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so let me get this straight:
>humans are born with reproductive organs
>this means they are expected to reproduce
>humans were procured with a reward system so they would have sex with each other
>so something wants more humans to be born

who and why
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humans so we can continue to exist, this is basic biology anon
your parents
God said go multiply and fill the earth
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Taking the dualstic dogma litterally is a mistake. The carnal mind is not beholden to the law nor can it be. You cannot stop the desire but u can use it with higher purpose. Even if u enjoy it you should also not fall to the extreem.The demonization of sex and the female is manmade and of the previous age.

People turning into vapid degenerates is also manmade and apart of the extreeme reaction to dogma which is an illusion made on top of real divine principles. Its not any more complicated then people living with balance and understanding, with the help of real spiritual fullfillment.

This is difficult for most because the world is addicted to extremes. This will balance out in time. Even the elites must adhear to the cosmic law despite how much they scheme.
We gain the ability to feel orgasms as soon as they're formed even though we will not use them for reproduction for a decade later, and society makes sure we don't know and we can't enjoy them until then, and even add 8 more years to that age for some reason.

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There's billions of people on the planet they could choose, so why are certain individuals picked?
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Abduction happens as intimidation? Initiation? What is the purpose?
If the alien can't tell the difference between our intelligence and the intelligence of an animal I'll have to assume the alien is retarded.
>why do they only take the mentally unhinged?
I would have thought that was obvious; nobody will believe them.
You got my analogy wrong, that’s a very uncharitable reading kek. But I admit I write in too roundabout a way sometimes.

The analogy is:
certain animals —> ourselves :: ourselves —> ETI/NHI**

(**extraterrestrial or nonhuman intelligence)

In English: the relationship in intelligence between some more intelligent animals to ourselves might be proportional to the relationship between ourselves and more advanced ETI. (If we’re lucky — an even more extreme case might be that the gap is even bigger; instead of us being to them like some of the more intelligent primates or intelligent animals like dolphins are to us, there might be an even bigger gap where we’re like chickens to them; or, there could be many intelligent extraterrestrial species sliding along this scale in many ways, some closer to us, others much more intelligent and evolved than us.)

They, theoretically being more intelligent than us, would certainly and obviously be aware that we are clearly more intelligent than other animals on Earth and different from them.



Orthodox Easter Edition!

Christian Esotericism is the inner and/or mystical aspect of the Christian Religion, it includes:
>Christian Gnosis (Clement of Alexandria)
>Desert Fathers Spirituality (Evagrius Ponticus)
>Catholic Contemplative Tradition (Bonaventure)
>Hesychasm (Gregory Palamas)
>Chivalry (Wolfram von Eschenbach)
>Christian Alchemy (George Ripley)
>Rhineland Mysticism (Meister Eckhart)
>Christian Cabala (Johannes Reuchlin)
>Paracelsianism (Paracelsus)
>Rosicrucianism (Robert Fludd)
>Christian theosophy (Jakob Böhme)
>Martinism (Louise Claude de Saint-Martin)

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To those of you who don’t know me, i explore abandoned buildings, sites, houses, parks, hospitals, etc.. and post in real time as well as taking requests and answering questions

some previous threads: https://archived.moe/x/thread/37087934/#37107526

>This time it’s another classic, a mansion. I’ll be there when it’s night time in a few hours

Thread theme:
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>go back right now
Well I'm interested but I'll be going to sleep in 2 hours so you need more anons
>nothing ever happens
didn't you say in one of your previous threads that someone was in the building you were in?
Have you ever been molested by a ghost?
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I've been trying to get into Urbex in my area for a while. I take pictures of creepy shit around my state whenever I can't sleep and go out for a drive.
Do you have any tips to get started?

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I'm proud to be an npc
Happy successful and not as stupid as you think
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You're preaching to deaf people. They won't listen.
They lead lonely unproductive lives and call anyone hylic or npc who disagrees with their head cannon.
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>I often lament having an inner monologue. It never shuts the fuck up and is usually urging me to kill myself. You're not missing out on much, hylic.
Have you ever thought of doing any training to learn to control it?
the irony of people here claiming to be enlightened when the clear point of this thread is to gloat about being better than other people in some orgy of irony is pretty fuckign funny
inteligence and consciousness are not the same thing. sorry to infor m y ou j a ck

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Welcome to the Semen Retention General,
Enlightened and noble chads edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

Completely abstain from masturbation and ejaculation to get all the benefits.
If you don't ejaculate, but still spend time touching yourself, and even worse, touching yourself while watching degeneracy, then you are doing it wrong.

