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Had the EMALS from USS Ford been DC instead of AC have fixed most of Its operational issues?
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A dynamo can directly generate DC, but there are so many disadvantages compared to three phase AC power, it's basically irrelevant.
Dynamos don't function at low RPM, conversion loss.

With AC generation any rotational energy can be converted into AC no matter the RPM.
give me 100 Tesla cars, $100,000 for expenses, and dozen each Jr College engineers and auto-techs, and I'd build a cat on the football field able to launch 100,000 aircraft to 200mph in 80yds, and do about 2 dozen like that as fast as you could hook them up.

I've run the numbers, and priced the parts, just need some techies to gang up the cars to a shaft and computer control their output.

Maybe I'll send this idea to Elon, he likes big dumb stunts and could sure use some good press at the moment.

PS-when in port the crew could use the cars to cruise around town, and this would help local hookers ID customers. On board ship the cars could serve as "gaming chairs" for video gamers.
>100,000 aircraft
100,000lb aircraft

IIRC max loaded F-18 is heaviest current at about 80,000lbs.

I unironically think new-gen of unmanned drones could include aircraft P-H-A-T-T-E-R that current full load fighter jets, for reasons.
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When will this be real?
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>unsourced screenshot from a year-old article
Again, going to trust the official police website over you.
>On August 24, 2022, the Hawai`i Police Department announced that it has revised the permitting process for license to carry concealed and unconcealed firearms as a result of the July 23, 2022, Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) decision in the case of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc., et al. v. Bruen, Superintendent Of New York State Police, et al. The updated application and supporting documentation forms are linked below.
Hawaii removed its justifiable need requirement from it's concealed handgun application form. Again, I'm not claiming the libshit states are happy about complying with Bruen, but, slowly but surely, they all are. American legal institutions are still sacrosanct and anyone in a position of power in the this country IS going to follow a SCOTUS decision because not doing so implicitly undermines the basis for their own power.
>How do you feel about everyone from the Los Angeles City Council to the Hawaiian Supreme Court
You mean just those two right? No not everyone is doing the same and your lying by implying otherwise.
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Because of dying, stupid.
>shoot more than one shot
not only useless, I also found it was bugged making it unusable. would put it away into inventory and when it was taken back into hand suddenly it was empty and thus automatically dropped.

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Aborigenes inspecting the M1150.
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We're not mice and horses, we're people born on Earth.
Honestly I would've fallen for the trick also. It is like those pictures in WWII intentionally left crooked for someone to straightness and it explodes.
Anyone got nore pics/vids of the bushmaster?
You're a pajeet born in Toronto.
they painted fucking american flags on the side like those white stars the US used in WW2, >>61557978
its pure bullshit

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>There are people living today who remember a time where Somalia was a stable country and with a military capable of invading foreign countries
there are people alive today who remember a time when the russians really did command the second most powerful military in the world


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In that wumao thread, there was an interesting discussion for a small moment about service life of naval aviation engines.

I'll just list them off;
>Su-33 - Saturn AL-31
>J-11 - WS10
>Rafale M - M88-2
>F/A-18 - F404
>F35 C - F135
*full life-cycle of the engines
**WS10 engines are most likely completely spent after the reported 1500 hours and get cannibalised, which is in contrast to Western overhaul process

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Let's just agree to disagree.
Saffran has been struggling with 2100K materials for quite some time, what chance does a company with 5% of their revenue has?
Reminds me when I would add an F to "Rafale" for no reason back in the day.
>Saffran has been struggling with 2100K materials for quite some time, what chance does a company with 5% of their revenue has?
Essentially none because Russia never achieved commercial success with their turbofans for airliners. Military turbofans are anecdotal in the industry and that all what Russia has, their R&D is mostly stuck in the 80s-90s. They had good prototypes but nothing mass produced...
Even China ditched russian low-bypass turbofans and simply copied American-French designs (CFM56, and its core).
Yeah, imagine if Safran had to live off of M88 engine, they would go undee years ago.

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>South Korea’s Hyundai Rotem Co. has been selected as the preferred bidder to supply 30 wheeled armored vehicles to the Peruvian Army.

>The deal, if realized, would be Hyundai Rotem’s first export of wheeled armored vehicles and the first time a Korean combat armored vehicle will enter the Latin American market.

>Hyundai Rotem said on Thursday that it has been chosen as the preferred negotiator by Peruvian military authorities for the supply of wheeled armored vehicles.

