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so why is nobody making kamikaze drone with these engines ?
they are dirt cheap and still get to a decent speed
sound like the prefect power plant for a one use engine yet nobody seems interested, why ?
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>a suicide drone for ants
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There was a TWZ article like 6 months ago about a couple start ups using pulse detonation engines for drones, it's coming back apparently
colin furze made one for like 200 bucks
>These shits seldom ever hit anything you aim them at.
you are a fucking retard holy shit

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Could he have killed the hitmen if he had a 9mm? or was he just a bad shot?
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he was spraying and praying
if anything he might've tagged them a couple times but not hit anything important

this guy got ambushed just they were in the movie
except he actually got hit with bullets and survived because the attacker mag dumped and missed everything important

>Lol that'll show those CHUDS who believe in their imaginary sky-daddy!!!!1!

Did you, or did you not, pay attention to the numerous overt biblical themes in the film? Did Jules constantly quoting the bible, the case containing Marcellus' soul, the divine intervention, etc all just go over your head?
Given Jules' change of heart after the fact, perhaps God knows Jules will end up being more useful to Him alive than dead.
God likes 'em spicy, read a Chick tract sometime.

Or the life of St. Paul. Jules basically had his road to Damascus moment.
>Or the life of St. Paul. Jules basically had his road to Damascus moment.
I was just about to post that.

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What are some notable examples of cargo culting in terms of militar? It can range from uniforms/gear to overall operations.
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>It just means that someone or a group attempts to replicate what they see without fully understanding how and why it works
it doesn't though, it's literally how that first anon said, the term has been used wrong so often that people gave it a new meaning
If you want to argue about the semantics, then we will go with the original meanings, which is a bunch of SEA monkeys worshipping/creating cargos and replicating even the runways in hopes it will bring supplies.
Slangs exist, retard. It often is loosely or closely related to the original meaning of the term. Cargo culting in this day and age is a slang for someone copying people without having a fundamental understanding. It literally does not mean worshiping cargos like those Malaysians did in the context here.
Venezuelan refugee in Mexico screeching about how the Mexican government only gave her free food, room and board and isn't giving her endless gibs. Venezuelans truly are the worst Latin Americans. Greediest arrogant Spaniards mixed with the least developed tribal Indios mixed with the dumbest and most violent Afros.
Are south americans really reliant on theur government to provide free shit? Or do they believe in propaganda from Facebook?

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I am gay and jerk off to gay porn
it's not a confession if everyone already knows it
>I have 3 pioneer AKs
>I have never shot my Beryl 556 or my ZPAP
>I have 55 firearms and none have an optic
>I hate optics
>OP is a fag
I hope so Anon, it's my belief that we all will. Some think we live and die and that's it. Don't be so pessimistic. We are all spiritual beings, never give up the fight, your ancestors are watching you.
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I went to a Mike Glover course and didn’t learn his awesome wrist locks!

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I have decided I need to start competing in service rifle to take my marksmanship fundamentals to the next level. Any anons have pointers for me?
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- I started with a box stock Colt Sporter II HBAR
- got a Jewell trigger for a birthday present, difference was amazing
- added a lead wedge in the buttstock to help stabilize the rifle
- I didn't dick around with lead in the foreend.
- skinny front sight post. Dead bang easy to install. Significant improvement for shooting across the course (500 or 600 yards)
- sight black spray, skip that fucked up lamp black stuff, just get a Birchwood Casey can of sight black, use it for front sight.
- get NM rear sight. The standard 0-2 AR15 rear sight is just too big
- titanium firing pin for "muh lock time" is a scam. Regular GI firing pin is fine.
- find a club with people you detest the least. High power shooters are an odd bunch.
- be comfortable with who you are (new shooter) and what you are trying to do (get better)
- dry fire. A lot. Work on your fundamentals. trigger control, breathing, sigh picture. Do this year round. You will see improvement.
- pellet gun. Built a pellet trap out of carpet and a cardboard box and shot in my basement to work on trigger control and sight picture. Really helped.
- ammo. This is a rabbit hole that you can crawl down and lose a lot of time to. Early I'd say just use factory ammo knowing you're giving up MOA. Later, think about finding a load that works with your rifle. I found a 77-gr load that my rifle really liked. But it took a lot of time to nail it down.
- shoot with a buddy. We'd shoot together, partner up for marking targets, help with technique observations, and then go get breakfast after the match was over. Helps to pass the time.
- you'll see people doing things at matches, ask them LATER, after the match, "hey, I saw you doing X, mind if I ask what that was for?" Most NM shooters are happy to share. Some aren't (fuck 'em)
- keep your eye on the club For Sale board, you'll find guys unloading gear or looking to sell to fund their next obsession
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Thanks very much, anon
My mbus sight post fills up a whole torso sized target at 100 yards so that's how accurate I am. Shrug
Excellent advice. Thanks.

