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Four thousand dollar Tanfoglio edition

Get gud doc: https://files.catbox.moe/9g5sv2.pdf
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/gs6mLNik

previous: >>61559232
18 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
M&P 2.0 with the new trigger or a bunch of 15 round magazines for your Shield Plus.

>Trigger is subjective. My M&Ps have distinct grittiness even with the new triggers. About the same OEM
>MOS Glock and OR M&P are about the same price on the streets.
>There have been widespread issues of Glock magazine catches failing said nobody except on the G21SF with the shitty ambi-safety and PIc rail
>Burt, you lie. The M&P optic cut is same as the Glock and their plates are even shittier than the Glock plates. Even worse is the blowback from the LCI if you don't use the KI Plate.
>1913 is standard on Gen5 Glocks
>Backstrap system is better
>Glock magazines haven't been sticking since oh, they started metal lining them decades ago
>He doesn't want flex in a polymer frame and rails are the same. I will say the M&P owns in that you can change them due to the design vs. molded in Glock rails. On the other hand, S&W gatekeeps parts like a mofo.
>Yes, but Glock plastic sights are dovetail protectors and you can get sights from the factory.
>He doesn't have a sight pusher and amazon for suppressor sights.

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Love is a strong word, but same
Burt what are your top 5 favorite guns you own?
I have a custom Andrews Leather springbreak shoulder holster. Use it with my S&W57 and have ammo+knife on other side of gun.
I always enjoy seeing your HK45C. I have an old leather Galco USP 45C snap top holster for mine, works for my USPc 9 too.

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Good GWOT books that *aren't* Generation Kill?
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The standard is 4pl8 numbnuts
why not 5 then? post body
You're not going to make seals buddy

Left of Boom by Dougas Laux. Pretty good account of the daily life of your friendly neighbourhood spook innafob.

>plus some other things involving notpakistan
Imagine admitting you're illiterate.

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Weeb Gun Edition

Discuss your overpriced guns that you would never dare shoot.

Previous: >>61456425
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entirely your moms fault. cant blame the boomers for moving ahead without knowing you were interested.
The ones that suck the most are when they KNOW you are interested but disregard and do something dumb anyway. If you arent related or had any prior relationship with them than its somewhat understandable they might just do whatever. But when you've known them and formed even the thinnest of bond over their guns, that sucks.
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Upon further inspection, my spent cases all seem to have a very slight bulge on them about 1/4 to 1/3 inch from the base, should I be worried?
>Your sporter looks nice.
It's 51 years newer than the 03/14.
how well do those 3d printed clips work?

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I'll start:
M55 from Killzone
Some day I'll engineer one.
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>i cannot imagine a shittier job in the republic
Off the top of my head here is a list
>AT-TE pilot: that giant plane of glass being your only protection isn’t very comforting
>Be a Galactic Marine: your job is literally to be sent to the shittyest hostile environment in the Galaxy
>be a clone marine: because EVA boarding actions while Based are also incredibly retarded
>Be a Senate Guard Commando: the only reason you exist is to job to mercenaries and assassins.
You know, when you mentioned the ATTE, my first though was of the guy in the roof turret. He doesn't even get a pane of glass. But yeah, the pilot is pretty vulnerable too.
Mutant Chronicles. Based. Love Capitals Designs.
would if i had an auto
everyone knows 9mm is weak, and 45 has a cowboy image, even though colt is a different round, devs don't really know that

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What's the best way in organising riots, strategically & tactically, from the pov of formations, gear required, etc., assuming that your strongest adversary is going to be the riot police and not an heavily armed military that'll slaughter you with machine guns? Are there field manuals for policemen or good books on riot strategy in general?
>unrelated to /k/
I mean weapons like tear gas and tazer will likely be involved, so it's still /k/ janny.

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The Comeback Edition

Trade, create, and sell your patches!
Post good design ideas and maybe a patch store will make them.

>Last Thread

>Where can I buy that sweet patch/ find patches?

>Classic Pastebin
https://pastebin.com/cXZTGafD (2016)

>other lists

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Where can I get the buccees patch?
bumping would be funny to wear
>Oh boy 50 new posts since I went to sleep
>It's 90% fags pointing fingers at each other about which sikrit klub they belong to
Epic patch thread guys
Thank you michifren
I've stood in front of a TSA screener and told him there's probably cordite all over my bag while he swabbed my fingers for explosive residue. Nothing happened. I know a breacher who took his work bag to an airport once, I don't think he does that anymore lol.

