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Find the best new car in the area. Minimum requirements. Post link or screenshot.

> 300 horsie
> manual, non-negotiable
> 3,500 lbs max pigfat
> under $65,000, but the cheaper the better
> max $1000 over MSRP, non-negotiable
OP here - it's actually getting better out there.

I see an Integra Type S for $53,595, which is $600 over MSRP and a Nissan Z for $54,660 which is $1700 over MSRP if what Nissan lists ($52,970*) is accurate.

Also a bunch of GTs for $47.5, but dat interior though. With that said, still not seeing Camaros, Type Rs, Supras, or BRZs just hanging out on lot.

Is the time of bullshit markups coming to an end?
all of those cars are over 3500 lbs
what do you want it for exactly? is this a DD? weekend car?
Integra is 3,219 lbs. Suprised Z is as pigfat as an M2, what the fuck. Tried to go for "lighter than new M2".

Daily that can pull, but I don't stress about. I am coming for a Miata / Si. The reason for new is that I don't want to work on the car past oil and pad changes - don't care if people call me a wrenchlet.

Miata/Si are just too slow. Miata is too small too and a safety issue. Might as well get a motorcycle at that point. Si is now too pigfat/large and literally hasn't had a hp bump in a decade, it's embarrassing.

Tbh, I might just have to land on a Toyobaru despite it being as tiny as the Miata and not 300hp. It's a LITTLE larger than a Miata and a little less annoying to daily.
Bump. Find a single decent car in 3 states /o/. $50k, even at MSRP, seems like too much for the Z or Integra.

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>take my brand new car to carwash
>sit down in waiting area while they wash it
>get up cause bored and go look at my car
>monkey employees are washing it with a fucking BROOM

what the fuck. how fucked is my paint?
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Paint abuse thread? This guy in my neighborhood is always at the wand wash with his black '91 NSX and he uses the brush every time. This old lady has a black LC500 and she's always doing the same. It's both painful and based to watch.

>automatic car washes with brushes
Where do those even exist anymore? I haven't seen one in decades aside from a few ghetto ass gas station car washes. They're all touchless now with a bunch of faggot ass RGB LED's.
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>>automatic car washes with brushes
>Where do those even exist anymore? I haven't seen one in decades aside from a few ghetto ass gas station car washes. They're all touchless now with a bunch of faggot ass RGB LED's.
Where I’m at in the Midwest US these kind of car washes are very popular. Pic rel.
Highly based
Fucked. Get monkeyed. Your beta bitch fagboi whyteskin can't even file a complaiant. Go cry at your mama
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Back in 2011-12, I worked at a car wash earning min wage, working with flips, natives, and jeets, lived at home, I was a general loser, had no ambitions, life was easy though but I was a huge loser, today, I own my own condo, have a nice car and a daily, some savings, married, own cool guns and earn 5 times what I did, it's amazing how much your life can improve in almost a decade, I want to keep going.

Sorry for the faggy blogpost, OP reminded me of my past.

Also, I showed up to the carwash a few years ago with my nice car and the jeet manager I used to hate gave me the thumbs when he saw it, my salary eclipses his minor pitance, now that I think about it.

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Will there ever be anything like a Gen 2 Prius again? Over-engineered to achieve amazing reliability (i.e, 500k+ miles with only routine maintenance), great interior space and simple layout, and a non-aggressive / fancy exterior?

I feel like this was the greatest car of all time, and I'm upset that I don't have the opportunity to buy a new one and am stuck searching for used ones. The newer models have less interior space and look too edgy.
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A great cordless drill doesen't make me want to drill random holes. It makes my life easier when I do, that's it.
>t. Has nowhere to go
>Great cars make you want to drive
That's just propaganda. Remember that driver's cars are a luxury and ultimately only remembered by car enthusiasts. Great cars are also ones that get the world moving. There's only a couple cars that come to mind as people's cars, like the Model T, Model A, VW Beetle, Citroen 2CV, etc. None of those cars were driver's cars and without the boring people movers that transport the needs of the world, you wouldn't have the sports cars that you wanted in the first place. The Prius sits firmly in the people's car category of great cars. It showed hybridization is not only viable, but anyone can have it. Back then, everyone thought hybridization was impossible and there was no hope in hell that it would be economically viable. In CY+9, over half of Toyota's lineup can be hybridized. Automakers still license Toyota's hybrid system because creating one indigenously is ridiculously difficult and not worth their while.

Cars like that are your breadwinners, so that you can have exciting cars that make you want to go nowhere like an /o/tist. Those Priuses and Camrys make the GR series and the Supra possible, because they can't stand on their own. On a more extreme example, Porsche owners screech about the Cayenne and Macan but without those SUVs/crossovers, you would have no 911. Same with Bentley and Rolls-Royce. The SUVs are their best sellers and draw the ire of purists, but without them you have no rocketships.
It doesn’t matter at all, anon. Really.
I got made fun of all the time in high school for my $1,000 shitbox, but it was just people taking the piss. People don’t actually care what you drive, unless you’re some realtor trapped in hell.
I don't think so, the Law of Supply and Demand dictates that the high demand for Rav4 parts will drive up repair costs.

