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Post unconventional military designs caused by being French.
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This seems like the kind of weird shit I’d love to fund if I was filthy rich and could spend money on such fancies. Not practical enough so that anyone concerned with profits or military performance would fund a project past early proto stage, but god it would be awesome to see one fly in a size large enough to carry a human.
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>what's the largest calibre you can mount on a vehicle?
I-is that a chain gun??

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They aren't. You're just poor and seething.
What's a fair price?
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Good ass quality but also muh brand name BS
I want a ps90 :(
Has the SCAR gotten many major military contracts?

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What is the gun you want to get the most, your Holy Grail? Have you already got it? For me it's the F2000. I just love how it looks but I doubt I'll ever find one of sale that I can afford.
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It has a ridge underneath the trigger that catches your fingers so there should be no slippage unless you're really negligent. Also has a manual safety. Also if it's anything like the AUG, the trigger is probably heavy enough that you don't have to worry about pulling the trigger unless it's deliberate.

Really though, as much as "my finger's my safety" retards like to shit on manual safeties, if you have a manual safety on a gun, you have virtually zero worries about it going off no matter how clumsily you handle it, provided it's also a drop safe design.
A vepr Hunter?
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>Just wanted to give a heads up, my firing pin dimpled qirh mine being in the 7xxx serial range. After about 2600 rds of federal syntec, brass magtech, and normal federal ammo. I recommend you send yours in for warranty while they still have the parts to fix it. Then keep a rd count data sheet like I have been
Huh, seriously thanks for the heads up anon. I actually did need it in for service near the beginning, but that was years ago. I'll definitely keep a round sheet going forward, not sure off the top of my head what my serial is. I actually did write them about it after talking in /hg/, and SiCo claimed to me (like three months ago) that they were going to do another run. So I still hold out hope that happens, and maybe the massively decreased F4 times have increased the odds of them following through a bit? Another anon who was friends with a SiCo guy and did post some evidence claimed (without evidence) that he'd gotten to try one with what would have been their gen3 trigger refinement, what was meant to launch with the non-NFA version.

I'll always kinda wonder how that went down, they were all gungho about it, people talking about testing it liked it, then coof it and poof.
>a few brit blue collar workers in a makeshift workshop make one of the greatest precision rifles to ever exist
I'll give R6 Siege credit for one thing and that's introducing me to a lot of guns I didn't know existed

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That emitted a pulse at an ultra high frequency that resulted in instant death, flatlining your brainwaves instantly.

It has a range of 30 yards and there is no known counter.

How would this change the face of violent conflict on earth?
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It's called Tik Tok.
>They confirmed
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>Colonel Heifetz and the others have not suffered any loss in intelligence, or in basic cognitive recognition. What the weapon does is simply to destroy the victim's control over his voluntary muscles. There's some collateral deterioration on the involuntary side, as well, but basically you can focus the damage. See, that's the beauty of the weapon—the victims remain fully intelligent human beings, even though they are physically utterly incapable of controlling their basic bodily functions. They cannot even tell their eyes where to look. But they still process what their eyes happen to see. That way, by presenting your enemy with a mature, living intelligence, you rob him of the excuse to lighten his load with conscience-free euthanasia—you're not killing a thing. You'd be killing a thinking, feeling human being who lost the use of his body in the service of his country." Taylor snorted bitterly. "Beautiful, isn't it?"
You're pretty wrong.
yeah we get it, its an election year.
fuck off now

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Medieval meme weapons.
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>talking shit about billhooks
Probably the only valid entry in this retarded thread.

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>Greece's standard rifle is the G3A3/G3A4
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Anon, when Thermopylae happened the Turks were still living in Siberia.
>That says nothing about Finland adopting the 7.62x51 in anything but DMR role.

>The Swedish Defence material administration says nothing about how Finland will adopt rifles
Yeah, who the fuck could have guessed that...
>G3s shits on brassjews
This is a good thing
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Aggghhh, no I've been found out!!!! Bubba save me with your spicy re-loads!!!!
Nordic military autism incarnate..cool photo btw.