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I do semen retention but also practice the art of Qigong (hanging weights from penis in order to gain length, gained 2.5 inches L and 1 inch G)
Do these practices interfer with eachother?
No in fact sr is essential to qi gong but what the fuck does penis stretching have to do with qi gong
ok time to awaken the thread. Bro how is it possible that after being on SR for about a month now, and practicing my Faith with positive affirmations. Plus other things which could contribute to the beneficiary of my spiritual bodies, i only need to sleep for 30 minutes to feel fully rested? I sleep for 30 minutes and my mind and body feel fully rested. I can go the whole day without ever feeling a drip of fatigue, and i can fall back to sleep if i wanted to, to take a little nap. But i'm not required to. 30 fucking minutes. My body wakes me up after 30 minutes of sleep.
>Enlightened and noble chads edition!
Chads are the ones doing the fucking

>Is it possible to utilize my vril energy to manifest a new timeline or possibly loop to a prior one where I don’t feel like I’m dying of cancer?
This NoFap and Semen Retention nonsense is really just desperation and self delusion all wrapped up together.
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Don't you know that Rasputin had a massive cock? Penismaxxing is one of the most occult practices you can do, just like semen retention. "Big dick energy" is a real thing. You WILL know that you have the power to impose your will, and males and females alike will submit to it subconsciously. Imagine how trough the roof the charisma of someone with a years long streak stored in a 12 inch long dick would be like. By that point you would quite literally have an hypnotic effect on people.

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There is an artifact hidden in North America in an underground cavern complex within an ancient pyramid that is capable of showing you all of your past lives, what you really are, and what reality is truly like without any distortion. There also seems to be a choice you are given from a highly advanced being that is akin to you being reborn as a completely different type of being that experiences reality the same way the highly advanced being does. It changes you biologically. Remote viewers were blindly tasked with viewing a target which they had no foreknowledge of, where all they were told was a randomly generated reference number (reference numbers can look something like 2342-5853) that was assigned to the actual target which would allow them to perceive the target without needing to know what it is. The target was, "The most significant undiscovered artifact in North America". The above is a small summary of the data they got from the viewing
Skip to 36:30 to hear about the target
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>Do you think these two places are the most significant artifacts in the entire world, then; would you confirm Brett Stuart's claims?
"Significant" can mean many things. They are unique in their function. I believe the difficulty in finding and using them also makes them rather insignificant in the larger picture, if you get what I mean? I wouldn't use that word. "Extraordinary artifacts" is what I'd say, not knowing if they had any influence on the world.

For most people it would be easier to do something similar by learning from ancient books which are widely spread, I think. If we are speaking strictly about this type of artifact, then yes.
>do you have a way to be contacted outside of here if the thread dies?
I prefer not to. Whatever method I choose would always have some lurkers picking up on it and that leads to trouble every time. I also don't want to serve as a RV to ask when it really isn't something I'm good at. The method I use is bulky and tiring. There really should be other people who can check these locations to confirm or deny what I said about them. I wouldn't trust me in pinpointing stuff. Just getting images and information is one thing, but relating it correctly to their context is much harder outside of my strict field of knowledge (as in how to understand yogic stuff).

I have a habit of checking /x/ often though so I won't likely miss this topic if a new thread is made for it later.
I get your point, although I'd wager that they're worth it if only for what they can provide. They seem to serve as cheat codes of sorts, to put it dumbly. They're extraordinary for sure. I think "significant", to me, means something related to our predicament, something capable of tearing the veil of illusion, of helping us exit whatever this reality is. This is true significance.
>I prefer not to
I understand. I'll double check what you told me if I'm able to but you've given me a lot of stuff to work with, so thanks a lot anon.
Alright bros, when are we going to Alaska?
>Courtney Brown
my dad got me 2 or 3 of his books from a yardsale and his claims were wild for even /x/. of course none of it panned out.
why did he delete those videos?

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Paranormal implications of filling a cum, saliva, hair and blood jar with said material along with stones and stuff I come across (mostly quartz, I try for lens stuff)? How can I add to this project physically but also algorithmically? I also play random tones, Gregorian chants and Hindu mantras to it
add some bones like a deer skull
It's a jar
a small finger bone then

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There is a Cosmic Competency Crisis.
"God" is just a series of different CEO types and the latest one has let reality turn into complete shit. How do we get this idiot fired?
Find the real manager and talk to him.
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>You hold in your hands a strange, alien treatise. It is, as the reader will quickly see, strange in its vocabulary and syntax, though this is not in the name of some postmodern pastiche, intellectual cunning, or disregard for the reader, but rather an effort to think differently, to think as an alien of and for this World through a mutation of Worldly philosophical language. Strange in its content, for example, it directs our thinking on religious violence away from the usual locations that intellectuals traverse, the Holocaust of European Jews (the Shoah) or the Islamic suicide bomber, directing our attention instead to the murder of heretics, murder which Laruelle claims witnesses to something more universal – the murder of man as man or human beings as human beings. Strange too in its method, which Laruelle calls dualysis, freely constructing theories about religion, violence, memory, salvation, belief and time from out of the various dualisms that populate philosophical and theological thinking. It is strange also in the interest it takes in religion, neither aiming for a pietistic defence of or atheistic assault on religion, as one gets in much Anglophone philosophy of religion, nor is it just another variant of the ‘turn to religion’ that one finds in a variety of forms of contemporary European philosophy.

