's a Tesla certified body shop down the street from me
>get a lot of them in for alignments
Before or after they hit blind pedestrians? Asking for a friend but this is very important.
Is the thing a legally required component for vehicles in your area?

If the answer is no it does not matter in the slightest and nobody will even bother thinking about it. You're still going to jail for running over a blind guy though.

what is the obsession in the car community about lowering your car ?
i am against it.
it just feels stupid like, more dangerous. and less serious. like some kind of stupid joke cause you are real low to the ground. i dont get it. i was just in a real low honda the other day and i was like this is just dumb.
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The wheel should be concentric with the wheel well. Top looks about right, bottom looks like jorge needs new springs.
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/o/ loves to say lowered cars are ruined and anything truck related must be a mexican.
lmao, that fucking hack job. At least let someone with steady hands do it.
you have no tools, if you did you'd post em
There's degrees of lowering. Slammed/bagged is extremely lowered, for spic looks with total disregard for performance.

Gentlemen I present to you the Mitsuoka Buddy a Japan only body kit for the Rav 4. What do you guys think of aftermarket body kits? How badly do they destroy a car's resale value? How retarded would I be to try and get the Buddy body panels imported and make a pseudo K5 Blazer out of a Rav4 Prime?
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CalStage Bukhanka, Subaru Sambar
I think you're correct

a lot of them have insane daddy issues so actually it fits
i fucking love mitsuoka

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>Nürburgring and its consequences have been a disaster for the car-making race
Do you agree with him?
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fix the latter*
Sorry, I'm no english major.
Just don't leave it sitting long enough for the fuel to dry up in the bowl
Can't forget to do that also because of corn gas turning to gelatin.
Yeah, Geely bought them, but have been pretty hands off. The build quality is still good in my experience, though like any other manufacturer they'll make duds. They've been having problems with their TCAM electronics module, especially in their EVs, and the hardware for their Android-based infotainment was generally underspecced until recently. The twincharge I4 engine that they were using is a pile of shit, while the others are horribly underpowered. Moving away from their nice I6s to overstressed 4-bangers was a mistake, but Europe gonna Europe

As for Polestar, I tried a Polestar 2 out and it felt like a coffin inside, and the materials quality is mediocre because they're all-in on using recycled shit. The leather upgrade helps a bit, but it's definitely not up to par with older Volvos
yeah it looks nice, but honestly, i'm still kicking myself for waiting too long on one that used to be owned by the army of all things. it had a really cool army green paint too. previous owner already overhauled the engine to run on unleaded, and it had a radio and passenger mirror too. this car needs all three kek.
thanks again, i'll definitely get an avs2 with electric choke. im sure it'll be a nice bump from whatever 2 barrel carb is in there. my primary concern is being able to just turn the key and go every time, ive only ever owned 90s EFI toyotas so far, so it's a bit of a jump going to a 60s fuckhueg carbed v8.

SUNday edition

>Motorcycle postins
>Motorcycle tips
>nobikes flooding DBT
>scooters not welcome
>anime is irremediable gay
>zx4rr appreciation encouraged
>RIP DBtfags
>countersteering filters the nobikes
>don't buy/shill chinese motorcycles
>earplugs bros


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3 days tops
I have a V-twin and a V4 but I started on a single (MSF bike) and a ptwin (CB500X). The technical problems with ptwin over vtwin mostly come down to firing order and balance issues. A 270 degree crank ptwin is fine, even for twins cup racing (see Aprilia 660s buttraping SV650s). For anything with handlebars or raised clipons, a good 270 ptwin is a fine option. Are I4s and V4s better racebikes? Yeah. The same physical property, lower piston inertia, that makes oversquare 4bangers faster on track also means they have less torque and crosswind resistance on the street.
Well if you have a truck and only want to do tracks you don't really need a dual sport. I only ever had a suzuki drz for tracks and it was perfect for me, i also used it as my daily. But my riding mate had some ktm two stroke and it simply was lighter and had more power than my drz. So maybe go for a two stroke motocross if you just wish to shoot down a track.
>lowfat milk

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