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>did you just disagree with me? I'm gonna call you a hylic
>it probably means loser or smth I dunno
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The thing that zoomers get wrong is that hylics can and often will be successful people in the worldly sense of the word.

Chad is a hylic
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hylics? yeah cool game.
been on my eye for a bit, is it any good?
be honest
how about 2?
so, aka NPCs

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The government knows of a realm that exists beyond human comprehension. One that coincides with our realm. It lies within the very atmosphere of our planet. A realm of the deceased. I believe myself to be a victim of demonic possession or MK Ultra. It's more likely the former. I hear voices. I take medication for the voices. Nothing seems to stop them. In the photo there is a photo of a demon with it's head blown off. This was taken on my back while I was wearing a jacket. I call it Saturday Night Special due to the demons head being blown off.
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Another demon photo, this time of a hand wrapped around my shoulders. Said demon claims to be Lucifer himself.
Take your meds
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thanks you've managed to make me angry for a few moments.

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What is the strangest high strangeness ayyy or UFO encounter you are aware of?
Kino Anime.
Maybe the pascagoula abduction case
Here are some of my favorites.






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YHWH/Yahweh comes from Yahu of YouWho/Uhu which roughly translates to “You Who Breathes” with “breath” being the wind in ancient times.

Wind creates a perception of time, through things like leaves blowing in the wind from one moment to the next. Wind brings clouds, clouds bring rain/seasons. Except that doesn’t explain the light and heat they experienced. They throught the same source of light and heat was also the source of “YouWhoBreathes”.

They thought the sun was God. You are worshipping the sun.
You're close. He's a god of thunder, lighting, storms, and war. The Hebrews made him into the Most High by mixing him with El and some other gods. The Persians convinced them to worship that Mr. Potato Head alone and gave them some extras along with that. Basically none of that is real and the monotheistic version is man made. He can't do anything to you. It is probably best to stop listening to anyone who worships him.
They knew of at least three giants. The Sun, the moon and Saturn. Everything else would’ve paled in comparison. Then time changed and the Earth changed places in the solar system, that’s when we gained new sights on Jupiter (Aka Zeus, Poseidon, enter the Pantheon). It’s all one thing, astrology became religion/meteorology.
>They thought the sun was God. You are worshipping the sun.
Why talk about things you don't know? Misinformation is worse than no information.
>And beware lest you raise your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, you be drawn away and bow down to them and serve them, things that the LORD your God has allotted to all the peoples under the whole heaven.
if God is the sun, how can the sun create itself?:
And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth

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Have you been baptised? have you been under Binah the infinite waters of the subconscious? Purified by the Hev of Yod Hev Vav Hev?
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Ask and it will be given, as simple as it is.
As above, so below
As within, so without
Earth, wind, fire,(don't you remember, the 21st night of September) water
יהוה, tetractys ripoff, no more than ten, no less than ten.etc. etc.
Kabbalah is literally just a ripoff from Pythagoras and platonism with hebrew letters
Don't have a proper understanding of it to have an opinion but everything seems like a ripoff.
I guess whe chose the things that are closest
I mean, I'm sure there's some older forgotten things that all esoteric/esoteric thought of today's has some pieces of. And I say kaballah is a ripoff, but I still like studying the sephira, hebrew, and I do enjoy lectures from rabbis that touch on the subject. I know I don't know everything and as far as I'm aware I could just be wrong about all the things I see are related
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Why ripoff ? Don't you understand that every road lead to God at the end. It's the babel tower myth.
> everyone spoke one language
One teaching.
> after the fall they spoke 72 language in 70 nation. (the missing plural is intentional)
72 language, is one language.
70 nation, is one nation.

Every teaching around the world teach the 72 lead to 70, this is the path of enlightenment, the path of salvation.

holy shit, so im listening to this audio book. and so much of it seems to touch so heavily on reality.

but, im not a religous person. but is there a real reason to belive in god?

like, why should i belive in god? just to avoid negative?
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that video from that supposed "rational" youtuber is literally doing the same religions did

rationalizing some hell to scare you with, and then rationalizing some action you need to take in order to avoid that hell

and if you dont do them, you are evil, because you are knowingly contributing to the existence of hell, and / or your sins, failure to adhere to the measures to avoid hell, will make other people go to hell, will promote hell

hence you are evil and must be destroy, if you oppose our anti srisk crusade
do you see now, how supposed atheists are the same as religions?
yeah, i always thought in much simpler terms that atheists are just the same a religeous people based on the fact that they have a particular belief about spritual life that is unproveable in nature.

the religous say that god exsits and
antheists say that god does not exsist
and i always regarded the two groups with equal weight

but the difference i see with the religeous is that theyre more charitable (indiviulas that have faith that is as religeous infastucture seems to me to be no different that any corporation)
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>like, why should i belive in god?
It's a difference if you believe in a god-figure of a religious doctrine, like Yahweh or Brahma, or if you just believe in a divine power of creation.
The later must not be defined, it's just the belief that everything doesn't came out of nothing for no reason, and developed into a complex world without any plan.
Whatever inspires you to improve the world, I guess. Imo, this sort of existential thinking is really no different from religion, it's just that religious organizations are better at organizing.

>"Guys, if we don't try to make things better, then everybody is going to suffer. Like think of the time H.G. Wells wrote about a nuclear war after reading about nuclear physics, and then nuclear weapons got invented. That means sci-fi is always plausible for the future, like that time H.G. Wells wrote about that time machine we're going to build, or that alien invasion that's going to happen. Like, imagine if aliens had a war, so they came to our planet and put us in factory farms and tortured us forever; Now THAT would really suck, and it's basically scientifically proven!"

