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Baneblade Edition

Previous Thread >>92640657

>What is Project Fourk-Hammer?
Project Fourk-Hammer (provisional name) is an experiment to see if the 40k community on /tg/ is interested enough to come together to homebrew a fan fork edition of Warhammer 40,0000's 3-7e Era, primarily inspired by 4th Edition. Think Warhammer Armies Project but for Warhammer 40k's Fourth Edition.

>Why are you doing this?
/tg/ complains about modern 40K constantly. At least one /tg/ anon has already succeeded in producing a viable alternative to 40K in the form of OnePageRules, however this is not satisfying to many since it is too shrimplified and lacks the flavour and identity they love, or once loved.

>How can I contribute?
Post in the thread things you want to see in your idealized version and respond to other posts making proposals, or present material you have prepared such as rules text or art. The project is looking for someone who will commit to acting as a maintainer, which means compiling and editing discussions, effectively a secretary position.

>What has been done so far?
Currently, the statlines, dice mechanics, hit and wound tables and a good portion of the fundamentals are the same, but how they interact should be more engaging. How it functions from roll to roll will feel familiar.

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>Does STR>=Tx2 follow an instant death rule?
Yes, and we also added the inverse - if the Strength is half the Toughness or less it cannot wound.

The only interaction where this makes a major difference to 4th is that Strength 3 is now useless against Toughness 6, which is something that will need to be addressed with certain armies.

>I have a weird idea
Too abstract for me. Also be aware in the bottom result on the Wound table, that isn't a bonus dice. It's simply that if you roll a 1, you fail to wound, on a 2 or 3, you wound, and on a 4, 5, or 6, you double wound, all on the same dice roll.

The top one where you need to re-roll does add a little bit of extra time but there are very few cases where it comes up due to the aforementioned half Toughness rule.
If there are instant death and cannot wound rules in play then I see no reason for top and bottom rows to exist.
6+ has a bad chance to wound already and forcing a reroll into a 4+ feels unneccessary, and I feel that '4+ causes 2 wounds' is there purely because of W2 marines. I don't think that 40k needs such granuality for niche situations.
It'd also mean that the rare and coveted S9-10 weapons become even better monster hunter weapons. It would also mean that S7 weapons also have a niche as character killers. But it seems to be there for elite armies. Marines, battlesuits and mid sized nids would feel the pain of these changes the most desu.
Might as well rename the keyword to artillery to make it both accurate by definition and to keep the typos/mental association with the archaic word for orders and arrangements.
My first impression on seeing the table was
>This will make things needlessly complicated
This one is far more fitting and embodies the entire "this weapon is powerful enough to rip you limb from limb" feeling that instant death had while also putting extra hurt on high T monsters who usually only suffered one wound (and with such a table could be brought down easier).
I don't know if it's in the current edition of 40k, but I saw HH2.0(?) had weapons with brutal statline that would confer X amount of extra wounds on successfully wounding, which as far as USR's go might be very fitting to describe how deadly weapons are vs having all sorts of wound table fuckery.

I get why people hate the 2W statline for marines because it reminds them of primaris, but honestly I think that marines would always have been better as 2W baseline. Weight of fire always brought them down as quick (it seemed) as fast as they were able to chew through guardsmen, nids or boyz; unless they got a cheeky rapid fire off which was quite rare.

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Incarnate Elemental edition
>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News
MTO O&G, new Grombrindal if you ignore the siggypiggy base

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H

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Will be nightmare to place it on 50x25 base.
4th edition Tiranoc Chariot was so cool
They look like they're sitting comfortably on the 35x65, shouldn't be hard to put on 25x50
>lost all the detail
it's just that bare metal is hard to take pictures of
I got his slann and they were downright perfect
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Is this an appropriate model to use as a Bretonnian Lord on foot?

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Leedle leedle leedle lee edition

>Previous Heresy: >>92695622

『Horus Heresy』
>Official Website
>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)
https://pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8 (embed)
https://pastebin.com/8riDmnhS (embed)

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Those were some intense minutes though
Garrius, just what the fuck happened at Larissan!
was it intentionally ironic when Lorgar called the Custodes test-tube babies? or was that part of the lore not ironed out as much?
>some EC commander
You mean fucking Eidolon?
>do we know anything about murder
idk maybe try reading the fucking HH books?

