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They all try weapons but what if trained eagles or crows are used against drones?
>spend months or years training your eagle/hawk/whatever to take out a drone
>gets exploded
>spent 10,000 USD to train cope bird
>explodes in its first interception
>or dies from flu
>or gets too fat to fly
maybe you can train them to just damage rotors and not explode with the drone, even then its cheapear to loose a crow than a human (maybe russians are cheaper not sure)
Wouldn't a counter drone achieve the same thing for a lower cost?

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with a little bit of, uh uh
and a little bit of, uh uh
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thank u for ur cervix o7
Tell your mom I said thanks for hers
good dump, sergeant?
the Pacific was just a lot darker than GK or Band of Brothers. The last two made war look fun while the pacific seemed like everything fucking sucked.
I didn't like it at first since I was going to binge it right after band of brothers.
Watched the first 2 episodes and gave up on it.
I gave it a 2nd chance a few years ago and it's really not too bad.
Obviously it doesn't hold a candle to band of brothers but it's still decent in its own right.
Especially the episodes where it starts to focus on the mortar crew with sledge and snafu.

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if you must
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mcmrs routinely go on sale for sub $200.
Which is way better?
Which has the gap?
Pretty much as I thought. Had a look at TT and ZCO, theyre heavier than the kahles. Looks like I'm gonna go Kahles.

A couple of not so good guys at my school (I'm 18) keep joking about attacking me on my walk home, I'm kinda worried...

Any suggestions /k/? I'd prefer if it were under 100$ and could knock a man down for a while.
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PS, my advice would be carry a gun, but I live in Canada so that would get me sent to fuck-me-in-the-ass-prison for life, so I choose the second best option.
Tasers/Stun guns are kind of garbage though. Serious question: Have you considered getting the largest pepper spray you can carry?
Silly question: Have you considered a black powder cap and ball revolver?

From the question, we can assume he is either in "avoid detection" or "avoid targeting".

Bats have more range though. More effective range helps win fights.

>option of lethal or non-lethal force.
Look, a martial arts expert with lots of training can talk about using it on their arms and legs for nonlethal but the reality is that the average Joe or Jane will swing at the opponent's head if their life is in danger. Blunt objects are lethal weapons, its why less and less cops seem to carry batons nowadays, those weapons suck as non lethal.


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Have you tried crossdressing and seducing them?
Bar soap in a sock. And maybe stop acting like and being a bitch. Quit being a mark faggot.
Bar soap in striped thighhighs. You can go the seduction route >>61567290
and clean up afterwards or just beat them with it

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Why nobody else has procured a grenade sniper for their soldiers but the based Chinks?
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it is, it's just thic and bolt have this weird cut at ejection port
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nah bruh they differnt. I seent. I ain't no dummy.
I feel like a 60mm mortar and drone correction is probably more effective than this in basically any imaginable combat scenario but I was navy not army so wtf do I know
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maybe easier to see here
Wouldn't that also include any explosive shells fired by tank guns or other portable weapons?

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Why isn't it more popular?
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That's because the results of the comparison are exactly the same between the two: the .25 ACP only beats the two weakest 22 loadings, and on average is no better.
The 950 Jetfire makes 65, 67, and 68 ft-lb with the three rounds given.
The only weaker 22 loads are the 27 and 29gr standard velocity. Everything else on the 22 list is equal to or superior.
For what it's worth, Buffalo Bore makes some 50 and 60 grain .25 acp loads advertised at 850/875 fps. Some guy on the bbti forums tested them and pretty much got the advertised velocities in a couple pocket rockets. They supposedly meet the minimum FBI penetration criteria too, which you're probably not reliably getting from ultralight high velocity .22lr.
>950 Jetfire
>Model 20

lol. I have both. Worked on the factory floor in '82 doing barrel rifling before the barrels were heat treated. I absolutely fucking hated it. Bought a Model 20 a couple of years ago to keep as a reminder.
You be the judge : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDOhwucT8QU
>we are literally talking about guns that have barrels shorter than 2 inches
Name half a dozen.
Paul Harrell carries a Baby Browning in .25 ACP, if it's good enough for him, it'd be good enough for me

