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..and that humans "intelligent" life is just an almost impossibly rare freak chain of events, and the universe is indeed void of intelligent life outside of us? Maybe or consciousness is just a blip that returns back to nothing, maybe death really is forever?
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If you remove the impossible (the hypothesis that there is no life in the universe, proven wrong by the fact that we are life in the universe), then the unlikely is true and that is that Ayy Lmao is out there and we just haven't found him yet. This is either because we are too primitive on a galactic scale or because someone (either Ayy Lmao himself or authorities on Earth) doesn't want us to see him.
Judging by how many planets we discovered in recent years that are "similar to Earth", it's just a matter of time until we find one with life on it.
There are actually a fair number of intelligent races in the galaxy, the problem is they are almost all incredibly primitive. The reason for this is because most aliens are psychic and communicate and share complex ideas telepathically, humans doing this with language is a major anomaly resulting in the development and writing and the like which in turn allows for long term retention of information and technological civilization. Human brains are also much more grounded to the material than most aliens which causes us to evaluate the world in a more logic oriented manner.
>they are almost all incredibly primitive
we discover a lot of shit that was previously unknown and we couldn't even find ourselves in the galaxy. it's not that they are so primitive, but we are. we may only speculate about them.
Lol the only intelligent life form posts a lust provoking meme on an anime internet board, sure thing.
>an intelligent species invents complex languages, produces artworks that resonate with people's feelings and create devices to communicate with one another over long distances, sharing ideas about complex problems
so what's the issue?

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Apparently I don't deserve anything. I am 40 and I have no woman, I have no children, I have no house, I have no friends, I have no money and live paycheck to paycheck. When will my real life begin bros? I'm tired of the grind, I'm tired of this life, just very very tired that's all.
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>it hasn't been undeniably proven
The existence of an 'external world' cannot be proved because it does not exist.

>Said the retard while using the internet
Says the unwitting dreamer.
>The existence of an 'external world' cannot be proved because it does not exist.
Your framework for why existence cannot be proven, ironically cannot be proved because it does not exist........ and on and on it goes.

Your position is absurd and you don't seem to realize that the same logic can be applied to any of your beliefs, thereby making the very act of believing in anything pointless, because one can assert that nothing exists and nothing can be proven (including maya).

It goes both ways, it doesn't only conveniently apply to the things you want it to.

>Says the unwitting dreamer.
How do you it's not you dreaming about concepts like maya?

Once again, your own framework can be applied to itself, but you won't do that because you are a hypocrite (or you lack the self awareness to even realize this flaw).
>Your framework for why existence cannot be proven, ironically cannot be proved because it does not exist........ and on and on it goes.
Wrong. All I know are my experiences, thoughts, feelings, and other mental states. I cannot prove the existence of anything outside consciousness, by definition.

>How do you it's not you dreaming about concepts like maya?
We're all dreaming. There are no objects outside of Mind.
You are conflating my posts with another anon and likewise have misunderstood my reasoning for argument. You attack others beliefs while stating just as vulnerable ones such as

>The universe doesn't revolve around us.

Meanwhile denying humanity's existence within the universe and adherence to laws as science understands them: gravity, electromagnetism and the nuclear force as facts.

>pro tip: jump out your window if you want undeniable evidence of that

Therefore you likely misunderstand my argument and definitely misunderstand the why I am arguing it but I will take some respnsibility since I'm not proofreading these posts very well.
>Wrong. All I know are my experiences, thoughts, feelings, and other mental states. I cannot prove the existence of anything outside consciousness, by definition.
I think you mean "All I BELIEVE" not "All I KNOW", because if you cannot prove the existence of anything outside of your consciousness, then nothing is KNOWLEDGE, everything would just be a BELIEF.

Are you seeing how convoluted and ridiculous this all becomes?

>We're all dreaming. There are no objects outside of Mind.
Ok buddy, ok lol.

>You are conflating my posts with another anon
You guys sound the same to me
>Meanwhile denying humanity's existence within the universe and adherence to laws as science understands them: gravity, electromagnetism and the nuclear force as facts.
I never said anything like that, I didn't deny humans existence either. My only point is that we don't KNOW that our existence affects the grand scheme of anything, some of us just BELIEVE that. Your entire response is a strawman.

