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so let me get this straight:
>humans are born with reproductive organs
>this means they are expected to reproduce
>humans were procured with a reward system so they would have sex with each other
>so something wants more humans to be born

who and why
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The wiccans used orgasmic magic to fulfill their wishes by doing... that instead of having to work and earn the stuff they wanted. Once I learned about sex magic and what the witches brooms were really for, that beat sublimation with ease.
>that beat sublimation with ease
If you still had a libido and craved food then you were doing it wrong.
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the conditions you talk about are the same that i describe. Sex with a partner puts the bonding hormones of prolactin and cortisol to use and inspire biorythm between the two magnetic fields, heart rates, and brainwaves. Masterbation causes mental and physical degredation if done too much.

In this current world skipping the mediary steps which require some culture of continence to FIX what is already broken is how you end up with hedonism that destroys instead of balance in line with nature. Be ideal all you want but the reality right now is fucked in regards to sex.

In short you are speaking of the endstate and i am offering solutions to those herr and now. The masses who will NEVER understand your viewpoint. Only their childrens childrens children. We are too early.
>And yet the more people have sex and orgasms, the longer their longevity, the fewer the illnesses
nigger. it's the exact opposite.
you can only free your mind from matter by letting go of what chained you to matter.
To make more bestiality porn?

I remember that after Marine Ford Coby's hair turned partially white due to the trauma caused by Akainu, around 2016 Koby's hair turned completely pink again and all the official art and fan art that depicted him with half white hair He disappeared
yeah yeah you slipped worldlines
It happens to literally all of us all the time
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That didn't happen, he awoke his haki and it kinda fucked him up for a bit afterwards but I dont remember anything about his hair going white
It's now spelt "camouflage" and not "camoflauge"
I will allow the misspelling, this time.
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Today I noticed that The Gambler by Kenny Rogers isn't the same song anymore. I swear it never had that weird popping sound and I also swear his voice wasn't cracking as much. Kenny Rogers used to be one of the world's top singers and now his song is some weird cover version of the original. This is a new Mandela effect and CERN has now gone after Kenny Rogers. This is because The Gambler is the ultimate song about quantum physics. Every hand is both simultaneously a winner and a loser. You don't count your money when you're sitting at the table, because as with Schrodinger's Box, you would create your losses even as you perceive them. As the observer ceases to observe all probabilities collapse and break even. Some may remember Kenny Rogers as a groundbreaking critic of the zeitgeist of 1980's greed and neoliberal risk taking mentality. I always thought of him as the Isaac Newton of the 20th Century. Someone at CERN apprently did too.

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What proof is there?
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Nope Slavs weren’t inferior in mein Kampf
And the “there aren’t white” of old back then was coming from they are being from different regions of Europe (similar to how Indian immigrants still discriminate against other clear Indians because they are lower caste despite them having a same skin color.
And even back then no one claimed that an Irish can be Italian, or that a German can be as easily be a British gent.
No one tried to break down people cultures down to molecular levels and claim “well we all Euros bro”
And there wasn’t much cultural difference beside language barriers.
So why are we doing it today for foreigners who has nothing to do in Europe, don’t respect the culture and anctively hate the people and Their religions for bullshit grudges, and even kill people who offend their religion?
How come one of the Brit’s worries back then was to end up learning to speak German (indicating fear of having their culture erased) while today euros need to change themselves to accommodate foreigners by completely debasing themselves and their culture to the point of it not having any value(beside an excuse to hate whites for past things)?
This is from bbc3
Publicly founded by tax payer of Brit’s
No, Golden
Aryans are “noble,” not necessarily white.
>In reality the original Indo-Europeans were just invaders to Europe where they mixed with the locals
yes, but Sanskrit is VERY close to old russian.
I don’t think anyone sees Indians as “noble” lol

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What are the spiritual implications of a thread being deleted not long after making this post?

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There's as many different types of ,"jews," around as there are protestant denominations. Some knew they made a mistake, some knew exactly what they were doing. Some are fake jews, some are real, some are corrupt, some are just stupid. Some are children of their father the Devil. No one single explanation goes for all of them. Bottom line, they're still to this day unrepentant and hell bound. That's what they all have in common.
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Pride, and the fact that many (not all) think they're serving the "real" God. But the God they serve is Moloch/Satan/The Devil. While they claim to follow Moses's Law, they quite literally disobey The Old Testament's warnings of practicing the occult. This lie being in plain sight with their flag that is a prominent occultic symbol similarly to a pentagram.