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What are the best depictions of vampires?
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oWoD/Vampire: The Masquerade.
Not actually joking.
>but I cannot imagine a vampire who considers partnership with "lesser beings" as anything but submission
After enough time one will stop caring about what other vampires think, if they have an issue with how you conduct your business than you can kill them and see how they like it.
I just think it's neat for them to have a humanoid, and then a monstrous form.
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>I cannot imagine a vampire who considers partnership with "lesser beings" as anything but submission.
A courtship dance between two predators. Because if it isn't rough, it isn't fun.
I think it's less about what other vampires think, but rather what the vampire thinks of himself.

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Pellaeon-class Edition

A thread for discussing the Star Wars franchise and its various media and tabletop games.

Previous thread: >>92703845

Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing, Armada, and Legion

Star Wars Roleplaying Games (d6/d20/FFG)

Other FFG Star Wars tabletop (Imperial Assault, Destiny and the LCG)

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Where was your character when the Trade Federation blockaded Naboo?
Coruscant, 501st Republica
Where was your character during the battle of Geonosis?
Chancellor's office
Where was your character when Supreme Chancellor Palpatine declared himself emperor?
Senate Chambers
Where was your character when Alderaan was destroyed?
Imperial Palace
Where was your character when the Empire's forces invaded Hoth?
Imperial Palace
Where was your character during the battle of Endor?
The throne room on Death Star II
Look up Duke of Teta, I forget his actual name. But the takeaway is that rich people have access to more resources, thus they can get life extensions and live for a very long time. Its standard on Bakura, apparently, where 140 is the new 30, so we can chalk it up as an oddity of a rich world in the Rim.
>but then why did Palpatine want immortality when he could have it
He didn't want to be ageless, he wanted to be immortal, as in, literally unkillable. There's a big, big difference. If Palpatine just wanted to enjoy life, he could've just kicked back and enjoyed the fruits of his labor, but he actively went out of his way to put his life in danger, and seek further power than what he already had in droves.
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>Where was your character when the Trade Federation blockaded Naboo?
Getting Kooriva pussy and doing illegal science shit on Metalorn
>Where was your character during the battle of Geonosis?
Trying to get out of dodge in a Hardcell as Laat’s and Acclamators shat ordnance all over the place.
>Where was your character when Supreme Chancellor Palpatine declared himself emperor?
Surrendering at Mooga when the Confederacy collapsed
>Where was your character when Alderaan was destroyed?
Getting Herglic pussy and doing illegal science shit on Giju
>Where was your character when the Empire's forces invaded Hoth?
Getting Gank Killer pussy doing illegal science shit on Nal Hutta
>Where was your character during the battle of Endor?
Getting shot at by soul stealing dinosaurs on Bakura
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>in mosue canon
lol who cares it's not like any of them ever spared it a thought
death troopers are zombies
>my personal canon that takes whatever i want from both
Death Troopers = ISB and high ranking Imperial officer goons. If you're a big deal, you get to have your own imperial glowie commando detail to cover your ass and do your dirty work.
Storm Commandos = Stormtrooper Corps SOF
Imperial Special Forces (Like Inferno Squad) = Imperial Navy SOF
Add to that there's probably more special super duper operators variants, including Moff pet projects, because having a bloated military with multiple redundant projects seems fitting for such a massive and heavily militarist regime where the higher ups are as busy trying to politically outmaneuver each other as they are trying to fight the actual ongoing rebellion. Oh yeah, nearly forgot, there's the inquisition trooper goons also.
>Where was your character when the Trade Federation blockaded Naboo?
Not born yet
>Where was your character during the battle of Geonosis?
Not born yet
>Where was your character when Supreme Chancellor Palpatine declared himself emperor?
Not born yet
>Where was your character when Alderaan was destroyed?
Enjoying childhood with poorfag yet loving family on an ecumenopolis I forgot the name of
>Where was your character when the Empire's forces invaded Hoth?
Less than enjoying the teenage street urchin life on an ecumenopolis I forgot the name of
>Where was your character during the battle of Endor?
Running with a gang and becoming a useful slicer on an ecumenopolis I forgot the name of

