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Previous thread: >>92488058

>RPG Rulebooks

>Homebrew Collection (December 2023)

>WANG/Imperium Maledictum News

>Bestiary, armoury, weapon quality and NPC database

>Dark Heresy 2e Character Creator:

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The hardest thing will be a status quo to go back to. You can have weird stuff happen during an episode, but as long as things return to normal the first few episodes, you can build from there to new normals. First few missions are standard fare - nothing out of the ordinary, and tasks expected of the team's skills. Three to four episodes in, establish the new normal, with weird stuff happening but returning to base status quo. A few episodes later, REALLY weird stuff kicks in, while small weird stuff is still happening. Finally, there should be a crescendo, a point of no return where there is no normality and the situation has completely changed.

While not horror, I've done escalation with a dark heresy team, a fireteam of mercenaries, nameless cogs in a big corpo. First two missions were mundane "assassinate target" or "fight local gangers", then the third mission was visiting the aftermath of a monstrous battlezone, and expanding the scope to a sector-wide treasure hunt. And things escalated from there.
Can someone confirm the following Techno-Arcana mechanics in Liber Imperium and their corresponding inspirations from the official RPG lines?
Biologis: Genetor ability from ITS.
Cogitatus: Acuitor and Lords Dragon abilities from TLW.
Dominus: Not sure.
Electromancy: New Luminen talents from TLW.
Enginseer: Various HOE and SOH talents.
Logis: Logis Prophesying from TLW.
Secutor: Not sure.
I have and will continue to find space marine armor stupid looking
Secutor: DH1 Inquisitor's Handbook
Dominus: Depends. If it's cybernetica,was probably drawn from MNW. If it's the REAL dominus according to GW, it may be completely new or drawn from Imperium Maledictum.
i thought they were ausies
though some here say Australia is the Texas of the Common Wealth

2 mana walker edition


>Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


>Current meta, complete with deck lists

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because a rendezvous is usually between two people.
Because then it wouldn't be a crime since it doesn't target an opponent.
Elspeth, Knight-Errant is her first and best version.

Whenever I hear Kaya;

How can a nymph have no melons?!?
New thread
I've played this game longer than you've been alive. "Play a different game" isn't an end all answer.

Empire Edition

Welcome to /wbg/, the official thread for the discussion of in-progress settings for traditional games.

Here is where you go to present and develop the details of your worlds such as lore, factions, magic and ecosystems. You can also post maps for your settings, as well as any relevant art (either created by you or used as inspiration for your work). Please remember that dialogue is what keeps the thread alive, so don't be afraid of giving someone feedback!

Last Thread: >>92465527

Resources for Newfags: https://sites.google.com/view/wbgeneral/
Worldbuilding links: https://pastebin.com/JNnj79S5 (embed) (embed)
Fantasy map generator: https://watabou.itch.io/medieval-fantasy-city-generator

/wbg/ Discord: https://discord.gg/JCjYYb2E (broken)

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"Amateur Game Design and Homebrew Thread," apparently normally gets posted on the first day of the month. You can also find it in the archives or post your own, of course.
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Obsidian makes this so much more fun
Catastrophic global pandemic leading to the zombie apocalypse. Patient 0 crops up in Oct 2025, reaches its first major city and goes global in Dec and the last lights go out by mid-Mar - the pandemic itself did most of the legwork, with most of the survivors of the plague not being survivors of the other half of the one-two punch (the story to Project Zomboid is actually quite close to what I had in mind). A few island countries that managed to get their quarantines up in time still stand, but struggle with limited resources and being amputated from globalisation as the years drag on and those in the mainland Grey Zone try to stay alive, with a timeline running out to 2050.

Honestly, my original objective with the setting was just to explore the genre to my liking and toy with its conventions a bit (I worldbuild for fun), deep dive into a world and ponder ways to circumvent some of the recurring cliches and nonsensical elements I dislike about these kinds of stories and creating tales and lore for all four stages of the apocalypse (before, during, aftermath and long-term) rather than focusing on just one or two. Now it's kinda run away and I've used the 2025 world as a template for some other genre settings as well because having a personal constructed modern world in your back pocket is damn useful. I've considered running a couple of quests in it over on /qst/ but will likely never get round to it.
>Disco Elysium
I like how that game is basically a schizo hodgepodge of real-life 20th century. You have cars that look like they were taken from '30s or '40s, computers like mainframes from '70s, and still-experimental electronic music from '80s.
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Post-Human setting where humans have been genetically engineered to survive deep underwater. Replacing tobacco/chew is a synthetic jerky like substance to curb and satisfy cannibalistic tendencies in some.