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>When we evaluate how weapons perform, it is important to note the conditions in which they operate. Abrams were committed into the fight this winter at a time when Ukraine had a lack of infantry as well as mines, ATGMs, air defense, and artillery ammunition. This may seem bizarre from the outside, but Ukraine often employs tanks in a manner to compensate for a lack of infantry or ammunition for other systems because those are the conditions they face.
>If you don't have enough artillery or ATGM ammunition, you may bring up a tank or Bradley to engage Russian armor or infantry instead. This could involve placing an Abrams or Bradley at greater risk than you would like, but these are the organic assets that the 47th Mechanized Brigade had, and they come with a different supply of ammunition.
>All weapons have vulnerabilities, and you mitigate those vulnerabilities through combined arms. When several of those arms are weaker (e.g. infantry, artillery, air defense), because of attrition or a lack of ammunition, others will be more vulnerable as well.
>So we need to be careful drawing conclusions that are too strong and sweeping about specific weapon systems or tactics without asking the Ukrainians what they think.
He's right: https://twitter.com/RALee85/status/1786437807403102569?t=svHWQj_sgMdRZNOXLWqrDg&s=19
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Kharkov only. The russian presence in Kherson was pretty well established.
>a complete loss of the ukraine's offensive potential
LMAO vatnigger nevermind
That's the defeat of the attacker.
>Russia still retained offensive capability after their failed offensive
No it was BTFO so hard it can't dream even about capturing the whole Donetsk oblast
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It's over, NATObros. We should recall all equipment from Ukraine and book a slot in Yandex calendar to sign the capitulation act.
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Yeah our tanks suck in certain ways.

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My father fought against these during the Battle of Washington in 1946. He said they were much scarier than the Me-262s because the Lerche had wire-guided air-to-air missiles that could disintegrate allied bombers. Also the engines were very loud.
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I genuinely wonder why wire-guided A2A missiles were not used in the Zestroyer aircraft desu.
I can imagine that guiding it in by Mk1 Eyeball means the launching aircraft has to remain fairly steady while guiding the missile in, which would make it pretty vulnerable to defensive gunners and escort fighters.
Doubt it is worse than the 30mm minechenen (sp wtf) cannons that were throwing literal monster energy cans at tennis ball throwing machine velocities in term of standoff etc. You could even put it in an Me 110 and use the Fritz-X type guidance, having the backseater control it after launch, cranking around and turning and burning.

Kraut AAA defense in general is mind-bogglingly retarded to me. Like, they had V-1s, and decided yeeting shit into farmer's fields outside of London was a better use than making a nigger rigged SA-2 which could wipe out an entire bomber box. Germans are good at designing shit and terrible at using it, I guess.
>muh bomber formations

Meanwhile in the real world:
>70% attrition rate of initial deployed units within the first month of combat
Turns out that wire-guided AA missiles are a liability when you've got to deal with escort screens and interceptors.

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Not the best picture but you can see the tank wheels of the M1150 was replaced with T-80 wheels.
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It's fucking amazing, this year we got the actual original 2022 and before FSB shills complete with proofs posting. It must have been Prighozin's shill farms being shut down that did it.
>systematically gang raped by the criminal convicts to rehabilitate them into communism,
Are you sure this will help to further the cause of communism?
Lmao thanks for the explanation. I guess today we're getting raided by actual FSB pederasts. We saw this last sunday too. It's kinda nuts, it must have been Uncle Priggo getting his company and himself shut down making them go back to how it was.
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Of course. Only through hard labor can a man build the future stage of human history! Even if its hard labor in the rectum!

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>Ukie soldier testing out new NVGs
What model are these? Don't look soviet.
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Always assume aliexpress copies.
True, I always thought they have g2 cryes, but the cut I still different from actual g2s aside from the stretch panels
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>spamming this cope
leftists can't meme... words words words and none of it makes sense outside of your head.

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Did you ever find/get access to a gun when you were a kid? Was it loaded?
What did you do?
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Based dad
Yeah, I was handed a WASR when I was 9. Shot some steel targets with it, was fun
Your dad sounds like a great dude, anon.
My dad started me shooting when I was about 6. 410 kicked my ass but I kept going back for more. When I was 8 he bought me a Remington 870 20 gauge for Christmas and it sat next to my bed until I turned 13 and he bought me a 12 gauge for my birthday.
Yeah. It was one of the first times I'd ever had a negligent discharge. Just one of many. I was grounded from my Xbox 360 afterwards because I left a hole in the wall.