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This is what peak handgun designs is
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Doesn't mean you buy dogshit
How much money did Sig lose when they sold these guns for $180 a pop to the Army?
Yeah it's ugly, plastic and unreliable
But why the hell did we pick babyshit brown as the color? In what world does a camouflaged handgun offer any utility? I kinda get if for rifles but this is just nonsense
ever since that one shit fit from a couple days ago im now convinced that argfags are the ones that usually make the dogshit threads you see at night. It's not shocking since they're literally the brand fags/posers of /k/.
bragg, legeune, whatever
I'm not a marine, just relaying one of the stories he told me involving the p320
the other ones are about the optic plates flying backwards and hitting marines in face and parts inside the gun near the rear of the slide randomly breaking

all i was told was that the guy was expecting a dead trigger
but put a bullet through his hand instead
and everyone was forced to get a refresher

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Are lever actions more popular than ever?
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> Sometime in between 2008 and 2022 they got really popular with the peak in 2021. Nowadays with ruger and sw charging batshit insane prices the hype is dying
I can’t imagine they are selling better than peak cowboy action days.
Plus ammo is absurd for 45-70. I rarely sit mine for this fact alone. Hurts
Even my plinkers cost around 50cpr. Not cheap to feed.
Probably IL tilting the market a little bit since we can't get ARs now a lot of people are buying level actions here. Some companies see an opportunity to push it to other ban states and non ban alike
>Have you ever tried a Model 27 or Ruger Redhawk?
No, but I had something similar, a Taurus 608. Pretty large and beefy revolver with a ported and an 8-shot cylinder. Was actually comfortable to shoot .357 Magnum out of, even hot stuff like Underwood.

I got rid of it and put the money towards the S&W 586, thinking I'd be replacing it with a more quality gun. Instead, the 586 turned out to be a big disappointment. The Taurus was, ironically perhaps, the better shooter for me.

People often spoke online like the L-Frame 586/686 was the perfect .357 revolver. If it is, it's not for me. Lesson learned.

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Private investigators get fucked
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Bladerunner as well
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Watching Archer Dreamland right now
Fucking shitty, but it had two funny jokes in it
Are we model 10 posting? This is mine, couldn't find a good picture off it so I'm settling for this one.
hey, i got that knife, but in the form of a spoon

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so bradley will just remain in service forever?
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Oh no. Oh well guess we will just have to stick to on topic posting.
It’s stabilized dual feeding chain gun is really good
the US military has a surprisingly decent track record when it comes to hardware longevity. M1911, Browning M2, Huey, Cobra, B-52, F-16, F-15, M113, Chadley, Abrams.
And even if you account for stuff of US origin remaining in use with other countries; Shermans, Pattons, Mustangs, the US just had a knack for making shit that kept on working
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>so bradley will just remain in service forever?

Why not? Baring some revolutionary development in material technology, (pro tip: ain't gunna happen) any new vehicle would have the same capabilities but cost far more due to Wall Street Military-Industrial Complex shenanigans.

