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Are halberds the peak of melee weapon design?
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As somebody interested in Mesoamerica, i'm jealous of all the in depth typology Medievalists and Chinese, Japanese, etc historians have for their weaponry

Almost nobody in Mesoamerican history or archeology has done any sort of typology for weaponry, and even the sources which do exist specifically on warfare and weapons neglect a lot weapon variations seen in manuscripts and sculptures. Me and some friends are working on collages and images of as much as we can document as possible since nobody has really done it yet, but the polearm section mostly isn't done yet.

One question I do have though: Is there a term for "half length" polearms? That don't have a full length shaft, but still have an actual extended shaft rather then just a short handle? I ask because some weapons in Mixtec codices seem to feature a polearm like that (or maybe it's a conventional, full length polearm that's just drawn short due to the style), as seen in pic related, and i'm not quite sure what to call it.

There are long 12-20+ foot long pikes in Mesoamerica used by the Chatinos and Pipil that seem to be variations of Tepoztopilli (polearms used by the Aztec with a spade/leaf shape bladed heads, which were used for slashing like halbreds in addition to thrusts).
No. The axe head makes it too unwieldy if it gets too long
Note that
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I think I read somewhere that pike length Ji/Ge were used in ancient china, and smacking people with pikes was a tactic the japs used so I think its viable.

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Considering the PSA 8.5in upper, is the 1:8 twist rate actually insufficient for shooting subs suppressed or is that just cope from people justifying their gucci guns?
>inb4 poorfag
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mostly nonsense in practical terms why do you need moa accuracy at home defense engagement distances, you dont
you don't understand he needs to be able to super stealth snipe with his CQB XRD BPS gun.
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I have a 10 in BRN 180 with a 1:8 twist. It chronos my 130 gn super loads at 2200 fps, and can hit a 18" gong at 200 yds with 208 gn subs all day long.
Berger's stability calculator says a 1:8 will stabilize a 230 gr .30 at 1050 fps just fine.

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Hypothetically, how would the FBI/HSI/SWAT approach breaching and clearing pic related?
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Any action against the building would be by the RCMP. Ontario Provincial Police and Toronto Police Services would likely only give logistical support
It’s just the cover to Kendrick Lamar’s diss track of drake
Burn it down
They would send mature women in, that'd scare the occupants out.
The size presents a challenge, but it's mainly a staffing challenge. Call in a bunch of agencies or get your guys on overtime and surround it. Once surrounded it's a matter of basic clearing just with way more to clear, and the knowledge that these places usually have hidden rooms so getting blueprints and checking around is vital.

Post 'em
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m14? kys (if your rifle doesn't get you killed first)
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The amount of Mexicans who check Caucasian is off the charts in this thread
Sublime and scholarly. I applaud your taste, sir.
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Why can't Americans buy shitloads of old SCUD missiles from Arab and Asian countries to sent to Ukraine?
>Longer range than atacams
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It's not "bad for the environment" in a "we want to protect nature" kind of way, they're extremely toxic
If the choice is between supplying Ukraine with your own missiles that can be written off in the restocking fund, or buying up V-2 rockets from Zaire (that'll eat up the actual aid budget), which would be the more effective choice?
>t. shit for nigger brains
Go back, faggot.
I don't care about Ucraine and neither does the average American. Russia is taking them over, get over it chud.

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What is the future of AKs in the US?
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I want a 5.45 AK just cause I think theyre neat, but im going to hold off until PSA starts making 5.45 ammo
Don't forget WBP and FB Radom Beryls (while supplies last)
I refuse to buy a redditorBP
You weren't going to get an AK or any gun anyways
I hurt your feelings

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Check out this new pistol design I have invented. The main idea is to have 2 barrels perfectly balanced with the fulcrum point in the handle such that the rotational forces from each round cancels each other. No more limp-wristing of the cycle action, increased hit-probability and double the damage. Brb getting a patent, will answer any qs latter
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Sure, but what about the increased hit prop and double damage, thought about that huh?
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Woah that's some advanced stuff, but it's nothing compared to my design abilities. Maybe we can collaborate when u get out of the noobzone

Check this, 2 back shots to cancel out all forces. With some training this will give 4tuble damage when surrounded, such as self-defense situations in Detroit or Hostomel Airport
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idiot, buffoon. You'd have to hold that way out to the side to make sure only bystanders were in danger, and then your arm would get tired.
Behold a little thing called modern technology.
Just redirect the gasses backwards like a recoilless rifle. Shoot it once and the main problem here will be solved.
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Not a game changer.

