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Trans girls belong to cis women. Its only natural to have a mentor in the new world that they're entering into to help guide them through social interactions and ensure they're successful as women.
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the type of cis women who actively want trans women are either sissy fetishists who think you are a sissy, bi women who are too into anime and hentai and want a futa, or women who's ex transitioned and now they have a thing for us
>bi women who are too into anime and hentai and want a futa
>women who's ex transitioned and now they have a thing for us

I would accept both of these but not the first one, is there hope for me
you're in luck those last two have like a 40% overlap already
Idk maybe it's bcuz I live in Portland but from what I've seen T4T is 1000x more common than C4T.
Oh yeah in Portland you're fucked unless you wanna join the statewide diaper tranny polycule cult

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Was it grooming?
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Yes, there's literally a Hollywood grooming ring
>start hrt early so you can be a normal teenage girl
>be normal teenage
>parents drag you to boring events where you behave like a normal teenage girl and are bored
>internet incels wonder why you aren't smiling 24/7
Oh my science he is so attractive
>is trans
>mom owns a company that sells products to menopause women

kinda weird to think how different the lives of youngshits like her are compared to the rest
she's been a girl since like 7, had female socialization, she is a woman in basically every aspect. she never had or will have to seek validation

modern popular AGP
>Hunter schafer
(none of which needed any surgery to pass)

modern popular HSTS
>Dylan Mulvaney (FFS still not passing)
>Blaire White (every surgery under the sun, still can't offset her huge shoulders)

why are HSTS considered better again?
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Pretty low bar; every poster in passgen looks like abominations
lip filler to hell and back
crack whore tattoos
manhands that will never get away
probably low iq
probably such a masculine demeanor that she only attracts the weirdest losers

No thanks.
you're wrong; it's 99.99 %; otherwise, you are exactly right.
bitterhons left and right in this thread, fuck I'm an uggo but I'm happy for those two goblins.
>regardless of the website you're just being embarrassing lol
this. also chasers have terrible taste

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Depression isn’t real. I don’t care if you came up to me and told me “here’s 100% definitive proof depression is real.” I still wouldn’t believe in it. Why would I believe in something that takes power away from me? Yeah let me think like people who do believe in it and live a miserable life. THEN, let me go to a psychologist who will reaffirm my belief of depression being real and take mind altering drugs for it that actually cause real damage with real side effects. Thank you society, I can always count on you. Clown world.

"BUT MY DOCTORS! SOCIETY AND THE MEDIA TOLD ME!" Don’t worry, your doctors will give you some pills to solve all your problems so there’s no need to think for yourself. Just do what society goes along with, that always works. How many of these "depressed" people justify living their lives as a victim and not taking any personal accountability?

It's ok, you're brainwashed and your cognitive dissonance won't allow you to see the reality of the situation due to over-socialization. Imagine going through your entire life thinking you're a victim and relying on a flawed, fallible system to resolve all your problems. If you’re feeling down, that’s a natural way of the body telling you you’re a fuckup and that you should do something with your life or take action. Exercise, have a healthy diet, find ways to make money, do new things outside of your comfort zone, etc.

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There you go, making excuses AGAIN.

It's always nothing but fucking excuses with you.

Working out and making money has been scientifically proven to improve your mood you fucking leftwing dunce (I'm not a rightwinger btw).
i want more from life than making money and working out you asshat
Both of those things facilitate options to do what you want to do you imbecile. Discipline is freedom. Otherwise you're just a slave to your impulses and diseases. Take control of your life you whiny sweaty useless bitch.
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>Source: Trust me
The reason they're depressed is literally because of the pills they're taking.

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I'm a Twink and my dad, mom, and friends have been commonly on accident referring to me with she/her randomly. I think sometimes it's kinda cute and makes me feel weird but good. Am I just a giga faggot and it confuses them? I've been rocking a long hair style recently so maybe that's it.
What concerns me more is that it actually makes me get a little jump in my chest everytime it happens, kinda like butterflies. It scares me cause I hope it's not like a gender euphoric kinda thing. Has anyone else had this happen? picrel cause it's funny and relatable now
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good. keep going and let test turn you into a man, fucking no one wants more gigapassoids on this world and specially not on this board
i already said im comfortable with being a man anon, don't worry im not transitioning lmao
stay in ur lane mascfaggot

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Yeah i know JK Rowling is bad but what can we do about it
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She literally already did that and people still defend her.
idk just inform our less terminally online friends about some of the loco shit she says I guess. has worked out pretty well for me so far
She's already getting there herself tbhon.
All this does is make her more popular is especially with how unhinged certain trans people come off like the ones who say “punch terfs” or something. She has support because people agree with what she’s saying.
>refute her points with logic. Boom.
On Twitter? Within a shitty word limit? With what visibility? And to just get blocked?