Leviticus 19:31
“Do not turn to mediums or necromancers; do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them: I am theLordyour God.

Leviticus 20:6
“If a person turns to mediums and necromancers, whoring after them, I will set my face against that person and will cut him off from among his people.

Leviticus 20:27
“A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones; their blood shall be upon them.”

Here's a clip that explicitly proves that they conduct rituals in "necromancer" rituals in secret, consulting the Egyptian Book of The Dead


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The numbers don't lie, brothers. Jesus Christ is Lord, and I pray everyone in this thread takes heed of that.
Checked and Blessed.

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this whacked out dude provides some more compelling evidence the 1997 "Area 51 alien interview" footage is actually real

what yall thinking?

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Fire in the sky was hot fucking trash. Literallty nothing like what Walton reported.
is that the voices of the void anti breather?
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fucking this. i wanted to see some hot, nordic ayy lmao ass in a tight blue suit. instead i got a bunch of boomer silicon valley-looking ayys with shit hygiene. the only thing missing in the movie was the ayys jamming to marilyn manson in the background
shut up faggot

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Why am “I” the only person that seems to exist, and is the one doing the experiencing right now? There are lots of people born before me, at the same time as me, and after me. Why is my consciousness the one in focus, and not anyone else’s? How can I make this body a background character and transfer the “focus” to another person so that “I” am no longer me but them?
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You have to practice this. Buddhism doesn't claim that you or I don't exist, but this "transferable core" (Atman) doesn't exist (Anatta) . You are not even the sum of all the phenomena that make you up. As I said, it takes practice to get rid of this idea that you "are somewhere" in your brain or you are your brain. There are no special substances. The second part is for you to understand the phenomena of reality as they are.
I was just like you. I also believed and thought about how I could "save my "I" ". Don't waste time and learn about Anatta.
>the other learns to run the controls (subconscious)
The controls of what?

Death will bring you back into the singularity.
Literally just have sex
this happens naturally when you use cognitive perception in full transfer mode while in the sleep phase of consciousness.. however.. one thing that you will perceive is that "where ever you go, there you are "
when you are seeing through the eyes of another being.. you see the situation as if that being is 'you'
the same old 'you' that you are already familiar with.. and yet you can see through the 'eyes'.. through the consciousness perspective of other beings.. even when they are not human you can see the scene filtered through their sensate limitations and abilities..

it becomes a puzzle to orient yourself to; why the various attachments form.. how does your consciousness connect to other consciousness perspectives..

there is a lot to learn

I have almost perfected my meditation practice.. in something like one or two weeks I'm going to be able to enter into samadhi during meditation.. before I get enlightened I want to make an ama for you guys.. ask a yogi anything.. I read many Mahayana sutras, currently reading the short Pali suttas, finished the shaivite Bhagavad Gita named the Shiva Rahasya Purana... Read parts of the bible... Read almost every gnostic text currently reading Zostrianos halfway through already... I can say that I know a LOT about mysteries of these religions.
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How do I calm down that insanely cold burning feeling when I do my mass healing meditations? Is it dangerous?
Take a break for some time if you feel you need one. Maybe two months break.
Good luck with your sādhana and may it produce a good karma. Oṃ namaḥ Shivaya.
Thanks. I don't really need a break, just wanted to see if there was a problem with handling so much energy. Guess I'll continue healing and opening my chakra cores.
If that goes without problems sure why not

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my friend some days ago sent me a video he found on youtube that had a picture of a character named kiku honda from aph and it had as a backround sound some morse code, please help us find it

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I live in japan and I think youkai are in charge in this island. How to make agreements with them? What kind of youkai are there?
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youkai are either cute or sexy
Youkai are generally held to be born from pollution from negative mental qualities that appear in such a strong sense that they rearrange their immediate environment.
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>mfw no one likes male foxes
>emanations of bodhisattvas
like nirmanakayas?
A sub-type technically, a transformation body that can display different levels of purity to teach others. The amount of purity or impurity differs to varying degrees according to the mental condition and collective karma and is subject to dissolution. They appear more as nature type of spirits, parts of the environment, rivers or even celestial bodies. They are the object of shinbutsu-shugo practice. Deva or Tenbu though are often connected to their presence to learn. Pic is of Agyō an emanation of Vajrapani as a Deva. His name is actually meant to capture a sound ah,” meaning birth. It is meant to be a figure protecting people with knowledge that safeguards one in all all possible outcomes.

