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>take your meds
how should i replay to this
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>No...take YOURS! kek lol
Find some alternative/natural medicine stuff with no sideeffects and take it. Say: I'm taking my medicine.
I can't think of a good response, but it's important you made this thread because now I can remind you that if you even interact with the type of individuals who give you that remark you are dragging yourself down. Stop it.
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Isn't believing in the blackpill just turning entropy into a religion?
Where do you see entropy? Black pill is pure Saturn. Order and limitations.
Entropy is as white pilled as you can get.
It is the acknowledgement of change.
Without entropy the status quo will remain forever.
This makes me think that many blackpill talking points are actually stealthy whitepills and that it's a matter of perspective.
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I would say it's nihilism from a position of weakness.
It's always been about perspective.
Change is always a difficult time. It won't benefit you or me in the moment.
It doesn't mean that it won't eventually have a positive impact.
I do think a lot of demoralization in general is part of highjacking this natural process of change to accomplish something fundamentally negative. The change itself isn't evil but the people co-opting the natural process of change for their own desires are.

Post your dreams and I will provide the interpretation. Also share:
1. Did the dream happen in the middle of the night or when you woke up?
2. Whether it was day/light or night/dark during your dream.
3. Whether it felt like a nightmare or a regular dream.
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Sorry, here is my data
1. Did the dream happen in the middle of the night or when you woke up?
When I woke up

2. Whether it was day/light or night/dark during your dream.

3. Whether it felt like a nightmare or a regular dream.
Regular dream
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very curious where you found the picture you used to make this thread in from x)
1. waking up
2. it was dusk
3. a bit of both
I was on some earth like planet during a day. Might as well be earth. And a space ship by the planet behind the clouds and athmosfere so you couldnt see it but i senced it as if i had xray vision and i saw how massive it was. Ship might have been cloaked. So masive in fact that it was hard to comprehend the size and distance. It might as well be like the moon but way closer. As i looked at it i sence the ship was somehow connected to me and it was somehow telepatically doing something suddle to my mind. But it was like i connected to it out of curioaity and not the ship to me. I remember doing random twitch movements without intention. And then i woke up.
Quiet and reserved, at least to me. I did try to chat him up many times (back when Facebook was a thing) but his replies were pretty curt. A friend from back then told me he was no good because she saw him be rude to a child.
I essentially don't know how he was as a person, I never got to really know him.
I have done a lot of self reflection and I realized I was the problem and how much I let myself get in the way, Ive changed actually quite a bit in that aspect and I feel more secure just still depressed about life. I've had a lot of dreams about conquering my insecurities and made changes because of them but I still feel helpless when it comes to motivation and happiness. I guess deep down I still do feel this pull towards her and how much I miss her and you saying there was no path to us getting back together made me realize that because of how much it hit me. I guess I do have a better idea of working on myself now, even if we don't get back together I think I still wish her the best and I hope we both grow and change as people and become our best selves in the future. Nono anon you have been a great help for this weighing on my conscience. Thank you.

Demons constantly come into my room and one began pointing his finger on my head last night. They are stripping my soul into pieces for a crime I didn't do.
I'm only a student and if learning brings this much attention then the whole time traveling community must be retards.
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It can't possibly.
You're the demon aren't you ?
they start harassing people that move closer to jesus, I was sick for an entire month just because I started reading the bible
marry me butiful
I'm a demon but we were created by God to repair reality. Some called me Yahweh, alpha, Allah, Jesus et cetera.

Before I was man I was gold, and before I was God I was nothing, before I was nothing I was God and before I was God I was a warrior.

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A tongue we are not meant to speak, even among the elites.

What is it?
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The tongue of angels and demons
The forbidden tongue is Latin[spoiler]x[/spoiler]
Gibnok limnucromble pleentoo blunty maclunkey
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English. Repent!
You lack a unique personality! Repent!

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I don't actually really disagree with anything on these. What, do you enjoy living amongst billions of hateful, ignorant NPCs?
build another one so we can get better footage of an anon astral projecting their spirit bomb spell to break it again
God said, go and multiply, earth is not a ball, so there's not limited resources.
>earth is not a ball, so there's not limited resources.
>wanting to destroy God's beautiful creation by filling it 100% with people

God also said that we are stewards of the earth, and we have a responsibility to care for it. But you don't actually care about God or the Bible, spirituality for you is entirely political and you put it on like a costume
makes sense, but probably killing people to a max population limit is not the solution
The message itself isn't that bad, but it was built by a white nationalist.

Christ is risen!

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Why do I only dream if I sleep during the day?
Is it because I have been relegated to the lowest tier of the psychic mind prison encompassing america?

