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I'm proud to be an npc
Happy successful and not as stupid as you think
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the irony of people here claiming to be enlightened when the clear point of this thread is to gloat about being better than other people in some orgy of irony is pretty fuckign funny
inteligence and consciousness are not the same thing. sorry to infor m y ou j a ck
I'm still kind of reeling from the fact I lost one of them more than a decade ago.
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This is one of the worst things I've seen in my life, seeing someone making personality out of being an NPC. Is this how far we have gone...
>I'm still kind of reeling from the fact I lost one of them more than a decade ago.
You might have actually been mentally ill, don't feel any regret.

But what about the current one, have you found any way to train it and silence it?

Sometimes during states of heightened awareness I begin unraveling my connection to my ego and it feels like I begin to approach the infinite but it frightens me. It feels like if I proceed I'll probably die, because I worry my desires here will dissolve so I'll simply move on and it worries me that I won't want to come back and just leave a corpse here. It feels like an attempted hallucinogenic blast off, but stronger than any drug can bring, and I know inside if I blast off through my own volition then it'll be sayonara. It feels like a bullshit soul trap springing open almost, but I'm not sure whether it is or not because it feels like a natural concern even though I want to get past it; is there a coming back from it or could is it actually just moving on?
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if you are at a point where you can be liberated either because god chose you or you worked up to it then yeah of course it feels like bullshit. It's very unceremonious. It's not like suddenly everything makes sense or you are flooded with feelings of peace. No you are just broke you one second, then you'll be dead you another for all eternity.
So it is freedom through death then?
i wouldn't call death freedom. Mortification is the process of removing freedom. Your ability to move and do everything is restricted.
It's just that some people want to quit the game.
I don't know man, I've been to the other side and it makes material existence seem like a limiter on freedom of action and perception, almost the way hyperfixating on a video game is. You're free of any physical constraints in the lower dreamrealms and can approach and embody the infinite if you're consciousness allows, you can get swept into anything and accidentally trap yourself into a different simulation if you aren't present in the void. But anyways I don't think we're talking about the same thing because it feels like ascension instead of death but I'm wondering if they have the same result.
this is wrong. Your full of the shit they say.
Tell me, what do ghosts do? What do spirits do? Nothing. They don't do anything.

everything you do, think and feel is because you are in a physical body. earth is where it's at. I always thought of other possible afterlives like heaven as a consolation for dying but not better than earth. If you aren't dead then you are undead i.e you are only able to do or be one thing which is indeed a huge restriction on freedom. You need to contemplate this. the reason why big spiritual guys in their old age want nirvana is because they've already seen and done everything or actually because they were indoctrinated with these fanciful ideas of it being the ultimate peace or whatever. Just say death. Like if i held a gun to your head and said "you know. you dying is like you being peacefully asleep forever" It's nothing but suicide. It's the suicide suicidal people hope for. Because they're so done with life. I think most don't even want to live again or go to heaven. Now they'll likely be in some hellish state or reincarnate as a poor fat cuck or something but thats besides the point.

Good job everybody last thread stayed for almost 5 days anyways, Welcome everybody again into our #2 edition of this shitty thread which is

Astral retardation edition

Anyways blabla bla Astral projection is when your soul leaves your body and goes to another realm yada yada.

Anyways in this general thread we discuss Lucid dreaming and Astral projection, You can ask whatever you want, Answer whoever you want and if you have any theory about an astral body that can be fucked in some realm then go ahead the space is yours.

Anyways my inquiry is:

This time i got super super close it felt insanely energetic since i used an actual hemi sync video this time rather than only myself and I actually saw a vision of a character from a show standing on the edge vividly before breaking from that and seeing a huge shadow above me but it was very dark and could only see it partially and the room was half visible. Anyways after that i tried to move my legs i felt like it tried to break but then i fucking moved my physical body.

My question is:

Did i get close ?

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How the fuck this thread is still up
Why shouldn't it be?
As long as you're willing to keep taking them your whole life.
You're now walking and you can't identify where you are. But you're running fast.
I don't need them to fall asleep. Maybe you're just weak.