>Under the potential contract, Hyundai Rotem will be eligible to deliver 30 units of its K808 White Tiger to the Peruvian Army. The deal valued at $60 million was facilitated by Korean trading company STX.

>Wheeled armored vehicles, characterized by individual wheels rather than continuous tracks, offer maneuverability akin to standard vehicles.

>The K808, equipped with an 8-wheel drive system, can reach speeds of up to 100 km/h on paved roads and around 25 km/h off-road.

>It features run-flat tires capable of sustaining operation even after being hit by gunfire and an automatic air pressure adjustment system based on surface pressure.

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When you get blown up, you go up, when the vehicle falls down, you fall down, hitting either the roof or the floor are bad for your spine.
But that bar is only for your feet
Oh that bar. Yeah that's so your feet aren't blown off and you can ride the seat up and down without smashing your feet when come down.

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Let's assume what certain kinds of people would carry just by their appeareance.

Just by looking at Gabe Newell, i have a strong feeling that while, he does in fact, support the 2nd ammendment, he doesn't really care much for aesthetics nor functionality (which is why i think a glock 19 fits him) when i see Gabe Newell i imagine just a guy who happens to be wary of melinated peoples and the harm they might cause him. Any thoughts on this?
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>Lori Beth Denberg
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What about the updated version?
Glock 26
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people and what would they carry based on how they look
Dude lives close to me, doubt he carries. Of course when he’s not here he’s in his bunker in NZ I guess.

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How practical is this design?
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It's not practical. Canonically the gun was a one of a kind custom piece made for Johnny Silverhand, so I don't think the goal was necessarily practicality, he just wanted something unique and flashy because he was a rockerboy and that's what rockerboys do.

Hitler was a rockerboy as well which is why you saw all sorts of impractical German vehicles during the war.
it was used in an old bullpup AK design
You can't gripfeed this because the rounds are too large.
In the lore (ttrpg rulebook) it's using 6 shots of some kind of 14mm.
>for anything less than 50 bmg
Nothing wrong with it really. I'm guessing those are CT cases so the moving chamber is necessary. Now as for the revolving setup that's not really necessary, a single chamber setup would have been simpler and lighter weight.

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Was the Sd. Kfz 222 the most advance military vehicle for its era? I could unironically see this on the current battlefields.

>V shaped hull
>smoke dischargers
>hydraulic turret
>20mm cannon
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my apologies, I just had to think of contrived way to slip the word interwar into there
These could unironically have turned the tide in the East had they Germans not been autists with 23 different production lines producing 23 nice vehicles all to be used in conjunction in one unit.
>im rambling

Anyway, if you use it as a dollar-store hellcat it would have been great for rapid deployment to blunt or head off Russian "deep battle". Because you can hold them in reserve and then when you see where the breakthrough is they can move faster than the enemy, hence, you can find ambush positions. Once in position you ambush the first wave, then gtfo, and rinse and repeat. You wont hold the line but you will chip away at the Russian spearheads so that by the time an actual fire-brigade arrives there is less to deal with.
The Puma fucking EATS in BFV. Absolutely destroys people trying to camp in the back and tank snipe
For me, it's the Puma.
but that's also wrong you retard, the M3 Lee was designed after seeing the fall of France, the actual interwar American tank was them M2 Medium

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Considering the PSA 8.5in upper, is the 1:8 twist rate actually insufficient for shooting subs suppressed or is that just cope from people justifying their gucci guns?
>inb4 poorfag
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mostly nonsense in practical terms why do you need moa accuracy at home defense engagement distances, you dont
you don't understand he needs to be able to super stealth snipe with his CQB XRD BPS gun.
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I have a 10 in BRN 180 with a 1:8 twist. It chronos my 130 gn super loads at 2200 fps, and can hit a 18" gong at 200 yds with 208 gn subs all day long.
Berger's stability calculator says a 1:8 will stabilize a 230 gr .30 at 1050 fps just fine.

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Hypothetically, how would the FBI/HSI/SWAT approach breaching and clearing pic related?
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Any action against the building would be by the RCMP. Ontario Provincial Police and Toronto Police Services would likely only give logistical support
It’s just the cover to Kendrick Lamar’s diss track of drake
Burn it down
They would send mature women in, that'd scare the occupants out.
The size presents a challenge, but it's mainly a staffing challenge. Call in a bunch of agencies or get your guys on overtime and surround it. Once surrounded it's a matter of basic clearing just with way more to clear, and the knowledge that these places usually have hidden rooms so getting blueprints and checking around is vital.