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This mechanic has been operating a shop out of the Home Depot parking lot for weeks and Home Depot hasn't done shit. There is an O'Reilly's on the property so he is all set. This proves that there is always somewhere to work on your car.
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Not every successful mechanic starts out with a shop.
Beats wrenching on the side of the road
He's not paying taxes, he's not supporting the insurance system, and the corporate real estate system.
Basically he's cheating instead of playing this rigged game called society.
They start out working in someone else’s shop.
I'm so glad i don't live in some low trust, nosy, pushy shit hole like you where retards act out their gay power trips via HOA bylaws. Wholly un-American and painfully communist.
I keep my classic/project parked on the street 6 months of the year and it has led to countless positive interactions with neighbors.

How do i stop this? Im big sad
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Move south
I am in florida, car was a michigan car at one point and this is the only rust spot i want my baby backkkk
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>chop out rust affected area (preferably in a shape with as many straight lines as possible)
>cut a piece of metal that's the same gauge as the body
>cut/file/bend the metal patch until it matches the curve of the body panel
>carefully file the patch and/or opening so they fit snugly together with as small of a gap as possible
>tack it in place
>weld the seams with short little pulses of weld while quenching the panel with a wet rag in between welds to keep heat down
>carefully grind welds flat with the edge of a cutoff wheel
>sand panel down to roughly smooth it out
>skim coat bondo
>roughly block it in
>hose it with some touch up paint
Ez. If you don't get rid of all the rust and just cover it up, the cancer will continue to spread. If you're a real lazy nigger, just glob some Por15 over the whole thing inside and out to slow down the rust.
its fine

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define this car in one word
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Nerds usually either have very good taste (nerdy about steering ratios, gear ratios, unsprung mass, spring rates, and dampening rates), or very bad taste (nerdy about economy),
Tell me a car that you think is cool

All due respect for our hero truckerfag, but I think its fair to have a thread that includes all work for """professional""" drivers.

obviously except those holding class B or lower licenses. lmao gtfo.
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I drove for fedex freight and had to take one of the box trucks out once and fuck the shit, the turning radius is dog shit compared to class a with a pup trailer.
Drink bleach straight truck faggot
>be retard
>keep being retarded
absolute madman
>who the fuck goes to a CDL school for a B?
concrete companies
Class A chad, got a chill job with the municipal waste management organization, now I'm gonna have government bennies and drive the same route every week, home every night. Feels good
I did some amazon delivers for 4 hours one day. You big rig fags have no idea what real work is like. You just sit in your comfy chair cruising the highways listening to trucker podcasts on your big rig headset all day. Weak shit.

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>burns oil

why is toyota considered reliable again? my GM went to 350k miles and never once burned oil
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>tfw have big strong muscular forged rods in my 5S-FE
>can handle heaps of boost pushing down on them
>but they have tiny little big end bolts
>so if you rev them too hard the big end will fly apart

>but you can't rev the engine too hard anyway because the stock economy head runs out of breath
>toyota, honda, and mazda all make cars capable of eclipsing 300k miles if you just keep up with their simple and undemanding maintenance schedule at home
>VW and mercedes can eclipse 500k if you follow their guidance and allow techs to keep everything up to spec
>american cars collapse at 100k regardless of maintenance but "you only need ta' change 'da oyle erry ten thousan' if ya' use fuhl synthetic"
petrolfags would not understand
Toyota used to be considered reliable, but have you seen all the recalls and issues they've had in the last 5 years? Now even Hyundai is more reliable.
Because GM never learned how to make 1.8L 4 cyl engines. Yours was likely a 5.3 V8 gas-guzzler that GM has been making for the past 80 years with minor updates. I mean if you can't make your engine reliable in 80 years, then I don't know what to tell you...
You also paid for 3 identical GM vehicles in gas costs over that 350k miles, so congrats I guess.

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>carbrains happily pay exorbitant prices just to park their car

explain your retardation IMMEDIATELY
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That's what it's like to live in yuropoor. That's 120% net income for median worker here. If they parked their car there they'd be in more debt every month.
are you retarded i don't have to drive my car to everything just because i own one
>went to a city for a concert
>$10 for 10 hours of parking at the hotel/convention center underground garage with easy access to everything and directly off the road the freeway dumps you onto downtown
I spent twice as much on gas just getting there.
Maybe just park a block or two away from the event if you're going to something.
this must be in some shithole liberal city AND for some super pozzed event like taylor swift or niggerball. explain your retardation for wanting to go to something like this
Go back

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The soiboys at my gym always have a bunch of them lined up at the front of the car park over the lines. How can they not see how fucking gay they are?
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That and the fucking Tucson.
I have no idea what anyone at my gym drives. No sentence beyond "are you using that?" has been uttered in my gym.