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good solid tank

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Stop buying chinese trash

Old >>61424339

MFAL comparison: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5V9qYxITW0 [Embed]

Resource on what these spec terminology mean




You shouldn't be chasing for spec values but they do exist and if you wanted to know what "better spec" values are there's a way to know which unit is desirable over another.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I’m talking about the high end only. There’s different variations of laser output being tested.
I’m asking if the illuminator output will be a constant at 35mW across the board
I only buy chinkshit from now on since they actually believe in the spirit of the free market and not cuckshit like America.
There are old threads where this was discussed into the ground.

Ctrl-F is your friend
oh yeah the illuminator is 35mw no matter what on high, the only thing he is testing to change is the lase high power
>from now on
I have bad news for you.

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I'm trying to create a sci-fi concept that involves the use of a special kind of virtual reality.

Think something along the lines of Inception except you can't stay in it forever due to reasons specific to the story. Aside from that, I'm trying to come up with plausable ideas and uses for it. For instance, aside from the obvious use of training soldiers on their equipment/jobs/etc how would you use make use of it for training and readiness?
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>Harsh Realm is a virtual reality game created by the U. S. Army, programmed to minutely replicate the real world for training simulations. In the world of Harsh Realm, a small nuclear bomb is detonated in the program's version of New York City, killing four million people and thrusting its participants into a post-apocalyptic disaster scenario.

>Lieutenant Tom Hobbes is unknowingly thrust into this world by his superiors
Literally the VR Missions from the Metal Gear Solid series
There's a mid 20th century Polish(?) science fiction short story about a conscripted soldier whose 'war' is actually a series of VR sims the government is using to predict reactions to the next war.
It predicted FPV drones perfectly. I don't remember the title or author.
in legacy of aldenata books they use the vr to train unit level maneuvers while stuck on space ships

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It just dropped. It can reach pretty much every corner of the black sea.
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>Each apartment has one parking spot
i see we group up in the same place.

That was for temp standing and for emergency services, fyi
long longgg maaaaaaaaannnnnn
So this must be the stand in for korshun?
Fun fact: during Soviet times, the TV tower in Kyiv was gonna be taller than the one in Moscow, but they shortened it literally because how could that be allowed.
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shut up retard.

I mean between two african groups, not colonial wars. Any interesting stories?
Share please
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Other than the cannibalism substituting for homosexual rape, it's pretty much like how Russians fight.
Liar, the French ate each other's organs like their livers as part of ritual cannibalism, not out of starvation during sieges.

The Dutch ate their Prime Minister De Witt's liver.
>Anyone who can manage to resist cattle raids is clearly Masai, but pussies.
not when there is Rinderpest killing all your animals.

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lets get some thrust ITT...
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>missile maxxing
>posts rockets
We need more of these

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What kind of weapons does the Mexican Army use?
How is the war with the cartel going?
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>pro tip: I'm full of shit
>if only you knew how bad things really are
Not good. The military is basically controlled by the cartels at this point. It doesn’t help that they larp with airsoft tier gear.
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Thank god the slavs do
It’s a well known fact that the Mexican government and military are in bed with the cartels. They gain more power because of Hispanic reliance on social media and gibs hand outs.overall, they gain power because of the incompetency of the Mexican military and government.
>b-but they killed more people
The cartels don’t care, their main weapon is purely through propaganda. It doesn’t help that the average Mexican/south anerican does not have media literacy.

>Russian T-80BV tank hit by FGM-148 Javelin
I may be wrong but wasn't the point of those cope cages to stop that from happening?
because it clearly doesn't do shit
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we're off to a good start
is this going to be one of those “watch a fact getting warped in real time” things?
cope cages were there in the beginning when Ukraine had nothing but Javelins. they were an ATTEMPT at mitigating against Javelins. it is pure coincidence that they were found to be somewhat effective (varies) against drones later when the frontline calcified and drone usage spiked up.
What is this T-90? Or some new T-72?
Those cages wouldn't do shit against HEAT warheads given the thin roof armor of MBTs. The only thing they would protect against is standard HE which isn't particularly commonly used on tanks with drones (other than dropping HE into open hatches on abandoned tanks)

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Should you have piranhas or alligators in your moat?
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Aids and Stingrays
That's largely an urban legend, although the fish has been found lodged inside people it's usually women's vaginas
nice boat
Horny dolphins
What about Stingrays with AIDS?
Actually now that I think about it that would be extremely sad.

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