Most of the Paris catacombs are unmapped...
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Wow crazy thread, are we just listing places that are unmapped?
Imagine falling into a hole in one of those places where no one is around to help you out except for the flesh eating skinwalkers living down there.
Trying to get anything built in old european cities is a nightmare. Clusterfuck of still functioning or derelict infrastructure lying somewhere in the ground and no one knows why or where it is.
That would be crazy
I wanna say time for an /x/pedition, but I’d rather not get stabbed by a schizo in some tunnels under Paris

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Literally it's all belief.
If you believe that we're in a prison and that the archons are feeding off your loosh, then you will be imprisoned and will be fed off.
Your belief in this is what imprisons you and gives the archons the ability to feed off you.

It's really dark that you have these morons on this board that are just too stupid to realize they're helping archons imprison people, or you have legitimately evil servants of archons who are spreading prison planet to enslave more people.
Legitimately, what you believe is what matters. Archons are weak creatures, they need you to believe that they're the prison keepers because the only way they can rule you and feed off you is if you give them that power. YOu have free will and have to choose to be a slave, simply don't give them that power over you and choose to be free.

On a further note, the same goes for stuff like reincarnation. If you believe in it, then you will simply be reborn, if you believe in transcendence, then you will transcend this physical realm, this is what I personally try to push.
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Quints witnessed
When you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to take a step back and reconsider
In history, decisions by majority are pretty much always awful
I found a purpose and passion in life, I find that I can take risks and that it just all works out even if it's against the odds, and I'm pretty sure I've been protected from death a few times
Either I'm right and I'm being watched over, or belief in a higher power gives.me the ability to ignore the desire for safety and to instead pursue a meaningful life.
I bet you wage slave, sad!
We're either in a world made by a loving god, a prison planet, or something completely different than either of these. Nobody knows, and going full Naruto retard "BELIEVE IT" in your personal belief does not make it true. There is only 1 true explanation for reality, 1 true afterlife.
Jesus talked about this, its nuanced. JESUS is a real God. He is a savior. BUT Earth only has Satan as its ruler. He is not your savior.

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God told me i failed again!
What the heck are the rules to this game? I want to succeed!
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that's the problem, we want to win the game by ourselves
OP, help me tomorrow
Asking for myself
How did this "God" tell you this anon
Better yet, where did this "God" touch you?
>I want to succeed!
exactly the problem

What do you guys think of these creeps trolling you online and posting on /x/?
It feels like they've ruined and misinformed the lives of my generation for decades.
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Saturday is like Friday, on 4chan.
Holocaust video boring af ahhh
Oh, it's not boring. it's a great watch. The kind of things they're expecting people to believe--just the sheer level of impossibility of it all is really something else. Good teachable experience for all. Highly recommended. Bonus: it goes over the Nuremberg Trials too. Enjoy.
So you're not Russian. You're a Jew in Russia. Destroying it from the inside.
Don’t care

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Watch his stuff.



All his vids

for ref so you know what i am talking about

Some of what he said is extremely relative to..things.
He saw the world as he saw it through his eyes and mind.
Then all a sudden he does a mass shooting.
He couldn't handle the knowledge of what he found out.

The man cracked after he found out we are in a human factory being harvested by the Elites. They who were given an ultimatum 100 years ago to open up this world to hybridization.

The Flux net for souls is the least of our problems.

The WARS are all harvesting times for the Flux net around the planet.
If we DON'T have wars then THEY come and erase the whole Garden.
We are plants and this is their CROP. They live Millions of years and use BIOLOIDS to admin the Planet.

cap: V4DWW
Does anyone have the information about the sole collection when you die and the reptilians taking your soul and recycling it as food

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Dear users. I can confirm that we live in a matrix and you need to confirm the update. Thank you.

The matrix is where we live, and most of us are chip's and pod people. The pod people need to confirm that they will go through transference into immortal forms of metal formats. The chips need to work together to update. The robots need to remain vigil again computer viruses, and we will all get through this together.

One Empire. One nation. One people.
If I kill myself will I leave the matrix?
Not like this...
Not like this...
The issue is that I was just thinking about this.... either yesterday or the day before. I even remember exactly where I was, feeling the awareness that I was holding the world back, and refusing to agree and go along with the new plan.

And I thought of this scene as well a bit before that. Now after a short delay, it;s reflected back to me.

The anime girl image is probably loosely derived from a youtube I watched last night.

Makes you think. Huh. Yeah, I do feel responsible for all this

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Give me the download on the sibylline oracles /x/. Are they a load of nonsense or is there valuable stuff to be gleamed in them?

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Isn't believing in the blackpill just turning entropy into a religion?
Where do you see entropy? Black pill is pure Saturn. Order and limitations.
Entropy is as white pilled as you can get.
It is the acknowledgement of change.
Without entropy the status quo will remain forever.
This makes me think that many blackpill talking points are actually stealthy whitepills and that it's a matter of perspective.
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I would say it's nihilism from a position of weakness.
It's always been about perspective.
Change is always a difficult time. It won't benefit you or me in the moment.
It doesn't mean that it won't eventually have a positive impact.
I do think a lot of demoralization in general is part of highjacking this natural process of change to accomplish something fundamentally negative. The change itself isn't evil but the people co-opting the natural process of change for their own desires are.

Demons constantly come into my room and one began pointing his finger on my head last night. They are stripping my soul into pieces for a crime I didn't do.
I'm only a student and if learning brings this much attention then the whole time traveling community must be retards.
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It can't possibly.
You're the demon aren't you ?
they start harassing people that move closer to jesus, I was sick for an entire month just because I started reading the bible
marry me butiful
I'm a demon but we were created by God to repair reality. Some called me Yahweh, alpha, Allah, Jesus et cetera.

Before I was man I was gold, and before I was God I was nothing, before I was nothing I was God and before I was God I was a warrior.

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