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I want to start this off by saying I’m inquiring into Orthodoxy and not even a catechumen yet.

So to make a long story short I’ve been going to a non denominational Brazilian Bible study group, I was speaking to someone who I feel comfortable with that I’ve been going to the Orthodox Church recently and that I love it.
Someone overheard me and later on decided to invite me to his baptist church for Bible study and then service, so I said I would. (He thinks I’m a newly convert to Christianity)

A little bit about my background, I grew up in several denominations of Protestantism, grew very tired of the church and felt something was off and then became atheist. Now I’ve come back full circle back to God but as an orthodox now.

Anywhooo, so I go to the Bible study and it was alright, a little awkward when I had to read my OSB and they questioned what version of the Bible I had because of some translation. And then I went to service, I was just put off by the Protestant Christian rock band worship it’s something I’ve grown distasteful of before I even knew what orthodoxy was.

part 1
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This and history are the only boards that will tolerate them.
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Greed sickness
I sometimes have dreams about mega churches despite only having been to one a few times as a child. A huge number of people sitting in dizzying architecture listening to a religious sermon, then milling about a labyrinthine congregation area afterwards to talk about nothing.

I'd like to visit one again, just to see what it's like. I bet the largest one near me will be somewhere near Chicago.
Let me guess, Igreja Evangélica?

i was driving through a small coastal town after attending a funeral, and i noticed a masonic lodge as i went by
it had a five point star at the front and it made me think of you kooky characters
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Kinda got this one figured out I think
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every city has one nerd
House of mirrors trope in movies


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What does /x/ think of Taoism and its view of the universe?
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Taoism is extremely insightful and if you look beyond the literalist interpretations it explains things with grace and accuracy. It is an attempt to approach the Dharmakaya through flow state and intuition, and these steps are necessary when one approaches the highest forms of attainment.
I rarely come to this board and hate Crowley, but he's ultimately right there.
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It's not actually possible to be more wrong about the nature of willpower. No wonder his brain got infected by so many demons. Intentional will is the fundament of transcendence.
Here's a fun story I have that REALLY habbened:
>Be me
>Have "Listen to Lao Tsu" bumper sticker
>Driving along one day, college town
>Some fucking ASSHOLE is tailgating me
>Follows me for about a mile, finally I pull into a gas station--WTF?? Guy was flashing me with his headlights for the last 3 streets
>Put on BIG FROWN FACE-Step out of the car
>Ask "HEY! What's UP!!??"
>Guy very nicely with a big smile on his face like he's excited about Christmas gets out and says
>"Hey! Have you ever read Chang Tzu? I like his stuff almost better than Lao Tsu's
>Immediately realize where I am and WHAT i was thinking...
>"Oh, Shit man, I was wondering WHY you were following and flashing me...
><Conversation about The Dowdy Chink ensues

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>My personal interpretation makes it closer to flow state.
This is how I took it too.
I took the meaning to be like the tea ceremony masters of Japan:
>Learn all the rules, the forget them.
Correct action in this sense is DOING, not thinking about doing, not talking about doing...just doing, just like you always have--as if on auto-pilot,like a child breathes.

Who is more significant and more evil, Moloch or Baphomet?
Wasn't it the same guy? Like Zeus and Jupiter?
Baphomet was just Abraxas with different bits

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I am soon to become a super god that will ascend this reality for a higher dimension of positivity. I have moon in Pisces on my natal chart. Praise Pisces!

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I have this problem where I seem to be identifying myself with my trauma. I keep thinking, "if those stuff didn't happen to me, it wouldn't have led me to Z conclusions" , or something

But what's bad is that it actually stops me from trying to heal my trauma.. "if I weren't so traumatized, I wouldn't have seeked thinking patterns, that eventually led me to believe that vaccines are bad", "thus, if I had healed my trauma, I'd probably be dead (from vaccines) in coming years"

The trauma makes me avoid a lot of things in life, it makes me avoid people, and I try to rationalize it to myself.. "so what if you're not making any friends or meeting significant others? those people behave like cattle, probably will be slayed like cattle in coming years, all because they're easily programmable. in-fact society might be better of with them dead (due to some reason, like they obey tptb too much or something)"

It also shuts me down from love.. "love is but a temporary feeling, probably used to sway people, it tends to blind people to some ugly truths they dont want to see (such us combining into singular one consciousness is something somebody else is advocating for us to do, while they, whomever is the force behind it, gets to stay in reins of it all)"

There's also pain involved, you know you want to fuck a woman, but since you can because of poor social performance, you come up with copes to rationalize why you're not having sex "I have a crush on this person? well why don't I ask her outright where she stands in political issues, and more importantly, I should ask if she's vaxxed so I can instantly discard her"

It feels like there is a force trying to mold people into these certain thinking patterns.. the whole "right vs left" that was created after trump got elected in 2016 seems to indication of this, it all felt like big psyop, before that there wasn't polarization.
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Im not reading all that but you have to look at it as things you have overcome and survived. Accept the reality that life is about knowledge, wisdom, endurance and not the happy go lucky fuck fest the Coca Cola religion told you it is. Look into the myths, see how they relate to your own life.
I don't believe people work like this, and it is more impossible to believe when an "all seeing entity" uses it's power to look at everuy detail of your life and use it to threaten you. It isn't about overcoming at that point, it's about living at the behest of a hostile and powerful organization, lest your life is thrown into chaos at their whim.

