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How much of a nightmare would be to maintain this? Never looked into S-classes
14 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
if you never looked into them before I'd say not for you, they type of person willing to take these on have some affinity for them, maybe it was their dream car years ago, they are the type of person finds joy in reading the forums and going through the workshop manuals for them. So are you willing to put in the effort.
If you can't use google driving a classic car is not for you.
Build a cottage inside the car.
w220 is the best s class for people that want luxury but cannot afford. Get facelift one with 4.3 or 5l engine for reliability. They do rust bad. Maintenance is basic 90s car with some added electronics.
dirka dirka bait, you won't get to fuck white girls because no LED headlights and tail lights, also no TV inside.

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What were they trying to achieve with this? It looks ugly not to mention they had plenty better options in their lineup at the time.
Minivan, but RWD. Also they achieved this:
Which nobody ever had before, or ever will again. A minivan that sounds better than any car you will ever own.
Dodge did it better. Besides, the only R-Class drivers around here are chinks and drug dealers.
Were those actually Minivans or just an MPV? Minivans usually have rear sliding doors and the access to the third row is usually via a hallway. The R-class requires you fold a seat to access the third row. Minivans typically give you more space from floor to roof than the R-class. To me it's more like a compromise between a minivan and a cross-over.
my dad had an R500. it was a total pile of shit and the suspension was constantly making bad noises on the highway at 30k miles
Wonderful car. We need to retvrn

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>too fast for 1st
>too slow for 2nd
What do?
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Drive an automatic...
that's an impossible scenario. Are you saying you have to redline 1st, roll downhill to gain speed, and then shift to 2nd?
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Parking lot?
give a jolt with 2nd gear
apply clutch, so you coast without any gear
repeat if necessary
>he doesn't hit the redline before switching gears
2nd is better, theorically.

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how to rev match your challenger
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Why would you want a manual in a dragster land yacht?
Because some cars just should be
This is exactly how I thought it was. An american talking about rev matching/heel&toe. exactly how i thought. All this educative talk with rev matching automatic. With check engine light shining like a new sun

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>Rev matching an automatic
Kek, auto cucks want to be manual chads so bad but the lack of a father figure bit them in the ass so hard

And in 2003, I drove a Vauxhall Vectra V6 from Vermont to Virginia for V day
You may call me V
Do you have some sort of Vendetta?

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What was Toyota thinking?
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It's inspired by rally interiors, not lifted from it. They have to keep material and production costs reasonable. It's a refresh of an existing car after all. They can't remold the interior thing, the "slab" is just an addon piece that sits on top of the original dashboard, as you can see by the seams.
Ok zoomie.
It still looks like utter and complete shit, like some low-poly cope.
Agree, but I do complain about plastic in components. They just don't seem to last anywhere near their previously-metal counterparts.
Quite. Requiring paid monthly subscription to use your carkeys was top-notch asshole move

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>whole brand built on off-roading and being rugged
>only 10% of customers take vehicles off mall pavement
>always has the worst reliability short of super cars
That is their secret?
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I saw a white jeep gladiator with six wheels on 22s that were painted white with pink inserts today. That person gets the reputation jeep people have and embraces it to the maximum.
>always has the worst reliability short of super cars
Is a direct function of
>only 10% of customers take vehicles off mall pavement
The stereotypical Jeep buyer is a moron who buys their barbie car and then doesn't keep up with routine maintenance like it's baby's first camry, then is shocked when stuff starts falling apart.
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>>always has the worst reliability short of super c-ACK
>whole brand built on making good posts
>only 1% of his posts are good
>still allowed to keep posting
What is your secret?
>stacy never changes oil and jeep blows up
>its fine because now it lost its value and can be engine swapped and turned into a real vehicle
>some incel is mad about this

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>you will drive the car
>you will buy the gas
>you will get a driver's license
>you will carry the correct license class for the vehicle type
>you will give us the title
>you will tag your car or you will be fined
>you will pay for retarded levels of insurance every month/year or you will be fined or jailed
>you will pay for registration every year or you will be fined and your insurance will increase
>you will pay for repairs or your vehicle won't pass inspection
>you will wear seat belts or you will be fined or jailed
>you will drive at the speed limit or you will be fined or jailed
>you will signal or you will be fined or jailed
>you will NOT remove the cats
>you will NOT import and drive whatever you please
>you will have a backup camera and TPMS

