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You are currently alone in the middle of Alcatraz island and have access to 1 (one) functional copy of any human-made manportable weapon currently in existence with all the ammunition and any additional existing personal gear (helmets, ballistic vest, night vision googles, claymores, bear traps, etc) you can personally carry.

How fucked you are?
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Based Oglaf enjoyers.

As for you OP, I'll concede that I'm fucked and take a nuke + activation codes.
The predator is going to appreciate the irony.
He probably meant when they caught him in the net.
A W54.
Me, all 3 of them, and a good chunk of san fran, are absolutely, and completely fucked.
But I'm still gonna do it.
Davey crocket and a few hundred meter cord and I place the Daven crocket right on the beach aimed at a building and they all spawn in the building and only the Alien is quick but I’ll be out in the water swimming and I’ll quickly dive under the water once I’m like 20 meters out and I’ll go down a good ways and clack it off.
A jet pack so I can fly the fuck away

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Even-More-Dead-Than-Before Edition.
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Thanks Anon.
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more shit in the closet:
7 magpul ranger plates
2x 33rd glock mags
How's the trigger on that? Kinda cool.
It's the best stock trigger on a striker-fired handgun I've ever used. Crisp, with an extremely short, positive reset. I don't understand why anyone buys Glocks when these exist.

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Was the Finnish Air Force the most overachieving branch of WW2?
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It was actually 33:1. 477 soviet aircraft claimed by Finland to the 50 Buffalos lost.

Yeah, sucks to suck. Fortunately Finland might get their land back and maybe even part of St. Pete by the end of the dacade. Will be a better fate than whatever China takes out of the east.
>Buffalo is obsolete
>Swordfish is obsolete
when will they learn that as long as it puts lead to [some] direction it will work
Commies achieve a 33 for 1 kill rate against obselete aircraft and then BRAG.
Evey single time.
Karelia will be Finland again, Ivan. And Polka will be blasted.
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Do we ever see those we lose again? Like, the real them?
Don’t worry about seeing them again. Just cherish the memories of having met them, then seek out people that make you feel the same
I want to go to where they are.
I went shooting yesterday and brought 4 guns, but didn't get to shoot them all because the people I went with were ready to be done shooting.

We did police up all the brass though.
Where's the Timestamp

A fat woman walks into the gun shop today...
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This. Being fat is a requirement to owning a gun store.
and asks me for a new concealed carry piece, says she lost her last one somewhere on her waistband
>I'm looking for a gun since I walk home at night alone and I'm worried about rapists
>You could save a lot of money just buying a bikini
Top kek

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Post some photos of soldiers from the 17th to 19th century. Starting off with some French Chouans
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I love their drip
There's a pic of a confederate veteran standing next to a fighter jet which is just baffling to me, how fast things advanced in a single lifetime
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Ill look for it
This super cool photo of a supposed Civil War vet from Florida vibin' out next to a fighter jet has been making the Internet rounds today, and while it's completely badass to look at, it's not entirely true.

Claiming to be a member of the Confederate Army, William Lundy was 107 when this photo was snapped for an article in the Boston Traveller in 1955.

It should be noted that Lundy's actual age and military service have been heavily disputed over the years. Lundy claimed he was born in 1848 and served 1864-1865, which would have made him 16. However, Census data was discovered after his death that suggested Lundy may have actually been born in 1860, making him 5 years-of-age when the Civil War started.

I believe him to have served, i feel this is anti confederate slander

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Autistic pellet rifle discussions part 2

Previous: >>61449656
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Just plinking at 10 yards seated unsupported in the basement. Honestly surprised by the Vantage NP, it's probably my most powerful airgun just using the plastic fiber optic sights, not bad. Don't shoot it as much but always thought springers/NP were supposed to be a bit less accurate.
Also getting better with the 3622, the gun is so lightweight it feels like it's easy to pull a shit sometimes with the trigger pull.
Meant pull a *shot* : )
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yeah always thought springers and nps were shit inaccurate unless you got a fancy European model but i can consistently hit the smallest spinner at 30yds if i put some effort breathing right and being consistent with the hold with my vantage np. might take it hunting someday instead of my pcps, to see if i can bag something with it
It says Umarex is the manufacturer