How can you live under this awareness? How can you trust, or do anything other than think of a way to escape?
Have you heard the story of a foreign man in Africa, Australian I recall? He was watching a zebra almost get bit by a gator run off away from a drinking pond and suddenly and quite scarily shake itself rather violently, then walk off as if nothing happened? He began and paid attention to other animals surviving close shaves with death and they also shake violently sometimes as well as baby animals shaking after witnessing something scary. He wondered if it was a natural mechanism in mammals to quite literally shake off trauma and if it applied to humans, because young children shake when scared.
Yeah that sounds like TRE. But does it really work?

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Why i never had any a supernatural experiences?
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Because everyone else is too
We're all poisoning ourself, our children, and the land, water, and air
Because we're retarded, but we blame the demons instead of taking responsibility
I think mine was more of 2 and 3. Picrel plus many strange things happened to me in the year or two after. What you think?
tell us then!
Are you a Native American? We have little pollution and health hazards in America compared to China and India.
Do you have a healthy mind? That may be why.

Are werewolves real?
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I wish that werewolves were so scary in media today
fuck off twitterfag
no u
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I'm proud to be an npc
Happy successful and not as stupid as you think
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the irony of people here claiming to be enlightened when the clear point of this thread is to gloat about being better than other people in some orgy of irony is pretty fuckign funny
inteligence and consciousness are not the same thing. sorry to infor m y ou j a ck
I'm still kind of reeling from the fact I lost one of them more than a decade ago.
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This is one of the worst things I've seen in my life, seeing someone making personality out of being an NPC. Is this how far we have gone...
>I'm still kind of reeling from the fact I lost one of them more than a decade ago.
You might have actually been mentally ill, don't feel any regret.

But what about the current one, have you found any way to train it and silence it?

Sometimes during states of heightened awareness I begin unraveling my connection to my ego and it feels like I begin to approach the infinite but it frightens me. It feels like if I proceed I'll probably die, because I worry my desires here will dissolve so I'll simply move on and it worries me that I won't want to come back and just leave a corpse here. It feels like an attempted hallucinogenic blast off, but stronger than any drug can bring, and I know inside if I blast off through my own volition then it'll be sayonara. It feels like a bullshit soul trap springing open almost, but I'm not sure whether it is or not because it feels like a natural concern even though I want to get past it; is there a coming back from it or could is it actually just moving on?
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if you are at a point where you can be liberated either because god chose you or you worked up to it then yeah of course it feels like bullshit. It's very unceremonious. It's not like suddenly everything makes sense or you are flooded with feelings of peace. No you are just broke you one second, then you'll be dead you another for all eternity.
So it is freedom through death then?
i wouldn't call death freedom. Mortification is the process of removing freedom. Your ability to move and do everything is restricted.
It's just that some people want to quit the game.
I don't know man, I've been to the other side and it makes material existence seem like a limiter on freedom of action and perception, almost the way hyperfixating on a video game is. You're free of any physical constraints in the lower dreamrealms and can approach and embody the infinite if you're consciousness allows, you can get swept into anything and accidentally trap yourself into a different simulation if you aren't present in the void. But anyways I don't think we're talking about the same thing because it feels like ascension instead of death but I'm wondering if they have the same result.
this is wrong. Your full of the shit they say.
Tell me, what do ghosts do? What do spirits do? Nothing. They don't do anything.

everything you do, think and feel is because you are in a physical body. earth is where it's at. I always thought of other possible afterlives like heaven as a consolation for dying but not better than earth. If you aren't dead then you are undead i.e you are only able to do or be one thing which is indeed a huge restriction on freedom. You need to contemplate this. the reason why big spiritual guys in their old age want nirvana is because they've already seen and done everything or actually because they were indoctrinated with these fanciful ideas of it being the ultimate peace or whatever. Just say death. Like if i held a gun to your head and said "you know. you dying is like you being peacefully asleep forever" It's nothing but suicide. It's the suicide suicidal people hope for. Because they're so done with life. I think most don't even want to live again or go to heaven. Now they'll likely be in some hellish state or reincarnate as a poor fat cuck or something but thats besides the point.

Good job everybody last thread stayed for almost 5 days anyways, Welcome everybody again into our #2 edition of this shitty thread which is

Astral retardation edition

Anyways blabla bla Astral projection is when your soul leaves your body and goes to another realm yada yada.

Anyways in this general thread we discuss Lucid dreaming and Astral projection, You can ask whatever you want, Answer whoever you want and if you have any theory about an astral body that can be fucked in some realm then go ahead the space is yours.