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Why can't Americans buy shitloads of old SCUD missiles from Arab and Asian countries to sent to Ukraine?
>Longer range than atacams
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It's not "bad for the environment" in a "we want to protect nature" kind of way, they're extremely toxic
If the choice is between supplying Ukraine with your own missiles that can be written off in the restocking fund, or buying up V-2 rockets from Zaire (that'll eat up the actual aid budget), which would be the more effective choice?
>t. shit for nigger brains
Go back, faggot.
I don't care about Ucraine and neither does the average American. Russia is taking them over, get over it chud.

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What is the future of AKs in the US?
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I want a 5.45 AK just cause I think theyre neat, but im going to hold off until PSA starts making 5.45 ammo
Don't forget WBP and FB Radom Beryls (while supplies last)
I refuse to buy a redditorBP
You weren't going to get an AK or any gun anyways
I hurt your feelings

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Multiple reasons which can be summed up as one: west is giving less help than russia is willing to lose.

Russia might have lost (2969, of which destroyed: 1982, damaged: 155, abandoned: 318, captured: 514) tanks but they have between 12 000 and 22 000 of them. Even if large parts of them dont work that is not a problem for them. Newest turtle tanks have not working cannons and they still sent them in battle.

Meanwhile europe is producing like 50 tanks per year and USA gave 31 abrams.
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Its a compounded problem really, after I finished in the military and came back home I started looking for technical fields to go work, did a little time in government security, then its some pretty slim pickings if you don't want to end up attached to some mining corp, wiring up pumps, designing someone's 3-phase workshop and encrypted radio network for truckers. Eventually I fell into telco for a few years and while I got a little more room there but the hours were awful, the pay wasn't good enough for the stress and mostly I just felt like an over-qualified parts fitter doing project management.
Not so much that people are ignorant cunts everywhere, we do have plenty though for everyone but we're right next door to:
>largest sources of cheap as shit skilled labour in the world
>largest two sources of raw manufacturing in the world
>sitting on the largest sources of many raw materials in the world

So it tends to flow the easiest route into what it is and without some insane levels of government protection on some industries to promote local manufacturing, then it becomes commercially noncompetitive. But at the same time, we're next to people who get paid cents on the hour and with state funded everything, as a result there's a massive domestic services industry right next to the more obvious GDP export services. Which is typical of a lot of developed western countries that remain commercially and competitively relevant, except it is butted up against that massive export sector that gets more attention.
Its not like we didn't have an automotive, aerospace, electronics and heavy industrial sectors- however we can only really remain viable in the government protected military associated fields. Everyone else just makes it cheaper than we can.
>moeshit for pedophiles
By that, he probably meant T-64, you autistic faggot.
This is a good time for you to realize that's completely acceptable if not preferable to Putin and his inner circle. He's a third-worldist, KGB Eurasianist after all.

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>Russia’s Anti-Satellite Nuke Could Leave Lower Orbit Unusable, Test Vehicle May Already Be Deployed
>"We aren't talking about a weapon that can be used to attack humans or cause structural damage on Earth," according to Stewart. "Instead… our analysts assess that detonation [of a nuclear device] in a particular placement in orbit of a magnitude and location would render lower Earth orbit unusable for a certain amount of time." Low Earth Orbit (LEO) refers to a band of space that measures roughly 100 miles to 1,200 miles above the earth, and which is highly congested. Many capabilities that are highly important to society exist in this orbital realm.
>Here, Plumb referred to the impact of 'nuclear pumping' in the aforementioned Van Allen Belts — high energy radiation particles that form two belts that surround the Earth like donuts. Nuclear pumping refers to a phenomenon where nuclear radiation lingers in the LEO environment.
>The existence of Russia's nuclear anti-satellite weapon is concerning to the U.S. government and military for a host of reasons. Space represents an absolutely critical domain and is essential for the day-to-day functioning of the U.S. military. Moreover, it has in place various programs for developing distributed space-based capabilities, supporting early warning and missile-defense type missions, as well as intelligence-gathering and surveillance, communications and data-sharing, where satellite use is key. The United States' advantage in space is clearly something adversaries are seeking to negate.
We've just entered the Tom Clancy's timeline?:
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that's not the proposed mechanism of action here, what they're suggesting is instead that beta particles (high energy electrons) from the blast will become trapped in the van Allen radiation belts, amplifying them
radiation pressure
>for a few years
for a few days
>NOOOOKS but in space - :l
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Russia is copening.

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