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The common saying it the war was inevitable, but hypothetically if some spark had gone off before 1914, what's the earliest that the whole of Europe would have been pulled into a 'Great War'?
I ask mainly because I had a thought of US troops fighting in the trenches with Krag and Trapdoor rifles, so I was wondering if that theoretically could've happened
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I'd check out the book The Sleepwalkers about the run-up to the war. I don't know but there were repeated diplomatic crises over every goddamned little thing. Like German troops in Morocco (or something, I can't remember), two wars in the Balkans, the autistic Kaiser saying some dumb meme shit to the newspapers insulting multiple countries (he did that a lot) while fearing the British would carry out a surprise naval attack on Germany for no particular reason, it goes on and on.
In reality there were multiple 'Great Wars' over the history of Europe.

Prior to 1914 it was the common term of the Napoleonic Wars so it really depends on how far you want to go, a general European conflagration involving all the Great Powers? Probably assuming Austria backing Russia in the Crimean War.

>I ask mainly because I had a thought of US troops fighting in the trenches with Krag and Trapdoor rifles, so I was wondering if that theoretically could've happened

Don't worry, by the time the US gets involved the war will be in its last year or two anyway.
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The absolute earliest would be in the 1890s when Bismarck was kicked out of office. The realistic start would be after 1908 when the Kaiser's autism managed to willy waggle Britain and Russia into allying with France, undid Bismarck's successful attempts to geopolitically isolate France and allied with the dying failed empires of Austria and the Turks.

Also the Krag rifle was used by Norway in WW2 so there's that.
Well there was the time the Kaiser and Theodore Roosevelt came within 24 hours of open war between the USN and High Seas Fleet over friggin Venezuela. You can bet your ass that France and Britain would have jumped in on a German-US naval war.

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I'm gonna sleep and come back, you better post some interesting ones
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>Later on she would be scrapped and her armor used as part of Tokyo's first electric generators
one could say the ship is itself a metaphor for Japan's modernization
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The US Navy Seabees (CB/Construction Battalions) once demolished a literal mountain to clear for an airstrip and to use it as building materiel
>required the removal of approximately 85 feet, totaling 212,000 cubic yards of rock, from the top of the mountain which obstructed the glide path approach to the airstrip
>Next, the battalion had to dry-fill a swamp and erect a temporary petroleum tank farm there
>they filled in sections of the bay up to 98 feet deep and excavated 23 million cubic yards of earth to build the airstrip
1. the bayonet is probably the biggest waste of steel in military history, it is rarely used since its inception. in the Napoleonic and American civil wars, bayonet wounds typically accounted for less than 1% of total treated wounded cases
2. the average Mamluke horseman in the late 1700's/early 1800's had at least six firearms and a javelin, unloading all of them and throwing the javelin before closing quarters with the sabre
3. general Rosecrans of the army of the Cumberland ordered a statistic compiled after the battle of murfreesboro to see how much ammunition was expended for each rebel casualty, the rudimentary result was 145 musket projectiles for each enemy hit and 27 cannon shells for each rebel casualty
4. early ironclads had terrible seaworthiness and often foundered in bad weather in open waters
5. there was one confederate ship that was not aware of the war's end for several months, and raided some commercial shipping during the period
6. Arthur Fremantle, a British observer in the civil war, saw a discharged female confederate soldier riding a train. he was told that her gender was known to the regiment not long after she known, but she was allowed to stay. she was eventually sent home due to 'moral issues' or something to that effect
7. Justius Scheibert, an Austrian observer of the same war, captured 5 yankees single handedly in the battle of Chancellorsville by threatening them that they were surrounded
8. The Japanese had some insanely long ranged aircraft in WW2 (long ranged everything, really). They launched a reconnaissance & bombing run on Hawaii all the way from the Marshall Islands, over 4,000 kilometers away. Two H8K flying boats flew 3,000 kilometers to frigate shoals where they refueled then continued their journey to Hawaii, this was one of the longest bombing runs in history.
What are the seabees? I tried looking into them but the wikipedia page makes my head hurt for some reason.
The Seabees (Construction Battalion, aka CB) were created during WW2 for Navy shore and port facility construction. Originally all Navy installations were built using civilian contractors, and during the Japanese conquest of the Pacific they couldnt fight back the Japanese without being considered partisans. So they Navy had Adm. Ben Morrell of the Bureau of Yards and Docks establish their own organic construction units that could build, and fight too.