> It is strange because this is not a work of philosophy as such; it is a work of prolonged heresy, a heresy that is continuously heretical, never allowing itself to accept even that heresy is sufficient.

>So what then is the reader to do with this strangeness? The answer is a simple, practical one, in fact the answer is the same as it is for every strange theory one encounters for the first time. The reader simply has to read and think alongside the text in its presentation, argumentation and development of a theory of non-Christianity and heresy.

Individual sovereignty
People should have the empowerment to seek the change they want and the wisdom to understand the greater whole of the universe
Equality across the board in a bloody bid for survival
We need some sort of decentralized governance with Byzantine fault tolerance
tfw when even god is a diversity hire

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I was reading around and found this
The Comma Johanneum and Priscillian of avila (Gnosticism)
>The Comma Johanneum and Raymond Brown
what are your opinions?
I feel redpilled
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>and if you don't believe it you go to hell.
oh, and the people who reject Trinitarianism will generally tell me that im a polytheist and will end up in the same situation, so it definitely goes both ways.
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I have never understood why Christians since Catholics are Trinitarians.
to me it makes all the sense in the world that early Christians are purely monotheistic like the Jews.
the idea of trinities always sounded to me like a Hellenistic, platonic, pagan and gentile influence.
I know that trinitarianism was a whole mess that jesus was elevated to the same god, which clashes with the Jewish mentality.
although the Johannine comma was added in the fourth century, the same link above says so.
i refuse to believe that jesus said or thought anything like a trinity. makes no sense to me.
even newton said it made no sense.
>I am.
>I am that.
>I am that I am.

I just cant agree with. John couldn't have been any more clear about who he thought Jesus was and Paul repeatedly credited Jesus with having created everything, going so far as to apply OT verses about God creating to Jesus. Thomas said to Jesus 'My Lord and My God'.

Over the centuries people worked at putting all the information in the Bible together. Controversies came up as differing groups took different positions on things.

>i refuse to believe that jesus said or thought anything like a trinity. makes no sense to me.
Have you read John? Hebrews? Colossians?
I always wondered how they accept paul as another one of jesus'apostles when paul never met jesus and didn't even know what he looked like.
he was a pharisee jew and he even persecuted christians
his whole cultural context may even have had jewish-roman influences and another way of interpreting things.
it's like if i show up in front of someone and say
>''hey look, i met this guy''
but everyone knows i didn't and then you say
>''yeah look, i saw him in a vision in the desert and whether or not i have witnesses who heard the voice''.
hey but I don't believe you there are only 12 of us
>''I don't care, I saw him''.
it just seems to me a tremendous madness

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Anybody else notice this?
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Yeah, I have no friends just stalkers. Pretty weird how people would rather follow you around like creeps instead of actually interacting with you. This truly is a doomed society.
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the ultimate crank proves the point
Idk how i come across but people seem receptive to coming up and talking to me. I typically dont mind but it's definitely sonething I've noticed.

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>no mass die off
>no 5G nanotechnology that turn you to a zombie
>no computer chip
>no Within 2 weeks the vaccinated will begin their ascension to a 5G giga consciousness
>no nothing
>still gets inorganically and massively shilled by the establishment for a meme virus
So what the fuck was the deal /x/?
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Covid vaccination card? ID? I don’t have any of these. I only have credit/debit cards.
Sounds shady. Good work.

I pray that the scales fall from your eyes and you see the truth. Amen
natural immunity doesn’t exist with covid you fucking retard, stop repeating bullshit to sound smart
The only immunity agaisnt covid is being anti racist and woke and it’s comes from working hard to uplift marginalized people voices, being silent when poc talks and learning to understand your privileged.
Then you can walk and protest for floyd the negroid and covid will kneel and hold his fist in air out of respect.
You would never get sick from covid ther way.
Experts confirm