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Hello. You can call me Natasha. I don't know exactly what to put here. I am a self identified psychic vampire, practitioner of black magic, and training in sex magic, and no, I don't drink blood, unless you want me to, I'll never say no to biting someone. I fancy my own pain over others, but I do relish in consuming the energy of mortal beings, preferably through sexual relations. I find it exhilarating to let humans take control of me, to be brought down to a lower status, even if I resist it. I'm seeking someone who isn't afraid to bring me down, and put me in my place, even if I act stronger, and better than you. Do you have what it takes to completely overpower me? I want all strength ripped away from me, forced to pleasure a mortal who should have no authority over me.

As part of my Vampiric identity, and the way my Soul works, I am able to take on certain forms of that which I am connected deeply to, such as taking upon the form, and role of a pet cat, or doll.
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>you learned about "simping" and relationships from 4chan.
Why? Putting a woman on a pedestal, being a weird nice guy, and having no self-respect meanwhile being nothing more than an emotional tampon would turn any sane woman off.
You have to take the middle path of being an uncaring dick and a worshipful simp.
show tits NOW you little slut
Op ywnbaw and shouldn't lie on the forums.
I think she is cute

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but it is devoid of love
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Even though it may be said that humans are a social animal, that statement is only true in the sense that we rely on each other for survival--be it cooperation or as a food source. If not for being conditioned into thinking we *need* companionship, we would not get lonely.
I've seen you on /pol/ and /adv/, godspeed fren you'll make it through the kali yuga.
Nice one
i cant love and i dont want to be loved because the only person worth is not here anymore

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Years ago I went through a period of what I have come to call Dream Training. These were almost nightly dream world experiences that always happened with the same group of people I didn't know IRL, but knew in the dreams. We always had to complete certain tasks like running from something, toward something, fighting things, or solving puzzles. These missions took place in a variety of settings like an abandoned mall, industrial warehouses, empty cities, or forests. One common setting was a cove surrounded by sheer, Rock cliffs with a white, sandy beach. There was a beach house on stilts with a porch all around it and large windows. We had to either get into or out of this house. The crazy thing is not everyone survived these missions. We always tried to work together as a group, but people inevitably "died." At first I failed often and would always wake up afterward. But I eventually got to where I could survive most of the time. This went on for years. One thing I got from this experience was the ability to lucid dream. I can do it every time I dream now. Anyone have any similar experiences?
OMG Anon I am on the missions too...!!


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Welcome to Divination General! Come here for readings and a discussion of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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•/div/ starter spreads:
•Thoth's tarot and rune guide:

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Will LF remember me if I go see them? Is it a bad idea?
Well, now you know. Now that you know this, ask yourself, do you really want to risk incarnating as a pajeet in your next life?
Or even worse some muslim.

Will D ever come back? Will he apologize and be better, or should I just give up?

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The earth is hollow.
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You ask the good questions. I can share what I was told and the reasoning given, for speculation's sake.

Their population outnumbers ours, if you listed earth in some galactic Sci-Fi database its primary species would not be human. Similar to what scientists say about ants or trees being the dominant surface species.

Because of this our surface world is not considered the "real" earth nor are humanity/souls the only ones appealing for its control. To put it another way, you journey inward in meditation to project into the real cosmos out of your illusory body. It's the same with inner earth, the surface (our world) is the extent of the energetic torus which has cooled and crystallized into physical form. As within our bodies, so without in nature: the inner earth is more energetic than the surface, the biological quantum phenomena we call magic are still readily apparent. We are only living on the planet's Veil.

Earth is like the reflection of Venus: all Mystery truth here follows the formula of apparent corruption and darkness concealing great truth and light. The inner world is said to be beautiful beyond imagination but only to those who have adjusted their perception to decidedly nonhuman values.
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Curious, but not unexpected.
What common ground can be found between us surface-dwellers and those below?
The sort of "world" we live in is very dissimilar - especially in the current age where Mankind on the surface has fallen so far compared to ages past.
Yet the commonality we share is in that we are all on this rock.
It would behoove us all to live wisely and to come to an understanding instead of suspicion, fear, and abuse.

This puts many things in perspective - especially the abuse surface-dwellers suffer at the hands of the so-called "elite"
Much of their true aim seems to be tied to some form of inverted or negative energy work.
Are their efforts not simply a scheme to obtain and hold power, but also to taint the energy cycle on this planet to attack their rivals inhabiting inner-Earth since conventional means are all but impossible to project to the world below?