I would like you guys to entertain my thoughts, let me know if I am wrong.

I belive the S300/S400 (besides the oldest missiles) would would be more useful for the Ukrainian military than the Patriot.

I am not saying the S300 is better just that it would provide more benefits on the current battlefield situation.

Russia was not able to use glide bombs till about an year ago when the Ukrainians S300 ran out of munitions (max range of 200km+ and a max engagement altitude of 25-30km at that range)

By comparison the Patriot has a max range of 160km at 12km altitude, the range drops drastically when trying to hit targets above 12km.

Russian planes used for launching glide bombs like the MIG31 can fly at up to 25km height at mach 2+ speed giving the glide bombs up to 70km of gliding range.

Of course while the targets are on the front line while the patriot or S300 need to be at least 45km or 50km away from the front to avoid being in range for lancet drones and other systems.

The Russian figured out that lobbing bombs at the max distance from the front can be done without being hit from the patriot because a target at 50km+70km =130km and at 25km altitude exceeds the longest range for missiles available to it.

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You mean S-300 range is fake? What is the point of this thread then?
Where did you get that graph? Do you have the report it is from? Preferably in PDF form.
Protecting the FEBA from standoff weapons with ground based systems is a fools game, you end up needing heavier and heavier missiles while the adversary can just strap on a slightly bigger rocket to the bomb. Protecting the frontline needs aircraft.

Also no way in hell are Russians cleared to release munitions above M1.0 lmao

Read again.

The point is that the theoretical max range is affected by the type of target their manouvres and their altitude.

Also the max range dose not guarantee hits within it's limit. There is a no escape range but it's shorter and classified.

Anyway the point still is the same:
If the Russians start to think they have a decent chance to be shot down they would stop dropping dozens of glide bombs a day because they can't afford to sustain too many aircraft and pilots losses.
which would greatly improve the battlefield situation for the Ukrainians since the heavy glide bombs are extremely important for the current Russian tactics as it allows them to eliminate very entrenched positions or concrete buildings which would be very hard to do with artillery as it needs time to reduce buildings to rubble and they would receive counter fire while doing so.
Russians were dropping bombs on Avdiivka despite visual evidence of multiple Su-35 being shot down. Clearly getting killed in low numbers is no longer deterrence

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/brg/ never dies editon

Post wood (furniture)
(but seriesously post wood)
Tips and tricks for guns smithing found here
Is WVLRN good or JAM city? Stay tuned!
All the best frens stick around post 310. Mr Morris is not welcomed

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/oaJQrfTo46Y?si=jasr2tdnVaWxNrvB

As Always No Trips, No Traps, No airsoft. Anime and middle aged anon life advice always appreciated

Previous thread: >>61450161
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They carousel the ads, she should cycle back.
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They had gone up by then. 1982 was peak HK/Arnie years.
do u guys hate me
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>scar 17 mags
>non shit sr25/ar10 mags

is one better than the other? fudd forums seem to say sr25 mags are "better" than scar mags but base their posts off thought experiments and saving face because they only, maybe, own an r700 from walmart

I got a used scar and I'm considering changing the lower for a few reasons including
>sr25/ar10 mags are probably easier to find during the igloo and the post apocalypse
>picrel lower takes ar triggers which are certainly more common/easier to fix/easier to replace than scar specific triggers
>also takes ar grips, mag release, safety, etc which really doesn't matter but if I somehow broke a grip I could get any a2 grip from any spare parts bin in america versus tracking down a scar specific grip

also this is my first 308 br other than my ptr91 so I have no experience with scar mags or ar10 mags in terms of durability and reliability. Seems like magpul mags are the go to but I'd prefer metal, non promag, mags but not for a fuckin $100 a piece

>why didn't you just buy/build an ar10 to begin with
how about I fuck your mouth

How effective was it really? Its said that nervegasses accounted for just 1% of all casualities in WW1. Might this be why we dont see it used in even the most depraved and unhinged conflicts we are seeing at the moment?
Assad used some of it during the onngoing civil war in Syria, but is there some way of telling how effective it was?

