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I just bought an Evangelion shirt because I like the anime but when I got home I started to wonder if it would be clocky because when i saw a guy wearing an Evangelion hoodie at school part of me wondered if he was a repper. Am I just brainwormed?

I only wonder because I'm a stealth passoid but kind of androgynous looking and have girl twink vibes. Will this shirt be the thing that gives it away?
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it's cringe for day wear but cute for home wear.
like out at school or in public weird and cringe but at home it can be cute and fun comfy wear.
Well I am neuroatypical

I guess its time to embrace cringe.
I have two Eva hoodies I like and wear. I've only gotten compliments and it's a conversation starter which is neat.
When I first started boymoding and I didn't pass, no compliments, after I started to pass I got a lot more and people use it to talk to me lol
I see passing in "boymode" with an Eva hoodie as a power move desu
Alt girls tend to wear anime merch in my area anyways, and a futch/alt aesthetic is what I'm going for anyways so it works
Thank you for the idea, going to buy anime merch for my terf mother
Do you have lain shirts too

previously: >>35455470

quarter century edition!!!

thread for cis women dating trans women & trans women dating cis women

QOTT: It's lesbian visibility weak! Regardless of your letter, when have you been most ~visible~ recently?

if you don't like c4t/t4c get out!! not every space is made for you!! there are other places you can be!! please respect the purpose of this thread and be nice

Tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/c4t
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Anybody else scared of fem conventionally attractive woment
What you would consider a normie hon can also be a diagnosed autist with OCD. They're just better adjusted at dealing with reality. It's why this bitter seething that poisoned the thread looked so retarded to even vaguely functional people.
Yeah. The thing is, if you do the girl thing where you compliment them and bond quickly before you really get to know them this can be pushed surprisingly far. I've slept with women I never would have thought of as bi. I'm short, cis, masc enough to be fun but non-threatening. Sometimes I can get into that mood where picking up women feels easy. I can't tell if it's due to something I did, or the women already having interest before letting me speak to her. Conventionally attractive women have to build up a defense to all the attention. You know pretty quickly whether you're in or you're out.
I hit on a woman the other night but she was for sure straight :(
Terrified honestly, because I'd look like a goblin compared to her

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is it really true that a lack of father figures in my life is why im like this? could i really have been a normal man if my dad was more present or another guy in my childhood helped me? did anyone here have father figures and mentors and still ended up on e?
I live primarily with my dad growing up, still a tranny. The only difference is that I know a lot about Pink Floyd
No you are just rationalizing, a lot of men grow up without a father figure and they don't troon out.
My father has been extremely present in my life as an ultra masculine figure and I could have opened the same thread asking whether I am a tranny because my dad was like that.
Stop rationalizing why you are a tranny
did he really father you and stuff tho? like take you to sports, hunting/fishing, etc, stuff ig men do?
ppl cope different ways i want to believe things couldve been different and happier

/lesgen/, the best lesbian general, is an inclusive general for all sapphics :^) - cis or trans - to discuss being gay as shit

qott 1: have you ever played matchmaker for your friends? or have they for you? how did that go?
qott 2: would you ever go on a blind date?
qott 3: what have YOU done lately to help acorn get a gf?
tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F

last: >>35517572
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we need to make a lesgen discord
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i'll make it if no one else will
i think my gf looks down on me a bit for being autistic
iktf I wish I could get in touch somehow

>see woman taller than me
>immediately think shes a tranny
there aint no rest for the brainwormed
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I'm so brainrotted I think everyone who doesn't look like a meme Stacy or Gigachad might be trans because I never realized how weird the normal average person looks before I started transitioning and estrogen cured my autism.
wdym its tall for a woman
we have a whole selection on offer.

It's not right for cute boys to dress like girls and make me cum.

how do you cope about anal sex? do you just find the grossness hot in itself?
Idk I have a vagina that mtfs fuck

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Only gay people are capable of fully understanding and opening up to each other emotionally. The love they feel for each other is just as intense as the feelings AGPs and AAPs feel for themselves. But instead of subconsciously putting that energy into micromanaging their mannerisms and appearance, they instead put it into making their partner’s life as happy as possible. Straight men and women can experience something similar to real love, but they feel attracted to the other person because they're different from themselves. They don't want to spiritually become one with the other person and they wouldn't be able to even if they wanted. Lesbians are capable of truly loving each other, but they’re so emotional and self-focused that most of them never get there.
Men were meant to be together
>only men are capable of love
Literally every gender identity except cis male is capable of love
Literally this cism are scum

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can i bust in you
get bangs
wanna kiss and touch eachothers conetits
is ur name Liam
yeah anon, get some type of bangs i think it would suit u
doesnt have to be le tranny bangs could be like curtain bangs

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I just let a man i could 100% tell was autistic grope me for 2 hours in exchange for gas station weed. AGP?
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I was wearing a pretty asic jeans and sweater, but i guess i tried to look a little nice
I find them on grindr
What's wrong with him being autistic?
>I find them on grindr
idk if im desperate enough for that
hot lol
I wasn't wearing clothes

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>Gender dysphoria is the feeling of discomfort or distress that might occur in people whose gender identity differs from their sex assigned at birth or sex-related physical characteristics.
>phwoar I know I'll get me cock out on cam for the world to see and have those images on t'nternet forever
You porn addled freaks have damned us all
are you kidding ehooker troons are 99% responsible for trans rights existing at all by making straight men want to bang them, literally the only way we got rights

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Back in my day twinks still looked like boys
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That’s patrick leblanc, stop lying about your appearance, chasers
That's literally me thoughbeit
Yes, Daddy!!!
Adddddd my discord ._.
discord: fr3akcel
you don't look like that THOUGH

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Where can I find femboys like this? I only find mascs or weird people on Grindr.
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they kill themselves before you get to them
save a cute femboy/tranner and buy them hrt and outfits
>that hairline
so brootally joever
could be wearing sports bra
In a highschool
anon im sorry but femboys dont exist, it was painful for me to find this out also.

i guess you can chase after 18 year olds and try to make them wear makeup for you tho?

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What kind of men end up dating straight AGPs?
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>has to add bisexual
you already admit you lost
I prefer the ethiopian knockoff, it is more true to reality
you can go back to twitter sweetie, you're not gonna get anything from being here
blanchard 1.0 hasn't been updated since white people afros and disco were popular while blanchard 9.0 ultra-max pro edition is updated daily in 2024
i can never tell if the "all men are agp" posters are cooked troons or cracking reppers

Does beard oil actually do anything or is it one of those products that insecure people just waste their money on? Got an ftm beard that's getting there for sure just needs to fill out slightly more would oil do anything for it
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Interesting. I'll look into buying some then.
I suggest getting something that smells woodsy or musky if you enjoy a dark and thick type of scent. It gives you a +3 bonus to your masculinity.
What happens to my masculinity if I brush in strawberry shortcake vanilla scented oil
You get a -5 debuff to masculinity but a +15 buff to charisma. It also increases your aggro on any brute class mobs.
You're just gonna leave her hanging OP?

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