>Is your boss getting on your nerves? Does the ex-wife deserve a fate worse than death? Maybe you just have that itch that other meat can't scratch? Try Handover's Sweetbreads! A delectable chew with long-lasting flavor! And for you carnivores out there, try our new party platters shaped in Ribcage, Facemeat, and limbs! Handover's Sweetbreads! Now comes in bone and bone-free varieties!
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I had similar idea, except I wanted to go partly burned out mage with bioware who lives butt naked in sea full time, hunts and eats raw fish and fucks dolphins. But he had little reason to run as he already achieved liberation from the rat race, so I want with different concept instead.
True, We eat the crab people in my setting
so tempted to have street shark be a character option but it wouldn't fit with my setting's vibe
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They made movies out of Transformers, why can't they make any out of Street Sharks? Why are people so bigoted?

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Are potatoes in generic fantasy setting really that much of an issue?
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>Are potatoes in generic fantasy setting really that much of an issue?
> Tons of spices to cover the fact that you are eating rotten meat.
Whoever said this is a retard. This meme needs to die. They barely even ate meat in India, and when they did they killed the animal on the spot and cooked it shortly thereafter. There's literally thousands of completely vegetarian curries, and guess what, they still have tons of spices. It's called using what you have nearby and having a sense of taste, anon.
The only reason we're all aware of such a silly topic is because soulless people exist, who hate fiction and don't understand or have any imagination. These people can vote, but they don't understand what a "setting" is so all fantasy is literally the same to them. It's kinda funny for us to joke about I guess but I think it's kinda sad when you realize how common these people are.

I don't think these people actually care about verisimilitude when they point out a historical inaccuracy in a fictional setting.
throwing fistful of curry into everything is opposite of having a sense of taste
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There are ways of dealing with that.

Yes, I know the other one is the aunt.

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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Conquerors of Terra edition

Last Thread: >>92578654

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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Yeah it's a fun book. I do think they want to bring them back, but can't figure out how to reintroduce them without pissing everyone off with Jihad-era plot BS, some of which breaks the cardinal rules of the setting.

It would have to happen much later in the timeline. Even in the IlClan era there are plenty of people who remember the horrors of the Jihad, so blakists are still on everyone's kill on sight list.
It's indeed fun in torpedoing a lot of basic assumptions: no AI? Well, the WoBbie Remnants have non-smart AI! Sustainable super-jumps! Implants that do not kill you horribly after a few years! Warships? Their Shadow Fleet is still there, planet-cracking capabilities included!
It's also made clear by forum posts that they won't be back for a long while and they're there just in case. The really fun thing is how Herbert managed the, if I can use the term, psychology of the Remnants: the entire book reinforces that they rationalized the entire Jihad through the Manei Domini view of a "necessary sacrifice and evil", with them as martyrs against Clan/Successor States corruption and tyranny with the Republic as decades-long gift of relative peace for the common man. Very basic ideological need and well-managed, particularly compared to whatever is going on with the mainline factions nowadays.
How come the bluegunner booru is not accepting new users?


>Wolverines/Minnesota Tribe fighting off cybernetic super soldiers
Luthien needs to be sterilized via orbital bombardment.
Because you tards wouldn't stop uploading Macross and Dougram and MWO Vidya garbage to the site.

Me and the boys Edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings, Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander,
Freebooter's Fate,Frostgrave, Gaslands, Hordes of the Things, Kings of War, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Moonstone, Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam,
Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

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I play Kriegspiel and Fletcher Pratt occasionally, Anon, but horses for courses. The other thing you're forgetting is that most of the thread has ridden many a game to its death. If the minis are expensive, mid at best, and there are acceptable alternatives out there people just aren't gonna be shitting themselves to pick them up. Regardless of what they're attached to.

Ultramoderns and especially ones with speculative-fiction rules overlap heavily between the threads.

It depends on what you want, exactly.
If you're willing to pay the same price for much better models, then there's Hasslefree's modern troopers. That involves rolling the dice on shipping. Crooked Dice inherited the old Apocalypse Island range, which has a bunch of African paratroopers, SE-Asian pirates, and survivalist types. Both have a bunch of models good for organized crime or Western terrorist groups.