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Bored mystic 2 electric boogaloo
I have a treasure trove of occult secrets and shit posts
Feel free to AMA
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A fitting (yet horrific) fate would be that they get reincarnated as the very children/victims of later people also like themselves (karmic retribution). And another supposed possibility, according to some Eastern Dharmic teachings on reincarnation, is that if they damage and degrade their own soul enough, they might reincarnate into some lower animal like a toad, bat, lizard, scorpion, snake or other reptile (interestingly, often the ones glorified in certain forms of black magic, Satanic cults and/or aberrant malicious forms of shamanism) after experience of a hell realm in the afterlife, melting down their soul then forcing them back to a less sophisticated life-form to slowly redevelop back over millions of years of transmigrations and moving up through different species, until they are worthy of the stupendous gift of the human body and consciousness.

Speaking of this thread, I found the series of webms at the beginning very well-produced and thought-provoking, but after that with all the infographics it seems to devolve into the regurgitation of information, information overload, plus at least some pareidolia. Gurdjieff and the Fourth Way teachings were name dropped and that’s cool, though.

“The Divine Plan” by Geoffrey A. Barborka
“The Etheric Double”
“The Astral Body”
“The Mental Body”
“The Causal Body and the Ego”
“The Solar System” (all by the Theosophist A.E. Powell)
“The Masters and the Path” by C.W. Leadbeater
“The Externalization of the Hierarchy” by Alice Bailey
I’ve also heard the original founding times by Blavatsky (Isis Unveiled, and The Secret Doctrine) are good reads but ironically I didn’t get to them yet, although everything else here I read once (except Bailey’s book, halfway through and dropped it for a long time).
>A fitting (yet horrific) fate would be that they get reincarnated as the very children/victims of later people also like themselves (karmic retribution)
Doesn't matter if they don't keep their past memories. It's not true reincarnation if you've forgotten everything.

If you don't have your memories you're essentially dead and it's an entirely new person existing. So it would just be a random person being tortured for no reason.

Without awareness of ones crimes, the punishment isn't a punishment and it doesn't matter.

It would be like if a serial killer was only the way he was because of a brain tumor. He gets it removed and is now a completely different person that is squirmy, repentant, crying, sad, empathetic, apologetic, etc.

It would be hard for the loved ones of the victims to find any solace in his execution of he got a death sentence, because it's no longer the same monster being killed, it's as if another person is suffering in their stead, the monster still "won in the end" since they escaped the punishment even if their vessel didn't.
What do you think about god and the logos?
I think you’re arguing this more out of what’s emotionally satisfying vs. what’s emotionally disturbing to you, although I entirely understand this and struggled with such conundrums myself when even younger and conflicted about the evil in the world and what seem like great injustices that go on (the good going unrewarded, the evil unpunished).

Regardless, I still think the Eastern Dharmic notion of karma (mostly consistent across Jainism, Buddhism, and Hindu religion, despite their different teachings on the nature of God and selfhood, besides how extremely they take the theory, with Jain ascetics not even wanting to kill bugs or microbes) still is pretty logically coherent and sensible in its implications if you take it as an axiom.

In a way you’re right that the individual physical body and ego, the newly formed body, organs, and brain, seems to be an entirely different entity even if you hold reincarnation is possible, and that it is something like a cosmic injustice if they face the results of suffering they caused in a past lifetime in a new body with its past-life memories mostly wiped out or inaccessible. A response to this might work on several different levels:

1.) there’s something like a preservation of a karmic moral record for every individual soul (jiva, as it’s called)

2.) this is stored in the so-called causal body per Indian teachings (karanasharira), so called because it bears the seeds of the CAUSES of what happens in one’s life; a primordial supramaterial state-of-consciousness that bears the traces and memories of what has been experienced, as well as the deeper character-traits and wisdom gained through many lifetimes of action, behavior, speech, etc.
3.) the physical body is itself animated and enlivened by these higher supramaterial aspects of the human individuality, like the so-called subtle and causal bodies; the body could be regarded as a cloak these put on to experience life in this world, a descent from a higher supramaterial plane or possibly even higher dimensions, into a more limited gross material one.