Since it was ineffective in trench warfare, could it maybe be more useful in urban warfare?
Also since things like chlorine gas are very easy to diy why dont we see alot of terrorist attacks using it? It should be even more effective in closed rooms, right? So why do they go around stabbing people in close quarters?
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Gas gas gas
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Maybe you'll get the pretty nurse to hold your hand while you lay dying.
What is this? Datamining Honeypot?
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If you only knew how bad
Do you think some of these (((entente))) dudes got a pitty handy right before dying? You know because they fought for degenercy and so on.

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AK General /akg/
Afghan War Edition
>Thread 2024

Old thread here: >>61541055
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The short quad looks so much better than the mlok 10 inch rail.
it has a black ballistic tip you tard
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>hhhhhmmmm today i will PAINTJOB
>T A N
really only practical if you have one in full auto and have a team. Not saying it's not viable, just not the most practical for that scenario in question
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بارك الله فيكم يا أصدقائي

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Tactical gear thread.
Post gear, discuss gear.
Old: >>61516975
166 replies and 28 images omitted. Click here to view.
the hardest core oper8rs with insane K/D ratios would literally just tie it on with paracord or zip ties and go about their day instead of obsessing about stupid shit and niche hardware
sitting here calmly waiting for the underaged poster of >>61567229 to come back and claim his eyes can focus on something a quarter of an inch from his eye and that THAT is why he is a terrible shot, doesn't own any guns, is overweight, or any other insecurity
>I'm shipping off to cold as ass Hokkaido
no you're not
if you're going to go online to tell lies and play make believe at least put the tiniest bit of effort into it
how often are you being shot in the torso, that'll tell us your needs
>the last airbender

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What's gonna happen tomorrow in Ukraine when F-16s become operational?
189 replies and 23 images omitted. Click here to view.
>Korea was more of a draw as apposed to total failure since Best Korea, the Chicoms, and the Soviets didn't get everything they wanted either
They wanted all of Korea under communist rule. America didn't want that to happen. As a stretch goal, once the war was already underway, they would like to kick the communists out, which wasn't successful. But the core war goal of "don't let the south get annexed" was successful, and the commie war goal of "annex the south" was not.

To say that because the communists only lost the war and didn't suffer a total, catastrophic defeat, it was merely a draw, is very disingenuous.
Shoigu will claim 10 F-16 were shot down and the shills will spam this board with blurry pictures
probably not fully. or not directly. glide bombs are dropped quite far from the frontline well within the russian air defense network. one thing that russians will probably do now is fly escorts with their glide bomb flights, which will drive up airframe hours and fuel usage a bit, but not significantly. one thing that could F16s could possibly allow is pushing long range air defense closer to the front and offloading civillian air defense to the F16, which would allow engaging russian glide bomb flights. though i'm not sure about this myself, since russians have recently been using ballistics instead of cruise missiles and shaheeds and F16s cant defend against ballistic missiles.
>lost in korea
Where did this meme came from? It literally doesn't make any sense if you look into the goals
Thise war ended long after the american involvement in the region is nonexistent. Afghanistan in particular hadn't had U.S. ground operations since 2014 and the air force stopped supporting the ANA in 2020. None of those are the fault of the American military capabilities, but rather the U.S. not making sure the Afghan/south vietnam government cc'd an stand on its own without direct aid.
>Vietcong and Taliban kicked our ass for sure.
They literally got destroyed in every engagements with the american military. They didn't do anything aside from waiting until the americans leave/stop giving aid.

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ITT: Boomer gun terms
>Ball ammunition
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>clip vs. magazine
People get anal-retentive over this but the terms were sometimes used interchangeably.
In picrel, both are used at the same time!
i fucked a girl who had gotten one of these BBLs, it is the most retarded thing ever and feels 10x worse than fake tits
>10x worse than fake tits
That's terrifying desu
>Boomer gun terms

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India is about to revolutionize warfare
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nuke India. do it now. no more questions, just do it.
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>Just Poo It
Now I need to see sub-continent, off brand Nike's made with twice the slave labour normal ones are made with
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even their camo looks like feces
It needs to blend with local environment

Just a bunch of Bradley combat footage pieced together.
Dot moe plz.
9 minutes and it’s missing 10 videos off of the top of my head. There really is so much footage
Moe cat plz.

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