How do I escape or elevate my position?
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Do you go to sleep routinely? Could just be you’re too exhausted or your brain is actively surveying for threats. Sorry, outdated hardware that ol’ amygdala. Try reducing stress levels
You remember your dreams when you sleep at bizarre times. You still dream at night, but your brain subconsciously wipes 95% of them from your memory before you wake up
Thank you, I used to watch it as a kid nearly 20 years ago on Newgrounds. I could not for life of me remember it
>How do I escape or elevate my position?
I'm not sure dreams are actually a mark of success. Perhaps you should cultivate an awareness that neither welcomes, relishes, or remains fastened to dreams.
Nonsense how? When it is placed in front of you, are you being punished for using it?

What are the aims of those that put information in front of you? They can limit the exposure of info so that you only solve problems given the info they've allowed you to see, not necessarily everything there is to see in regards to a specific problem or information set

Did anyone else conclude from meditation or self inquiry that the most obvious meaning of life is to realise love is the only true emotion ?
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thanks for taking me seriously, just chatting to my own thoughts for the most part and thinking more about this as I go. This is one thought I just had
ah fuck, having children is like having savepoints in a game. The meaning of life is to live as long as possible while saving the game as much as you possibly can.
I appreciate you approaching my words with sincerity, I feel like we are both on the same page but with the general angst of the site I misread and just started barking like a dog, many apologies and I wish you a fantastic day, thank you for helping me learn about god a little more :)
Physical body is only a shell, what we are is being of light or we are electromagnetic being with a shell, love is our home our heaven is where we naturally dwell, but we forgot about it.

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The purpose of this thread is to gather and discuss various tested, effective, and complete breathing practices.

Have you studied breathwork? Do you use any practices in your life?

I was in my country's military and learned some of my breathwork just to handle running or the cold. I've been introduced - though never more than that - to kundalini breathing sequences (where I experienced lightheadedness akin to ego dissolution), pranic practices (never got much from these), combat focus breathing (probably the most useful for me, basically just extra mindfulness between mind, physical heart, and the lungs during exertion), chanting/cyclical breathing (I like these), and movement associated breaths like picrel.
A good friend of mine runs this country's most successful yoga/meditation center and has introduced me to some practices, so if you guys have anything especially potent I'll bring them to him and those teachers and see if there's any nuggets to return here.

What do you guys practice?

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No you don't, you spend your entire day here mouthing off
It's literally in the Gita. It is a well known and ancient method.
apāne juhvati prāṇaṁ
prāṇe ’pānaṁ tathāpare
prāṇāpāna-gatī ruddhvā
apare niyatāhārāḥ
prāṇān prāṇeṣu juhvati
>4.29: Still others, who are inclined to the process of breath restraint to remain in trance, practice by offering the movement of the outgoing breath into the incoming, and the incoming breath into the outgoing, and thus at last remain in trance, stopping all breathing. Others, curtailing the eating process, offer the outgoing breath into itself as a sacrifice.
There's no good cerebral sources. I mean, nothing you'll read or watch or listen to will really make a significant difference for a total novice. The best thing is experience.
I do NOT recommend most yoga teachers; there is woefully low requirements for becoming a yoga teacher, and most are just "fitness" enthusiasts who kinda know the basics of some yogic positions. The best thing, if you're in the US, is to go and seek out your local University's yoga classes. They're often publicly accessible, or at least you can easily find the teachers (look for unpronouncable Indian names) who will either give you an exception or recommendations.
Otherwise look into local temples, ashrams, retreat centers. Basically look for places where people are paying a premium for learning. These places tend to attract the best teachers.
>but I don't want to spend $50+ on a beginners class!
>but this sounds hard to find!
>but my gym offers yoga classes and XYZ recommended them!
You're in the US. You've access to some of the best yoga in the world, but you're paying for it, either through money or sincere desire and dedication to whoever is going to extend an offer. If you want cheap and accessible, go to India (or some developing tropical countries where teachers are a dime a dozen and alright bc that's all they're doing all day).
This is the best and most definitive answer for anyone in the US. Anyone recommending a YouTuber or book is disingenuous or deluded because as a beginner you need a TOOOOON of instruction on very precise things, like exact corrections and attentiveness to breathing.
Oh, actually probably the best answer:
Go to some good classes, talk to all the girls in as a platonic yoga enthusiast and beginner, until you find a girl you like and who is also very capable or interested in learning. Date her, pay for her to be able to drop everything and become a very competent teacher, then have her teach you also. This gives you a practice partner.
This is kind of what I did. Totally worth it. (Only difference was I dated the best teacher I could find)
Thank you OP, I appreciate the insight

Will the Occult / Esoteric help me get laid?
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>tips fedora
>Will the Occult / Esoteric help me get laid?
Shouldn't that be a "proxy goal" (goal achieved through the main goal) rather than the "main goal" itself.

If you could choose between the magic that attracts women, and magic that attracts wealth, which one would you choose?