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Well, these are common sense rules tbqh, not sure what your point is.
Not even once.
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>Being cagie cattle is so accepted by amerimutts that this is just 'common sense'
Weird those americans are. Over the pond we can't even afford cars because tax for the middle class is a bit over 50%. Gas is $10/gallon.
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You go back to /n/ or /pol/ if you dont want to drive car, motorcycle. Discussions about walking, cycling, public transport should all be automatically removed & banned from /o/.

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I don't care if it's slow this car is awesome and I seem to be the only one that thinks so.
Why?Why it awesome ??

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>Sixth gen Civic chassis that is uprated, with uprated suspension and body
>2.5 V6
>Manual gearbox

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post car
>It's a Civic, you retard. A slow econo shitbox for NPCs with no driving excitement whatsoever.
With an uprated and stiffened suspension, and a V6. Literally described as one of the best FWD chassis' by an F1 and LMP driver

A bone stock base model 6th civic will mog 99% of FF cars
>A bone stock base model 6th civic will mog 99% of FF cars
And one which has been tuned and uprated will mog 99% of Civics. It literally shares components with the DC2 integra
even base model 6th gens came with double wishbone suspension, they handle pretty well.

The last good Corolla. Getting real tired of fags posting shitty nurollas.

new edition
put /dbt/ in the title edition

>Motorcycle bingo
>Twist of the Wrist 3
>pop a wheelie i pop a boner
>Too Many nobikes
>scooters / EVbikes dont belong here
>take the warning stickers off your bike
>take the anime stickers off your bike
>don't buy chinese motorcycles
>don't squid, even in summer, wear ear plugs
>pass the MSF course

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324 replies and 99 images omitted. Click here to view.
That's a common technique, look up "pegging"
Yes, I look like a sperg taking corners like that and it's also pretty sketchy.
> manual specifies the torque but not the wrench size
I'm disappointed.
>NEW >>27632473
NEW >>27632473
>NEW >>27632473
NEW >>27632473
>NEW >>27632473
This is why I ride in L.L. Bean boots. They're incredibly rain resistant.

>not the original
Even better in real life
Honestly imo slrr is a must play for every racing fan with a pc

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What classic cars (pre 90s) do you know to be reliable and cheap to get?
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No power steer in the Mk1 soft top. Don't go there if the only thing you lift is a latte.
Manual Mercedes or Volvo. The Mercedes do rust bad in the sills because the body deadener just traps water and also they used ball steering which can be loose. I always see cheap good condition Saabs for sale, they look so odd to me and it just doesn't appeal to me but they are always cheap and well made. Also see Jaguar xj6's cheap too, the mechanics are strong but people are put off from perceived repair issues but you are going to have to repair any old 80's car you get.

My experience with Fords and the like is the engines wear quick such as the piston rings but if its an American v8 it should be easy and cheap to rebuild. Japanese cars from that age seem to be absolutely thrashed and worn out with loose doors etc but more expensive Japanese cars like Cressida or Mazda 929 use much thicker metal so hold up even today.

I happen to see a lot of Fiat X19's in good condition, maybe because its not practical for everyday.

So if you don't get a meme car or boomer bait there is no shortage of affordable classic cars, I don't know why boomers have such a problem with 4 door cars anyway.
My Series 6 was sub 10k and is reliable
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Classic should be pre 80s imo.
There's the wonderful world of Soviet cars and bikes for that, certainly unique even today as most of them are junked, still cheap as shit as no one really wants them and despite the memes, they're actually very hardy machines.
I'd unironically rather trust a soviet car to make it around the world instead of a toyota or a honda.

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Should I get a Camaro?
11 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
shiiiiid he in the bando cookin sum
Get gun. Shoot things. Sell bits of dead things for food. Sell food for car and gtfo.
Have you ever considered getting a job and moving out
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Mustang > camaro > challenger

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