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I've been detoxing a lot lately, and became inclined to christianity, I think it gives me balance. I work as a model and do "obscure" art.
I really enjoy my own company, and I've met many big shot christians, everyone I've met has been real creepy to me, so I'd rather pursue it on my own 100%, how can I do this?
I really don't like christians, they're very creepy (again), but I want to get closer to the faith, how can i do this?

I mean the real faith. The same one that melville believed in and helped him write the best book of all time, or orson welles was also a christian and did the best film of all time. I think the church should be more welcoming to more serious auteurs.

Should I work with someone or by myself?
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What do you want to achieve ?
Why are you asking about the alien religion that is currently in crisis ?
They sent you because you'll be received well? You only spoke of male christians
You never met female christians ?
Is patriarchy drilled into people like you from a young age ?
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>so I'd rather pursue it on my own 100%, how can I do this?

Read the sacred texts yourself, as well as the early church fathers.

You will find what you are looking for there, and not (for the most part) in the modern church
I'll continue studying on my own and privately. Avoiding christians, too. I hate it when middle aged men touch my forehead. It's happened too often.

- Ask for better prices.
- Pretend to be a creep.
No, I don't think I will ever do that.
And probably keep my religion to myself. I've quit social media which helps.

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I think I always read the subject in relation to psychoanalysis but I never saw it in relation to scientific psychology.
A few years ago I read that Japanese kuji-kiri magic which uses specific hand movements and visualizations
when trained over a period of time can lead the practitioner to relax in a matter of seconds by executing a couple of hand movements or mudras.
This is the closest I have read about modern psychology studies in magick.
If I think about it, it sounds to me like a kind of conditioning to certain mudras that end up relaxing the body by associations or something like that.
isn't there something similar but checking what happens in the little heads of those who perform The Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram or something like that?
I think I read a study of meditating Christians and Tibetan Buddhists but I don't think it's the same thing.
Well, it's still rituals.
>modern psychology
What is that? The foundation of psychology was created long time ago and has remained mostly unchanged since then, it makes as much sense as discussing "modern math."
Psychology does not believe in magic, the explanation is that if the patient wanted something, and they used magic and got it, it was a coincidence.
The psychologist should pretend that they believe the patient did magic, to earn their trust.
They, however, should disuade the patient from keeping using magic, and to instead try practical things to solve their problems (usually, a therapist that is visited to solve that one.)
In case of extraordinary beliefs of supernatural events by the patient, it is recommended to send them to a psychiatrist for further investigation and analysis, because according to this, the world is material and any belief in miracles could be a symptom of an underlying condition of the patient.
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I read somewhere that there was a study about Christians praying to God and when they were scanned in brain scans the social areas of their brain glowed as if indicating that they felt heard or were talking to someone when they prayed.
I just wanted to know if there is something similar for someone who does a ritual like the lesser ritual of the pentagram or some chaoist ritual.
when interacting with deities,demons,spirits,elementals,astral etc their brain will actually start to glow in the social areas or other areas
wouldn't that be an indication that they are not really lying?
probably the're really having amazing experiences in her head or reality?
Imagine if you could do the same thing with the tulpamancer, or well, I guess there must be some study in imaginary friends I guess I don't know.

Is there a real uptick in the amount of people willing by to actively talk about the occult in professional settings? I have had three different jobs in the last five years, and every single one had people who would never, say, listen to classic Coast to Coast AM but could carry a conversation about aliens and horoscopes and what not. What gives?
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Basically about 1/10th of the population is about as weird and isolated as early stage pic related, in terms of their media consumption habits and social abilities. Because these people have spiritual beliefs but are not connected to any mainstream religious group, they take spirituality as a do-it-yourself project, so they become interested in esoteric topics.
I'm at work right now and two guys a few feet away from me are discussing how the Vatican and international banking families are slave masters over us all...
>could carry a conversation about aliens and horoscopes and what not
That is not "talking about the occult". That's pseudo-spirituality becaming trendy among normies.
They are also getting used to "conspiratainment" with the problem that actual conspiracies are no longer even scoffed at, but seen as fun harmless entertainment.
Everyone believes in all sorts of things until you predict their aunt's death with the yi jing or they realize you actually do ritual magic at home. Then they get all weird because they are fucking NORMALFAGGOTS.
I think conspiratainment has two major elements to it in the West at least
>'Hollywood-watching' is a habit of a lot of people, and part of the appeal of becoming familiar with celeberties is the ability to engage in speculation and gossip about them
>There is a massive cohort who genuinely views macro-level events through the lens of entertainment, in the sense that politics and issues in the public sphere are processed as if they are something to engage in to pass time
Where do you work, Venice?