Getting women doesn't mean you'll get wealth, but getting wealth does mean you'll get women.
No, if getting laid doesn't come to you naturally it won't come at all.
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Is there a real uptick in the amount of people willing by to actively talk about the occult in professional settings? I have had three different jobs in the last five years, and every single one had people who would never, say, listen to classic Coast to Coast AM but could carry a conversation about aliens and horoscopes and what not. What gives?
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The great awakening started 2012. Not so great with those who are still normies but it's progress.
>What gives?
Escapism. Life have become all round more shitty for people, so more and more people are becoming involved in different forms of escapism, conspiracy theories and occult knowledge are just two very common ones.

I'd like to ask, excluding horoscopes, signs and crystals, how many of the people you are talking about right now are men, and how many are women (if not exact numbers, give a ratio).
Basically about 1/10th of the population is about as weird and isolated as early stage pic related, in terms of their media consumption habits and social abilities. Because these people have spiritual beliefs but are not connected to any mainstream religious group, they take spirituality as a do-it-yourself project, so they become interested in esoteric topics.
I'm at work right now and two guys a few feet away from me are discussing how the Vatican and international banking families are slave masters over us all...
>could carry a conversation about aliens and horoscopes and what not
That is not "talking about the occult". That's pseudo-spirituality becaming trendy among normies.
They are also getting used to "conspiratainment" with the problem that actual conspiracies are no longer even scoffed at, but seen as fun harmless entertainment.
Everyone believes in all sorts of things until you predict their aunt's death with the yi jing or they realize you actually do ritual magic at home. Then they get all weird because they are fucking NORMALFAGGOTS.

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Why is he one of the few people who are based and know what the hell they are talking about?
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He's not. He's a freemason
He does say that he/we are doing the great work.
He also has a website onegreatworknetwork.com
He is trying to bring out what he understands were the teachings of the original mystery schools that degenerated into mostly what freemasonry etc. mostly dark secret societies are now. He also has declared his opposition to what even what he considers the "light occultists" have practiced in the past, which is the "no pearls for the swines" -doctrine, but looks like the non-progress in trying to teach the knowledge has made him extremely frustrated, just as those in the past had warned.
>but looks like the non-progress in trying to teach the knowledge has made him extremely frustrated, just as those in the past had warned
That's the thing.
You can't force people.
I made that mistake.
Some people get anxious and others get angry.
But generally if they don't want to know, you can't force them, you will just push them away.

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how did he heal the blind?
was it the law of assumption?
did he just accept that he was God and had no doubt about it?
will we ever see another person in our age have such level of these powers?
how do I become like him?
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>He did that without even existing
yeah like how spiderman beat the green goblin, fictional characters can do stuff
He probably didn’t
According to the Bible that disabled guy was a known disabled person since he was child from that town. So it's not some random.
Makes sense I guess.
Highest vibrational state rise the aura vibration (electromagnetic waves). Sometimes healing process in body are in progress but for some reason is stopped due to lower vibrational state (lower emotional state : fear, lost of hope, feeling has being left out.), so if someone with higher vibrational aura approach you, you'll begin by sharing those vibrational state and the strongest one will help the weakest one to synchronize, then the process of healing will resume.

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What are the spiritual aspects of this? Is internet porn some weird sex magick devised by the elites to keep us as slaves? Why does it feel so hard to quit?
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Because you are an addict and you use porn to get an intense dopamine fix.
You need to dopamine detox and find things that give you small doses of dopamine.
Going for a walk.
Learning a skill.
You probably found porn early in puberty, breaking a habit you started at that age (that you probably never took a break from) takes extreme will no matter what it is, and that's amplified tenfold when it preys on one of your most primal needs and urges
If you sit back and realise you gain nothing from watching porn, you can easily convince yourself that your own mind is the only reason you refuse to quit, even if it's designed to keep you addicted. And despite this, it will make quitting significantly easier. This method in particular has a 95% success rate. Your mind holds more power than you realise.
It's hard to "quit" because you aren't actually trying to quit porn, you are trying to quit your biology.

Sex is need just like food is a need. Not all needs will result in your death if not satiated. Good mental health is a need, but you won't die by virtue of being insane in the same way that you'll die by virtue of not eating food.

The problem is that you guys falsely frame porn as an "addiction" when it's actually a "substitution".

If people live in a "food desert" (area with no access to healthy food) and they eat a lot of fast food as a result of convenience. I'm not going to say that they are "addicted" to fast food because those are just their options since they don't have an alternative outlet. If some new outlets for well priced healthy food appeared in their area, a lot of people would start eating healthy.

It's the same thing for porn. If men are in a state of sexual starvation (starved of female sexual intimacy and touch) and they masturbate to porn as a convenience to satiate those desire, I'm not going to say they are "addicted" to porn, because those are just their options since they don't have an alternative outlet. If prostitution was legalized across their country and a lot of brothels (outlets) opened up, a lot of men would start going to these places and stop masturbating to porn.

Honestly you are just trying to fight biology right now. In the far past you'd be married right now with a family or you'd atleast be able to visit a brothel every now and then without having to risk going to prison and getting raped. Society has set things up to keep men sexually repressed and you are punishing and blaming yourself for using your best available sexual outlet.

You are just gaslighting yourself.

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