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What is the actual reason for Imperium ships being so massive?
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To give them the benefit of the doubt, I'd put it as Lunar-class at 2km, Battle Barge and Emperor-class at 4 or maybe 5km. This would mean Sword-class is somewhere around 600? 700? meters. These are more sensible numbers.
To compensate for the Emperor's tiny dick.
The ship sizes from various books from Black Library are in accordance with the sizes from Rogue Trader. The Gloriana class size, for examples is officially set by several books, set at 26km like Maccrage Honour. I don't know why you still insist on your numbers. By several Black Library books, Rogue Trader, and the Horus Heresy series, the ship sizes are multi-kilometer. 1.6km for Sword. 5km for Lunar and 4.5km for Dauntless cruiser, these are the official sizes by different books.
>Battle Barge and Emperor-class at 4 or maybe 5km
5km for 22 turrets, 32 small crafts and 300 combat personel is the least armed battleship ever made. I cannot fathom that this was the authorial intent behind BFG. Ultimately this is a clash between two eras: the olde times where 40k was written by dudes who fanfic-ed their favorite historic battles and where numbers were sensible, and now where it's written by sci-fi authors who write in a vacuum where numbers can be whatever.
The original Battle Barge and Emperor-class are pegged at 8km, that's even more insane. 4-5km is a decent compromise between the FUCKHUEG crowd and those who want a more sensible approach.

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Archives & Other Resources: https://pastebin.com/wETipqYw
Allsync: https://cyoa.allsync.com/s/owWor64yLTngDk3
Previous Thread: >>92712028
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Why is Ramona such an easy pick? She gets you out of your comfort zone with a guarantee of a good time.
because ramona is a vapid roastie slut you dumbass
I didn't even read who left was and instantly picked her over Ramona. Ramona is only good as a brief fuckbuddy, otherwise she has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
There's also that stuff abotu "nuh uh I'm fining you corruption points for reading ahead NO NO NO YOU CAN'T YOU JUST CAN'T"

like who the fuck do you think you are
>no Knives
>no option to mold her into an obedient sex slave
shit cyoa

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>I say no but they keep protesting
>let them play as a goblin
>they just make a green female halfling
>perma ban him from my discord server

why tf do these types of people exist...legit porn brain rot
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Armour for a giant maybe? If its human armour that kobold would have to be smaller than a housecat.
I don't know why the other day they told me in this thread that I was a retard and a zoomer for saying what the comic says.
This is true what the comic says, Warcraft created this fetish and critical role increased its popularity.
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To be fair, there HAVE been outlying examples of specifically goblin women being beautiful/cute or at least mysteriously alluring in some way. There's a few more if you include shortstacks as a whole.
For an early example, if you've ever read the Xanth books, there's a short plot line about getting some goblins under control. It was a plot point that goblin women were as intelligent and beautiful as goblin men were dumb and ugly.
>Xanth books
ok, fair
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Didn't think that far ahead desu.

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This thread is dedicated to all kinds of solo games.

Downtime edition.

Resources: https://rentry.org/srpgg
Previous thread: >>92588976

>Thread Question: What antics do your characters get up to in their downtime?
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but have you MEMORIZED all the tables BY HEART?
>Grilled Solutions, LLC
>Princess Unicorn shows up with a friend in tow
>apparently her friend just got out of prison and needs a job
>it's a fucking naga psionic with huge tits
>name: Sssucc
>Clanksen almost trips over himself shaking hands with her vigorously
>F-69 plays the AWOOGA sfx (where did you even download that from?)
>Brother Shootius immediately breaks out into sweat and asks emprah for forgiveness
>Cardiomeister blushes and awkwardly adjusts the crotch of his spandex suit
>i look at her resume
>she used to be in an armed psionic supremacist group before taking a plea deal with the space police
>uh, guys?
>Sssucc is already coiled around Clanksen and jerking off his entire body like a giant fleshy slinky
>Clanksen moans out an auto-tuned chromatic scale
>i can already tell she's hired

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Just want to shout out to Hot Pants Anon, who inspired me to buy a set of watercolour paints. If anyone else is considering it, do.
I watched a 6 minute youtube video on how to use them.
>dude, what happened to my saucer?
Cute ayylmao!
I'm really glad that I got you to start drawing, anon - seriously. There's a whole bunch of ways to use watercolors, and it gets really personal. I think only oil is more flexible. If you make a drawing in pencil you can simply learn to make even washes or gradients and fill inside the lines. Flat colors look great in watercolor because there's a lot of texture that you can't reproduce quite right digitally (pic rel by Ivan Bilibin he's one of my all time favorites, look up Jean Giraud too). Best thing about watercolor for me is that I can make little sketches on the fly in odd places outsde of home and still manage to paint some color in with a little plastic palette I take with me all the time. I prefer regular brushes but because I'm often outside I have plastic brushes with a reservoir called Pentel Aquash. The Derwent ones are really good too. You cannot do certain things with them because they're always wet to a degree but for just painting some color in they're great.