OP should kill himself for going to a gym for schmoozing.
I hate the previous gen sportage so god damn much, i see like 10 of those on my 20 min commute and for some reason all of them are painted in white and driven by the most npc 30-45yo people on the planet, always alone and with a child seat at the back and behaving on the roads like complete retards. These people have given up on life already.
When the gym parking lot is full, but most of the spots are taken by hideous mommy SUVs, I don't even sweat it. I just know that most of them don't even lift and just go for the treadmills/classes
Truck people are usually the weird elderly people who do weird shit like walking backwards on treadmills or attaching things to their feet so they can hang upside down (yes somebody at my gym does this)
Sedans, hatchbacks, muscle cars, and coupes are usually the serious lifters.

Funny how the people who drive fat, bloated, and unnecessarily large cars usually tend to be fat, bloated, and unnecessarily large themselves.
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>car park

Posting the Vitara until I can justify buying one. Idk why but I really fucking like this car.
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grandpa stop posting

New vitara is just a small cucover. transverse layout and poor ground clearance compared to the previous gens.
Υε its practically a fat hatchback. Still one of the best cars in its price range if not the best.
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Reasonably priced. Appears only the base model 2wd is available in manual and only the top model with turbo 1,4 and glass moonroof is available with 4wd. Base is best.
I'm a city dweller, I rarely go on the highway, still can't justify a Vitara:(

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Remember what ugly screens took from us
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nigger or chrysler owner
>zoomers pretending to have le nostalgia over shitty interiors

Even as an little kid in the 90s I remember how dogshit those interiors were
that was his point, this whole thread is a badly done troll because OP included those comfy plush seats. Not only are they the comfiest cars you ever sat in, the interiors smell good too. The exhaust out of these things absolutely reeks, but when you're inside one you're floating on a cloud.

you sir are a scoundrel and a knave, and are most definitely not my nigga
>manual transfer case
They took this from you...
>you sir are a scoundrel and a knave, and are most definitely not my nigga

Look I have slight nostalgia for them too but they were absolute shit and already decades outdated in the 1980s

Ops original statement is cringe

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I have a 2007 prius with only about 140,000 miles. New 12 volt battery and tires. Screen is faded out and I think there may be something wrong with the brakes as warning lights came on, but I reset them. When I put foot on brakes the car makes a high pitch warning noise on occasion. I think it is the brake actuator. At this point I just want to sell it because the insurance where I live is real expensive and I want a truck. Paint is peeling and such too. How do I sell it without feeling bad about ripping someone off? I have had it forever and gotten my moneys worth from it. Was thinking of just listing it for $1200 and being honest about it. What do?
Just fix up your car if the repair bill is less than buying a Craigslist Prius and buy yourself a used Frontier as a complementary vehicle.

Significantly cheaper than outright replacing your Prius for a brand-new truck with interest rates where they are these days.
So I actually have a really good deal on a chevy avalanche from my father in law. I really just need to make room for it by selling the prius. I don't want to have to put a bunch of money into it and just need it gone. I just don't want to screw anyone over in listing it high because for all I know it will need big repairs... or it could run for another 150,000 miles no problem not sure....

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Wrenchlet needing help.
>Ford F150 lean codes both banks
>change intake manifold (had to anyway bc it was contributing to coolant leak)
>codes go away for 6 months but came back recently
>do smoke test and find no obvious air leaks
>lean codes mean too much air or not enough fuel
>look at fuel side with pressure tester
I got the following data:
Key on engine off 10 psi
Engine on idle 30 psi
Steady revs maintains 30 psi
Remove fuel pressure regulator vacuum line 40 psi
Engine off leak down 30 to 20 psi 3 minutes
to 10 psi 7 minutes

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Any EVAP codes? Purge Valve might be stuck open.
Fuel pressure is within spec sp move beyond that.
Check for sticking iac.
Clean MAF
15-20 is a pretty big problem. What engine and year is this?

4.6 and 5.4 will commonly leak out the breather boot on the back of the intake and the EGR valve, these vacuum leaks will cause a noticable idle hunting or high idle

Injectors will never set codes for failure and rarely electronically fail, they just plug up and cause a lean condition under load, they will usually idle fine or maybe even rich as the spray pattern deteriorates into a dribble, obd tools will not show you duty cycle, easy enough to pull them and test/clean

Don't replace sensors that aren't explicitly failed and keep your old ones if you do
no other codes. Haven't really inspected the purge valve so I'll figure out how to check that.
Changed the IAC valve even before the manifold. Cleaned MAF multiple times. The 6 month no code period makes that less likely in my opinion.
97-03 model 5.4 2v
The only smoke I saw on my test was out of a port in the IAC valve and some hole on the bottom of the EGR valve. The smoke came out of my old IAC too so I assume this "leak" is a built in feature. The hole on the bottom of the EGR is machined in so it's also a normal part of that. No smoke from any tubes or boots. Idle is smooth and sits at a normal ~600 rpm.

As far as the injectors they are probably all stock. But the fact that it's both banks makes them less likely to be the source right? And like I mentioned the dorman manifold uses self tapping screws to secure the fuel rail. I really don't want to remove those unless necessary. I've been thinking of changing the fuel pump unless someone here has a better/easier suggestion.
injectors wear uniformly, both banks would be symptomatic

if a vacuum leak was the culprit of a 15-20% fuel trim, the truck would not idle smooth, your issue is in the fuel system pressure or injector, maybe both

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