Will we start seeing more countries use suicide drones derived from turboprop aircraft?
It seems like it would be quite effective since it's difficult to tell if it's a drone or just a civilian piloting it.
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>send in two waves of suicide planes
>the second wave is sent flying 10 minutes after the first one
>second waves kills/injures any responders and destroys whatever is left
Give me a check, Zelensky.
nope. it's just... a prop engine. no turbine.
I hate syncing the carb on that bitch. That rattlebox is cursed. It better not be a Remos I’m looking at. Fuck Remos
L/70 and S-60 don't have timed fuses.
Your opinion is invalid.
yeah bro. goddamn remos.
taking our jerbs n shit

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Bros, I just found out John Moses Browning was a chinlet
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>kek even goebbels had 6 children
And a shitton of mistresses, even before he became big biznes in the government. Seems like the Magnetic Personality trait adds enough buffs to balance out the debuffs from shitty physical stats.
Unfortunately, the Incel trait greatly decreases the chance of Magnetic Personality popping up as a choice at level up.
>use money to influence local laws
Can confirm. My town is 60% black but the town council is entirely white Mormons who are gradually turning the place into a fun hating shithole
have another
oooohhhhhh you're getting very hungry!!!
you want to eat lots bread dipped in garlic butter ooohhhhhh!!!!!
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>Weak jaw
Fixed by mewing, or growing a beard in extreme cases
Fixed by using caffeine shampoo, or getting a transplant in extreme cases
Fixed by lifts, or leg lengthening surgery in extreme cases
>Small wrists
You're fucked. There's no fix for that. Good luck shooting magnum revolvers.

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Alright lads, I installed a hi-vis front sight to my mk iv and its come a bit loose everytime I shoot it. Apart from loctite what are my options? Plumber's tape?
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Hello everyone. I'm about to move out on my own for the first time. I've been avoiding buying a safe so I don't have to deal with moving it, but now that I'll be in my own place I really need one. Any recommendations on manufacturers? I've heard about some manufacturers handing your safe code over to the feds if they ask nicely.
>desu I like 1911s but not a fan of the capacity and I'm not rich enough for a 2011.
Problem with capacity being that a double-stack 1911 mag is almost an inch thick, which makes handling the gun very awkward. A 10-round staggered stack is about as big as you can get comfortably. That's gonna be a consistent problem with any .45 you buy.
You can get decent 8-rounders from a lot of manufacturers, they have better springs and followers than the old GI pattern. IME you have to download 1911GI mags to six after a while as the spring fatigues. On the other hand my mad little South Korean 15-round gigglesticks for the 1911 have been quite reliable, even in the carbine. They're just a foot long.

If you wanna cheap out, then a Pinoy 1911 is usually good quality. I've had a Llama Firestar for about 20 years and never had a failure that wasn't clearly the mag's fault. A few parts aren't compatible with "real" 1911s, notably the grip, but it's cheap and it works.

>They're nice to carry, miserable to shoot.
>How so?
>Why shoot rarely
Managing an Airlight's recoil with a defensive load of .357 is like wrestling a python that just swallowed a wasp. Even .38+P is extremely unpleasant without very good form and custom grips. The frame is also a little weaker than a steel gun, so it just can't take a lot of hot loads, even if you wanted to hurt yourself like that. My mom stopped carrying hers even though she loved it because she couldn't consistently keep her third shot in the kill zone. I begged off on buying it from her because I'd literally rather carry a compact .45.
On the other hand if you like revolvers it's very light and it'll take some abuse.
>Managing an Airlight's recoil with a defensive load of .357
the revolvers in question are 38 SPL
I don't even know what that is.

>On the other hand if you like revolvers it's very light and it'll take some abuse.
I already bough the steel one: >>61563336
Does anyone know if the new Gemtech 556 can (the Abyss) is (a) any good and (b) compatible with GSL bi lock system?