Another analogy could be that one individual physical lifetime is something like a “finger” put down by the causal body into material life on Earth, whereas the causal body itself would analogously be like the entire body/self animating it putting out that finger. The body itself and consciousness behind it is what did what it did. So the seemingly innocent “finger”, even with its own seemingly limited “finger-consciousness”, still gets punished, assuming one did something like, say, stick it into a fire. And the record of this experience (pain from the hot fire, as “punishment” for sticking one’s finger into the fire) essentially is really affecting the very self animating this finger, of which the finger is a tiny cross-section or part for it to experience things.

Another (imperfect) analogy could be to doing something wrong sober, then popping enough Xanax you forget who you are, but still being punished for it while high on Xanax, because you’re still you even while you seem temporarily forgetful of it all.

However, I do agree with the sentiment that the world can be a cruel and fucked up place, and some of these possibilities are emotionally disturbing.

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get /x/ images rated as tinder pics
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who is this guy? I keep seeing him
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>This isn't a casting call for Slenderman's body double; it's a dating app.
Wingman.live you so crazy
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Have you dreamed this man?
>And for Zeus' sake
what the FUCK did the AI mean by this?

Post your dreams and I will provide the interpretation. Also share:
1. Did the dream happen in the middle of the night or when you woke up?
2. Whether it was day/light or night/dark during your dream.
3. Whether it felt like a nightmare or a regular dream.
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1. waking up
2. it was dusk
3. a bit of both
I was on some earth like planet during a day. Might as well be earth. And a space ship by the planet behind the clouds and athmosfere so you couldnt see it but i senced it as if i had xray vision and i saw how massive it was. Ship might have been cloaked. So masive in fact that it was hard to comprehend the size and distance. It might as well be like the moon but way closer. As i looked at it i sence the ship was somehow connected to me and it was somehow telepatically doing something suddle to my mind. But it was like i connected to it out of curioaity and not the ship to me. I remember doing random twitch movements without intention. And then i woke up.
Quiet and reserved, at least to me. I did try to chat him up many times (back when Facebook was a thing) but his replies were pretty curt. A friend from back then told me he was no good because she saw him be rude to a child.
I essentially don't know how he was as a person, I never got to really know him.
I have done a lot of self reflection and I realized I was the problem and how much I let myself get in the way, Ive changed actually quite a bit in that aspect and I feel more secure just still depressed about life. I've had a lot of dreams about conquering my insecurities and made changes because of them but I still feel helpless when it comes to motivation and happiness. I guess deep down I still do feel this pull towards her and how much I miss her and you saying there was no path to us getting back together made me realize that because of how much it hit me. I guess I do have a better idea of working on myself now, even if we don't get back together I think I still wish her the best and I hope we both grow and change as people and become our best selves in the future. Nono anon you have been a great help for this weighing on my conscience. Thank you.
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can someone explain this dream to me (if a spirit/entity is contacting me, etc) i posted it in a different thread but i will probably have a better answer here.

1.it was while i was dead asleep
2. daylight.
3. it felt good

i had a dream last night where i fondled a black haired green eyed woman. she was busty but not extremely big. i groped her and once i was done we left to go back outside where her husband and kids were. this person in my dream doesnt look anything like anyone i know irl. yesterday i was lamenting how i was single and alone and then this dream happened. someone help please.
2. the dream happened at nighttime but inside the dream it was daytime. sorry

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There is an artifact hidden in North America in an underground cavern complex within an ancient pyramid that is capable of showing you all of your past lives, what you really are, and what reality is truly like without any distortion. There also seems to be a choice you are given from a highly advanced being that is akin to you being reborn as a completely different type of being that experiences reality the same way the highly advanced being does. It changes you biologically. Remote viewers were blindly tasked with viewing a target which they had no foreknowledge of, where all they were told was a randomly generated reference number (reference numbers can look something like 2342-5853) that was assigned to the actual target which would allow them to perceive the target without needing to know what it is. The target was, "The most significant undiscovered artifact in North America". The above is a small summary of the data they got from the viewing
Skip to 36:30 to hear about the target
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Alright bros, when are we going to Alaska?
>Courtney Brown
my dad got me 2 or 3 of his books from a yardsale and his claims were wild for even /x/. of course none of it panned out.
why did he delete those videos?
Former project red dog members were threatening legal action over a project they felt were theirs...and conspiracy faggots kept highjacking his shit to justify their theories, and kept sending him sad suicidal paranoid messages.
do you know if anyone archived them?