It's just really shitty to make toxic discourse coming from nigh-untouchable people to hundreds of millions in audience out to be just a matter of "Well refute her" or "Well you cannot change how she thinks". Handling information and influence nowadays is much more complex. People don't want to read that they're wrong or why they're wrong, so they will just keep avoiding it, which is made easier by recommendation algorithms. Information is limitless, but the time you can spend absorbing it is not, and most people would rather just choose to reinforce their views however wrong they might be under scrutiny.

This is how 'free speech' becomes an insidious cult phenomena. It assumes that every human is a rational actor trying to come to a rational conclusion, but that couldn't be further from the truth. It's a problem at the civilizational scale, and we as a species will unironically stagnate without regulation or a solution.

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What games do you play? Did they help you come to terms with what you are?
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learn to phrase your posts better or kill yourself

how do i cope with knowing that pictures from my slutposting era will be on this fucking website forever? legitimately makes me kms thinking of future employers seeing that shit.
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they are here forever tris
oh no not muh employers! let’s all stifle our lives and never have fun because muh employer overlords might disapprove..
yes unfortunately
Genuinely embarrassing post.
sorry i'm genuinely a massive pussy i probably will eventually though

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FtM’s, would you date someone who insists she’s a lesbian while dating you?
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As long as she doesn't tell people I'm trans
I want to destroy a theyfab dyke
Orientation play is my fetish so yes
game is game

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How do I do my eyebrows? I finally bought a pair of tweezers and I’m not sure what to do with them. My eyebrows are very masculine
look up eyebrow shape guide per your headshape and start a little bit at a time. overplucked eyebrows look worse than too bushy
go get them waxed/threaded then just maintain it urself after that, itll be easier
I just use adjustable hair clippers and set them to "pretty short" just so they don't look like caterpillars. Then I use a small comb to get them in order. I hate overly groomed "female" eyebrows.

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>getting euphoria boners when I look in the mirror
wtf transsisters I thought it was just a meme
ill be honest, thats disgusting. would you be attracted to your identical twin sister? thats basically what youre implying
more like clone and id fuck my clone

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Does wanting to top cis women and impregnate them make me invalid as a trans woman?
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does me being 6'1 change anything?
It means your tall
Own it
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you will never be a woman thougheverbeit
i am legally a woman tho
Only of you're ugly
If you're pretty, many women actually want you badly

What is this guy doing?
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why do you care
you know you can just not interact with things you don’t like right
wow She has become so incredibly pretty :OO
I still look the same and you still act the same
he's embarrassing himself as usual. if u r reading this julie pls kys

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Are there any passing trans women in prison? I do know there are trans women in men's prisons, but how common are passing trans women on hrt in prison?
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do they even give you estrogen while in prison
In some they even gave you T lol. But they got sued and lost so now they don't dare to do it anymore. Still withholding E is common in the south and unless you have the ressources to sue and make noise you'd be fucked
kamala harris pioneered that practice before she decided she would be part of an administration that "has our backs"
Kek. Male prisoners are infamous for low-T. Stress kills testosterone production, and American prisons are extremely stressful environments that are essentially a form of psychological torture, especially solitary confinement.

i hate this site, it rots my brain, and this board is especially brainwormed and horrible, but i can't stop cumming back to it.
anyway, what are some ways i can integrate into "male socialization"? mannerisms and etiquette, offline and online, that are more subtle and not something obvious like "d00d just sit with your legs open and smell like a man d00d". feels silly to ask this if my brain sex is male but i wasn't socialized in accordance to le socity's expectations of men
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Note: This doesn't apply to any genuine responses.
>what are some ways i can integrate into "male socialization"?
Shouldn't it just come naturally since you're a man on the inside?
You're right. I'm just extremely autistic so I can't socialize in fuckin general. Women hate me and men are put off by me unless they're equally as strange.
Just exist lol and your mannerisms, interests and behaviours will change, at least that's what happened to me. Why would you ask this board about socialising? People here are weird and even you admitted that they ''rot your brain''.

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