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>"The state of Israel will always remain committed to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity," he said, telling the assembly that his country was "working to provide Ukraine with early warning systems to save civilian lives from Russia's indiscriminate missile and drone attacks."

How much would this help defend Ukraine's key infrastructure against Russia's rocket and drone mass attacks? Would this be integrated into Ukraine's AA systems or just "sound the alarm" whenever there is another of Monke's chimpouts?
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you are one of those retards who claims they just enjoy brown people killing each other while rooting for anyone who takes anti-western stances because you are butthurt despite having been born in the best region of this mudball still managed to go sour on your life. Or maybe you are just some MENA-fag seething about how your entire civilization and peoples have been getting wrecked for 700 years now and what you have managed to get fixed was due a few enlightened autocrats admitting you needed to westernize.

Come to think these two types of people are more or less the same.

Oh well, do you eat beacon and cheese burgers?
Fatah could have saved us all from this whole debacle if they had accepted some of the treaties they were offered. It's painful how they failed everyone when you come to think about it.
>/leftypol/fags likely use it as their shill template
its sometimes bizarre to me that there is an internet community whose self appointed purpose it is to do this. I've been here for over a decade because I think guns, equipment, and stories about them are neat
Or they could have just stopped being a bunch of corrupt crooks doubling as an arm of Israeli security.
How would the warning systems help, if AFU doesn't have enough AA systems and ammo for them?

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Even-More-Dead-Than-Before Edition.
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CZ P-10C. Basically a Glock 19 with better ergonomics, trigger, and sights. They are very inexpensive right now and are extremely solid general-purpose handguns.
Thanks Anon.
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more shit in the closet:
7 magpul ranger plates
2x 33rd glock mags
How's the trigger on that? Kinda cool.

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>shovel cat edition
The Sharpest General On /k/
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What's the fixed blade gerber knife that isnt trash for basic outdoors stuff? Is it the strongarm?
Stop bumping this fake ass thread and post in the real one >>>61532132
This is the real knife thread?
Thanks, bro. I'm on it.

By the way, you're recommending this as a dailey carry? Why wouldn't this also work for camping/bushcraft as well? Sorry for being retarded. I'm just trying to figure out if you really need two knives.

>In the Summer of 1985 crashed a Soviet Su-15 (Flagon) in international waters in the Baltic Sea off Liepaja, Latvia. Now, twenty-five years after the tragic tragic event, Viggen pilot Göran Larsson can tell us what really happened.
>The Cold War had its moments when things got heated. There were many incidents along the border between East and West. Not least over the Baltic Sea, the water that Communist propaganda called the Sea of Peace. For non-aligned Sweden, with its position midway between the blocs, it was natural to be on the alert, partly to guard its neutrality, partly to gather information.
>On Sunday 7 July 1985, Military Command South sent an order to the reconnaissance squadron on standby, "Martin Röd" at Bråvalla Air Wing F 13 in Norrköping - naval forces from the Warsaw Pact were training in the south-eastern part of the Baltic Sea and the first squadron was tasked with keeping an eye on them.
>It was a relatively routine mission for the time. But the aircraft - numbered 'Ftg 41 T' - was to be one of the more dramatic. "Martin Rod 03" was an SH 37, a Viggen in a version for maritime surveillance. The aircraft took off from its home base in Ostergötland with Captain Goran Larsson at the controls. After about 35 minutes, Larsson made contact with the practising ships just outside the Soviet territorial waters.
>"The Russians met me straight away. A rote Su-15 Flagon F for the welcome- I concentrated on identifying the ships in the northern part of the "cake", the reconnaissance line for the group of ships. It was spread out with a few kilometres between units. There was some swinging. One of the Russians hung on next to me while the other waited a bit away," says Larsson.
>Encounters with foreign powers' aircraft over the Baltic Sea were not uncommon. But having them in your wake for a long period of time, while a reconnaissance mission involving data collection and photography was being carried out, could be both stressful and disruptive.
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Seems cool but what kind of machine translation is this?
a real red pilling moment is when you read about how many servicemen (on both sides) died during these confrontations and whose bodies were never found, nor were their families informed for decades.

governments are not your friends, buds.
> The Su-15 Flagon is the single ugliest jet fighter ever conceived. It looks like a child drew it up.
Fuck you
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you probably shouldn't read the USMIA commission reports about the unconfirmed fates of RB-29 crews

>A former fishing vessel radio operator related that the Captain of his fishing vessel told him that "not all the crew members of the American [aircraft] had, in fact, died back then (in June) and that ten of those people were now in pre-trial solitary confinement in a prison in the city of Svobodnyy, near Blagoveshchensk."
>A former Dalstroy official "was not in the least surprised by [high ranking soviet source's] question. He replied at once: 'Yes, at first ten people were alive. Yes, first they were brought to Khabarovsk. But, then, of course, they were sent off to Svobodny
>A second former Dalstroy official repeated almost word- for-word the testimony of [the first Dalstroy official] but went on to clarify: "The guys from within ‘worked over' the Americans so badly that only eight were taken to Svobodnyy.
>an advisor to a minister stated "he did learn the names of two crewmembers of that aircraft, Bush and Moore, who will forever remain in the soil of the Khabarovsk Region