SPECTRE minis are slightly cheaper, and a mix of resin vees with 3DP and metal troopers. They just pulled a whole bunch of their non-MENA models like the Cartels to focus on a new edition. Anvil Industries does multipart resins as well as a 3D printing service.

For cheaper multi-part plastics, Warlord re-upped their Project Z line. $14 for 7 modern troopers, comes with a selection of guns for US/Brits/Russian-aligned forces. Perry and Wargames Atlantic have dirt-cheap Afghans that you can convert with the AKs and RPK/RPG-7 from the sprue. The Warlord Bikers and Survivors minis have a massive array of spare guns as well. Sadly their shipping is expensive as fuck.

Empress has a huge line of metals that cost significantly less than the BPRE ones. Most of them have similar detail, a few are worse, though the posing on a lot of them is awkward.
Not that guy but my two cents on it.
1) Super customizable. You want to do X with it you probably can. You may need to buy several expansion card packs to do so but you probably can do whatever you want within fallouts logic.
2) Super token heavy. It's not bad once you are used to it, but when you start you WILL say "damn that's a lot of tokens."
3) PVP and PVE modes mean you can play it with friends however you want. You can set up a dungeon crawl type thing, or just go head to head.
4) IF you like the head to head, Fallout Factions, is coming soon, and that's just a streamlined wasteland warfare that is JUST PVP with 3 different raider type factions.
Does anyone know of sources for good-quality top-down printable cards or foldable standees for ancient warfare? I want to try some new systems but I'm not ready to drop a bunch of money and space on new minis and terrain.

(preferably late rome if that's possible)
Nothing I've seen on Etsy is even cheap compared to GW. That's infantry rather than tanks, but I'm not sure they're much different. A quick look finds some around £50 plus £5 shipping,which is far worse than GW's retarded £40 even before a 20% discount.
Googling for DBA top downs or paper armies should give you more. Pixel art on Junior General. Wargame Vaul probably has prettier stuff.
For a more zoomed out look of massed troops Too Fat Lardies sells a pdf for their Strength & Honour.

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I need recommendations for games focused on being God tier mages

Is Burning Wheel good? What else is there? Preferably less crunchy side of character creation
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What a game where you play a god or god-level being, the aforementioned Godbound, where one of the domains your PC can have is Magic?
Never played it, but Nobilis sounds like it might fit the bill. In that game, you play as god-like figures who can control a specific concept (like Rain or Cars).
Godbound or Exalted come to mind.
>god tier mages
>less crunchy chargen
You might honestly be looking for Time Wizards

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>Jerry, she filled all of her spell slots with magic missile, Melf's acid arrow, and fireball!
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>he reads greentexts with AI Jerry
>Yeah! Just puts the whole story in and asks for a summary.
>why would anyone do that? I mean you get a nice cup of tea, you enter a storytime thread and you read some greentexts and enjoy yourself. Whats the point if you make AI read it, it's not a competition.
>THE HELL IT AIN'T! I'm getting chatGPT 4 plus right now!
I'm not imagining talking to you, I'm imagining talking to the fat bald whinging fuck from a 90s sitcom. Look at the pic, Anon is pretending the fat bald fuck is saying this to his friend, in the hope other anons will reply in kind. Seems you have trouble dealing with roleplaying. Are you in the right thread?
it's kind of incredible how much these things write themselves, that's how strong of a 'voice' seinfeld has and how much it has become a subconscious part of our culture
The 9/11 spoof script was so incredibly on point. The multiple plots, the sociopathic reactions of elaine george and jerry. Kramers obvious mild connections to the hijackers. A tour de force.
This is anti-semitic

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Writing General: 'H.P. Lovecraft' edition.

Welcome to /wg/, the thread for all /tg/ related writing. Whether you're plotting your campaign, trying to come up with a character backstory, or just trying to write some setting fluff, this is the place to post it. You don't even have a campaign, just an idea you want to develop? You're welcome here. While the rest of /tg/ is arguing over monstergirl mating and which way rivers are supposed to flow, we're here to help you turn your thoughts into an actual finished product.