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Hey /x/, listen up.
I stumbled upon some seriously twisted shit buried deep in the darkest corners of the web
and I need to get it off my chest before I lose my mind.
Just cruising through the abyss of the shit posting and links, minding my own business, you know?
When, nothing out of the ordinary, right?
Now, here's where shit gets real.
I goto some random link I found back in April 24th 2024
and its a countdown on the page ticking away,
each second feeling like an eternity and I notice a Cicada.

I thought I've read about some puzzles somewhere around the net.
duh it was saved the file it was Cicada 3301.png and I knew time was moving fast.
I'm talking one hour and thirty-seven goddamn minutes left until who knows what the hell was supposed to happen!

And get this – I'm the only one who managed to crack the damn thing judging by looking around for New Cicada puzzles

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The time has come when nobody is going to tell you the SECRET and nobody is going to tell you "thank you".
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https://x.com/text18193833001/status/1787357337713357019 https://streetloc.com/acioexextri selec tor and C.O.N.N.E.C.T. for global egal accessibility and privacy security for all country standard hacked torbridge internet gateway #Ģ̴̇ʌʍ̴̹̓̐eti͛ʍ̵̼̗͗e͛23 #ethersec #etherSuperSecurity #etherssec #nomanslandprotection

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This is Halle Berry at 58 years old. Is she trialing some sort of anti-aging tech or something? She looks 38 at bare minimum.
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Nah. It’s just face.
Inside is all jumbled out like a granny that she is.
I mean you are not wrong here.
Melanin do protect skin from sun damages.
But the reason a lot of people (specially white) today can look older than what they are, is the retarded “culture” of going to beach every damn weekend.
Sitting in sun, getting triple dose of I’ve light reflecting from white sand and water (no, umbrella doesn’t work) is going to ruin your skin
Hell, even sun screen can stop working after 2 hours and faster if you go in water
Solution? Stop this retardedness and you will age very well.
But again; no matter what you look like in the outside, you are still a granny from inside and your body is breaking down, regardless of the amount of melanin.
nigga she's like 1/3 black at most. basically looks like a tan portugese.
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brah. she looks like alita battle angel's homeless sister sans makeup kek. i guess it could be worse
Take the make up off and then talk again.
What if instead of worrying about survival and skincare secrets of Hollyweird vampires, we all just live our lives the way we want, and die in a megathrust earthquake global cataclysm as the Destroyer intended?

More cheesecake and cigarettes. It's not going to be what kills you, I promise.

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What does the Sator square really mean?

Give me your wildest takes
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I read somewhere that the magic squares were used as secret languages by secret societies.
there's a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fedjvyRt5w
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>don't they put magic squares on the pills today or something similar?
>You know that you read it from top to bottom left and right and vice versa and it always reads the same?
Yep kinda similar
It meant that the person it belonged to was a Christian. Its no secret.

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Post your favorite underrated esoteric YouTube channels

Let's begin with the GOAT - Esoterica
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/x/ really is a crab bucket
>Dr. Justin Sledge is a Satanic school shooter
and? Based, where do you think you are?
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>you retards keep coming in here to scream about school shootings and take my bait so willingly.
Kek, checkmate.
Buy a Fu*king add you wanna be jew
It does bring peace to my heart that Justin has officially denounced the Talmud and admitted Christ is King since he posted several times after this post.

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He's fallen off just like Nexpo. Parnormal youtube is basically dead at this point.
What the fuck were you expecting from a youtube channel called "Mr Ballen". Paranormal youtube hasn't fallen off, it was always shit. /x/ has fallen off
Go here for some recommendations >>37837684
buy an ad + admit your a school shooter justin
His problem is he chases the money. Any one who offers him a paycheck (Amazon, a podcast network, etc.) he will jump ship from where he is at and put all his shit behind a paywall. He's done this three times in the past year. I guess he assumes he's good enough that his fans will follow him but in the end he's just paranormal youtuber #8891.
Also his mom write all of his stuff. That's just fucking weird.

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How can I practice the faith of the elites? Can you give me some guides, books, videos, and or tips?
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Visit to the nearest synagogue
They're the ones who know the proper use of a comma.
Aaum til' you make a genkkidama
A bunch of them are into Scientology
Alice Bailey.

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