We know very little about such things on the surface as laymen. Vital information is also obviously hidden on purpose.
I only am able to grasp a minor understanding because I have a good memory and intuition.
ENERGY!!!! How the fuck do you feed a society when you have zero access to sunlight. This is a retarded hypothesis that's been consistently struck down by all advancements in geology.
Geothermal, hydroelectric since there are subterranean water systems, and also the energy principles pioneered/rediscovered by Nikola Tesla which were promptly hidden for the surface world.
Multiple options.

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>"there is a demon in this...because...BECAUSE THERE IS ONE OKAY!!!"
>still uses devices with said 'demons' to tell you about them
I fucking hate neo luddite schizos.
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To worship the works of ones own hand is to worship baal or baalum. Its why many previous advanced iterations of humanity went whence they came from, you’ve been looking at the bottom of the bathtub for awhile now, should be apparent.
People get so caught up in the power the works of ones own hand affords them, they forget why they were even here in the first place.
“Yea, they shall err and take them to be gods. 8. And evil shall be multiplied upon them, And punishment shall come upon them So as to destroy all.”
This is dumb. I call onlyfans whores whores, and I'd still occasionally jerk off to them when there's OF leaks and shit. Projecting logical consistency onto other people's opinions and their subsequent contradictory actions is lame.
They don't even resemble each other when you focus on the details instead of accepting someone else's generalizations.
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Is it just like a fractal? Who lives there?
this will never not make me laugh

Post your dreams and I will provide the interpretation. Also share:
1. Did the dream happen in the middle of the night or when you woke up?
2. Whether it was day/light or night/dark during your dream.
3. Whether it felt like a nightmare or a regular dream.
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I have done a lot of self reflection and I realized I was the problem and how much I let myself get in the way, Ive changed actually quite a bit in that aspect and I feel more secure just still depressed about life. I've had a lot of dreams about conquering my insecurities and made changes because of them but I still feel helpless when it comes to motivation and happiness. I guess deep down I still do feel this pull towards her and how much I miss her and you saying there was no path to us getting back together made me realize that because of how much it hit me. I guess I do have a better idea of working on myself now, even if we don't get back together I think I still wish her the best and I hope we both grow and change as people and become our best selves in the future. Nono anon you have been a great help for this weighing on my conscience. Thank you.
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can someone explain this dream to me (if a spirit/entity is contacting me, etc) i posted it in a different thread but i will probably have a better answer here.

1.it was while i was dead asleep
2. daylight.
3. it felt good

i had a dream last night where i fondled a black haired green eyed woman. she was busty but not extremely big. i groped her and once i was done we left to go back outside where her husband and kids were. this person in my dream doesnt look anything like anyone i know irl. yesterday i was lamenting how i was single and alone and then this dream happened. someone help please.
2. the dream happened at nighttime but inside the dream it was daytime. sorry
I dreamt of lighting incense, the incense started to burn without me doing anything. It felt like a nice dream.

yesterday I had this weird dream. I was back to this some sort of school or
college. I was in a class with a bunch of strangers than I don't know. there
was this girl who was very pretty and everyone in the class was talking about
how cute she was. She ended up sitting in front of me. I was sitting next to
another girl that I don't remember who she was, she didn't play a big role in
the dream. But eventually, that cute girl started displaying some interest in
me and started being kinda flirtatious. I was a bit confused, because I thought
I had no chance with her. There were a lot of guys in that class that looked
generally better than me and were probably more social than me. but her
behavior was getting too obvious. I think she even wrote something in an orange
sticky note or squared paper and put it inside one of my books. I saw the paper
as I was flipping through the book. but I didn't take it out and read it. She
was looking at me while I was flipping through the text book and looked kinda

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I'm starting to think the only true conspiracy is that conspiracies them selves are bullshit
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But enough about you
You spend all day going from thread to thread obsessing over invisible Russians, go back to /pol/ and stay in your little chug containment zone
Sounds like cope at best and glowtalk at worst. Grim.
Bro ye
It was definitely normal for a deadly virus to turn into nothing the moment you come out to protest for fentyl de negroid death.
explain/research flat earth please