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To those of you who don’t know me, i explore abandoned buildings, sites, houses, parks, hospitals, etc.. and post in real time as well as taking requests and answering questions

some previous threads: https://archived.moe/x/thread/37087934/#37107526

>This time it’s another classic, a mansion. I’ll be there when it’s night time in a few hours

Thread theme:
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Have you ever been molested by a ghost?
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I've been trying to get into Urbex in my area for a while. I take pictures of creepy shit around my state whenever I can't sleep and go out for a drive.
Do you have any tips to get started?
Have you ever tried to explore abandoned buildings which are said to be haunted, or are surrounded by urban legends, superstitions and rumors that claim there is something paranormal about them?

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Even here NASA shills are trying to shut down debate/discussion on this topic:

Kek when AI is even calling bullshit on the fake photos.
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but they never are? I mean you using "glober" kind of kills your own argument there dude
Watching ...

Thanks. Hadn't heard of this guy, but I'm always looking for more Flat Earth and Moon Hoax channels. No matter what you believe they're entertaining and have a right to exist like anything else - and fuck Youtube and other Spherecucks for censoring, banning, and burying them in the searches. Even if they're all larping for $$$$ it's hilarious to see them fuck with and expose vaxx'd and triple-boosted 'trust muh science' retards who believe any old bullshit they were told.
Not from the Hubble telescope you fucking mong. As usual you NASA cocksuckers don't even know what you're looking at and beclown yourselves when you expose the fact you don't even understand the most basic shit being discussed. This LLO shit was addressed above. kys

You just proved how clueless and gullible you are and how it's so easy for NASA to make you think you've seen shit that you actually haven't.
The earth is obviously a toroid.

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The earth is hollow.
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Mike deGruy was assassinated the day after discovering an underwater "lake" which was impossible to penetrate and killed any living organism that came in contact with it. Something very similar was found at around the same elevation at the south pole by Antarctic researchers struggling to mine through a layer of what they called "blue ice". This is the artificial barrier that separates the outer crust from the inner crust, of course the subterranean races would create such a structure to protect themselves.
yea, it is. and it objectively makes allot of sense for it to be.
but I think it is probably allot more complicated than simply calling it hollow.
that being said, the average person has no fucking idea that there is subterranean oceans that are comparable to the size of nations.
and there is land masses, extensively massive cave systems and separate eco systems and environments that once inhabited and some still inhabit all sorts of life. there was all sorts of civilizations underground. there is no reason to believe they're all extinct.
there is as much land mass underground(or even more underground) than above the surface.
normies don't know this.
these are facts.
under antarctica there has already been digital scans of massive subterranean masses of water and land. also magnetic anomalies in the anarctic.
a matter of what is happening under these land masses is up for debate and theorizing.
is it agartha there or is it simply extensive military bases.
there is also deep underground military bases, which many are now aware of.
massive underground tunnel systems connect planet wide.
that's about as much as I know about this topic.-the more you know
...Oh, I forgot to mention the theories of reptillan humanoids having their own separate sort of habitats for their own kind underground.

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Niggas like you really just say shit sometimes. Give me any proof the earth is hollow, any at all. It goes against basic fucking biology as we know it RETARD.
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You ask the good questions. I can share what I was told and the reasoning given, for speculation's sake.

Their population outnumbers ours, if you listed earth in some galactic Sci-Fi database its primary species would not be human. Similar to what scientists say about ants or trees being the dominant surface species.

Because of this our surface world is not considered the "real" earth nor are humanity/souls the only ones appealing for its control. To put it another way, you journey inward in meditation to project into the real cosmos out of your illusory body. It's the same with inner earth, the surface (our world) is the extent of the energetic torus which has cooled and crystallized into physical form. As within our bodies, so without in nature: the inner earth is more energetic than the surface, the biological quantum phenomena we call magic are still readily apparent. We are only living on the planet's Veil.

Earth is like the reflection of Venus: all Mystery truth here follows the formula of apparent corruption and darkness concealing great truth and light. The inner world is said to be beautiful beyond imagination but only to those who have adjusted their perception to decidedly nonhuman values.

