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I have almost perfected my meditation practice.. in something like one or two weeks I'm going to be able to enter into samadhi during meditation.. before I get enlightened I want to make an ama for you guys.. ask a yogi anything.. I read many Mahayana sutras, currently reading the short Pali suttas, finished the shaivite Bhagavad Gita named the Shiva Rahasya Purana... Read parts of the bible... Read almost every gnostic text currently reading Zostrianos halfway through already... I can say that I know a LOT about mysteries of these religions.
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How do I calm down that insanely cold burning feeling when I do my mass healing meditations? Is it dangerous?
Take a break for some time if you feel you need one. Maybe two months break.
Good luck with your sādhana and may it produce a good karma. Oṃ namaḥ Shivaya.
Thanks. I don't really need a break, just wanted to see if there was a problem with handling so much energy. Guess I'll continue healing and opening my chakra cores.
If that goes without problems sure why not

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I live in japan and I think youkai are in charge in this island. How to make agreements with them? What kind of youkai are there?
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youkai are either cute or sexy
Youkai are generally held to be born from pollution from negative mental qualities that appear in such a strong sense that they rearrange their immediate environment.
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>mfw no one likes male foxes
>emanations of bodhisattvas
like nirmanakayas?
A sub-type technically, a transformation body that can display different levels of purity to teach others. The amount of purity or impurity differs to varying degrees according to the mental condition and collective karma and is subject to dissolution. They appear more as nature type of spirits, parts of the environment, rivers or even celestial bodies. They are the object of shinbutsu-shugo practice. Deva or Tenbu though are often connected to their presence to learn. Pic is of Agyō an emanation of Vajrapani as a Deva. His name is actually meant to capture a sound ah,” meaning birth. It is meant to be a figure protecting people with knowledge that safeguards one in all all possible outcomes.

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This is Halle Berry at 58 years old. Is she trialing some sort of anti-aging tech or something? She looks 38 at bare minimum.
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Nah. It’s just face.
Inside is all jumbled out like a granny that she is.
I mean you are not wrong here.
Melanin do protect skin from sun damages.
But the reason a lot of people (specially white) today can look older than what they are, is the retarded “culture” of going to beach every damn weekend.
Sitting in sun, getting triple dose of I’ve light reflecting from white sand and water (no, umbrella doesn’t work) is going to ruin your skin
Hell, even sun screen can stop working after 2 hours and faster if you go in water
Solution? Stop this retardedness and you will age very well.
But again; no matter what you look like in the outside, you are still a granny from inside and your body is breaking down, regardless of the amount of melanin.
nigga she's like 1/3 black at most. basically looks like a tan portugese.
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brah. she looks like alita battle angel's homeless sister sans makeup kek. i guess it could be worse
Take the make up off and then talk again.
What if instead of worrying about survival and skincare secrets of Hollyweird vampires, we all just live our lives the way we want, and die in a megathrust earthquake global cataclysm as the Destroyer intended?

More cheesecake and cigarettes. It's not going to be what kills you, I promise.

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What does the Sator square really mean?

Give me your wildest takes
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I read somewhere that the magic squares were used as secret languages by secret societies.
there's a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fedjvyRt5w
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>don't they put magic squares on the pills today or something similar?
>You know that you read it from top to bottom left and right and vice versa and it always reads the same?
Yep kinda similar
It meant that the person it belonged to was a Christian. Its no secret.

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Post your favorite underrated esoteric YouTube channels

Let's begin with the GOAT - Esoterica
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/x/ really is a crab bucket
>Dr. Justin Sledge is a Satanic school shooter
and? Based, where do you think you are?
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>you retards keep coming in here to scream about school shootings and take my bait so willingly.
Kek, checkmate.
Buy a Fu*king add you wanna be jew
It does bring peace to my heart that Justin has officially denounced the Talmud and admitted Christ is King since he posted several times after this post.