As the successor to the Storythreads, we're also open to /tg/ related fanfiction (D&D, Warhammer, Battletech, whatever). In fact, if you've written any vaguely /tg/-related short stories, you can try them out here. We also have flash-fiction challenges from time to time.

There's a discord for writers here

The previous thread can still be found in the archive here

And finally an archive of /tg/ fiction can be found here:
http://1d4chan.org/wiki/Storythread (dead link, but may be resurrected one day)

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>Lovecraft adores and encourages other writers adding to the Mythos
>CoC is very successful and widely-played TTRPG
>No one iterates on anything and it's the same 5 beasties over and over again
How does one drain faith?
shake someone's beliefs or disillusion them?

When you get it right first time you don't need to evolve. Like crocodiles. Other IPs need to try out all kinds of ludicrous shit to get by, but the Mythos just has to sit and wait, and nerds will wander along eventually and get hooked by its compelling lore and unique monsters.

In a hundred years time Marvel will be on its millionth iteration of Spiderman and the X-Men, and will just be about to introduce overpowered superhero team #27401780. Meanwhile Cthulhu will still be his same squid-faced self, chilling beneath the ocean and driving people insane.
>How does one drain faith?

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>guns are OP in my world and magic is weak
>guns are weak (Expect swords lol) in my world as magic is strong

which side are you?
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god damn I hate the harpers so much
Can we have a harper hate thread?
Which is why I like living in the real world.
Guess that could be a sub-plot here
>”we’re all about freedom and individuality!”
>”but if you try to expand your kingdom or keep your technology we’ll fucking kill you with our secret conspiratorial organisation!”
Chaotic Stupid at its finest
>You said yourself mage need money for their mage tower
And killing the king while invisible doesn't suddenly give you all of the king's money
>shooting a gun immediately reveal your position
So? The target is still dead. If killing them is all that matters then it's easy. The fact you don't see it more despite how common guns are is evidence that major assassinations are rare.
This applies even more to an invisible mage who would get stopped by something as simple as two guards standing next to a closed door.

Romance is a common theme and plot element in fantasy. Why is it so rare in TTRPGs?
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Does your open world sandbox include things like a functional, responsive economy and political simulation? If not, you're just running a dungeon/hexcrawl and thus can be done by a computer.
Political simulation and factions and NPC vendettas and goals yes, economy, typically not, but I've been considering it for my next game. Usually its an urban faction he with lots of NPCs, not a dungeon / hexcrawl. As you say, if you're not doing something a computer can't easily handle (like NPC stuff), that could just be a videogame.

>I get bored an leave if my GM won't ERP with me. Why would I join a non ERP game?
Dunno. But I wouldn't want to ERP with you, so I'll play political faction games, and you can play RP sex games with someone else. Win/win.
What if part of the political stuff is ERP? Like my snake sorceress lady is going to use her feminine wiles to ensnare politicians in honey traps and use it to advance her snake cult?
Then I abstract that to a dice mechanic and don't act it out with you in detail, and you roll some dice to see if the enemy politician falls for your charms, and then we skip until after the romancing and the coitus, wherein you use their attachment to you to kill them in their sleep / slowly poison them / exact political favors / whatever.
>>92596671 Contd.
Which is to say, I would not be comfortable pretending to be seduced by you and voice acting the sex scenes where your sorceress lady ensnares the mayor into supporting the snake cult. So we skip the awkward shit the same way I skip over torture scenes and don't turn it into a torture minigame because that makes other people uncomfortable (I let someone do that 'I torture the prisoners for information' thing indepth once, and it made two of the other people really uncomfortable, though - of course they didn't say anything until after the session was over). That was much less awkward for me than pretending to be seduced by one of my players was, the one time I tried to play along with that. So 'torture for information' gets covered in session 0 to check with the group and make sure everyone is on the same page, and sex scenes being out gets covered before session 0 because it's no bueno for me and I'm the one running the game.