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God told me i failed again!
What the heck are the rules to this game? I want to succeed!
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OP, help me tomorrow
Asking for myself
How did this "God" tell you this anon
Better yet, where did this "God" touch you?
>I want to succeed!
exactly the problem
thats not God

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Should I try worshipping Mitra?
I'll take that as a yes
did you draw this? it's good

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Paranormal implications of filling a cum, saliva, hair and blood jar with said material along with stones and stuff I come across (mostly quartz, I try for lens stuff)? How can I add to this project physically but also algorithmically? I also play random tones, Gregorian chants and Hindu mantras to it
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Self bump I need answers, chuddies
Babies first Crowleymass?
Im not going to eat it retard
Hey I'm not the one with the magickal cum jar.
You have cum in your balls, right? Does that mean you are cooking some spirits right now? Too bad you'll never put them in an oven.

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Care to elaborate or should we just shiggy and diggy?
An experienceverse you created. Playing all characters across all times, all sentience, all space, all dimensions. Your infinite virtual reality game. Your afterlife merely another experience upon your creation. Each big bang another mystery to unveil, each story left unfold and one that listens. To think you'll desire to experience humanity when faced with the infinity of sentience is silly, akin to a child desiring never to grow up.
Why did I do this this?

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I'm so bored and depressed. Can you tell me a secret about this world or a book I could read that will show me life isn't as shitty as a I think it is? Anything that will get me out of this rut would be appreciated. I just want something to blow my mind so that I'm not stuck in this depressing outlook anymore, I don't care where it's from or who wrote it really.
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That because I was only pretending to be god
If you grew up in southern California then you probably met Jesus more than once
Paul Selig's audiobooks.
Visualize the sickness plaguing your mind and you will know how to take care of the situation.
> Can you tell me a secret about this world

Yes. Magick is real. See picrel.

Jesus is real too and his book said not to engage in it bc it’s evil. Once you have a relationship with Jesus he will likely answer any of your prayers that is in his will.

/x/ film thread
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Serbian film ok, but August Underground is the absolute worst dogshit around. Avert your eyes unless youre a degenerate serial killer wannabe. Then just kys, thanks.
This nigga got filtered

Under the Silver Lake is underrated.

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Why was human sacrifice something practiced around the entire globe, both by Aztecs and others in the Americas, and by Moloch worshippers in ancient middle east (as referenced in the bible)? It seems like an absolutely insane thing to do unless you really met an actual supernatural force that did wonders and made you think you really should do it because of the wonders that entity was able to do.
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I compare the act of sacrifice for the purpose of ensuring/avoiding outcomes --> a dog barking at the mailman.

Just because the mailman leaves while the dog is barking, doesn't mean he left because of the dog.

I think ancient civilizations happened to notice a coincidence while some poor dude was getting killed, so they made a correlation and started doing it professionally. With little else to occupy the day, it makes sense that other cultures would come to a similar incorrect conclusion.
Stormfags suck because they imagine their ancestors were pristine examples of everything good in humanity, but they're completely wrong. Yes, your ancestors were dicks. Unfortunately, your scapegoats with large noses were only really in any way organized like you imagine around the year 500 AD.
I know the feds and stormfags on /pol/ want you to ruminate on judaism all day long so you don't actually do anything productive, but the reality is they work hand in hand with the Romans/Catholics and they've been doing that for well over a thousand years. "Jews", then, is nothing more than a red herring designed to get you to not ask questions about certain families and their origins and, yes, they obviously overlap with modern day Rome.
Also, to be extremely clear, I don't have any negative feelings toward any specific parishioners. I know plenty of Catholics and they're decent people. My gripe is with the historical authority, the Jesuits and the supposed "noble families".
Just look into the etymology. It's not that difficult. Moloch was a bull, Venus's center was covered at one point by the moon, so it had horns a la Moses and "bull" = "guy in charge", which is all "Molech" ever meant.
Normalfags suck. Reading books is fun.
It was practiced everywhere at some point.
> It seems like an absolutely insane thing to do
That's because the average 7 year old autistic tiktok zoomer has a preposterously greater degree of education than the smartest spear chucker in ooga booga times. But if you believe in sacrifice of any sort, then human sacrifice seems like it would be the biggest and baddest of all sacrifices.

