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so you're telling me this is a board FULL of trannies, ripe for bullying?
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okay you can keep blaming others for things and staying miserable while not making the connection
You are literally doing the exact same thing, acting all indignant about covert contracts. “I wonder why certain people attract certain people attract certain people” is a blade that cuts two ways
and who am i attracting? as far as im aware, my boyfriend and i dont have any covert contracts or psychological torturing.
i had a string of abusive relationships and i blamed the other person each time. it wasnt until i started looking at myself and why i was attracting these people and thinking about what i can do, that i stopped attracting them and got a healthy relationship. i took responsibility for who i was attracting and fixed it
Some of these motherfuckers are 6'5, 300lb of pure musKle so they might end up bullying you. Careful.
even if not that large people forget how insane a lot of trannies probably are. there is this thing with modern internet culture where people who are not enjoying the best mental health are reduced to a punchline and it's very dangerous.

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is cannibalism fembrained?
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yknow what, based
you enjoy your vampirism, anon
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sometimes when i'm rly rly rly needy (every night) i imagine biting into the flesh of the shoulder of my husband and tasting his blood. i wanna feel my fangs sink into his skin i want to feel his love, i want him to feel how much i love him, i want him to hold me as i eat parts of his body and taste him. sometimes when i eat meat i get butterflies in my stomach pretending it's him. i ache and yearn the most when i'm hungry. feelings of hunger and my deep yearning and need for love have mixed in my mind to the point i cannot separate the two.
once i bought steak and ate pieces of it raw pretending i was eating him (i threw up though and felt so guilty i still feel guilty for not loving him enough but i cooked the rest so i wouldn't get sick. if i get sick then i could die and if i die i can't love him.)
i want him to eat me too. i want him to want my body just as much as i want his and to feel him holding me from getting away as he bites into my softness.
i hate so much that my body is unlovable and i can't have this. one day i will will be enough i will meet him and we will love each other so much.
>fantasising about it
>being into it
>actually doing it

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I would be so fucking rich if I was born female people dont realise how easy it is to get a fanbase I literally installed reddit pretend to be a girl and got 2000 followers if I kept doing that and started an onlyfans I'd be fucking rich it genuinely pisses me off so much bro I wish I was born a girl
you need healing, bro
I know how you feel. I made some 500 art pieces over the year and got 3 Reddit bans from posting my work. If I was a cis girl I could spit on paper and people would buy it

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i have a mental sissification fetish so one of its research branches its delving into girly entretainment. however, it seems that girly entertainment is so mind numbingly boring i cant watch more than 5 minutes at a time.
not lgbt related
Sissies are true female culture and afabs are automatically lgbt so it counts

previously: >>35387433

thread for cis women dating trans women & trans women dating cis women

QOTT: what're your greatest strengths and weaknesses as a partner?

if you don't like c4t/t4c get out!! not every space is made for you!! there are other places you can be!! please respect the purpose of this thread and be nice

Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/c4t
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poly gets you aids and you have to give yourself aids with prep according to covid experts
Does it have to be a couple or would a single rich transbian do
she’s literally an unabashed whore but thinks she’s superior because she only fucks one person at a time (even though her relationships don’t last more than a week as you can see lol)
How many bodies?
poly is whore too but how many relationships? whos she dated recently?

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Last: >>35488635
Qott: Post music that captures the moment.

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because i sound like joe pesci.
why the fuck wouldn't i wanna change my voice?
also u never answerd my question b4 the racist troll interrupted and i got distracted by clowns.
did u go 2 any protest? see anything fun/crazy?
hahahah actually ur so rivht XD bwahahah
she's like 40 now hon
lol ur buggin

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XY means male, zero exceptions.
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there are no angels here
I should clarify: not passing as in if one were to strip the tranny naked and inspect them under every angle and lighting condition, but passing as simply being gendered with female pronouns by a stranger without asking them to do so. If you say this cant happen, are traps fake? :(
traps are heterosexual
yeah I don't get it either.

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i interrupted my sister (also trans) while she was talking (i didn't hear her start talking before i did) and then she shouted rly loud at me that i interrupted her and i wasn't a supportive sibling
i don't feel good now and i can't fall asleep cuz my heart won't slow down
how to deal with getting yelled at better
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>that big breasted bunny
like if I was a bunny
damn that hits hard

t. doesnt voice train and has bad temper
older sister or younger?
>gets scolded by sister for interrupting her
>posts transphobic rant on 4chan about how she sounds like a man
i didnt understand when you said "she shouted ... at me that i... wasn't a supportive sibling" in the op but now it makes sense
When I yell and get angry (and I do this a lot after starting Adderall), bf either laughs from me or holds me in his arms while blocking all my pathetic attempts to fight back...

