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Anonymous edition

Previous thread: >>35403270

Comics we know of, all of which are named Kaito Shuno
Read-only link for sharing:

I don't care about the story as long as she draws porn
Read-only link for sharing:

Feel free to recommend new webcomics not in the cryptpad, but don't be lazy, please include:

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This is a horror comic after all.
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Shuno: Femboy, Hitman, Ethical Rapist, and Crypto Bro
Is The Hunt on hiatus?

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Why are false eyelashes so crazy hard to put on? I thought eyeliner was tricky, but falsies are even worse.

What brands are good, and has anyone tried the magnetic ones? They seem to work ok the first couple times, but don't stick on anymore.
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I wonder what other simple female devices are men scared of?
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>men when they watch me clip my nails and vile them (the only nail trimming device they know is their teeth)
male bros we are never beating the caveman allegations...
>has anyone tried the magnetic ones?
I got the ones with actual tiny magnets that clamp on either side of the lash, the big ones never worked right but the small winged lashes on the outer edge are basically all i need, I got them because removing mascara is a bitch now i just add a wing on each eye and it looks amazing.
How long have you gotten magnetic eyelashes to stick on? I've read a lot of complaints about people keeping them on for only a couple hours, half an hour even

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>a passoid approaches you with a pen and paper asking if you'll sign her petition to grant reparations for all trannys for their years of suffering under the government
wat do?
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as an incel i suffer more than trannies, so she owes me reparations as a pasoid to be my gf
why does she also has a collar in the other hand?
i'd begin an unhinged rant about how it's actually passoids like her who are ruining tranny reputation with their insatiable desire for attention. i'd probably call her a narcissstic whore at some point from envious rage.
make sure she has empathy
who am i kidding, shes a passoid, probably a gigaturboyoungluckshit, she has no such thing as empathy.
in short, make her pass out and find a way to lop off her legs
I sign it and flirt with her. lol
I support the government wasting money with useless stuff anyways. I worship destruction and barbarism because that's what most people deserve.

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Have you ever successfully tricked a man into thinking you’re a biological woman?
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Were you sleeping with him or were you just traveling as friends?
sleeping of course
Hell yeah nice job
all the time - I’ve not had SRS though so always have to break stuff off before sex. I’m constantly surprised by how apparently out of touch my self-perception is with how others see me, and just assume that people know I’m a tranny and are too polite to say, so I don’t bother mentioning it when I get hit on.
yes. 'twas not my fault tho.

>Be me
>be hungey
>order doordash
>laying in bed wearing oversized hoodie and thin lounge shorts
>see doordash notif on fone
>rush downstairs
>open door when dasher arrives
>cute guy, but I'm jaded from the guys in my area being creeps
>greet with smile, soft voice
>step out onto porch to grab food
>forget im wearing shorts
>he looks down

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hon genocide now
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what about agp youngshits tho....
this would be less wasteful, at least. as long as I don't have to look at them it works for me
I'm gonna be sick
the camps will be in like places where 0 people live far away from society, i don’t want look at them either unless they get tortured for their crimes.

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I think belly button would be cute but I don't think it'd look good on me because my entire midsection is kinda muscular looking still

I can't wait until I can wear cute things honestly
I only have my ears but yes
I got my lobes pierced when I was 16 looong before I started HRT

to this day people still ask me "are your ears pierced?" because tranny
i only have my ears pierced and don’t want any other places pierced.
left ear 3 right ear 2 brow 2 and while i wanted navel today is waiting till around the 10th so i can have one more laser on my tummy first.

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How has your life changed after transitioning, tranners?
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I'm glad for you, anon. Hopefully you can find ways to deal with the depression.
Do you want to look like Mika?
I'm much happier mentally and I have friends and a boyfriend now. People treat me differently. I find that people are MUCH nicer to me now, even my own family. People actually care how I feel now and will just ask me how I'm feeling, that NEVER happened when I was a guy. Even when I was at my lowest most visibly depressed suicidal point, nobody cared when I was a guy. Nobody wanted to listen to me or even asked if I was doing fine. Meanwhile I just look tired now and I have like half a dozen people asking if I'm okay.
Good, I am glad that things have improved for you.
>No one did that for me when I was a guy
A lot of us are okay with that. Personally, I prefer being a guy. Women and children should be protected, and it our job to do it.
My mental issues slowly faded away and I've become more social. My emotional baseline now is just normalcy, rather than depression and angst and apathy
I'm engaged to a woman I love dearly.
I'm more empathetic, and now I desperately want to adopt a kid one day and be a mom, whereas before I had no interest in kids.
Ofc there's also things like the occasional cat call, getting asked out by coworkers a few times, people in general being nicer to me, men assuming I can't lift shit, but none of that is as impactful as feeling like a normal, functioning person now
I'm happy, I'm living a life I always wanted as a kid but thought was impossible