Ex-gun store employee AMA
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OP here!
>customers I hate the most are probably Chinese people. Not Chinese Americans, people who are from China. They’re fucking obnoxious and are retarded when it comes to handling firearms.
>not really, everyone likes different guns so I don’t judge. I hated doing the paperwork for Turk and chicom shit becuase the serial numbers are stupidly long.
>not often. When I was working there I only saw one fed come and visit. It was a woman and she wanted to see some of our paperwork. I think it was about a woman who was going from store to store trying to buy guns for a felon.
>I’ve been a gun autist since I was 12.
>yes, a Brazilian Latin style 18” machete. I keep it nice and sharp.
>favorite dystopia is probably from a clockwork orange. It felt like a more realistic dystopian future in which things didn’t really get better, only different and more decadent.
It’s shit lol
We never sold that much ammo. And people never used us as an FFL for ammo. Maybe because we have an academy sports somewhat close by

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Not me, but good answers

>Chinese people

Do you card them? Like 99% are non-resident tourists with no hunting license, so they can't buy anything anyways.
That’s the thing, they’re almost never there to buy guns. They’re there to rent guns at the range and then they filter into the store and act like typical Chinese tourists. I don’t hate them, but they have no understanding of our cultural norms.

But yeah, I’ve had to explain the hunting license thing to people who barely spoke English before and it was always a massive pain in the ass. Fuck them, become a citizen before you buy a gun.
>customers I hate the most are probably Chinese people.
I laughed so hard, I was expecting an answer like, "the people who are obviously attempting a straw purchase" or "That guy who wants to get his gf one of the pink guns that keep being returned. This answer was way better.

>I hated doing the paperwork for Turk and chicom shit because the serial numbers are stupidly long.

>favorite dystopia is probably from a clockwork orange. It felt like a more realistic dystopian future in which things didn’t really get better, only different and more decadent.
A great answer.

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How far would the US get if it went full on empire building. Annexing and conquering what it can like the British before. How far could they get before being stalemated?

>but muh politics
Fuck off. In this scenario Congress is on board and there's no ROE.
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i dont want you guys to vote :(
> Einige Freunde, mit denen ich frühe Video spiele gezockt habe begannen mich, wegen meiner Nase und meinen kleinem Aufbaues . Kobold zu nennen.
> habe sie ungefähr 3 Jahre lang nicht gesehen.
> seitdem mit dem Training begonnen.
> habe wirklich buff.
> habe sie gestern wieder gesehen.
> jetzt nennen sie mich Hobgoblin.
As long as you don't take Quebec, the majority of the left-voting fags are already out of the picture
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>Most of these borders in Canada couldn't even be states because they wouldn't have enough people
>adding a straight line to Alberta over one of the tallest parts of the Rockies where it followed the continental divide before
>no part of "Columbia" is within the Columbia River basin which BC was named after
10/10 trolling. In regards to the last point I always though Columbia was a better name for Idaho
>entire state aside from a small sliver in the southeast is within the Columbia basin
>entire northern border is with "British" Columbia
>not a made-up name with no etymology
Still around 55% of the country excluding Quebec voted for leftist parties in 2021. Just make them all territories and just relegate Quebec to a vassal state like what US "territories" used to be

I have a unused AR laying around that I would like to convert to a Coyote gun and then gift to a dear friend, what would be some modest suggestions for such a project?
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>if only I can get those fucking geese
These are protected, no? Is there an exemption for shooting them if the purpose is airport safety?
>Is there an exemption for shooting them if the purpose is airport safety?
Yes. At an airport, if you have the proper permits, you can trap or shoot essentially anything that’s not A) an endangered species, B) an Eagle, or C) someone’s pet. But for the most part, it’s going to be large birds, deer and coyotes in roughly that order that you’re worried about.
He's larping, most airports use dogs, pyrotechnics or propane canons to deter wildlife. No one is running around airports shooting coyotes and birds for fucks sake.
Dogs are pretty uncommon, except maybe at the big, big airports. Pyro and propane cannons don’t work all that well when you need a permanent solution.
Interesting. What's the permit called, specifically?

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