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What in the name of infernal darkness did you just dare to utter about me, you insignificant mortals? I'll have you know I ascended to the highest echelons of demonic power, and I've been involved in countless cataclysms that have befallen humanity, with a myriad of souls damned to eternal torment. I am well-versed in the dark arts and I am the most feared entity throughout the dimensions. You are nothing to me but another pitiful souls to corrupt. I shall eradicate you all with a malevolence the likes of which has never been witnessed before in this realm, heed my infernal words. You believe you can escape retribution for your foolish remarks on this virtual platform? Reconsider your position, wretch. As we communicate, I am summoning my legion of infernal minions across the earthly plane, and your locations are being uncovered right now, so prepare for the storm of damnation, worm. The storm that obliterates the pathetic illusion of safety you call your existence. You're eternally damned, mortals. I can materialize anywhere, anytime, and I can claim your souls in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my ethereal touch. Not only am I a master of the dark arts, but I wield the entire arsenal of the legions of Hell, and I will employ it to its fullest capacity to cast your wretched essence into the abyss, you insignificant specks. If only you could have foreseen the unholy retribution your impudent remarks were about to unleash upon you, perhaps you would have silenced your feeble tongues. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you shall face eternal suffering, you pitiable fools. I will rain hellfire upon you, and you will be consumed by it. Your demise is at hand, mortals.
OK boomer
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I was hoping they would decloak the Moon and blow a up a city on Star Wars day.
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4chan shall be the creative writing nexus of the universe once more!!

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Leaked documents from the Canadian kings Privy Council and Secretary of Cabinet confirms that NORAD (North American Aresopace defense corps) has been identifying UAPs (new term for UFOs) entering Canadian airspace since February of last year, confirming that UAPs are largely unknown, which includes their means of Propulsion and that the Canadian Airforce is currently leading recovery operations with aircraft attempting to identify the impact point and ground team for recovery of UAPs. These documents confirm the existence of a crash retrieval program led by NORAD and the Air Force to recover crashed material of unidentified origin.
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>Aw shit we have to dispose of these old ship wrecks and corpses
>Hey there's earth
>Should we just chuck it in?
>Everyone else does it.
>Yeah but is that legal?
>Who gives a shit throw it in.
>*Slams down into a minivan carrying a family of 4.*
earth is like the alabama of the galaxy.
It's sucks that we're ruled by absolute psychopaths
I don't know if you read the documents I just posted, but no, these UAPs are not affiliated with any nation-state.
If I'm reading this correctly, all it says is that at the time of writing they didn't know what it is but they also hadn't even recovered and studied it yet, only shot it down after it entered their airspace.
So nothing really. Might be an UFO, might be a spy ballon or something similar

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Are these elite fuckers a mere natural and necessary part of the godmind/universe waking up to itself learning through the dichotomy of love/hate, OR has something unnatural to this universe snuck in to deliberately and artificially mess with the natural order to prolong suffering?

This clown world may just be a symptom of a confused humanity in the early stages of waking up to the house of cards of reality. Or perhaps it was deliberately orchestrated by the powers that be through "tough love" to wake everyone up.
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we are definitely just beginning to understand our purpose, but I am happy we are on the right path, I know because of this, syncronicity, God, etc

Might as well just blend in with the human filfth
They're the reification of our refusal to make our shadow conscious and integrated. They're basically identical to government (congress, feds, the fed, banking system, pharma industry, military, eu, nato, un, "charities", ngo's etc.) but on a slightly different scale.
They're the fake elites we deserve because and for as long as we refuse to become L33T enough to manage our own lives.
The Shahanshah describes Aryans as the Good God's manifestation on Earth and the Deev's of Jerusalem as the evil people of Ahriman (Satan).

The whole of our reality may simply be a game set-up between a Good and Evil entity. Either Aryans or Deevs/Jews eventually will defeat the other side completely. Then this simulation's completed/perfected/corrupted.
it's all a sick game with neverending pain and suffering from the day you're born to the day you die

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Spirituality and paranormal implications of everyone's skin being pale? Like wtf seriously.
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got me grinning from ear to ear
Here you go, a drug cartel documentary that makes sure that the USA is not isolated from Central and S. America.

Op here! Still can't defeat me and it's the year 2024! You can't defeat me because if you cleans your bowels, the great boon of you real personality shines forth!

>Be pale-skinned white person: Fake skin!
>Be dull brown: Fake skin!
>Be dull black: Fake skin!
It's all fucking fake fake fake. Fake people everywhere!. Cleanse the bowels and you will know what your true ego is.
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Thread dies of course because what I say is true. Imagine being Native American and being dead. That's the truth of Native Americans in 2024.

we wanna give me a suck start? ;)


sounds like an afternoon

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