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>From eastern Kentucky
>When I was a kid, around 2009, I went to my grandpa's place over winter break, this was late December after Christmas
>My grandpa went out for the night to visit his girlfriend, I just watched VHS movies and played the NES all night
>Woke up in the dead of night to near wet and loud smacking, like a giant pair of lips or something
>Didn't think about it too much. Probably the cat or grandpa
>Woke up the next morning, my grandpa is pissed because I ate the middle of all the bologna and left the fridge open all night
>A cat couldn't have done that
What did do it Anons?
An Animal like a racoon, mouse, etc any animal that can get into your home.
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It was death, it was supposed to take your grandpa to the land of the dead but it couldn’t do that to you so it ate the sandwich meat to be a dick, its its trick move to let you know it was there.

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Hey /x/, listen up.
I stumbled upon some seriously twisted shit buried deep in the darkest corners of the web
and I need to get it off my chest before I lose my mind.
Just cruising through the abyss of the shit posting and links, minding my own business, you know?
When, nothing out of the ordinary, right?
Now, here's where shit gets real.
I goto some random link I found back in April 24th 2024
and its a countdown on the page ticking away,
each second feeling like an eternity and I notice a Cicada.

I thought I've read about some puzzles somewhere around the net.
duh it was saved the file it was Cicada 3301.png and I knew time was moving fast.
I'm talking one hour and thirty-seven goddamn minutes left until who knows what the hell was supposed to happen!

And get this – I'm the only one who managed to crack the damn thing judging by looking around for New Cicada puzzles

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It seems like a manifesto of some sorts, trying to warn us of something. It gives me the vibes of the Georgia Guide stones that said only 500,000,000 survivors out of 8 billion would be 6.25% of the total population we have today.
Here is the Message I pulled from the image and uploaded it to pastebin. https://pastebin.com/i0pGTu4s
Yeah the 2024 emergence didn't happen much long ago. It just started! https://youtube.com/shorts/a-KbOX-AYh4?si=g5b4NJHh-zCiuINL
It's just hard to sleep or eat, I'm constantly sweating, looking over my shoulder, maybe something todo with 5G frequencies. I feel as something dark has entered my body, like a demon or something dark and worthless. Can anyone verify anything about this, does it really trace back to 3301? Are they gonna hurt me or something now?
I thought I heard it was a CIA or Echelon Group, some type of recruitment and connections to Satanic groups and freemasons, I mean is it really if its so secretive? What doesn't have you worried about this?

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but it is devoid of love
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I love you, anon
Now kiss me on the lips
that's lust, another sin...
Which ones?
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Oooooo, me thinks something should prove that wrong in your life. I know you’re sad about that sweetheart. “Gods love is (dis)passionate, satans love is passionate. Satans love is conditional with highs and lows, Gods love is always there in the background and doesn’t leave you hanging.”
Mammon is no substitute for love of any kind, on some level you know that.
Even though it may be said that humans are a social animal, that statement is only true in the sense that we rely on each other for survival--be it cooperation or as a food source. If not for being conditioned into thinking we *need* companionship, we would not get lonely.

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so let me get this straight:
>humans are born with reproductive organs
>this means they are expected to reproduce
>humans were procured with a reward system so they would have sex with each other
>so something wants more humans to be born

who and why
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DNA is a self replicating mechanism it would seem
I am a khorne bro sex is slaneesh horse shit
>Being told that endless sex with many parts is good is also wrong.
No, but it's about being able to have sex whenever you want, the same way people are able to eat whenever they want.
Centuries ago this was the norm, no taboos and it was something normal to have, masturbation wasn't a thing because everyone was satisfied. As soon as a boy became a man and had an erection all the girls of the town became available, and since it's something pleasing to do they were eager to be the first.
People were also more difficult to control and enslave, so that was taken away in favor of everyone looking forward to get a job they dedicate their lives to for peanuts, and making their children dedicate their time to learning useless data and resolve exams for grades.
It's all connected but what matters is not being satisfied with the status quo, and knowing in what direction we want change.
And my direction is freedom for humanity, starting for normalizing sex instead of keeping it hidden from view and "private."
The wiccans used orgasmic magic to fulfill their wishes by doing... that instead of having to work and earn the stuff they wanted. Once I learned about sex magic and what the witches brooms were really for, that beat sublimation with ease.
>that beat sublimation with ease
If you still had a libido and craved food then you were doing it wrong.
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the conditions you talk about are the same that i describe. Sex with a partner puts the bonding hormones of prolactin and cortisol to use and inspire biorythm between the two magnetic fields, heart rates, and brainwaves. Masterbation causes mental and physical degredation if done too much.

