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You are currently alone in the middle of Alcatraz island and have access to 1 (one) functional copy of any human-made manportable weapon currently in existence with all the ammunition and any additional existing personal gear (helmets, ballistic vest, night vision googles, claymores, bear traps, etc) you can personally carry.

How fucked you are?
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There are great whites in that water btw
A single ayylmao won't kill (You), it'll kidnap (You) and eggmorph (You) to create a facehugger or molt as a queen and shit out an egg for (You) to get facehugged.

Unless you're one of John Connor's main lackeys the Terminator will just ignore you if you don't stand in its way.

Yautjas don't care about 4chin posters.
Actually a sound plan.
It’s no biggie. Clint Eastwood character can make the swim so I can too. There are great whites near all of the pacific coasts in CA.

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I will buy that steyr Aug, you nigger
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>its a PSA freedom ar15 with a troy handguard
uhhhh....yeah. they should have adopted this.
its only $1500 you cheap nigger. I can afford $1500 on my bullshit Uber Eats pay, why can't you?
Bermuda Regiment rifle
2 rounds burst is unironically decent for low recoiling guns in 5.56

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Can someone explain to me how to safely buy /k/ related things from amazon? I want to get a pocket knife but apparently everything there is counterfeit, how do I avoid that and how do I check? Also can you buy plates and stuff on amazon?
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>has some gay excuse for everything
I don't know nigger. Just buy this sick ass flashlight then. These are cool as fuck.
okay YOU buy me a benchmade then
>buying bitchmade
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They did a community service by helping the local PD in Oregon cut up confiscated firearms. That said I own an Arvensis and I bought my buddy a bushcrafter for his wedding.

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LGS has a FDE USP 9mm. Never seen one before and it has me intruiged. $1000.

They also have a VP9 in grey (pic related), forgot the price but probably cheaper as it's just a standard VP9.

Which one should I get that's probably more rare and collectable? I already have a USP 9mm from 1998 and I don't like it at all. Can't shoot it well at all, but the USP 45 and it's variants are my favorite hanguns.

Hate the VP9 too. Bro has one and I've shot probably 100 rounds through them and I'm not a fan, so I'll be getting either one based purely on the flex factor/rarity.
>buying one of two guns, both of which you hate
>neither of them is rare or even out of production
>thinks this is a flex
anon, you're a fucking retard holy shit dude.
I have a bunch of HK handguns, but they are all black. I've always wanted a colored one, but they are so hard to find in the version I want. These are the first ones I've ever seen in a store to buy, so I have to strike when I can. I can afford it. I may end up liking the gun too, so nbd.
there is no flex factor here
make up your mind then, buy whichever of the two that you like more/is cooler to you
I'm leaning towards the VP9 because I think the grey HK variants are rarer, and I don't have a VP9.
>flex factor
Buy an artillery luger or something

I don't understand, if Hamilton didn't intend to kill Burr why did he choose a top of the line deadly set of dueling pistols for the weapon? Wasn't the Wogdon&Barton basically the best set of dueling pistols money could buy at the time? If Hamilton truly intended to throw away his shot, he never fucking had a chance!
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>On April 1, 1920, [Uruguayan journalist Washington Beltrán] published an article in the newspaper El País titled “Qué toupet”, which caused him to be challenged to a duel by former president José Batlle y Ordóñez.
>The duel with pistols was scheduled for the next day, with Beltrán's companions from the newspaper, Leonel Aguirre and Eduardo Rodríguez Larreta, serving as seconds.
>The first to arrive at the agreed upon location, where the Gran Parque Central stadium is today, was Beltrán after ten in the morning, accompanied by his seconds and his doctor, Arturo Lussich.
>After a few minutes, the challenger arrived accompanied by his seconds, Ovidio Fernández Ríos and Francisco Ghigliani, his doctor Lorenzo Mérola and the director of the event, Domingo Veravierte.
>Due to the heavy rain that broke out at the start of the event, the duel had to be suspended twice for five and ten minutes. The duel resumed at ten minutes to eleven and both fired at each other without hitting their targets.
>After loading the pistols again, the duel resumed, but this time, Batlle and Ordoñez hit his target a few centimeters from Beltrán's right armpit; he died a few minutes later.
Hamilton was a sneaky little faggot who fully intended to kill Burr, but was too retarded to know how to shoot his own guns.
Burr should have been given medals for the service he provided in killing that faggot.
What are you, retarded?
No, I know you're not retarded.