Bartering is just an unavoidable part of of the human psyche. Even atheists will barter with unseen forces in their own heads when shit goes down, even if they don't realize it. Everyone has silently said to themselves "if you do x y z, then I will do a b c" at some point.
>I'll never fap again if you give me a girlfriend
>I'll be nicer to people if you get me this job
>I will tell the police where the bodies are hidden if you get me a parking space
It's just an irrational part of the human psyche. And if you're an illiterate little brown person in the jungle and your people are dying because of a drought, at some point you start bartering with everything you have, including other people.
Unironically because of the lizard people, what some call demons or fallen angels. They were once out in the openamd worshipped as gods.

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Are there any good Grimoires/books on magick to obtain a wife/girlfriend? I’m also looking for good books on manifesting love.
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porn makes your dick small
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I have 6.1 inches, but like hard of it is under fat.
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apparently everytime you lose 30 pounds, you gain half an inch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

lose some weight and report faggot
I'm not fat though. And my dick is just over 8 inches which is fine for me. And when you say "apparently", what the sauce?

pics or gtfo

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I want to start this off by saying I’m inquiring into Orthodoxy and not even a catechumen yet.

So to make a long story short I’ve been going to a non denominational Brazilian Bible study group, I was speaking to someone who I feel comfortable with that I’ve been going to the Orthodox Church recently and that I love it.
Someone overheard me and later on decided to invite me to his baptist church for Bible study and then service, so I said I would. (He thinks I’m a newly convert to Christianity)

A little bit about my background, I grew up in several denominations of Protestantism, grew very tired of the church and felt something was off and then became atheist. Now I’ve come back full circle back to God but as an orthodox now.

Anywhooo, so I go to the Bible study and it was alright, a little awkward when I had to read my OSB and they questioned what version of the Bible I had because of some translation. And then I went to service, I was just put off by the Protestant Christian rock band worship it’s something I’ve grown distasteful of before I even knew what orthodoxy was.

part 1
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This and history are the only boards that will tolerate them.
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Greed sickness
I sometimes have dreams about mega churches despite only having been to one a few times as a child. A huge number of people sitting in dizzying architecture listening to a religious sermon, then milling about a labyrinthine congregation area afterwards to talk about nothing.

I'd like to visit one again, just to see what it's like. I bet the largest one near me will be somewhere near Chicago.
Let me guess, Igreja Evangélica?

i was driving through a small coastal town after attending a funeral, and i noticed a masonic lodge as i went by
it had a five point star at the front and it made me think of you kooky characters
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Kinda got this one figured out I think
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every city has one nerd
House of mirrors trope in movies


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What does /x/ think of Taoism and its view of the universe?
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Taoism is extremely insightful and if you look beyond the literalist interpretations it explains things with grace and accuracy. It is an attempt to approach the Dharmakaya through flow state and intuition, and these steps are necessary when one approaches the highest forms of attainment.
I rarely come to this board and hate Crowley, but he's ultimately right there.
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It's not actually possible to be more wrong about the nature of willpower. No wonder his brain got infected by so many demons. Intentional will is the fundament of transcendence.
Here's a fun story I have that REALLY habbened:
>Be me
>Have "Listen to Lao Tsu" bumper sticker
>Driving along one day, college town
>Some fucking ASSHOLE is tailgating me
>Follows me for about a mile, finally I pull into a gas station--WTF?? Guy was flashing me with his headlights for the last 3 streets
>Put on BIG FROWN FACE-Step out of the car
>Ask "HEY! What's UP!!??"
>Guy very nicely with a big smile on his face like he's excited about Christmas gets out and says
>"Hey! Have you ever read Chang Tzu? I like his stuff almost better than Lao Tsu's
>Immediately realize where I am and WHAT i was thinking...
>"Oh, Shit man, I was wondering WHY you were following and flashing me...
><Conversation about The Dowdy Chink ensues

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>My personal interpretation makes it closer to flow state.
This is how I took it too.
I took the meaning to be like the tea ceremony masters of Japan:
>Learn all the rules, the forget them.
Correct action in this sense is DOING, not thinking about doing, not talking about doing...just doing, just like you always have--as if on auto-pilot,like a child breathes.

Who is more significant and more evil, Moloch or Baphomet?
Wasn't it the same guy? Like Zeus and Jupiter?
Baphomet was just Abraxas with different bits

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