In this current world skipping the mediary steps which require some culture of continence to FIX what is already broken is how you end up with hedonism that destroys instead of balance in line with nature. Be ideal all you want but the reality right now is fucked in regards to sex.

In short you are speaking of the endstate and i am offering solutions to those herr and now. The masses who will NEVER understand your viewpoint. Only their childrens childrens children. We are too early.

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Welcome to the Semen Retention General,
Enlightened and noble chads edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

Completely abstain from masturbation and ejaculation to get all the benefits.
If you don't ejaculate, but still spend time touching yourself, and even worse, touching yourself while watching degeneracy, then you are doing it wrong.

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Don't you know that Rasputin had a massive cock? Penismaxxing is one of the most occult practices you can do, just like semen retention. "Big dick energy" is a real thing. You WILL know that you have the power to impose your will, and males and females alike will submit to it subconsciously. Imagine how trough the roof the charisma of someone with a years long streak stored in a 12 inch long dick would be like. By that point you would quite literally have an hypnotic effect on people.
Literally me
Hm, I've been on SR for over 5 months before, and- although I can attest to needing less sleep, it was never as extreme as only needing a half hour to feel fully rested. Your test levels must be through the roof, or perhaps you just aren't being active enough- or a combination of both factors?
Well. I'm in my 20s. My test levels are rising probably cuz of being around women. I work a moderately laborous blue collar job. There is one placebo I've noticed: My body seems to really love it when I ride on my bike several hours everyday, like releasing endorphins and shit. I wouldn't know if it would lead to the raising of test but I always feel a calm mind after biking. Hard to tell.
Yes affirm!

>In the Chinese medical tradition if one needs increased vitality, this is possible by circulating one’s seminal fluid through the shen 腎 circuit, filtering through the marrow and brain (the process is called huanjing bunao 還精補腦). By engaging in sexual commerce but refraining from ejaculation, the skillful practitioner accumulates an energized seminal fluid that transforms into qi 氣. This process acquired the more poetic name “making the Yellow River flow backwards” (huanghe niliu 黃河逆流), wherein this energized qi 氣 ascends up to the brain and expands one’s spirit (shen 神), reducing the deleterious effects of long life, understood as the depletion of one’s qi 氣 over time.

Your brain is pulsing with qi.

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It's funny but I read about redhead in history of Crowley Thelema, Hubbard's Scientology, Renaissance Art muses and even Judeo-Christian personifications.
I even noticed a pattern of people dreaming about redheads and sometimes they take it to the subject of divinities or gnosticism.
Other times I just hear of a sort of archetype of the woman in red (like matrix or something)
other times I have heard that they claim to have white hair, why white? is it a purity thing or what?
Am I missing something? is it some kind of divine thing or a human fetish obsession?

i know that in the past they were the object of superstitions as sinners or related to menstruation.
besides, of course, today they are very rare, probably %1.
I like redheads but I guess it's just a pop thing or is there something more esoteric that I don't know about?
or there some redhead deity cult that I don't know about or something?
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The name of the one begins with one of the letters you said, they have red hair, the reason that cartoonist feels compelled to give female characters one of those initials is because he has tapped into something higher. Or, it has been deemed that he will have a wide enough reach to effect the consciousness of many people over time, so the concept of the identity of the one has been forcibly put into his mind. Some people are aware of what they are doing, others are pushed. You want to be looking at famous people that have dyed their hair red for brief periods and then you might start to make the connections.
This is a joke about the anti christ, and spiritually sick people are going to think it's real.
It's not a joke about the antichrist, they're going to want you to think this person is the antichrist, but they certainly aren't. Just as there are evil forces influencing everyone, there are good ones too. The only hope humanity has at all is this person, and I really hope that when the time is right everyone sees it.
you are not the nobody bro, take your meds ginger
isn't the antichrist of redhair?

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