What are you, Down's Syndrome?
so then why did you make the "you duel with the gun you have" comment? thats 100% objectively false in every respect.
im sorry you are upset that you were wrong.
I read that Burr was a really good shot, he killed several enemy soldiers during the war and he practiced every day for weeks before the duel. He was confident he would win the duel.
Apparently Hamilton guns had an special trigger that made easier to shoot first.

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Can we discuss landscaping and other passive defenses that could help us?

I have heard of rose bushes under windows and thorny bushes as hedges around property. I need more ideas.
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dont feed the board tourists
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i don't have any saved on my drive, and i'm not gonna fight a search engine
the "CIA approved natural barbed wire" is also a common hedge in urban areas, and is also used as root stock for citrus trees everywhere

i don't really know what you want from this conversation, its just a fucking bush with thorns on it, not a god damn mounted CROWS system
if you want a fence, go build a fucking fence, jesus man
>i don't really know what you want from this conversation
You put forward the idea that you'll be put on a watchlist for using razor wire (assuming you are not violating any residential codes, which vary), and I was simply trying to figure out if there's any merit to it especially in relation to using natural defenses
look man
its not a guarantee, but its the same problem with redflag laws
all it takes is some old crotchety bitch to say "the man outside is scaring me!!!", and when the cops come over, they see your house covered in razor wire bundles, and immediately think "aw fuck, waco 2.0", and just as you're browsing your phone on the toilet, happily taking a fat shit, a guy calls you asking you to "think about your family" & "not to do anything rash", and now you know why that helicopter outside was so loud

just go spend like $2000 on lumber for a tall fence or plant a bunch of rose bushes & tell your wife its a surprise gift, worse case scenario is that your property value will rise
oh I fucking hate Cat's Claw
teddy bear cholla. look it up.

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Was the Finnish Air Force the most overachieving branch of WW2?
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Commies achieve a 33 for 1 kill rate against obselete aircraft and then BRAG.
Evey single time.
Karelia will be Finland again, Ivan. And Polka will be blasted.
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That's not 33:1 though? 477/50=9.54
>We never wanted Kyiv cope

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are expensive laser bore sights worth getting, or are cheap ones all you need?
i keep seeing $40-$100 kits, but i really don't see the point as long as a $20 one will do the job
even the expensive ones still require you to shoot to know the true zero, which is usually still just as off as some cheap one anyway
do any anons have experience with expensive kits?
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i don't feel like going to the 1 single rifle range in a 50 mile radius, and that range being expensive, far away, and probably bought out for the day anyway
i'm just tired, man
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Sure, let me pay $25 for a half hour at the 25 yard indoor range that's the only one within a two hour drive of me
>inb4 just shoot outside
There are people who have tried and gone to jail before me
I had the $20 one and yes it would get you on paper. You will be like three or four inches off usually though. Not a substitute for range time
I like the one you pictured more than the cartridge ones. I get roughly sighted in, in the longest stretch of my house and it's always real close when I get to the range. You only need it once unless your always goofing with your sight so get the cheapest not shit one
also posting to vouch for cheap bore sighters
bought a cheap one off amazon that really helped me sight my optic 80% of the way before i actually had the time and money to sight it on the range

>be soldier in the XI Corps on May 2, 1863
>be sitting down for dinner
>suddenly rabbits and foxes come hopping through your camp from the nearby woods, first a handful, then dozens
>look out towards the woods
>there can't possibly be anything out there
>see the top of a flag start appearing over the horizon
>suddenly, autistic screeching, the likes of you've never conceived of before, echos literally everywhere
>hundreds of Confederate soldiers burst out of the trees, bayonets fixed, running right at you

What do?
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lol based do it again general sherman
Based post. The flag means rebellion. Fly it high and proud.

Of course it pisses off the feds and faggots that have taken over this board.
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>stays with the Union
>still cared for his southern countrymen and made sure to treat people well even if they were secessionists
>ignored by Northern politicians due to being Virginian, still does his duty
>not a racist, wanted slavery to end and didn't discriminate his black trooos
>brave, personally led his men into battle
>avoided reckless attacks, Sherman and Grant seethed at him for this
>always made sure his men were supplied and taken good care of
>only civil war general to have destroyed an opposing army
>nobody cares about him except a few hipsters and hardcore nerds
I don't get it. I suppose his memoirs burning up in a fire didn't help.
Good post, but the thing is the colonies didn't get to have a seat in parliament,if they did maybe the revolutioary war wouldn't have happened.