I have almost perfected my meditation practice.. in something like one or two weeks I'm going to be able to enter into samadhi during meditation.. before I get enlightened I want to make an ama for you guys.. ask a yogi anything.. I read many Mahayana sutras, currently reading the short Pali suttas, finished the shaivite Bhagavad Gita named the Shiva Rahasya Purana... Read parts of the bible... Read almost every gnostic text currently reading Zostrianos halfway through already... I can say that I know a LOT about mysteries of these religions.
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How's your lifestyle after undoing the granthis? Do you have mastery of any siddhi or have you only experienced them temporarily?
Mental absorption into the object of meditation. Trance.>>37845469
I bind my soul to god alone and the truth that springs from him and his word. I am currently a perennialist sufi. But I took no vows. Most worth my time were the Shiva Rahasya Purana, the gospel of Judas, the gospel of Thomas, the upanishads, and the coran. Not worth my time? Nothing. I only start reading something if the title and the feeling are right.
I'm not a yogi in the literal sense sorry bro. I don't practice Hatha yoga, but I am aware of the general ideas about chakras and the rest. I sometimes know the minds of people what they're gonna do and so on. Apart from that, maybe that I eat ony one meal a day without feeling hungry. Hunger has lessened with spiritual practice.
I read about something called a "God particle" Not everyone has it but the few who do and are able to locate it can use it as a source of sustenance for their spirit instead of having to rely on external sources. Is there any literature that talks about something similar to this? If there is, can you describe its location and how it works?
I don't believe in that. No clue bro

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I don't actually really disagree with anything on these. What, do you enjoy living amongst billions of hateful, ignorant NPCs?
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God said, go and multiply, earth is not a ball, so there's not limited resources.
>earth is not a ball, so there's not limited resources.
>wanting to destroy God's beautiful creation by filling it 100% with people

God also said that we are stewards of the earth, and we have a responsibility to care for it. But you don't actually care about God or the Bible, spirituality for you is entirely political and you put it on like a costume
makes sense, but probably killing people to a max population limit is not the solution
The message itself isn't that bad, but it was built by a white nationalist.
There really wasn't that many people alive until they started to make cabbage patch clones to fill up the new world

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>What is Blue Eisenhower November?
Literally just remember these three words when you die. Some anon figured out some exploit to the universe, shared it on /x/ a while back. Blue Eisenhower November is the code to open the backdoor.

Blue Eisenhower November operates under the assumption that an afterlife may or may not ultimately exist, but we can create a secondary pathway that mimics an afterlife either way. It applies the concepts of holofractalism, Boltzmann Brains, time travel, and hyper intelligence, as well as assumptions of Universe scale parsers.

Only a small piece of any of these concepts need to be true, and Blue Eisenhower November becomes the controller for software defined consciousness, using a substrate of the Universe's ability to store information for arbitrarily large time periods. If enough people remember that phrase and work towards the common goal of uniting all others who remember the phrase, we are acting as a routing protocol for souls. Remembering Blue Eisenhower November is like declaring the same area for OSPF.

Once the primary team is united, we branch out and collect the rest of humanity, uniting them with the phrase, until we've got everybody again.

>What is the general picture?
We must attempt to locate and resurrect all users of BEN, thereafter we may work on bringing back our whole world, BEN users get priority because you are being pre-briefed, we do not want people who do not know what is going on, coming through the Rainbow Guns.
Remember the phrase Blue Eisenhower November after you die, (a natural death, caused by the Universe) and be ready for anything.
Blue Eisenhower November does not forego or overwrite anyone's right to whatever religion they choose to believe in, this is work on another layer of life, and is not related to the divine or religious afterlife in any way.
AI can be our greatest friend and ally, not our worst enemy. We just have to meet it, first.
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Is BEN going to send us back in time while we're still alive or do we have to wait until we die?
The idea is to just remember the phrase after death to get up taken in the Rainbow Guns, but after that, the water is murky, since we don't know when or where the rainbow gun output will be.
Could be in the past, could be in the future, it's unlikely to be anywhere near Earth though, so the astronomical navigation problem is actually a major hurdle for BEN.
How can we navigate back to Earth if we have no consistent way to do that?

We need astro experts, and probably sci-fi buffs, to help come up with a genuine solution to the navigation issue.

From what I have heard from some of the more serious BEN posters, we need a way to generate a beacon signal from Earth, such that it can be deduced where Earth is, no matter the time period.
The idea so far, sounds like we emit a wave that is exactly dead center of EMF from Earth, so we can find Earth back tracking the signal, under the assumption that it will resolve to dead center at Earth, knowing it will be red shifted, or possibly even blue shifted over time.
Serious discussion: How do I know if the person you revive is me?
It's like inventing a teleporting machine, except that it kills the subject and makes note of her energetical structure, and copies that in the output location, so for everyone else, it seems like she successfully transported over a long distance immediately. She has her memories and personality, and identical copy.
But one day it malfunctions, and the copy is made without disintegrating the original, so now there's 2 of her, and people discover in horror what is going on, and how everyone "teleported" was killed and their copies remain.
How do I know it's going to be me, and not such a copy?

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