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Remember, you have a constitutional right to owning your laser rifle, the BOS cannot take them from you.
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You don't even need mods. The Minutemen are the only faction representing local autonomy and self-reliance. The Institute only wants test subjects, the Railroad doesn't care about the greater Commonwealth beyond the assumption that things will get better once the Institute is gone, and the BoS are mostly there for the Institute as well with a sideline of local serfdom.
>You don't even need mods
You do if you want your signal grenades to summon more than four level 1 settlers with pipe pistols, if I'm rebuilding a Minuteman as an army to recreate the Commonwealth Provisional Government I'd like to be able to actually equip them with at least helmets and combat rifles

the artillery is based though
I never bother with that, just like the Vertibird grenades or anything else that summons NPC allies.
Vertibird grenades don't make sense in normal gameplay but are a lifesaver in survival mode. Minuteman grenades could be useful if the Minutemen weren't literal hobos and scavvers. If I'm rebuilding them as an Army and styling myself as General I'd like them to, y'know, look the part. Like NCR troops in NV.
They're not really a formal army, they're a militia system with a loose central command. Though I agree that you should have a way to make them more powerful. Levelled summoned NPCs like they do with enemies would be the simplest fix, with maybe it being split based on PC level and how many Minutemen quests you've completed. Like, doing the bare minimum will get you 1 or 2 Minutemen at your level with acceptable gear, but being Preston's errand boy will get you a half dozen guns decked out in the good shit.

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Private investigators get fucked
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Found mine in a thrift store literally the other day for $5. Still can’t believe it.
A certified sugar foot
Bladerunner as well
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Watching Archer Dreamland right now
Fucking shitty, but it had two funny jokes in it

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Had the EMALS from USS Ford been DC instead of AC have fixed most of Its operational issues?
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A dynamo can directly generate DC, but there are so many disadvantages compared to three phase AC power, it's basically irrelevant.
Dynamos don't function at low RPM, conversion loss.

With AC generation any rotational energy can be converted into AC no matter the RPM.
give me 100 Tesla cars, $100,000 for expenses, and dozen each Jr College engineers and auto-techs, and I'd build a cat on the football field able to launch 100,000 aircraft to 200mph in 80yds, and do about 2 dozen like that as fast as you could hook them up.

I've run the numbers, and priced the parts, just need some techies to gang up the cars to a shaft and computer control their output.

Maybe I'll send this idea to Elon, he likes big dumb stunts and could sure use some good press at the moment.

PS-when in port the crew could use the cars to cruise around town, and this would help local hookers ID customers. On board ship the cars could serve as "gaming chairs" for video gamers.
>100,000 aircraft
100,000lb aircraft

IIRC max loaded F-18 is heaviest current at about 80,000lbs.

I unironically think new-gen of unmanned drones could include aircraft P-H-A-T-T-E-R that current full load fighter jets, for reasons.
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When will this be real?
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>unsourced screenshot from a year-old article
Again, going to trust the official police website over you.
>On August 24, 2022, the Hawai`i Police Department announced that it has revised the permitting process for license to carry concealed and unconcealed firearms as a result of the July 23, 2022, Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) decision in the case of New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc., et al. v. Bruen, Superintendent Of New York State Police, et al. The updated application and supporting documentation forms are linked below.
Hawaii removed its justifiable need requirement from it's concealed handgun application form. Again, I'm not claiming the libshit states are happy about complying with Bruen, but, slowly but surely, they all are. American legal institutions are still sacrosanct and anyone in a position of power in the this country IS going to follow a SCOTUS decision because not doing so implicitly undermines the basis for their own power.
>How do you feel about everyone from the Los Angeles City Council to the Hawaiian Supreme Court
You mean just those two right? No not everyone is doing the same and your lying by implying otherwise.
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Because of dying, stupid.
>shoot more than one shot
not only useless, I also found it was bugged making it unusable. would put it away into inventory and when it was taken back into hand suddenly it was empty and thus automatically dropped.

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