Also,shit image. Wignat paganism is cringe bro, just look at vauche or whatever that ex-Mayhem singer is like.
Blacker the berry the sweeter the juice.

How have the Russians and Ukrainians actually been fighting each other? Lazy maps always show something like entire companies to battalions launching 'attacks' against enemy companies and battalions in generic defensive positions. My question is: what is the actual layouts that these military units are actually using? How are the defensive positions actually set up? I'm tired of anon's posting pictures of "the current situation on the front" just for there to be non descriptive rectangles that aren't really showing anything like pic related.

Would anon's be willing to share either actual map overlays or at least draw up more realistic defensive set ups than what we typically see like in pic related?
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Why don't either the Russians or Ukrainians invest heavily in counter battery capabilities? It feels like neither of them have any counter battery at all and so therefore there is nothing stopping either side from just barrage firing arty for like an hour at a time. The whole reason why the US for example wouldn't have to worry about shit becoming so static that it devolves into trench warfare is because we have such a massive array of counter battery capabilities.
you counter battery fire that still means you take incoming if you're trying to mass the ass.

Ukraine also did invest in it and they're better. Russian arty doesn't last long, thats why they had to ho beg for nork d30s
counter batteries all got counter counter batteried months ago
>using more lightly armored and fast methods, as seen in footage, typically there's nothing heavier than a Bradley nearby.
primary unit of ukraine is the brigade, which has seen so many reinforcements that they near division size
and the ones who are used to hold or take key points are the mech brigades

so this is pretty close to WW2, where armored divisions were concentrated in extremely high priority areas
either to force a breakthrough or counter an enemy breakthrough
Infantry dug in positions around built up areas, key intersections and along roads/lines of communication.
Supported by indirect fires and local armored counterattacks.
War hasn't changed that much since ww2.

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What's a more effective "force multiplier". An anti-material or night vision? They both seem to have an entry point around $3-4k.
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Wasted trips :'(
Anti material no contest. Youre more likely to face someone in a vehicle during the day than living out your nightfigher larp fantasy.
"Here take my nvgs and watch the road im gonna go sleep"
in the grand scheme of things, both have a negligible to zero effect on how things turn out
>ITT: shooting after sundown is a larp fantasy, but firing a .50 cal at cops isn't
How far down the rabbithole does someone have to be to say this shit?

I'll start simple.
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Really, noodle arms need steel framed heavy guns to cut down recoil of 9mm while thick armed Popeye men can shoot a polymer gun fine
What a retarded idea it was to have a slide mounted safety/decocker on a gun that has a tiny slide.
The hat says good times, the look on his face says rape at gunpoint.
>implying Salve's firearm had anything in common with the groundbreaking, unfinished masterpiece JMB designed.

Mates on holiday and just sent me this, idk whether to be concerned or amused. No a weapon per se but i thought you fucks would appreciate it anyway.
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I just assumed it was a bruise lmao
t. CONSTANTLY fucking smashing my thumb like a retard at work

knowing a twink doesn't make you gay. Really you can have raw steamy sex (topping ofc) with a twink then cuddle him in your arms and eat pizza with him. It still would only be a little bit gay.
>with a twink
>It still would only be a little bit gay
More or less gay than a range trap?
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Silly German Existentialists having a laff with their Shin Bet buds most likely

depends if he wears thigh high socks or not

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fresh kino of a Ukrainian squad fighting out of a basement for 14 hours while surrounded

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>Wow, very homophobic
Wouldn't you know pidor
I hope Ukraine loses. NATO is gay and doesn't need to be expanded. I will be here to laugh at you trannies when they lose.
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>I will be here to laugh at you trannies when they lose.
>day 800+
And you will seethe every day that Ukraine does not capitulate. Btw NATO still not in the war
Is it true there are french troops fighting in ukraine?
That's the point. Now fuck off.

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>actual knife and not a fucking shovel edition
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Anyone have any idea why an assisted kershaw would be rattling when it is open?
>Fresh outta the oven
put it back it got holes in it nigga
Is the blade rattling?
pivot screw is loose and/or spring+lockplate dingus is out of joint. carefully take it apart and clean the parts, put it back together with some blu loctite
No the blade is very solid it sounds like the rattling is coming from inside the handle
I don’t think it’s the pivot screw because it’s real tight to the point where the knife is hard to flip. I just got the thing in the mail yesterday I don’t have the proper tool to loosen it yet. Could it be the spring is not Greased properly? I’m pretty sure the knife as a whole needs oil

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