> hate hate hate when men shout why can't she be bothered to at least fucking voice train a little bi
Would voice train help? Don't you need conscious effort to support female voice so it will crack the moment you become emotional?

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I just want a mommymoder gf
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Yea I am cute (so I've been told)

And obsessive and clingy too be warned!
It really is, I made a rule for myself after I got hurt by someone younger on here that I wouldn't date under like, 25 (I'm turning 32 this year).
post discord
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do your parents accept that youre a tranny
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my dad was way more chill about me coming out as ftm than my mom was. she was very upset about losing her daughter. but now she is cool and my dad has always been chill so it’s whatever
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i mean they said i'm not their son anymore!!
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I've been boymoding about 9 months now and I don't think my mom has clocked I'm on HRT but she's somehow clocked other stuff because now that I've stopped repressing I keep saying or doing things that I would have previously tightly shut away and she's cluing into them with stunning precision. She keeps asking why I know about x thing with makeup, or why I'm walking a certain way, or why I want long hair, or why I have an interest in fashion or jewelry or whatever. She asks me like once a week why I 'want to be a girl' or 'why I want to pretend to be a girl' and I don't know what to say and just play dumb each time because it feels so humiliating being in a position where she's trying to pry it out of me when I know she would never accept me and just use that knowledge to hurt me.

She was my first bully, she abused me physically and mentally constantly, she ruined my life in more ways than one - irreparably in some cases. I will never recover physically or in terms of the opportunities available to me throughout life because of things she did to me, which were morally abhorrent. I learned what it was like to fearfully beg your life with a knife under my throat because of her. I have tried to forgive her and do everything I can to be kind because I don't want to contribute to the cruelty this world gives us daily and I know it will never be reciprocated.

I just can't bring myself to admit it to her. I don't want to be hurt in this way by her, I can't, yet she already is.

> I just can't bring myself to admit it to her.

GOOD. Do not admit it.

i had a similar relationship with my parents.
and a similar level of suspicion directed towards me once i started transitioning.

never admit anything as long as you can..

no matter how much you want to forgive them,
no matter how much you want to move on,
if they were able to be cruel before there is no reason to believe that they won't be again.
Cis women are always more bigoted than any other demographic because they get to hide it in plain sight without being called out for it. Especially straight ones.

Having been on E for 6 years + several surgeries with zero hope so far of feeling like anything but a fraud I think I'm detransitioning.

I can't be convinced that womanhood is really even attainable at all, every trans girl I've ever met has a glaring autistic male energy from the life they lived prior to transition and the ones who grew up feminine and clearly expressing traditional gay personalities end up embracing feminine gay culture

Transbians obsessed with videogames, toys, guns, anime figures, insane sexual relationship dynamics, and other impulsive highly autistic bullshit

Straight trannies causing themselves to have complexes over religious alignment and external validation factors to prove they're something better

Having met hundreds of every trans archetype and essentially plotting overarching character traits out and realizing what really groups trannies together, I ultimately I end up losing more hope that I'll ever be more than a sexually traumatized bisexual teenage boy on the inside every time I befriend or date another trans person MTF or FTM who, after I learn more about their personality before transition, their new identity is some kind of idealized performance of self based on unrealistic or misguided reads of personality archetypes they were exposed to as kids.

Everyone's playing some insane character fueled by autistic idealization of others and self hate

This entire thing is a fucking meme and completely unserious
>American whinge session #457 for today
Didn't read.
I appreciate that you read it at least, even if you didn't engage
>itldr it's all sexual abuse mental illness
nice logic OP


Post some /lgbtunes/ hit me with the pride anthems no Madonna please.
I listen to metal and I like males. I'm not a flamer gay.

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>be me
>tranny in uni
>boymode, look like shit, go by he/him and some stupid boy name i maid up rather than my actual name
>few friends, never go out
>it's an art school, so naturally i make horrible art that never gets accepted into anything
>be other tranny in class
>constantly chatting with others in class, always laughing and happy
>cute outfits
>is in a band, makes awesome music, runs two clubs
>today we're talking about parents
"oh my parents are amazing!! they're probably my favorite people in the world i love them so much"

my parents beat me and touched me. and threatened to kick me out if i got hrt so i had to wait till i went to college and was fully masculinized to transition

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Everyone stop being mean to my wife now!
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OP can u pls post this pic of u wuthout the dumb faceapp edit youre so cute
bruh look at this dood
Yeah life is unfair.

Ftms what would you do if your girl bully started hitting on you after you started transition?
Good manga
Drop manga name

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My "boyfriend" claims to be over her gender dysphoria, but still dresses as a girl for me. I try to encourage her dysphoria so hopefully she will start taking HRT.
She's shy about pegging but hopefully she will let me take her virginity while crossdresing soon.

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