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He's fallen off just like Nexpo. Parnormal youtube is basically dead at this point.
What the fuck were you expecting from a youtube channel called "Mr Ballen". Paranormal youtube hasn't fallen off, it was always shit. /x/ has fallen off
Go here for some recommendations >>37837684
buy an ad + admit your a school shooter justin
His problem is he chases the money. Any one who offers him a paycheck (Amazon, a podcast network, etc.) he will jump ship from where he is at and put all his shit behind a paywall. He's done this three times in the past year. I guess he assumes he's good enough that his fans will follow him but in the end he's just paranormal youtuber #8891.
Also his mom write all of his stuff. That's just fucking weird.

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Torrent lives edition

Remember to ignore off-topic posts and only reply to quality contributions


Hindu — Raja Yoga, Hathayoga, Shiva Samhita
Taoist — Foundations of Internal Alchemy
Theravada — Knowing and Seeing
Sufi — Sufism for Non-Sufis
Jewish — Jewish Meditation
General/Thelema — sacred-texts.com & hermetic.com/figures/index

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Sorry what does PGM means?
Pretty Gay Male
Jesus was a Jew. Angels are also a part of Jesus-anity. If you have a problems with those and just want to "work with the Messiah directly instead", maybe just skip the magic and be a plain ole Jesus-ian.
Papyri Graecae Magicae, the Greek Magical Papyri
Pretty Gay, Mate

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What emotion do Green and Cyan correspond to? We know the rest except those two..
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yeah, strictly speaking, the lower-energy colors like Red, Orange and Yellow should be associated with negative emotions, whereas the higher-energy colors like Cyan, Blue and Violet should be associated with ecstatic emotions
>Saturn is the planet of this color, and ‘fa’ (F) is its musical note. In the early church it symbolized youthfulness and the fertility of nature, taking this quite naturally from the sight of the fields in spring.
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green is poison
simple as
Yep. That there is such a wide variation of associations in this thread suggests that. It's basically random noise.
honestly not really, love and sadness are both more subtle and pensive emotions, anger and joy are much more eruptive and explosive.

why are matter and antimatter riggr next to each other!! they are two very different things!! (they arent really)

that being said colors do not equate to emotions, so that is what makes the chart retarded. but grouping them close to each other is the only thing that makes sense about it

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>These texhnolyzed "Shapes" are controlled by Kano, a leader of "The Class", a monstrosity produced by incestuous reproduction over multiple generations.
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Why is he one of the few people who are based and know what the hell they are talking about?
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he’s went full lolberg a few years ago too
>Why is he so angry all the time?
He won’t let go of his ego
So what do I do? Some kind of manifestation stuff seems to be real, but there seems to be karmic debt if you request stuff, and it rarely manifests in the way you expect it to. So there's clearly some kind of system in place, that seems to favor the people whom made deal with Archons or something, whilst rest of populace suffers.
I always thought he seemed corny as fuck. Just another dime a dozen truther conspiritainment shill
>Not new age or woowoo
Anyone who uses this phrase is immediately discredited in my mind. They're predators trying to lure in a particular type of prey,k win them over.

Darkness and light itself is a baked in psyop. It's a puppet show. Muh "dark okkultistz", muh "light worker inner light okkultiztz...." Tick tock, pendulum swings. It's fuckin' stupid, might as well make it red and blue or the Y axis.

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I had seen someone post a discord server dedicated to ishtar some time, I couldn't find it anymore, anyone who is inside that server?
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As a follow up, from what I've gathered a majority of the threads were made by one or two guys who worshiped her and lost interest in staying on the site, mixed with the obvious pushback from followers of Christianity and anyone who did pick up her worship didn't really stick around on the site either.
I want an anime gf
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yeah we got brigaded a lot. there is some nice info here and there. Some people were serious, but our threads got slid constantly.
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If your serious about worshiping her, here's some reading I'd suggest.