Anyways my inquiry is:

This time i got super super close it felt insanely energetic since i used an actual hemi sync video this time rather than only myself and I actually saw a vision of a character from a show standing on the edge vividly before breaking from that and seeing a huge shadow above me but it was very dark and could only see it partially and the room was half visible. Anyways after that i tried to move my legs i felt like it tried to break but then i fucking moved my physical body.

My question is:

Did i get close ?

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How the fuck this thread is still up
Why shouldn't it be?
As long as you're willing to keep taking them your whole life.
You're now walking and you can't identify where you are. But you're running fast.
I don't need them to fall asleep. Maybe you're just weak.

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Apparently I don't deserve anything. I am 40 and I have no woman, I have no children, I have no house, I have no friends, I have no money and live paycheck to paycheck. When will my real life begin bros? I'm tired of the grind, I'm tired of this life, just very very tired that's all.
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>I think you mean "All I BELIEVE" not "All I KNOW", because if you cannot prove the existence of anything outside of your consciousness, then nothing is KNOWLEDGE, everything would just be a BELIEF.
Sure, strictly speaking, "knowledge" can only be attained via gnosis of the One. Everything else is knowledge of appearances only. But there are facts about the structure of appearances that I can come to know through experience. Qualia is that which is experienced, not objects in an "external realm" of any kind.
Lol strawman
>I'm kinda hoping you take it just for the sake of amusement

My point in arguing was always that it isn't important whether we are substantial on the universal scale, it's that what we believe can be substantial on a societal scale. Get off the computer, spend some time with some of the "evil" people. People struggling with mental illness and addiction. Maybe you'll find its better people have something "good" to cling to rather than hoping to change humanity into something that fits your own "good" sensibilities. You may even gain your own anecdotal experiences that allow you to KNOW more about the universe than you BELIEVE.
You weren’t chosen. See for me I only get the girl when she puts out. Ever since 2019 it’s like there’s a switch where they don’t really put out anymore, it’s all about waiting for the biggest keyboard warrior to strut his followers now so women aren’t fun anymore. Just bitchy pretentiousn. I’m not going to exert excess energy that I’ve already spend at work, it ain’t worth it. Leave that to 22 year old Chad with the F350. Every woman I’ve been with has drained me of everything so it makes no sense to spend more energy to get burned. If it’s not going to be a two way street then it will be one path with me going down it. And I do have a kid out of wedlock, a lot of good that did for me. People are fucking done.
What would (you) do if today you learned that it's guaranteed that you're going to hell? How would you live the rest of your days?
All of that is a lie from Satan. God is all loving and forgiving of sins. He’s strong in our weakness and will never forsake us.

Get a KJV Bible or NIV if you don’t read too good and just start reading. It will change your life. Pray and ask him to reveal his truth to you. I pray that every single person on x finds their way to Jesus. Even the glowies.

It’s a process but the road of dark thoughts do not lead to good places. I know. I’ve been where you are until I started trusting God.

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>spiritual man
>he is fat
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>You don't need to eat a quantity of macros to get your micros
Refusing to acknowledge the truth because you're afraid it might hurt someone's feelings is just cowardice.
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Have any of you had any spiritual experiences during a fast? How many days were you into it when something happened?
Ur right...
Everything needs to be pretty and perfect like your gay animes or a Disney movie
It sorta is.
Ancient Egyptian statues weren’t fat and Egyptian pharaoh never depicted themselves to the public as what they were truly (ugly inbreds)
Why? Because if you are a god, then you must be perfect too.

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Hello. You can call me Natasha. I don't know exactly what to put here. I am a self identified psychic vampire, practitioner of black magic, and training in sex magic, and no, I don't drink blood, unless you want me to, I'll never say no to biting someone. I fancy my own pain over others, but I do relish in consuming the energy of mortal beings, preferably through sexual relations. I find it exhilarating to let humans take control of me, to be brought down to a lower status, even if I resist it. I'm seeking someone who isn't afraid to bring me down, and put me in my place, even if I act stronger, and better than you. Do you have what it takes to completely overpower me? I want all strength ripped away from me, forced to pleasure a mortal who should have no authority over me.

As part of my Vampiric identity, and the way my Soul works, I am able to take on certain forms of that which I am connected deeply to, such as taking upon the form, and role of a pet cat, or doll.
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>you learned about "simping" and relationships from 4chan.
Why? Putting a woman on a pedestal, being a weird nice guy, and having no self-respect meanwhile being nothing more than an emotional tampon would turn any sane woman off.
You have to take the middle path of being an uncaring dick and a worshipful simp.
show tits NOW you little slut
Op ywnbaw and shouldn't lie on the forums.
I think she is cute

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but it is devoid of love
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Even though it may be said that humans are a social animal, that statement is only true in the sense that we rely on each other for survival--be it cooperation or as a food source. If not for being conditioned into thinking we *need* companionship, we would not get lonely.
I've seen you on /pol/ and /adv/, godspeed fren you'll make it through the kali yuga.
Nice one
i cant love and i dont want to be loved because the only person worth is not here anymore

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