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>WHFRP 2e clone/homebrew-ish
>no race to pick from
>Year is 1000 AD. A year that was predicted to bring about the end of the world.
>Something happens, but instead of ending the world, suddenly the fantasies, beliefs and ideas of humans become real.
>But so does some of the gods.
>The world's very way of functionning is put on its head, as it turns out archaic alchemy becomes real (and is a mechanic in game)
>most monsters are shit you'd find doodle'd on a medieval manuscript
>the current Church no longer works as an institution to properly attend to the matters of faith, but to record, contain and tame the magical and the unexplainable
>magic becomes a very potent thing, but cannot be used by players. It's actually up to them to stop corrupted noblemen or knights from using it to achieve the worst.
>most imaginary places come to exist; Avalon, Ys, Hyperboria, Atlantis, Cellwig, Saguenay, etc.
Is it too much like WoD or such a game already exist? I had this idea popping up in mind while reading the Black Dossiers of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
Alan Moore is fucked up in his head.
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>The big G comes to exist, but in a very limited form, since he turned out to be an ancient Canaanite God of hunt turned monolastic figure of his messianic religion who orchestrated a whole lot of shit that happened in the last years of Antiquity. So he's not quite what the Church expected and he's not as powerful.
This being a a quantifiable fact in setting would probably increase the size and power of gnostic cults throughout the known world.
>Get that pdf online
It's only still a project, but if there's interest for it I could consider making it an open homebrew for people to partake in. I'm gonna try of some actual gameplay that could suit the premise of that particular setting. I'll keep you all updated. Though I'm gonna need a name so that you guys know it's me posting this. A name for the game, I mean. Maybe just... Project 1000 AD?

Hehe. I recall there being another book of strange events that depicted a bunch of weird stuff spotted across the world. Some of the imagery in there is very religious, but it's used to depict what's been agreed were normal astronomical events or some other stuff like that.

I don't know. I dunno if I wanna do the whole "Faith = Power" thing. It could get out of hand. Maybe cults could become like literal cults nowadays and be more like, strange fucked up groups of people trading with small gods.
If you do this, and you decide to run something long-term with it, please have it set in Spain during a magical reconquista it'd be insanely kino.
>I don't know. I dunno if I wanna do the whole "Faith = Power" thing
Oh yeah. Not what I meant.
I was saying because certain types of people may become aware that the deity of the Church isn't the Prime Mover of the universe, gnostic-type religions may become more appealing increasing their influence. I think there were still some around in the West in 1000AD's. Might have been some new related heresies too.
The problem with it is you've placed it in 1000a.d. w/ a 2000a.d. scientific mindset. To most people in 1000a.d., magic and gods already existed. They were real things. If the church actually had an imp to trot out, instead of a midget, faith gets stronger not weaker. Also alchemy isn't exactly archaic in 1000a.d. It's just getting started. Again the distant realms of fantastical description already exist, to most of these people.

What are some ways the GM can help a group of PCs (not players) get closer with each other, like using certain kinds of events or GM techniques? In the new campaign I'm running, the PCs are rather distant from each other. A couple of factors that contribute to this:
- They're mercenaries who came together for personal, disparate reasons rather than a unified cause.
- Their personalities are various shades of introverted.
I'm rather optimistic, so I see this as more of an opportunity for growth rather than a bad dynamic. I'm aware that a lot of the work in developing a good party dynamic will lie with the players as well as time, but as the GM, I'd like to make things as easy and painless for them as possible. They're good kids.
Just thinking of something off the cuff.

You could have the players discuss some slice of life shit that their players did between adventures or some imagined adventuring moments. Then leveraging that you could even have them play the "memories" of these events.

I also saw a video or something talking about how you get players to create something like 'two truths and a lie' for themselves on seperate pieces of paper. One rumour per player. Then you split those amongst the party so they know some rumours/truths about each other. This should, hopefully, breed some in-game discussions of those rumours or change how the other characters think of each other.

Hope it helps.
Interesting OOC tricks. I think I'll try an IC version of this: have the characters tell a story about themselves.

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It hath come.

The world of Forcelia beckons.
From Alecrast to Lodoss, Your legends begin.
dls> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HR6Kc2YUUoP81093K5A5IR1nEzlSx3A3

This is not an advertisement, just pointing out of the release.
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Here. This is my current filter. It catches most of them.

/imperium of man|sisters of battle|tyranid|40k|40kg|primaris|horus heresy|30k|tyranid|primarch|slaanesh|space marine|kill team/mi
Okay thanks for the info
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Also to point out, this is the same world as the adventures of these gals (and lug)
Is that good at least?
well, it kindof has Sword World as a base, but plays very differently from SW in general.
One guy's opinion on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CIO8QLgbIc&pp=ygUMbm90ZXBhZCBhbm9u

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