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Multiple reasons which can be summed up as one: west is giving less help than russia is willing to lose.

Russia might have lost (2969, of which destroyed: 1982, damaged: 155, abandoned: 318, captured: 514) tanks but they have between 12 000 and 22 000 of them. Even if large parts of them dont work that is not a problem for them. Newest turtle tanks have not working cannons and they still sent them in battle.

Meanwhile europe is producing like 50 tanks per year and USA gave 31 abrams.
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Its a compounded problem really, after I finished in the military and came back home I started looking for technical fields to go work, did a little time in government security, then its some pretty slim pickings if you don't want to end up attached to some mining corp, wiring up pumps, designing someone's 3-phase workshop and encrypted radio network for truckers. Eventually I fell into telco for a few years and while I got a little more room there but the hours were awful, the pay wasn't good enough for the stress and mostly I just felt like an over-qualified parts fitter doing project management.
Not so much that people are ignorant cunts everywhere, we do have plenty though for everyone but we're right next door to:
>largest sources of cheap as shit skilled labour in the world
>largest two sources of raw manufacturing in the world
>sitting on the largest sources of many raw materials in the world

So it tends to flow the easiest route into what it is and without some insane levels of government protection on some industries to promote local manufacturing, then it becomes commercially noncompetitive. But at the same time, we're next to people who get paid cents on the hour and with state funded everything, as a result there's a massive domestic services industry right next to the more obvious GDP export services. Which is typical of a lot of developed western countries that remain commercially and competitively relevant, except it is butted up against that massive export sector that gets more attention.
Its not like we didn't have an automotive, aerospace, electronics and heavy industrial sectors- however we can only really remain viable in the government protected military associated fields. Everyone else just makes it cheaper than we can.
>moeshit for pedophiles
By that, he probably meant T-64, you autistic faggot.
This is a good time for you to realize that's completely acceptable if not preferable to Putin and his inner circle. He's a third-worldist, KGB Eurasianist after all.

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/brg/ never dies editon

Post wood (furniture)
(but seriesously post wood)
Tips and tricks for guns smithing found here
Is WVLRN good or JAM city? Stay tuned!
All the best frens stick around post 310. Mr Morris is not welcomed

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/oaJQrfTo46Y?si=jasr2tdnVaWxNrvB

As Always No Trips, No Traps, No airsoft. Anime and middle aged anon life advice always appreciated

Previous thread: >>61450161
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Would this work?
If you actually read the monarch arms page for the ARG3 set, you would've seen the word "proprietary"
>actually read
Why are you like this?
Pg8 "am I old fashioned or does the home depot girl video ad" make her look slutty bump.
Pics? I haven't seen an ad since 2005

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The land Growler - dedicated electronic warfare armoured vehicles.
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swedish command 'CV90s still have gun barrel, but its only for looks to make differentiating it from normal CV90s harder
Gun doesn't work. Same as those turtle tanks that are just being used as APCs
No, they only have an MG
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You don't want the Ukrops thinking it's anything other than a regular tank, dumb dumb.
Evidently you don’t.

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>Russia’s Anti-Satellite Nuke Could Leave Lower Orbit Unusable, Test Vehicle May Already Be Deployed
>"We aren't talking about a weapon that can be used to attack humans or cause structural damage on Earth," according to Stewart. "Instead… our analysts assess that detonation [of a nuclear device] in a particular placement in orbit of a magnitude and location would render lower Earth orbit unusable for a certain amount of time." Low Earth Orbit (LEO) refers to a band of space that measures roughly 100 miles to 1,200 miles above the earth, and which is highly congested. Many capabilities that are highly important to society exist in this orbital realm.
>Here, Plumb referred to the impact of 'nuclear pumping' in the aforementioned Van Allen Belts — high energy radiation particles that form two belts that surround the Earth like donuts. Nuclear pumping refers to a phenomenon where nuclear radiation lingers in the LEO environment.
>The existence of Russia's nuclear anti-satellite weapon is concerning to the U.S. government and military for a host of reasons. Space represents an absolutely critical domain and is essential for the day-to-day functioning of the U.S. military. Moreover, it has in place various programs for developing distributed space-based capabilities, supporting early warning and missile-defense type missions, as well as intelligence-gathering and surveillance, communications and data-sharing, where satellite use is key. The United States' advantage in space is clearly something adversaries are seeking to negate.
We've just entered the Tom Clancy's timeline?:
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that's not the proposed mechanism of action here, what they're suggesting is instead that beta particles (high energy electrons) from the blast will become trapped in the van Allen radiation belts, amplifying them
radiation pressure
>for a few years
for a few days
>NOOOOKS but in space - :l
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Russia is copening.