The Seabees were typically civilian constructions workers from the unions who were given handsome bonus' for signing on, and former foremen and master tradesmen were made Senior non-commissioned officers to lead teams of these new sailors. They were organized like Marine battalions and given a watered down version of marine infantry training. They were expected to lay down their tools and pick up a rifle when under attack.

They differed from other engineer units like in the Army and Marines in that they were their to build actual infrastructure that could support fleet assets like hospitals, airstrips, fuel farms, docks, depots, barracks, etc. Seabees were exceptionally good at their jobs, and often had to make do with limited materiel. They would make their own lumber from the trees they cut down, rebuild captured equipment for their own use (they did this on guadacanal with a captured jap bulldozer), and build entire bases in the matter of weeks. They were also master airfield builders, famously clearing dense South Pacific jungle and building working airstrips in a week. They also were extremely good at repairing airfields, supposedly repairing 500lb jap bomb craters in typically 40 minutes.

They still exist today, but nearly at a thousandth of the size during WW2. They still do facility construction, runway repair (ADR), and general construction work. And with the pacific getting toasty again, they are starting to go back to their WW2 roots

>.30 caliber guns in aircraft
This is so cringe. Why was it done past WW1?
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Because it flew for the wrong force
12 of them. 12
i like the landing gear, it looks like two cat feet :3
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needs higher rate of fire
And precisely how many P-51s were in the Battle of Britain anon?

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so bradley will just remain in service forever?
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his name was Bradley Paulson
because pentagon wars is a parody, not a documentary, the bradley was always an IFV and IFVs are doctrinally sound
Based Bradley
Oh no. Oh well guess we will just have to stick to on topic posting.

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New here? Read this

Want to hunt? CFG Hunting license info:

Want to buy something? Recommended /cangen/ vendors list (patched 04.25.2024):

Want to help firearm rights?

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Edmonton would be like the Pitt.
>ugly as shit

holy fucking cringe and gay
why are the commie simp rifles all hexagon shaped
yea cause the steel will destroy your soiboy wk-181
put a grenade on it instead

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How long till Russia created the unstoppable tank?
Will it be too late by then?

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Hetzer my beloved
It‘s fine.
>Forest and other plants may not be a target unless they are used to conceal combatants or other military objectives.
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>call someone a war tourist
>I point out I'm not one
>"why'd you bring up ur le ebin oldfag noone cares"

btw what do you think of this cool picture of a polish Mig-21PF I found?
seems weird to polish any aircraft that isnt in a museum or static display but whatever

to make it fly faster obviously.

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I mean something so retarded I could hardly believe what I'm reading
Also, picrel is probably fake but still
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>Admiral Graf Spee died in a naval battle against the British off the coast of Argentina in December of 1914, in the early months of WW1.
>The Germans named a Deutschland-class cruiser after him, the Admiral Graf Spee, which was destroyed in a naval battle against the British off the coast of Argentina in December of 1939, in the early months of WW2.
There's something neato about real-life examples of pottery
Mr Ballen's video better
Similar poetic tragedy.
>Rear Admiral Horace Hood (One of many in his family throughout Royal Navy history)
>Died aboard HMS Invincible
>Battlecruiser which went down at Jutland due to a magazine detonation from a German shell
>Years later, his widow christens a new battlecruiser- named in honor of those previously mentioned Royal Navy men
>HMS Hood
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Is this the same state-of-the-art Soviet air defense that protected Bagdad in 1991?
Yeah. It's also the same air defense that Ukraine and Russia are using to cuck each other's air forces.
Really, if you're going to use Arabs to shit in Soviet gear you need to shit on the US gear they fuck up with too

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I'll start:
M55 from Killzone
Some day I'll engineer one.
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Mastiff makes me stiff.
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5.7 is straightwalled which lets it stack horizontally in the proprietary mag. Each round is actually coated in a grease to aid extraction. Normal rounds have at least a minute taper for that reason.
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its such a shame that something so cool gets virtually no screen-time.

I may or may not have an unhealthy attachment to the Helldivers Autocannon purely because of GitS 1995
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