I still deal with dysphoria from time to time, but it's getting more rare, and these days it's basically all just genital dysphoria. So that's next on my list to fix

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I'm a trans girl who wants to be a clown girl! I wanna do the makeup and get a cute clown outfit! I think it would help my self-image issues, I am also a virgin.

Anyone else relate?
I want to have sex with you and honk your nose
Ask to join the circus while it's in town and you can get paid for it too

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>be 21 year old tranner
>currently dating 44 year old man
>been together for 3 years and live together for 2
>he asked me recently if i would be interested in getting married in the near future
>love him and get along with him really well
>always treated me really well and supports me and we've never argued about anything
>feel like getting married to him would be great
>also have creeping feeling of the possibility that someone will never ask me to marry them again
>feel like this is influencing me heavily and i might be making mistake
should I go for it?
Do it. Don't ruin this opportunity.
It's more like his last chance, not yours. You hold all the power here. Don't abuse it.

i wanna do like onlyfans or some shit but i really dont like the idea of unsupervised children seing me naked. ik its the parrents' fault not mine but i still would feel guilty just being involved. thoughts?
you're based and should go with your gut
my gut makes poop...
We need more onlyfans trips
They're sitting on a goldmine and not using it

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I'm a 21 year old gay guy and I've been doing butt stuff for a long long time xD
I have a decent butt and cute hole and cock. I've had tops going nuts and literally offering payment to nut inside me.

The idea of having an OF account in which I can anonymously post my content and earn some money appeals to me. Also, I'm kinda tired of risking my life on grindr.
Have any of you tried or are trying OF? Success and failure stories are more than welcome.
Here are some things that I should take into consideration:
> I still live with my parents but I get around 2 hours daily of alone time
> I have a phone
> I do not have any toys
> I can cum from anal

I also have in mind to make some gay friends on grindr and start filming with them. But I'm aware that's gonna be quite difficult to pull off.

So how can I start and what should I do to increase my chance of success? What appeals to most people?
Aldous Huxley had no idea how bad it was really gonna get

sometime I look down in bed while undressed and my pp is rly small and cute and I also have rly nice smooth and fat thighs and so I get horny
kill me
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yeah obviously it is
I also had similar lol
except a tiny soft pp is feminine not maleish
Its just agp
omg anon you're so sexy and cool for doing that.

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I'm straight but to want to suck a trans girls cock
What should I do?
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It's either straight or trans women aren't women and I'm not transphobic
I'm straight but want to laugh at a trans girl as her cock flops around pathetically while I fuck her silly
it's fine as long as it's a girl's cock
why do peple care about this boring ass thread
Go suck one. A good percentage aren't dysphoric about it. Don't let the very vocal ones here dissuade you.

>be in st4t relationship
>My gf is always saying "I love dating an ftm because I know he sees me as a woman"
>She doesn't know I actually see her as a sexy fetish object
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its like these lil doods take the worst part of men and call it a day, really overcompensating if you ask me
cute i wouldn’t mind this
oh FUCK lain got ORB
lain didn't deserve to be in this shitty post anon

save lain

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You must face your fear, it takes time. Don’t shy away from it just because its hard, I believe in you.
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I send them memes like this and then if they sperg out I say "daddy issues much?" and block them. many such cases, women are too emotional and can't into self deprecating humor and banter
the females do not want me to face my fear
I don't feel like I treat females as a completely different species.
I feel like I treat them respectfully whilst acknowledging that I will never understand what goes on in their head.
And I don't need to.
As a detransitioner in a rehab where the residential portion of the program is sex segregated but the php and iop/sober living portions are integrated during groups and courses, this is big facts. Women don’t like being held accountable the same way as men. But because I’m andro these central Texas moids don’t like me I’m the whipping boy in accountability groups. It’s aight though since it’s taught me to shrug petty shit off.

Self deprecation is a form of self harm. Men are also just as if not more emotionally dysfunctional than women.

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