>RB-29A Serial #44-61810 shot down over Sea of Japan June 13, 1952
>Crew: Major S. Busch (pilot in command), Captain J. Sculley, Captain S. Service
>MSgt. D. Moore, MSgt. W. Homer, SSgt. W. Blizzard, SSgt. M. Monserrat, SSgt. L. Bonura, SSgt, SSgt. R. Becker, SSgt. E. Berg, A1C D. Pillsbury

If this doesn't seem like typical Russian behavior you haven't been paying attention.
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nothing nicer than waking up every day, drinking a coffee in a country where migrant fruit pickers have a wage higher than Russia's median wage, and watching subhuman russoids die by the hundreds in gif form

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Why is no one on /k/ discussing India's FWD-800B?
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>airpoos ganesha xxl
Let’s see it in actin first I guess
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you know? well done
Looks like an 11 year olds interpretation of an airplane
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I'll keep saying it. Tanks are obsolete.
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FPV pilot here
The age of man on the battlefield is over
The battlefield is simply expanding and becoming less dense. Permanent recon and strike capabilities demand so.
You'll keep saying it and you'll keep being wrong.
The entire world is the battlefield
We are genuinely a few years away from slaughterbots
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I'll keep saying it. Op is a fat fucking faggot.

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A thread on recent Russian vehicle losses at Vuhledar
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/v/ permabanned me (403 forbidden) for reporting endless invading coomer threads, video games are dead and i fear /k/ will die too if the /pol/ faggotry is not dealt with.
In theory
In practice even if the war ended in Russia's favor tomorrow i'm not sure i'd consider it a win. I'm pretty sure even the Russian's have to admit that KIA's are well over 100k by this point. To say nothing of WIA's. That said the war won't end tomorrow and Russia's casualties will only continue to mount as will the backlog of vehicles that they've been sitting on will continue to shrink day in and day out beyond what they can produce.
>Or that a 6 ton top plate just went sailing through the air like it was a feather caught in the wind?
That's what happens every other time a russian vehicle gets hit
Also, the look rusty because fire is an oxidising reaction and these vehicles were recently engulfed in searing flames, again by virtue of being Russian
Last time I saw someone do the maths they concluded that Russia didn't actually have enough people to take all of Ukraine
And even if they managed to "take" it, then what?
How many concentration camps would they have to build? Would even Pajeets frown about the necessary mass murder to supress dissent.

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Was the Finnish Air Force the most overachieving branch of WW2?
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>Didn't they get like a 32:1 kill/loss ratio with the buffalo or something insane like that?
I didn't even know there WERE buffaloes in Finland. That's pretty badass. I'm thinking about how the Finns were riding around on buffaloes and striking down their enemies with their knives, like prisoners shivving other prisoners.
Everyone, even the Italians and Romanians had a very high K/D against commies in WW2, but Finland did it with last gen equipment that other nations considered obsolete.
Still lost the war to the Soviets. Twice lol.
It was actually 33:1. 477 soviet aircraft claimed by Finland to the 50 Buffalos lost.

Yeah, sucks to suck. Fortunately Finland might get their land back and maybe even part of St. Pete by the end of the dacade. Will be a better fate than whatever China takes out of the east.
>Buffalo is obsolete
>Swordfish is obsolete
when will they learn that as long as it puts lead to [some] direction it will work

How have the Russians and Ukrainians actually been fighting each other? Lazy maps always show something like entire companies to battalions launching 'attacks' against enemy companies and battalions in generic defensive positions. My question is: what is the actual layouts that these military units are actually using? How are the defensive positions actually set up? I'm tired of anon's posting pictures of "the current situation on the front" just for there to be non descriptive rectangles that aren't really showing anything like pic related.

Would anon's be willing to share either actual map overlays or at least draw up more realistic defensive set ups than what we typically see like in pic related?
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Yes, the pederast Mafia spam is because of the new phase of the rapists' offensive, the one after Adviivka or whatever. It seems to be slowing down now since the advances over the past few days are back to less than a kilometer overall. Besides if you do it now we can look it up later on the archive.
I just keep watching these videos that are like "Russians attack Ukrainian position and get DESTROYED" just to watch the video and see like a squad's worth of infantry fire at a Ukrainian trench that has like six guys in it from 300 meters away, just to then leave. I wouldn't really call that an "attack". A real attack would imply entire battalions attempting to advance along an axis to take a major objective, not some small scale skirmish that looks more like a probing attack than anything else just to gain info.
Basically two big mobs with a handful of what we would consider "professional" units sprinkled around to deal with really important stuff. Both sides for the most part have devolved into really well coordinated militia.
Neither side can mass men and assets because they get spotted from the air or space and get hit with long rance artillery.
In areas with extensive trenchworks, it's WW1, but like that 90's sci-fi movie about the burrowing hunter-killer drones that roam battlefields killing anything with a heartbeat. Everywhere else it's 10 guys in a building, who get spotted by drones, attacked, flanked, then one side retreats 500m.

