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How did she keep her AGP under wraps for so long?
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Her pronouns are he/him
>keep her AGP under wraps
"under wraps"? she did an IRL forcefem stream for like a year
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Case in point
Bill Burr was right
wait?! this girl has a dick? how?

Do I really have to throw out PrEP bottles 6 weeks after I open them? I don't have sex that often and was asking to do the 2-1-1 method but if they are only effective for 6 weeks after the seal is broken that seems like it would be really wasteful for me to throw most of the bottle out
plus I can't get a refilled prescription without taking another HIV test
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the paper I got from the pharmacist said you should throw out an open bottle after 6 weeks
Wtf kind of stupidity is this, like if they know they go bad after the seal is broken why wouldn't they just individually wrap them in the little foil pop-out sheets the same way estrogen is?
just shove the pills into some dessicants
it's total bullshit. and the expiration dates on tablets are usually bullshit too. but I would trust these kinds of guidelines for anything that comes in liquid form. like if you have eye drops you opened last year, just throw that shit away.
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do you forgive ME for what I've done to this board and the reputation of ftms?
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it's try hard it's boring it's gross it's reddit it's sad it's mental illness it's like that couple at school that thinks they're hot shit because they feed each other's delusions but everyone else thinks they're ugly stinky freaks

he can be nice
That's so hot. God I love deranged ftms
Oh please. If anything you're improving my opinion of ftms. I appreciate the fact you're always absent from the cesspit that is ftmg too. That's how I know you're malebrained
1. I do not know who this character is but the posters who post using this character say really funny shit like "going roachmode" so I don't really care.
2. Your post has the number 0451 at the end which is used frequently in video games as a locker code.
There are not poster"s" it is only me but thanks

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who are you talking about?
I think you're right, that makes it even worse lol
Don't start again unless you also have the weird ability to strictly limit your consumption. It's not actually cool, I do it as a form of self harm.
Yeah nicotine itself has a lot of the same benefits as caffeine, they're pretty closely related.
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nyew >>35524107
nyew >>35524107
nyew >>35524107
Yea I think I'm just going to use it to self medicate whatever attention disorder I have instead of adderall

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>record something
>guess letters
>and nationality and age too maybe while you're at it idk it's not important
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>mexican femboy
>extremely american
bilingual GODs stay winning
>you already confirmed youre canadian but im guessing you're 19 and gay
wow ye i am canadian 19 and gay u did it. its no fun to guess yours since you have trip on and what not :( nice voice tho
why did u skip mee
im really tired right now and my voice sounds bad and my microphone is really bad so im really sorry if this recording sounds bad
american t, 21


Week two of fembrained diet
What I ate after a 24 hour fast
Gimmie suggestions for more fembrained eating tips

My bf at the store getting me rice cakes and fat free yogurt rn
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anything but exercise huh
I buy bulk vital wheat gluten and make my own seitan. I make enough at once to last me a week. Idk if it is fembrained or manbrained but I do it! lol
Nah I’m gonna go to the gym tmrw and use the stair master

rule is if I burn at least 1000 calories I can get Chinese food afterward :3
consider getting an exercise bike that you can ride while watching movies/playing vidya/shitposting etc. going to the gym is good but reducing the number of sedentary hours in your day is even better. ddr is also great cardio
Kale, kombucha, ice cream
Also sub out that kraft slop for a yogurt-based ranch, less calories and much better for you

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I like fucked up trans girls
Kinda weird kinda strange kinda immoral trans girls
I like that more than the ones that try to fit in, the ones that just try to be straight vanilla bimbos.
I am a freaky little trans girl who wants more freaky trans girl friends
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Ahhh I have to expose myself ... Ok I'll figure it out
>I have sucked the cock of a girl that gets off to killing bugs

Blahaj is a bottom and would be down for a threesome
anon what's ur discord can we pretend to be sisters n send each other nudes n sh pics plsssss >.<

How important is having feminine mannerisms to alleviating your dysphoria? I found voice is way more important to me than I thought it would be.