You are currently alone in the middle of Alcatraz island and have access to 1 (one) functional copy of any human-made manportable weapon currently in existence with all the ammunition and any additional existing personal gear (helmets, ballistic vest, night vision googles, claymores, bear traps, etc) you can personally carry.

How fucked you are?
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a man with a plan
M-29 Davey Crockett.
Yes, I'll die, but I'm dead anyway; might as well take them with me.
I take it that a Plasma Rifle with a 30 watt range is out of the question?
>based Chtaptisk Fithp knower
Based Oglaf enjoyers.

As for you OP, I'll concede that I'm fucked and take a nuke + activation codes.
The predator is going to appreciate the irony.

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Autistic pellet rifle discussions part 2

Previous: >>61449656
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best airgun pistol under 300 euros to somewhat accurate plinking?
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The Beeman P17 is a super cheap clone of the P1, a $300 German target gun. It's actually good quality with a nice trigger. Only thing I had to change out after a while was the cheap O rings on it. Crosman 1377 or 2240s are also nice. Depends what you're after really.
Buy one if you like it, it's a cheap plinker similar to a 1077
Nice looking pistol, I only see 177 available now though
Just plinking at 10 yards seated unsupported in the basement. Honestly surprised by the Vantage NP, it's probably my most powerful airgun just using the plastic fiber optic sights, not bad. Don't shoot it as much but always thought springers/NP were supposed to be a bit less accurate.
Also getting better with the 3622, the gun is so lightweight it feels like it's easy to pull a shit sometimes with the trigger pull.
Meant pull a *shot* : )

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lets get some thrust ITT...
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What went right?
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I think it might be better from a safety and reliability standpoint to keep gunships as prop aircraft. Fuel and maintenance alone will kept that a reality but in the age of drones, gunships might no longer plane such pivotal roles in counter-insurgency warfare.
imagine a martian landing with the whole world watching. the whole world is watching this neil armstrong moment as a crazy hair mulllato leaps out of the space crap in a vibrant greens an yellow space suit and plants a brazialin flag iinti the groun as his spade flip flops make contact the red dust.
His words of inspiration for his countrymen and the world are:
with the cheers of
HUEHUEHUEBEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE echoing the entirety of the milky way galaxy and even space and the outer reaches of the known universe itself, surpassing the likes of Voyager 2 and the speeds of light molecules.
The next figures to appear from the shantytown spacecraft are a clad of giggly giggly girls in large breast and blossoms who somehow weather the elements of the martian climate and minimal atmosphere in their bikinis and set up umbrellas, volleyball nets, tents, and beach chairs at the edge of a frozen lake to get their suntans and relaxation while their boyfriends begin a epic scrimmage of football and unofficially starting the known universe’s first interplanetary FC.
Radio waves are jammed by incessant samba music as Earth’s other space agencies approach the red planet. Earth’s top astronauts and scientists look out their spacecrafts and gaze at the sight of a large jesus statute atop a mountain with the sign COME TO BRASIL above brightly collected favelas with people riding around cooters and motorcycles instead of buggies, which were stolen and sold for scrap so drug dealers can import drugs from paraguay and sell to members of EUSA.
Brazil is not just a country or a planet. It’s not just a culture or lifestyle or even a state a mind.
Brasil is all.
Doesn't matter if India asks to be made there, most of the plane is still built within the main assembly line and then they just ship the rest to other countries.
That's how they do with their assembly lines in the US, they just ship the unfinished stuff, finish there and it gets the "Made in USA" sticker.

Saudi Arabia is also another one that will be announced this year, around 30 units.
A huge part of what made that era of Honda great was their in house developed and built powertrains. Brazil does not do engines
>Brazilian MIC is basically like what Honda cars were like in the 80s. Simple, reliable and cheap but still very capable and built to a western standard
how so?

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