Before the Muses - Anthology of all Mesopotamian myth
Harp that Once - complete work of Sumerian Poetry and harp ballads
Complete works of Enheduanna - All the writings of Inanna's favorite priestess, very good
Lady of Largest Heart - Collection of Inanna's myths

For Philosophy
Wisdom of ancient Sumer - Mesopotamian philosophy

For Theology
Treasures of Darkness
jean bottero's Religion of Mesopotamia

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Not OP, but I appreciate it since the pastebin is seemingly abandoned as some links are dead, and I've been on and off skimming the archive when the tides pull me in

This thread is dedicated to god. We all know there is an objective truth and morality in the universe. God, being the first principle, is the source of all that is true. Whether you he a sufi, a gnostic, a christian, a Hindu, we all believe that the supreme spirit created the world in truth. I would like to dedicate a thread to that supreme spirit, against all the hatred and illusion that is out there. For those who believe in god, what is the true path towards him in your opinion, and why? Thanks for reading and bumping.
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The Arabic original text actually says that which is above is from that which is below. Much deeper if you think about it. As above so below is a modern version but still good.
The way I see it is this: God must be some entity that’s beyond our understanding like you people said. It seems that the millions of years that have passed that involved evolution, it was like… he sifting through the dirt in order to find the diamonds; here we are.
Personally I think evolution is fiction.. but how we came to earth, who the first humans were that is a mystery.
>true path
What do you mean?

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Make a list of things you want to acquire, not every-day stuff but nice-to-haves, and not consumable items, things which stick around.
Make sue the list is big and encompasses your genuine desires as much as is reasonable.
Purchase from the list over time but make sure it's bigger than you'll ever afford in full.
Some prioritization of items is ok, but it's best to draw quantum random numbers to map to the list of items to decide what to get next.
Then (note the past-tense, you should keep adding to the list over time, but it needs to be created prior) draw some quantum random numbers and map them to lottery tickets. Play those ticket numbers.
If you find yourself on the winning worldline buy everything on the list and keep it around as you had intended, beware of things which could make you lose everything and be responsible with the money.
This has two primary effects in play:
>the acquisition lists acts to synchronize your divergent worldlines between non-winning and winning worldlines
>the lottery win is guaranteed in 1 set of worldlines, very small percentage overall, but it's no longer a binary thing of win/lose, it's guaranteed, you're just unlikely to experience it
The result is the temporal magnetism pulls your winning self closer to the losing ones and the losing ones closer to the winning one but with the winning self existing whereas before it did not anywhere near you. Don't get "smart" about it (e.g. being an asshole) on the winning worldline and abandon the acquisition list, or it does nothing for your other selves and the winning one will still likely be overwhelmed by the temporal magnetism from the losing selves and you'll become another "lottery winner lost everything and an hero'd" statistic.
More on the idea athttps://www.quatism.com/theory.htm


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This was the original post in 2022
>make a list of things to acquire which assist your material personal projects, make sure it's more than you would naturally afford by a lot, but things you will buy from anyway
>anything that's a big purchase for whatever constitutes "big" to you, leave it on that list for at least a week before purchasing to ensure it has time to be replaced by other big things that you think of in that time, if you do
>use https://www.quatism.com/lottery.htm to select lottery ticket numbers, play them, as much as you can reasonably afford
>when a jackpot is won or every single drawing, pick new numbers
>watch as wealth flows to you with very little effort, and make your dreams come true by being able to work towards them
>if you happen to end up on a winning worldline, be careful, stick to your acquisition list, live a reserved lifestyle which syncs as well as you can with those versions of you which never won or you might get fucked sideways by the temporal magnetism
This is very helpful anon thank you!
Loopers are the worst.
Why wont this threas die?
After it does I'll make a thread on temporal magnetism and quantum gravity. This shit is too dangerous to play with.

umm hewwo pls post things like this if u hav i need answers
is this brainwaves stimulation techniques?
No. It how conditioned people are sorted

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There is only 1 consiouness, and it has been deparmentalized into every single living thing to collect data individually.
Like No Man's Sky
Hi Averroes.
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your pipi is smol lol

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