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>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


Locally sourced model, edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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If a Stormcast did it then it means the action was morally good. It's that simple
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Can a kind anon post the Maggotkin PDF that INCLUDES the painting and dioramas section?

about 80% done with these 10 boingrots to finish off 2 big gitz boxes I bought last september but I still got some characters left for a full army.
But I'm happier about the lord of blights that I finished the weekend before
much better. just paint that beard on the severed head
>Are they doing a 40k everyone is bad?

The Stormcast were never purely good. It even begins with how they are created.
I don't even remember the plot of the episode, but judging by the fact you didn't underline the issue in question it means you know you're wrong

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Welcome to the Old School Renaissance General, the thread dedicated to the first decade of TSR-era D&D, derived systems, and compatible content.

Broadly, OSR games encourage a tonal and mechanical fidelity to Dungeons & Dragons as played in the game's first decade—less emphasis on linear adventures and overarching meta-plots and a greater emphasis on player agency.

If you are new to the OSR, welcome! Ask us whatever you're curious about: we'll be happy to help you get started.

>Troves, Resources, Blogs, etc:

>Need a starter dungeon? Here's a curated collection:

>Previous thread:

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Astral and Ethereal travel: Have your players ever used them? When? How? What happened?
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I just ran my first OSR game with my regular group (we started on 3.5 and they've always of been buildfocused minmaxxing kind). There was much pissing and crying about the lack of builds and clunk, but once the session got going they were totally invested into it. They finished the first dungeon (Tomb of the Seprent Kings, which I was told is a teaching module for veteran players of other systems) and they immediately went back to town to plan how to invest the gold into ventures, hirelings and buying a house to use as base for future adventures. They turned a oneshot into a campaign.

I can say I'm very surprised, pleasantly so. Is this the magic of OSR?
I need more recommendations on good modules and how to plan for more wilderness adventures, since they want to set out exploring on the overland now. I'm looking into ACKS for when they have enough money to invest into small armies and warbands, but I guess that'll be in higher levels, provided they survive.
>Is this the magic of OSR?
Yes! You've done everything right, sounds like.

>I need more recommendations on good modules
1. B2 Keep on the Borderlands.
2. Stonehell, placing it in place of the Caves of Chaos in B2 Keep of the Borderlands (notice the shape is the same).
3. Barrowmaze.
4. Caverns of Thracia.

But can't stress Stonehell enough, it is by far the best designed and best presented module of all times.

>how to plan for more wilderness adventures, since they want to set out exploring on the overland now

1. Watch GFC's videos on the topic. Actually watch all of them, they are very good

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Repeating the question, anyone know of any good 3D STLs for old school-inspired minis?

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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Nova Cats crushed at Joje (Day 6 of Operation Scorpion) edition

Last Thread: >>92714908

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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It has been 24 (twenty four) threads since MadCat Clan Fag has refused to answer my BatChall

Surpised this thread is this busy already, for one created at almost midnight. I should go to bed.
>Pulseboat/TARCOM spam is best strat"
Always has been, always will be. Cope.
It's really close range for IS and really BV intensive for clans.
>Playing with BV and not historically accurate force lists like some sort of WAAC tourneyfag
This. Battletech is unironically at its best when played like a historical. Leave the tourneyshittery to the 40kiddies.

Cadians should be the mainline armor of the Imperial Guard, there should be standardization under Guilliman. Try and prove me wrong. You can't though, Cadians WILL reign supreme.
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>Lockheed Martin exec detected
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>we'll just avoid that mortal world from now on
Cadians are gayboys. I don't like playing gay armies.
What are the differences between nuCadians and old Cadians?
Nothing gayer than an army of Rambos

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Does your character have a philosophy or ideology?

My fighter is a cheerful, naive optimist. He doesn't kill intelligent races, even in self defense.

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Nautical charts make for good maps.
>huge physical maps, vary in size
>thousands available to you for free online, or cheap to order in the mail
>can accurately plan distances and voyages on them
>getting maps of lessser inhabitants islands and areas will have mostly empty land parts, east to draw on your own countries, cities, and borders
That’s the thread.
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Once I was looking at an old map of new york harbour for a class project and I only realized as I was presenting it that there were several prominent locations with names that were just racial slurs.
Either no one else in the class noticed or they didn't want to bring it up. I got an A.
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dude just use a google map skin
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Same with historical maps. Change the names and boom, instant fantasy city.

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