Do you have feminine mannerisms? Is it a conscious choice?
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grosses me out
do you think you were born feeling that way?
i was born feeling disgusted by my flesh and my mortality
it's masculine training. You can force train it out by hanging out with gays
HRT is great but it helps the disguise

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Any trans woman who is a top or a transbian gives me the creeps since they always have male personalities
>t. straight bottom tranny
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hsts, the ones this board always proclaims as trutrans, are noted to generally be tops by blanchard. in fact, bottoming anally was indicated as more agp than topping due to this
So? I’m aware I come over as more masculine than the average performative hyperfemininity of a babytran, but that’s just the way it is.
Some people just got top energy, it just straight up doesn’t bother me it comes over as guyish
>gay men who crossdress and don't top are women
straight trannies are always misogynistic
99% of what terfs say about trannies, only applies to straight trannies
Honestly kinda wonder how I come off to people because I used to date women as a guy but now I like only date men. I'll also absolutely top men

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I've overcome so much in my life to get to the point I'm at. Yet no matter what I do I'll be stuck as a fag. I feel like I'm living a lie, it's like I'm being torn apart. I hate it. I'm not coming out to people, I just want to wake up one day and have all these gay thoughts go away.

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It's joever for the tranny movement.
>3 years ago

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>be straight ftm
>straight cis girls don't want me (they want cis guys)
>straight trans girls don't want me (they want cis guys and often have higher standards than cis girls)
>don't want to date a lesbian
What do I do outside of going to live in a cave forever
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ong fuck gaydens
I'm a natal woman that is very, very attracted to masculinity and has no desire toward breasts or vulva. I would not want detransition. I understand you are making a point overall about the world but I do exist. you know how repulsive it is to me to wake up to the fact that many men want nothing to do with masculinity? how refreshing it is to see a demographic WANT that for themselves?
I'm simply having existential fits over the fact that any relationship that is aimed at a woman (myself) seems impossible to avoid misogyny within it directed toward me so I feel myself zoning out from relationships altogether.
>just date a nice guy
I did. guess what nice guys turn out to be like?
yes, I understand. I am merely tired of regular men. they are fucking boring and come with steep risk to me. they can't even be nice consistently for the long-term.
Okay but have you considered gaydens are straight girls so they know what straight girls are into?
Look how much this guy pulls:
What's bad about lesbians? Are you sure they're not just bi?

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When can we fucking normalize turning trans girls into fucking cows? I made this post a while back but it's never catching on. I think it'd be just to see trans women with giant cow titties constantly being milked because they've turned into part cow. For an hour each night, all they can say is "Mooo" while they're tits and other bits gets milked from behind. They have to wear little bells too.

Just sayin' I think it'd be a great cause
Arguably this is the point of later transition, gaining weight to get female fat distribution and breast pumping to get larger breasts
Never because half of mtfs are peter pan moders. The other half are cow moders. This doesn't seem to correlate to HSTS/AGP that much and there are HSTS cow moders and AGP peter pan moders.

The peter pan moders will always be rude to the cow moder. They'll say things like "Unrealistic" or "Coomer" but it's because they lack vision.
All girls must take domperidone. If you don’t you’re not a real cow!
its not about normalizing anon, its about making tgirls develop the milkers some of us arent able to grow fat milkers ssadly
welp, hopefully more trans girls take the cow pill

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How do I overcome my daddy issues and stop lusting after 40+ year old men?
Dating a younger guy who looks older
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Quite simple, anonette. You have sex with your dad and kill your mom.
i don’t think that’s how the story goes but i like where your head is at
I am 33, what about you?

We need to make a movement/community for only transbians. I'm tired of being hated by our so called ""allies"" and I'm tired of being hated by cis/straight people. This board the absolute worst with it, but instead of trying to act like "one of the good ones" we should just do our own thing together. Fuck everybody else, the LGBT community is worthless trash. Transbians are arguably the most innocent of them. but everyone just needs a punching bag to get their anger out onto.
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don't you notice how most mtfs ate in relationships with cis women who they meet? or they trooned on them while dating/married? don't you notice how c4t gen is very active?And don't you notice how fellow transwomen hate on transbian the reason I won't start anything myself if because transwomen are such cis worshipping bootlickers they don't care about t4t or transbians at all. I made this to hopefully enlightening those willing to hear me out but unfortunately we are still stuck in the stone age.
I bet you grew up just like any other sex pest horny straight male, jerking off to straight porn, salivating over random women, talking with your male friends about their bodies, potentially even having piv sex if you're complete normscum etc.
You will never experience female homosexuality.
can you guys not prove my point for one second please :3
You’re literally a straight man with a porn addiction lmao and literally everyone knows it
how do we stop unfair transbian hate then? how do we make "the good ones" be what the term means? or can we find a new word for us thats not tied to this stereotype?

i don't have any traits of the stereotype; im small and frail and dress very modestly

its not my fault that im attracted to feminine since i was a child; my first memory is dysphoria + fem attraction

im not a creepy sex pest and i don't bother people; ill admit i compliment someone if they are pretty to me but only online im too shy to do that in person; im just a Nun that is kind to everyone

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