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Are lever actions more popular than ever?
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if you want to be pedantic about typos, it would help your case to not immediately make several of them yourself
Someone has done a good job of pumping you full of fear and anxiety. Don't you remember in 2012 when a classroom full of kindergarten kids got ventilated and nothing happened? Since then, we've got constitutional carry in half of the states and you can 3d print a firearm. Gun rights isn't an issue to ignore, but I think you've got your doom and gloom turned up a few notches too far, buddy.
> Sometime in between 2008 and 2022 they got really popular with the peak in 2021. Nowadays with ruger and sw charging batshit insane prices the hype is dying
I can’t imagine they are selling better than peak cowboy action days.
Plus ammo is absurd for 45-70. I rarely sit mine for this fact alone. Hurts
Even my plinkers cost around 50cpr. Not cheap to feed.

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Brand new Chinese UAV dropped. This is a ultra heavy suicide UAV, can carry up to 5 tons of HE and ram into high value static hardened targets like bridges, power plants, bunkers etc. Cheaper then a cruise missile too at around half a million dollars.
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>48 23mm guns pointed vaguely in the right direction by a Iranian copy of a Nork copy of a Tiltdrum radar

Is this a rare case where barrel wobble might actually help?
BS this thing looks like a cargo-carrying aircraft with the hefty landing gear and cargo door. Might be an affordable, low-maintenance/ cost way to ferry supplies around their island bases. Maybe you could even operate it from calm waters.
It is, OP is trolling but accidentally started semi serious conversation.
>Suicide drones are small, nimble and cheap enough to be launched in swarms that overwhelm conventional missile-based AD.
>China produces large, cumbersome and expensive craft that can be shot down easily by conventional missile AD as it will realistically only come in waves of a dozen at most.

All this is telling me is that Chinese don't know how to make a Bomber plane.
>All this is telling me is that Chinese don't know how to make a Bomber plane.
It's a cargo drone, retard.

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I'll start:
M55 from Killzone
Some day I'll engineer one.
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Fuck Vanu, fuck them terran reds
Mastiff makes me stiff.
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5.7 is straightwalled which lets it stack horizontally in the proprietary mag. Each round is actually coated in a grease to aid extraction. Normal rounds have at least a minute taper for that reason.
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its such a shame that something so cool gets virtually no screen-time.

I may or may not have an unhealthy attachment to the Helldivers Autocannon purely because of GitS 1995

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What's a more effective "force multiplier". An anti-material or night vision? They both seem to have an entry point around $3-4k.
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that is trash ammo, if you shot more instead of whining on a basket weaving forum you would understand why your retarded, trips wont save you here
If you're using NV properly, you won't need to shoot bad guys in the dark.
>you would understand why your retarded, trips wont save you here
I genuinely am confused if the comma was in the wrong place or if you used your instead or you're.
>fantasizing about sniping MRAPs
The funny part is some police armored cars are uparmored from the 7.62AP level of most MRAPs to full .50BMG level specifically in case of this kind of retard.
Wasted trips :'(

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The significance of this development is massive, signals Vietnam, historically in the chinese/russian sphere as far as weapons, is moving towards NATO standard weaponry

How mad are the chinese and russians going to be over this?

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That’s interesting why did the US do that? Is it because of the culture they spread?
>communist country that was a former enemy of the US now turned into raging Asian lunatic at the very thought of China existing and now seeking closer ties with the west (or anyone who hates China, really)
>is ironically becoming the new China because of manufacturing potential
Come on now
If this is just a poll it makes sense, Vietnamese people especially in the South are some of the most America worshipping people on earth.
Vietnam is already below replacement fertility. Vietnam and Indonesia aren't going to be the next anything
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Funny, China seems to be happy poking SK.

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>back in my day, those 1990's, you could still buy new semi autos that were made of metal
>good little shooters, thems was
>not this plastic throw-away crap you got now
>no sir, actual GUNS
>we used that plastic for our car dashes
>run along now, suppers gettin' cold
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Fork over the piggie, bitch
make fun of boomers all you want but metal frames will always shoot nicer than polymer frames due to weight. it's basic physics.
They will
Metal framed M&P is already a thing. Also the CSX

Robertson Trading Post has new old stock Mec Gars for them, and United Defense makes new 1:1 factory mag repros

t. someone who carries a 6904

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